The PopStar And The Make-up A...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

49.4K 858 1.5K

Louis walks in to the first day on a movie set is was hired to do the makeup and special effects in leading c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

1.9K 28 33
By NotReadyToPlayNice

"ok call me after" jay says as louis walks out of the house and heads to his house and notices that harry isn't there yet and louis goes inside the house and goes to his room and sees his side of the bed was unmade as louis starts to cry as he takes off his engagement ring as he puts it on the dresser as louis knows if its the end of him and harry he wont keep the engagement ring

"umm you took off your ring" harry says as louis looks up and sees harry and can tell harry has been crying

"are you drunk" louis asks

"no i promise" harry says

"ok cuz i am not going to have this conversation if you are i saw you last night at Shooters" louis says

"no i promise i was with niall" harry says

"talk to me" louis says

"im sorry about yesterday" harry says

"but why did you just leave you said you were happy and then after the appointment you got quiet and if you dont want these babies then its over because just cuz you change your mind doesnt mean that i do" louis says his heart breaking with each word

"no its nothing like that its just" harry says as he takes a deep breath "you have to belive me that i am more than thrilled about you being pregnant and you have to believe me that i love you more than i can ever show you"

"then what is it" louis says

"just finding out you are pregnant made me realize that i wont have these memories with Kash, i wasnt there to find out you were pregnant i wasnt there when you found out he was a boy i didnt see your belly grow i wasnt there when you were in labor holding your hand i wasnt there when my son took his first breath i wasnt there when you gave him his first bath i wasn there for all those first and i got so angry at myself that i didnt know how to feel i know you tell me all the the time that i should focus on what we have now and i do but just finding out you are pregnant made me realize that i will have this memory and remember how i felt at the moment the doctor told us you are pregnant it hurts so much that i wont have that with kash" harry says crying

"but tell me how you felt when you met kash" louis says

"it was amazing like i never thought i could love anyone more than you but it was like falling in love all over again and i never thought i could ever do that not after meeting you but my son he makes me so happy makes me to want to be the best version of myself i want him to be proud of me i want to be his hero always i never want to disappoint him" harry says as he smiles talking and thinking about his son

"well that is how i felt when i first saw him" louis says "look you are an amazing father and i would choose you to be his dad over and over again a million times over i always tell you but i want you to talk to me after you left me yesterday i was thinking the worst not knowing what you were thinking all i kept thinking was that you changed your mind and didnt want to be with us and you were having second thoughts about having these babies"

"never i want everything we ever planned together i will never let you go again" harry says not knowing if he should hug louis but harry extends his hand out and louis reaches for harrys hand "im sorry about all of this i really am i went to the bar and got a drink then called liam and niall came to get me i talked to them about everything and then went to talk to my mom and your mom was there and i told them everything i told you they both hugged me and told me my feelings were valid but they told me that i am an amazing father to kash and our children are so lucky to have us as parents i know i made a mistake and i should of talked to you about all this but i never want you to think that i am weak i always want to take care of all of you"

"H listen to me and listen to me closely i love you and when you show this vulnerable side of you is when i fall more in love with you i dont want you to be perfect i want you to be you and no matter what happens in life i will always be by your side supporting you in your success as well as in your failures we are a team and i just want you to talk to me that is all " louis says as he wraps his arms around harry neck and starts to play with his curls

"thank you i was so scared you wouldnt come back to me i slept on your side" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips

"I wasn't but I called my mom and she told me to listen to you" louis says

" so are we going to be ok" Harry says

"yeah just talk to me that is all i ask of you" louis says with as smile

"i promise i will fuck i love you so much" harry says with a smile as he starts to kiss louis as harry lays louis down on the couch and hovers over him as they start to kiss

"love you" louis says with a smile

"love you too" harry says as they continue to kiss and louis phone starts to ring

"sorry its my mom" louis says "mom"

"hey gemma wants to keep kashew for the night they are all spending the night at annes" jay says

