His Mafia Queen

By veinna_tae

94.7K 12.1K 1.5K

( COMPLETE ) SIDNAAZ❣️ Read the prologue just check it out , u will love it More

chapter 1
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
new story


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By veinna_tae

Sidharth Singhania

In a big mansion a woman was circling the Tulsi while chanting the Gayatri mantra and smiled when she felt someone grabbing her saree's pallu , she stopped and looked back at a 10 year old boy looking at her with a big smile , it was none other than our sidharth

Woman gave him the prashad , he took it and they went to the dinning hall

Sid- mom what's in the breakfast today

Mom( Rita )- my Sid's fav aloo ke parathe

Sid- yaaahhhhhh.......I love u mom

Dad( Ashok )- don't hit on my wife little man

And turned to see his father coming down , he took a sit

Sid- she loved me more than u and showed his tongue

his mom served him he smiled and kissed her hand and she blushed

Dad- but she's my wife

Sid- and my mom

They looked at her and asked- who u love more??

She looked at them and said

Rita- I love u sidharth...he smiled.....bcoz u r just like ur dad and left....while Ashok also smiled

Sid- mom is intelligent

Ashok- after all she's my wife

Naaz Lombardi

A four year old girl was peeking inside a room with tears seeing her mother singing a lullaby for her 2 year old sister , she ofter stands there listening to her sing and gets ignore by her mother , she turned back to find her father
Zeke lombardi , when she felt a hand on her head

Naaz- why doesn't mummy loves me daddy

Zeke- of course she loves u naaz . Who wouldn't love a beautiful daughter like u , she is just with ur little sister , she is small and need her more .

Naaz- but she never sings for me and when I go to her to walfs away ignoring me

Zeke was helpless seeing his daughter in tears , how is he to explain why her own mother doesn't lover her but hate her .
How was he to tell her that she was born out of rape , and the person who raped her was he himself , who later forced her to marry him when she got pregnant , Everytime she looks at naaz she reminds her of that horrid day . Thought she married him and was trying to fulfill her wife's duty but zeke always felt a disconnection and thought maybe kids will solve it but instead she distanced herself from naaz .

Naaz- daddy !!!

Zeke- huh....coming out of his thoughts...and knew he had to make some excuse.....look naaz once Mahira is a little older and wouldn't require too much mummy's time she will come back to u

Naaz- okay and looked down sadly with tears

Sidharth Singhania

A 13 year old Sid winned the trophy and came running to his parents , his father picked him up
And his mom kissed him on cheeks

Ashok- I am proud of u my son

Sid- thank you Dad

Rita- let's go and celebrate

They got home and Sid was shocked to see all his family relatives and friends

Sid- all this is for me dad

Ashok- ofcousre my son won his first football match he deserve this

Rita- go get ready and come down

He got ready and came down and they all were enjoying dancing

A song played
His mom's fav song

" Lag ja gale "
And Sid started dancing with her and smirked seeing his father was glaring playfully

Ashok came and hugged Rita who blushed and smirked at Sid who looked at them and smiled
Sid- I love u the most mom dad

Ashok and Rita pecked his head

The whole evening went in enjoying at night

Sid- goodnight Mom love u

Rita- love too Bacha and left , she came inside her to find Ashok yelling at someone on call
, After cutting

Rita- what happened everythings ok asked worriedly

Ashok smiled- don't worry everything's fine and hugged her and sighed

Naaz Lombardi

To 7 year old naaz's horror her mother( Sarah) got pregnant again , this angered her , now there will be another child who   take away more time of her mother , she hated her sister bcoz she took her mom away and now there will be another one , she will never have time for her , but she was also happy that now Mahira will also feel the pain and longing for Sarah that she is experiencing since always . A baby girl was born and a small fragile heart was shatter seeing her mother loving both her sisters equally .

Naaz- u lied to me!!!! U said she's busy with Mahira and that's why she's not with me but now arti is here and she's loving both of them and still I am the one alone !!!!!! Why!!! Dad why!!!! Was screaming at her father and was throwing everything she could reach

Zeke- naaz she loves u....

