COUNTRIES? [Countryhumans x R...

By CheezpieApple_

123K 2.6K 4.2K

{COMPLETED} [There are bad words in this story but they are halfly censored. Mentions of N@zi ,USSR, Japanese... More

Chapter One- Flags For Faces?!
Chapter Two- Your Father Is Who?!?!
Chapter Three- Polish Guy
Chapter Five-Pancakes or Pizza?
Chapter Six- Another Guy
Chapter Seven- Paranoid
Chapter Eight- Japanese In The House
Chapter Nine-Who Are They?
Chapter Ten- A Message Through A Picture
Chapter Eleven- Meeting The Trio
Chapter Twelve-The Symbol
Chapter Thirteen- Fightless
Chapter Fourteen- The Snowy Biome
Chapter Fifteen- A Scar That Came From Another Universe
Chapter Sixteen- Loud Voices
Chapter Seventeen- A Sniper
Chapter Eighteen- Rage Mode
Chapter Nineteen- Looking For Others
Chapter Twenty- Guys....?
Chapter Twenty One- Examination
Chapter Twenty Two- A Hint
Chapter Twenty Three- Behind The Door
Chapter Twenty Four- Destruction
Just A Gift For All The Beautiful/Handsome Readers (?
Chapter Twenty Five- Going Back (END)
QnA :D
QnA 2 :D
Sequel Is Out :D
Art Regarding This Book (1)
Art Regarding This Book (2)
Art Regarding This Book 3 (Redraw Time!)
Special Short 1- Eavesdropping
Special Short 2 (1)- Preparation
Thank You <3

Chapter Four- Countdown

7.1K 148 488
By CheezpieApple_


Da wat now- 0-0


Tf o-o

4.545% of me readers are from Iceland, or did u people change your country to Iceland?!?! :I ......



(Y/N)- Your Name


You and the countries start watching Countdown.


Your pov

"Wow, such a weird fitness app" Russia said. "Ya, totally" Ame said, "What is it with girls and fitness apps?" "Ame, you do know (Y/N) is right next to you right?" China said. "Holy shi-" Ame cut himself off when he noticed you glaring at him. "Sh*t, sorry (Y/N)..." Ame said. You just huffed and said "Let's continue watching the movie" When the 'Countdown' app showed up, Poland just mumbled but loud enough for you to hear him "Welp, they all gonna die" "Polen what did you just say?" Germany asked. "Nothing" Poland said. "Aye, he gonna get drunk" Ame said when the girl's boyfriend went to help her drink the drinks. "Yep, he totally will, he ain't as strong as Russland" Germany said. Even though Germany is clearly the most mature out of them all, he still acts like a kid sometimes. You started getting a little sleepy. You leaned on China's shoulder. China's face became a little redder than his flag. "(Y/N)?你是不是感到很累了?" ((Y/N)? Are you getting very tired?) China asked you. "No...." You said with a sleepy voice. "You should get some rest, (Y/N). You done a lot today." China said. "Okay...." You mumbled, then started to drift into a nice, wonderful slumber, while the others except China were screaming their lungs out at the jumpscares from the movie. China didn't want to wake you up, since you were currently sleeping on his lap.

{In The Dream}

"(Y/N) are you okay? You seem scared.."

"I-I'm fine! L-Let's continue with the m-movie!"

"We can stop watching if your scared"

"I-I'm not scared!"

"You are stuttering, of course you are scared!"

"I-I'm not stuttering!"

"You better sleep with me tonight or you will be very scared"


"Heh, cute"




"One day, I might be gone...."

"W-What?! You wouldn't be!"

"If I am gone, can you promise me something?"

"O-Of course!"

"Promise me you won't get hurt or anything, kay?"


"Thanks. Pinkie promise?"

"Pinkie promise!"

{Back To Reality}

You woke up from all the screaming. You sat up. You looked over at China. He was asleep. He looked kind of cute. You blushed a bit. You then faced the TV. You jumped when you saw the demon trying to revive Quinn from the dead. "Holy macaroni!" You exclaimed. "YOUR FINALLY AWAKE" Ame screamed. "(Y/N)! YOU MISSED THE PART WHERE MATT DIED! HE GOT KILLED BECAUSE HE GOT CRASHED BY A CAR BECAUSE OF THE DEMON! OH KURWA!"Poland exclaimed. This was the first time Poland's voice was that loud, it hurt your ears. You looked around. You saw that Germany was not there. "Your looking for Germs aren't ya?" Russia said from behind you. You nodded in reply. "He went to his room to rest" Russia said. "Oh, okay" You replied.

The dream you had reminded you of someone you cared and loved a lot, your own brother. He died from brain damage. He was in the hospital for 11 months before he died. You didn't like talking about him, it brings back to many memories, good and bad. You promised him that you would take care of yourself and not get hurt. So you have to do that. It's for your brother.

"(Y/N), whats wrong? You look down...." Poland asked you. "O-Oh...I am fine!" You answered. You cursed yourself for stuttering, now he will be suspicious. "You sure?" Russia asked you. "Yeah" You replied. "You totally are not fine" Ame said. "Let me go get you some water" Russia said. Poland hugged you. "Thanks for making me feel better earlier, my gołębica" Poland said. You didn't understand Polish. "What did you say?" You asked Poland. "Oh uhm...Nothing" Poland answered. "Pol, you are squeezing her" Ame said. He was right, Poland was squeezing you, like he could break your bones. "O-Oh....Sorry (Y/N)!" Poland said while letting go. "It's fine" You said to the Polish. "Here, drink some water." Russia said while handing you a glass of water. "Thanks, Rus!" You thanked the Russian. Russia blushed a bit, it was hard to notice his blush, but you could see it. You started drinking the water. When you finished drinking, Ame hugged you from behind. "Ame, you are lucky I have drank finish my water." You said. "Yea yea" Ame said. "I am tired, imma go to sleep, goodnight everyone!" Poland said then going to his room. "Yea, me too. Goodnight." Rus said. When the Russian left, America let go of you. "Yea, I am also very tired!" Ame said while yawning. "Goodnight (Y/N)!" Ame said. He soon went to his room. You looked over at the still asleep China. You can't lie, you blushed a little from how cute he was. You took a blanket and placed it on China. China snuggled the blanket. 'Holy macaroni, that's so cute!' You thought. You went to your room not long after.

Once you got to your room, you changed into your pajamas. That's when it got to you, the countries don't have extra clothes! Since your brother was probably at their size, maybe you can lend them his old clothes? Of course you can, just don't give them the clothes that will bring back a whole lotta memories. You can get the clothes for them tomorrow. You lied down on your bed. You soon dozed off into a nice sleep.


Have a shorter chapter for today!

Oh and, the other guy who ain't awake....who is he? Can ya'll guess?

And you have a brother!!!!!!!!!But he ded............or is he? o-o

Words- 965 u-u

-Cheez Out-

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