"yeah that is fine harry and i are still talking" louis says with a smile

"sure you are" jay says laughing

"fine we are making up so tell gemma to keep him for the night only" louis says

"ok i will let her know she might drop him off tomorrow afternoon" jay says

"just tell her to drop him off at your house i should be there about 5" louis says

"ok" jay says as louis hangs up the phone

"well we are childless until tomorrow" louis says with a smile

"lets go on a date" harry says as he stands up and reaches for louis hand

"i would love to go on a date with you" louis says as they go to louis room and start to get ready for their date and soon harry is done first

"i will wait for you downstairs" harry says

"ok should be done in a few" louis says as harry goes downstairs and waits and soon louis goes downstairs and sees harry on one knee and louis cant help but smile

"marry me" harry says with a wide smile

"of course" louis says as harry puts the ring on louis finger again "im sorry i took it off"

"its ok i understand come on lets go" harry says as they walk out of the house and head to the nearby restaurant and soon are seated and the waitress takes their food and drink order "so when does your next collab drop"

"after your tour" louis says with a wide smile


"yeah i talked to laura and wanted booboo to explore the world and i was going to surprise you so kashew the twins and i are going on your whole tour and when you have breaks i have to come home and work on a new line so i will still be working but i wont really be" louis says

"thank you but what about the babies they will be small to travel" harry says

"no they will be about 6 months old when you start your tour so we will be fine i mean unless you dont want us to go" louis says nervously

"of course i want you all to be with me when i tour and like you said it will be an amazing opportunity for kashew"

"so the styles family is going on tour" louis says with a wide smile

"i love the way that sounds" harry says "Styles family"

"me too" louis says "umm H"


"i wanted to ask you i dont want a big fancy wedding i want something small" louis says nervously

"anything you want just tell me when to show up" harry says

"ok thank you" louis says

"so are you and lotts still going to collab together" harry asks

"yeah we have a few more but laura and liam talked to her and they want her to drop her own line she has enough followers to do her own line and alot of people are asking for her own brand" louis says as they get their food and start to eat

"what about fiz i talked to lou and is excited to have fiz work under her"

"she loves it and liam told me that fiz name is being thrown out in the world and a huge director wanted to hire her to run the custome department on his next movie and fiz told him she couldnt cuz she already signed to do your tour and offered her more money" louis says

"well i think i need to give everyone a raise so they never leave me" harry says " you did it you made all your dreams come true"

"i did and i got you as a bonus" louis says

"well i am lucky to have gotten you i swear you have been the best thing to come crashing into my life" harry says

"well it was a challenge but H i am happy we are here today and i swear you ever get to that level of entitlement and i will cut your dick off" louis says laughing

"i wont i love the group of people i have in my life right now i and dont think i could ever give anyone of you up" Harry says" i learned my lesson the hard way but i never want to be that person again"

"good" louis says as the waitress takes them the bill and harry takes his credit card out and pays as louis and harry get up and leave

"lets go for a walk at the beach" harry says as they get in harrys car and drive to the beach and get down as they take off their shoes "i like this so normal so simple"

"i know me too" louis says as he stops in front of harry and they start to kiss

'i love you my angel" harry says

"i love you my amazing honey bunny pudding pie" louis says as they stay at the beach for a few more hours and start to head back to louis house "this was an amazing date"

"it was" harry says as they walk into louis house and harry grabs louis and walks him to the couch

"umm love where this is going" louis says as harry smiles and continues to kiss as it starts to get heated and they start to take off their clothes and  louis flips them around and straddle harry as he starts to kiss harry down his chest and as he gets to harrys vline louis takes out harrys dick and starts to bob up and down harry moaning as he thrust up into louis mouth as he puts his hand on louis head pushing him down as louis gurggles and harry lets go of louis head as louis goes up and takes a deep breath and continues to suck off harry