Naaz- no She doesn't , if she does I was in there with her

Zeke didn't know what to do seeing his daughter crying for her mother love , he picked her up and tucked her in bed and kissed her head

Zeke- I love u naaz , I will always love you , I really hope that will be enough for u and left

Naaz- I love u too Daddy but I want mummy too and I want it all and I know how to have it all for myself , I will kill those two pests who r keeping my mummy busy and then she will be all MINE .

Naar stood at the door looking at 5 year Mahira playing with her toys and a infant arti in crib , they were alone bcoz her mom was getting there meal ready which he never got

Mahira glared her hide her toys

Naaz- I don't need ur stupid toys u pest

Mahira- why r u here it's our room

Naaz- bloody alien keeping my mummy away from me and telling me it's her room she deserves this

Mahi- go away

Naaz smirked- mahira u want that diamond ring mummy was wearing

Her eyes sparkled and naaz thought what a greedy little pest at this age

Mahira- yess!!! Yes!!!

Naaz- u have to play with me

Mahira- ok which game , u wanna play with my doll house

Naaz made a yuck face

Naaz- no I have something better and showed her the knife

Mahira- knife!!!!! Why u have this mummy stopped me when I tried to hold it

Naaz- bcoz she loves me more u want this

Mahira looked at it scared and shook her head

Naaz- see u will get that shinny stone

Mahira nodded and hold the knife
- now

Naaz- ok now it's a simple game " who have more blood " ok let's start with arti , she is small and will lose as she will have less blood then us

Mahira- but it will hurt her

Naaz- so what ain't u angry she's taking mummy time , she loves her . How can u be okay with it

Mahira- but she loves me too


his angered naaz more
Naaz- NO!! She is my mummy , she should love me only . Not u not her , u both are taking her away from me but I will not let this happen . She is MINE!!!!
And was going to stabb mahira when

Naaz turned back and had the biggest smile on her face , her mother said her name , she was just looking at her mom as she approached her and took her hand , she is touching her??
Will she going to hug her too? She was saying something but naaz was not listening , for the first time ever she was this close to her but suddenly she felt a sting on her cheek , what happened? It's definitely not a slap , right? Why would she hit her ? Now she focused to what she was saying

Sarah- You monster , u filth , what were u doing ? Haven't u done enough by taking birth . Everyday looking at u is a torture enough now u want me to suffer more by killing my children , you were born out of sin , u r a devil .

Zeke- Sarah!!!why r u saying these things , she's ur daughter!!!

Sarah- I want her away from me away from my children , she was born out of sin , she is a devil . She tried to kill mahira , what kid at this age want to kill anyone . I and my kids will not stay in this house with her .

Zeke- Sarah plzzz listen to me!! She is our child we can't just send her away . U gave birth to her just like the other two , u love them then how can u hate her .

Sarah- NO!! Either she stays or us

Zeke- no one will leave . We r a family , we will stay together .

Sarah- fine and slit her wrist

Zeke- Sarah....and ran towards her took her in his arms and left

Sidharth Singhania
A 15 y/old

Sid- when will we reach dad

Ashok- just in some hours Sid , u know there are big Field of Mangos

Rita- and the haveli , u will love it

Sid- I can't wait to see it but suddenly the car stopped

Rita- what happened

Ashok- don't know maybe the tires punctured u both stay inside ok and come out but was suddenly attacked by many goons

Rita came out and started pushing the mans who were beating her husband and a goon his her on head and she falls on ground , Sid came out and punched and someone hit him on his head and he got unconscious

When we wokeup , he found himself in hospital , the nurse called the doctor seeing him

Doc- r u ok?

Sid- my mom and dad? Where r they?
The goons, they....

Doc- relax plzz.....there is some officers outside they want ask u some ques and left

A officer came inside

Officer- r u fine sidharth

Sid- no!!! My mom and dad , where r they ??