"'angel i am" harry says as he starts to come into louis mouth

"mmmm taste so good" louis says as he wipes his mouth with his finger and puts it in his mouth and he licks it as louis goes back up and starts to kiss harry as harry starts to get hard once again and louis aligns himself to harry and starts to slide down and soon louis starts to bounce up and down moaning in pleaure as harry hits louis prostate over and over "yes daddy yess daddy right there uughghgui" louis moans out over and over as he starts to come as he starts to kiss harry as harry plants his feet on the bed as starts to thrust into louis and soon harry starts coming into louis as louis falls onto the bed and harry gets up and goes into the bathroom and gets towel and cleans himself as he gets in bed and louis cuddles into harry as they fall asleep And the following morning louis wakes up and gets dressed as he goes into the kitchen and starts to make breakfast and soon harry walks in

"why didnt you wake me" harry says as he yawns

"you looked comfortable" louis says

"i was then you got up" harry says

"well breakfast if ready sit down i will serve you" louis says

"you dont have to"

"but i want to i want to take good care of you" louis says

"fine" harry says dramatically "so when do you want to officially announce the pregnancy "

"well we can tell everyone tonight and we can post it on social media in a few weeks" louis says

"ok well i cant wait to see your belly grow and meet the twinkies" harry says

"me either"

"lets hurry and go get kashew" harry says as they finish eating and soon leave to annes house as they walk in and hear kash crying

"why is boo crying" louis asks as he sees kash and kash starts to make grabby hands towards louis

"momma momma momma" kash cries out as louis gets him from anne

"i dont know we were eating and he wanted me to make him pancakes i told him no and he started to throw a tantrum and here we are" anne says

"kash edward why are you throwing a tantrum when nana says no" harry says sternly as he takes kash from louis

"i want pancakes i no want egg and bacon" kash says

"no you are to eat what nana makes for you" harry says "i am putting you on your time out chair until you calm down"

"no nono momma momma momma" kash cries out as he reaches for louis and harry takes kash to his time out stool and sits close by as kash continues to cry and throw a tantrum

"i know you want to get kash" anne says

"i do but i dont want him to think that its ok for him to throw a tantrum when he doesnt get what he wants" louis says his heart hurting listening to his son cry

"i know but you have to be firm and consistant with him" anne reassures louis as she hugs Louis

"thank you anne" louis says as he hears kash stop crying and louis sneaks a peak and sees harry talking to kash

"do you know why you were put on your time out chair" harry says as he sits on the floor and looks at kash in his eyes

"i throw tantrum when nana say no pancake" kash says as he takes a deep breath

"and do you know that we love you and want you to understand that this behavior will not be allowed and i mean it or no more adventures with aunts and uncles" harry says sternly as kash nods his head

"no more tantrums" kash says

"ok i want you to sit here for a few more minutes so you can understand that i dont like how you were acting with nana" harry says

"ok i sorry daddy" kash says as harry hugs him and kash sits on the time out stool another minute

"ok time out is over i want you to say sorry to nana" harry says as kash nods as harry and kash walk into the kitchen

"i sorry nana for tantrum" kash says as anne hugs kash

"i know you are boo and i love you" anne says

"i sorry gampy" kash says as he goes to robin and hugs him then goes to louis

"aww my boo" louis says as he hugs kash tightly

"i sorry mommy" kash says

"i know booboo but like dad says tantrums are not ok" louis says

"i sorry" kash says as he lays his head on louis chest

"mom we have to get going we want to take kash home and spend some time with him" harry says

"ok thank you for coming" anne says as they walk out of annes house and go to louis house and spend the rest of the day together


its been 6 months since louis found out he was pregnant and has been so happy as he has had an easy pregnancy but was upset that the twins have not shown what they were

"mom" louis yells out


"who has kash" louis says as he walks in the house

"harry picked him up and took everyone to get ice cream" jay says

"uughgh i am done being preggo" louis says

"is harry almost done with his album"

"he has a few more songs to record" louis says as the door swings open and luois can hear all the kids yelling

"mommy" kash screams out

"hey sorry left the studio early and came to pick up boo and your sisters threw a tantrum and we got ice cream here i brought you your favorite" harry says

"thank you" louis says as he starts to  eat his ice cream

"any signs of the babies" jay asks

"no dont think they are in any rush to come out" louis says

"ummm" jay says as liam niall anne robin and dan walk in at the same time "well i guess everyone is here"

"did you tell them" dan asks jay

"was about to but everyone walked in" jay says

"tell us what" niall questions

"Moms pregnant with twins" lottie yells out as everyone gasp and lottie starts to laugh

"twins" louis yells out

"yeah twins i am 16 weeks" jay says as everyone hugs her tight

"mom i am so happy for you" louis says as he hugs his mom "dad we love you so much and i am happy you are getting your own children so you can leave my kashew alone"

"never i still want to kidnap him" dan says laughing

"if you get past his security team you can keep him" louis says laughing

"i will call paul" harry says laughing

"umm since we are making announcements ummm liam and i are together" nialls says

"what" everyone yells out

"umm yeah we are together "liam says as he holds nials hand

"wait when how talk now" anne yells out

"ummm we been talking alot and one night we got a little drunk and talked about our feelings and the next morning when we were sober we talked some more and here we are" niall says

"and ummm ummm im 12 weeks pregnant" liam says

"wait what the fuck" harry yells out

"ok anyone else" robin says laughing

"ok well im going to be a big brother again and an uncle" louis says as he starts to rub the side of his belly

"you ok" harry asks

"yeah just your kid kicked me" louis says "wait liam how many babies cuz we are on a roll with twins"

"just one i made the doctor check when i went in" liam says

"boo your no fun" louis says laughing

"well we have alot to celebrate" anne says

"we do" jay says

"lets go out to dinner i will pay" dan says

"no we can pay" harry says

"lets go we can fight later over who washes dishes" dan say as they all walk out of the house and go to a near by restaurant and soon are seated and place their order

"mom are you going to find out what you are having" louis asks

"yeah i want to get the nursery done" jay says

"how are you feeling dan these will be officially your first children" robin says

"im so excited but i dont feel like they are my first i feel like they are number 6 and 7" dan says proudly

"they are" fizzy says as they start to laugh "but we are excited i want at least one to be a boy we got to many girls"

"i want one of each" dan says

"boys we need more boys" jay says

"yeah we have to many girls" dan says laughing

"well no matter what they are we are going to spoil all of them" anne says "and i will come help you when you have them" anne says

"ohh my we are going to have 5 kids in under a year" liam says

"we are but i cant wait for all these babies to be born" daisy says

"so how are you going to handle the twins and tour" gemma asks

"i dont know but lotts and fiz are going the tour so everyone has offered to help" louis says

"well that is good and i am coming when i can and so is gemma" anne says

'well there we go we got everyone covered" louis says " and we are coming home when harry has more than 3 days off"

"well i cant wait to meet all these babies" daisy says with a smile

"well lets eat" gemma says as their food gets to their table

"umm H" louis says nervously

"you ok" harry says as he sees louis breathing calmly

"ummm i think i am in labor" louis says

"you sure its not braxton hicks" harry says because he had had them a few days before

"no umm my water broke" louis says as harry steps back and sees fluid on the floor

"go get the waitress im taking louis to the hospital" harry says as calm as he can

"ok go we got everything here" jay says

"mommy where you going" kash says

"mommy is having the babies but your going to go with aunt gemma ok" harry says

"ok" kash says as harry and louis walk out of the restaurant and get to the hospital and soon louis is attached to the necessary machines and the doctor checks louis

"well you are at 5 CM dialated so you are half way there" the doctor says as he takes off his gloves

"ok thank" louis says as he gets another contraction as harry holds louis hand and starts to whisper words of couragement into his ear

"you are amazing and i love you" harry says

"yeah well tell me this after i have the babies cuz right now i am regreting all of life choices" louis says

"so can we talk about one more baby" harry says laughing as louis glares at him

"shut it" louis says

"take a nap" harry says as he lays down next to louis and both try to fall asleep but cant and a few hours later the doctor walks in