Officer sighed- they r not anymore

And sid  falled back on bed numb , his mom and dad , his world his life r dead tears started to fall down his eyes

Officer- we wanted ask u some ques , did u know who those goons were

Sid nodded in no

Officer- ok they must be some highway thief's , well there is someone from ur family to take u back home and left

A guy enters- sidharth beta.....
He looked up and saw a guy he doesn't know

Guy- me Manish tmhre dad a cousin , what happened was not good but u have too be brave just like ur father used to say and caressed his hair while Sid just silently cried

At the funeral of Rita and Ashok , Sid was crying hugging thier bodies

Lady- ab Kya tmne to bola tha ki sari property hmri hogi , per yeh ldka to zinda hai

Manish- tm chup rhogi Shalini  , hn vo zinda hai but hlt dkh rhi ho uski huh....Kya hi kr lega yeh or vaise bhi hm isko mar to skte nii police ki nazar hai hmpr but isse bevkuff bna KR istemal to kr skte hai jaise Ashok Bhai sahab ka Kiya that and went towards sidharth with fake tear....beta sambhal khud ko

Shalini- manna pdega actor bdde vle hai , yeh chl shuru hoja Shalini and went and started her drama too

Naaz Lombardi

Eduardo ( grandfather of naaz )

Eduardo- how can u let it come to this ? And why was naaz trying to kill her sisters?

Zeke- I don't know. Sarah became completely ignorant towards naaz once mahira was born , I did my best dad!!

Eduardo- how r u doing ur best ? By fucking her and making more babies ? I told u one child was enough , she wouldn't have any choice but to love naaz only . She is the one who will carry on my legacy , why did u need more?

Zeke-i wanted to make her happy and she was when mahira was born I just didn't knew that she will distance herself from naaz And now she doesn't even want her in the same house , what do I do mom....

Ava( Grandma of naaz )

Ava- let us take her with us

Zeke- really

Eduardo- yeah that's a great idea love , I can't let my hier to stay here with that bitch of a wife and daughters

Zeke looked down

Eduardo- and can't let her become like u , a coward . When u have guts to be a man and have ur priorities clear only then come and meet her

Naaz- I want mummy to love me but she doesn't , she only loves those two pests
Eduardo laughed and took a sip from his scottch , who was sitting behind the big mohogany table , naaz came and sat on his lap as he featured her to come .

Eduardo- u thought killing ur sister will make her love u

Naaz- well.....and trail off

Eduardo- u wanted her to love u , do all those things she does for ur sisters right , well u should have just teach her that it's her work and she have to do it either she likes it or not , u didn't had try and give her a reason . U r the next mafia queen little girl , u should just get what u want u don't have to do anything to get it , but leave it that btich is not worth it and u don't need that fragile stupid love u will get my love , from which u will turn into the exact monters u r supposed to be and believe me after that no one have the guts to even say a word in front of u not even that dumbass wife of ur dad.......he put down his glass and glared at naaz who got scared.......listen kid don't get scare ok bcoz u have to make others scare from u . Grow up to be ruthless , merciless and heartless so that world fears u and bow down thier head in ur feets in respect , I will make u exactly or no no even crueller than me . yes!!! But remember one thing and came close to her......
Play with as many toys u want but never taste them , u will taste only him who will be ur personal drug and after that there should never be anyone else . Never love  him it will make u weak but that doesn't mean u will not take care of him , I don't love ur grandma but she is MINE , so it's my responsibility to keep her happy bcoz she's the one for me .

Naaz just nodded but didn't understand anything but noted that she will learn everything

Hii guyss.......
So here is the first look of the story which I promised , now plzzz shower ur love on this with votes and cmmnts also if u guys still have any confusion just ask me in the cmmnts , but listen do vote ok u always ignore me also cmmnts me btao ki achii lgi ya nii this next update dalu 🤨ok😁vo Kya hai na I am not sure if u guys will like this but ya it might seem but it will not be same like cuore mio❤️  coz it's his mafia queen

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