"lets check to see where you are at" the doctor says as he checks louis "hmm its been 3 hours and you are still at 5CM i dont want you to slow down since you water broke if you dont progress in a few more house i am going to do a C-section"

"umm ok thank you but are the babies ok" louis questions

"yeah they are fine their heartbeats are normal just dont want to leave them in there to long" the doctor says

"ok thank you" louis says as the doctor walks out of the room

"well these babies are coming out one way or another' harry says "i know but i cant wait to meet them you know i been having dreams about them"

"you have" louis questions

"yeah i keep having dreams that they are girls and they look just like kash green eyes and all" harry says proudly

"i hope they are like you i love that our son looks identical to you" louis says with a smile as they continue to talk "umm H call the nurse i need to push" and harry presses the nurses station

"nurse rayleen can i help you"

"umm we are in room 15236 and my husband needs to push" harry says

"umm let me page your doctor dont push we have 2 nurses on their way" the nurse says

"ok thank you" harry says as 2 nurses walk into the room and the doctor walks in a few minutes later

"louis relax" the doctor says as he starts to put on gloves and checks louis "well that went quick you are at 10 CM and ready to push"

"ok i am ready" louis says as harry gets louis hand and listens to what the nurse say to him

"ok louis on my count i need you to push because baby a in crowning this baby is in a hurry to come out" the doctor says " one two and push" and louis starts to push as hard as he can "ok relax you are doing a good job"

"i love you angel" harry says as he places a kiss on louis forehead "you are doing amazing"

"ok on 3" the doctor says "one two push" and louis pushes with all the strength he can "and relax" and soon louis is pushing again

"i cant do this just leave them inside" louis says crying

"you are doing really good just this baby is being stubborn" the doctor says

"should name this one louis after you" harry says laughing

"shut it styles" louis says not amused

"love you angel" harry says laughing

"ok louis i need you to push as hard as you can" the doctor says as louis starts to push "keep going the head is out i need you to push out the body keep going shoulders are out push push push come on louis you can do it congratulations its a girl" the doctor says as the baby starts to cry and louis and harry cant help but cry

"a girl we have a girl" harry says as he sees the doctor handing the baby to the nurse

"you have a minute to rest baby b is close" the doctor says

"i cant i dont have strenght to push" louis says crying

"well ready or not she is ready" the doctor says as louis starts to push and 10 minutes later "come on louis you can do it head is out shoulders are out one good push" and louis pushes with all the strength he has left "baby b is out it is a girl you have  identical twin girls"

" girls we have 2 girls" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips as the doctor hands the baby to another nurse

"go with them" louis says as harry goes to the twins and the doctor finishes cleaning louis

"we need to get them tested we are taking you to your room and dad can go with the babies" the doctor says as harry leaves with the twins and soon louis is taken to to his room and harry walks in a few minutes later with the twins and harry didnt want to wake up louis and places the babies close to him as he lays down next to louis and the next morning louis wakes up when he hears one of the babies crying

"shh go back to sleep i got the twinkies" harry says

"give me one i can feel and change her" louis says

"I changed them just wanted to finish feeding this one before the other one woke up but she beat me" harry says as he stands up and hands louis a baby as he gets the other one and sits on the bed "i love them so much"

"me too so this means we can keep them" louis says laughing

"i guess since they are here" harry says

"well now to name them" louis says

"you have any ideas" harry says

"ummm i love the name everly rose" louis says

"i like that" harry says

"well you are everly rose" louis says

"and you do you have any names" louis says

"reagan jade" harry says

"i love that ok well then baby b is reagan jade and baby a is everly rose" louis says

"i love it" harry says

"well here let me take everly and put her in her bassinet" harry says as louis hands harry the baby

"send a picture to everyone" louis says as harry takes the picture and sends it to everyone including measurements and weight

"they are happy and cant wait to come visit us" harry says "let me call the nurse so they can take the twins for a few hours so we can sleep"

"ok did everyone tell you what time they are coming" louis asks as harry calls the nurse station to get the twins

"they said about 4 told them you were sleeping" harry says as a nurse walks in and soon walks out with the twins as louis and harry fall asleep the following morning harry is woken up when his phone starts to ring "hello" harry says with a raspy voice

"H, i am 5 minutes from you where are the twins" liam says

"liam" harry says as he looks at the phone

"yes where are the twins" liam asks again

"i had the nurse take them to the nursery" harry says "why"

"someone leaked the story that louis had the twins and pictures have been leaked" liam says

"for fucks says louis is going to be pissed let me wake him up" harry says

"i am almost there call the nurse and ask for the twins back in your room" liam says

"ok" harry says as he hangs up  "angel"

"hmm" louis says as he cuddles into harry

"louis you need to get up someone leaked pictures of the twins" harry says as louis opens his eyes

"what" louis yells out

"liam just called me" harry says as he tells louis what liam told him

"let me call for the twins" louis says with anger as he calls the nurses station and soon liam walks in the room

"so your parents all all pissed they should all be here in the next 30 minutes" liam says

"well you better hurry and fix this cuz when my sisters find out they are going to kill who ever leaked those pictures" louis says as he starts to laugh as a nurse walks into louis room with the twins "thank you"

"i will bring you more formula they ate at 7:20" the nurse says

"ok thank you" louis says as harry hands louis a baby and liam picks up the other

"ohh my they are identical to kash when he was born" liam says

"so what are you planning"

"i have paul looking at the cameras and the president of the company is coming in so we are covered" liam says as nial walks in and takes the baby from liam

"she is soo cute" niall says as liam looks at his phone

"fuck its on the news" liam says

"turn on the news" harry says as louis turns on the television

"and breaking news we have inside sources that tell us that louis gave birth to twins girls early this morning at 2:45 parents and babies are all doing good and resting and we have a picture" the news reporter says as they show a picture

"from what our sources say baby a was born at 2:40am at 8 pounds 11 ounces and baby b was born at 2:47 am at 8 pounds 9 ounces both babies and parents are resting and we are told that they have been named but have not been officially registered and Harry and Louis will share the names when they are" the reporter says "my are they gorgeous and might i add they look identical to Kash Louis and Harrys first son"

"yes they do and kash is identical to harry so harry and louis good luck and congratulations" the other reporter says as louis turns off the television

"i know who it was" louis says

"who" liam and harry says as jay and anne walk in

"who what" jay asks

"i know who sold the pictures" louis says

"the nurse that came in to check your vitals when we were talking about baby names" harry says

"yes her i think her name was pamela" louis says

"ok when the president of the hospital walks in we will tell him but let me text paul and have him track her moves" liam says as he takes out his phone

"i am so sorry about all of this" louis doctor says as he walks into louis room

"not your fault but we need to know if nurse pamela works today" liam says

"she is still on shift why you think its her"  the doctor says

"we have a feeling" liam says

"well she was the one in the room that was in the room when harry and i were talking about names for the twins" louis says

"ok i will take care of her" the doctor says

"no wait we need to find out more about what is going on" liam says

"ok but i am keeping an eye in her" the doctor says

"ok but make sure she doesnt know that we know or she might try and leave" liam says as the doctor walks out of the room

"well what a way to make an entrance" louis says laughing

"mr styles" the hospital director says as he walks into the room "my name is Dr Smith and i want to apologize about all this mess and we have the nurse in my office i wanted to personally apologize"

"its ok dont worry I was upset that our families didnt meet the twins" harry says

"thank you ummm we have an underground garage where when you get discharged you can go thru there is a private exit that goes to the other end of the hospital and because this is breaking news there is media outside the entrance of the hospital" the director says

"ok thank you but we are not sure when we are going home" louis says

"when ever you are ready to go home i will talk to your doctor and make sure he knows" the director says

"ok thank you we appreciate it" harry says as the director walks out of the room

"so media is outside and paul is outside of the room and the director and doctor are only authorized to come in as when a nurse comes in paul will walk in with them" liam says

"so have you named the twinkies" niall says

"yes" louis and harry say at the same time

"sooooooooo" gemma says

"baby A which gemma is holding is everly rose  baby b which  daisy is holding is reagan jade" harry says proudly

"i love those names" phoebe says as she takes the baby from daisy

"they look exactly like kashew when he was born" anne says

"of course they do, but i love that i want all my kids to look like harry" louis says

"well they are so good thing you have come to accept it" lottie says laughing

"well lets get going we will come back tomorrow" jay says

"well i might go home tomorrow so we will call you all and let you know" louis says

"ok" everyone says as they walk out of the room and louis and harry cuddle into each other and soon harry wakes up as one of the babies starts to cry and harry reaches for the baby and starts to feed her as he hears a knock at the door as paul walks in

"yes paul" harry says

"there is a nurse wants to register the twinkies" paul says

"have her come in" harry says as paul walks out and walks back in with the nurse

"hello my name is tammy and i am here to register the babies"

"hi" louis says

"do you have names if not i can come back"

"we have names" louis says nervously

"mr tomlinson i understand you are nervous about what happened earlier but let me assure you that i love my job and will not risk it for money i have 6 kids at home and love what i do and i promise i will keep this to myself"

"ok thank you i appreciate that" louis says as harry tells her the twins names as she types in her computer

"ok so please check over my work and sign and date" tammy says as she hands louis the paperwork and louis and harry look over the  forms and both sign where they are suppose to

"thank you ms tammy i appreciate it" louis says

"no problem and congratulations they are beautiful" tammy says

"thank you" harry says proudly as the nurse walks out of the room "well we have officially names these little ones"

"we have, how are you feeling" louis asks

"really good just keep thinking if i would of felt this way when kash was born but i and just focusing on the twinkies" harry says

"listen to me dont beat yourself up and i strongly believe that you were not in the right mindset to even care about me being pregnant with kash but i stronly believe that everything happened as it should have so please dont keep thinking about what you missed with kashew but what you have right now" louis says as harry cuddles into louis "now tell me what have you missed with kashew"

"nothing" harry says

"and with the twinkies you have been front and center with everything, doctors visits, morning sickness, mood swings, the birth naming them everything and you will not miss anything like you havent missed with kash and its the reason we are going on tour with you because i know you dont want to miss anything"

"thank you i really do appreciate everything you have done for me" harry says "i mean all of us"

"and you have been so amazing with us and give us everything we need and that is all that i care about is what we have now" louis says

"thank you i love you" harry says

"love you too" louis says as the twins start to cry and harry gets up and picks up everly and hands her to louis as he goes back to pick up reagan and they start to feed the twinkies and soon burp and put them back in their bassinet and fall asleep the following morning louis wakes up as the doctor walks in

"morning" the doctor says as harry wakes up and picks up reagan as she starts to cry "i need to check you and if everything looks good you can go home"

"thank you" louis says as the doctor checks louis

"everything looks good you can go home the nurse will be in to go over some things with you"

"ok thank you" louis says "andsome can you let everyone know we are going home to meet us at the house"

"ok" harry says as he puts the baby down and sends everyone  a text as he picks up the other baby and starts to feed her "i cant beleive they are finally here"

"i know now to try and not to screw them up to much" louis says laughing

"i know and in a few months we get to meet your new siblings and niall and liams" harry says

"i cant wait" louis says as the nurse walks in and goes over some things with louis and soon are heading out of the hospital as harry drives to their house "um take the twinkies inside then come for me"

"wait my mom just pulled up with my dad they can take the twinkies in and i will help you" harry says as h gets off the car

"harry did you guys just get here" anne questions

"yeah we just pulled up can you and dad take the twins so i can help louis in the house" harry says

"of course" anne says as she goes to the car "how are you feeling"

"really good just need help walking and harry saw you guys pull up" louis says

"ok well lets get everyone in the house" robin says

"everyone should be here in an hour" anne says

"would you mind watching the twins so i can shower" louis says

"i need one too" harry says

"well go shower take a nap we will wake you all up when everyone gets here" anne says as they put the twins in their swing and harry helps louis walk up the stairs

"you need help getting in the shower" harry asks

"no i am ok but i might need help getting out" louis says

"ok let me know you want to just throw on some of my pajama bottoms"

"please and one of your shirts i want to be comfortable" louis says

"ok" harry says as he goes thru his closet and takes clothes out for louis

"i need your help" louis says as harry walks into the bathroom and helps louis out of the shower and helps him to the bed

"you ok"

"yeah thank you" louis says

"ok im going to jump in and will help you onto the bed"

"no its i can get on" louis says as harry gets in the shower as louis gets dressed and when he is done he gets on the bed and lays down and harry gets out of the shower and cant help but stare at louis who was asleep as he thinks of how is life is at that point and he cant help but smile as he gets dressed and soon lays down next to louis and louis cuddles into harry as harry falls asleep and harry is woken up when he feels a small body on him

"shh kashew mommy is sleeping" harry says as he gets kash and places him in the middle of himself and louis

"nana said food ready" kash says with a smile

"ok lets let mommy sleep" harry says as he places a kiss on louis lips as he picks up kash and walks downstairs

"where is louis" anne asks

"sleeping" harry says

"ok well i can take him a plate later" jay says

"ok" harry says as jay picks up her phone and starts to laugh "what is so funny"

"louis texted me to go get him" jay says

"okk shit left my phone upstairs" harry says

"i know its from your phone" jay says laughing as harry goes up stairs

"sorry angel you just looked so comfortable" harry says

"i was till you left" louis says as harry helps him off the bed and they go downstairs "where are my children"

"napping and kash is outside with robin" anne says

"sit down i will serve you" jay says as louis and harry sit down and soo everyone starts to eat as they enjoy each other


its been 7 days since the twins were born and louis and harry have gotten into a comfortable routine and now are at the twins one week check up

"louis tomlinson" the nurse says as harry and louis get up and walk towards the nurse as they are taken to a private room "can you please undress the babies the doctor will be in a few minutes'

"ok thank you" louis says as harry and louis take the babies from the carrier and start to undress them as everly starts to wake up and as she opens her eyes louis gasps as he smiles wide

"what" harry says

"she has blue eyes" louis says as harry looks at her

"ohh my they are like yours" harry says as reagan starts to wake up and harry gasps as he starts to laugh

"what" louis says

"now i know we are never going to mess them up" harry says as he turns reagan towards louis

"green" louis says "yay thank you baby jeezus"

"im soo happy we are going to know who is who" harry says

"me too" louis says as they hear a knock at the door and the doctor walks in

"good afternoon" the doctor says "well lets see"

"ok" louis says as the doctor starts to check everly and then reagan

"they are healthy and a bit overweight but they will loose it as they get bigger" the doctor says

"ok should i give them less formula" louis asks

"no just feed them what they are suppose to eat they are just like 2 pounds over their target so its not much so i am not to worried" the doctor says

"ok" louis says

"they are healthy i will see them at their 3 month check up and you at your 6 week" the doctor says

"ok thank you" louis says as the doctor walks out of the room and louis and harry start to dress the babies "are you going back to the studio"

"no i told julian i am taking the day off" harry says

"ok lets go home" louis says as they get in harrys car and drive back to their house and puts the twins the baby swings "what time is your mom bringing kash"

"gemma and your sisters are camping out in the backyard so tomorrow" harry says

"ok well do you want to order some food" louis says as harry takes out his phone and places their food order as they cuddle into each other as they fall asleep


its been 5 months since louis had the twins and harry is a month away from starting his tour and everyone is waiting for jay and liam to go into labor as they are all at jays house

"nana" kash yells out as louis and harry walk in the door

"ohh booboo" jay says as she gets up and starts to walk to louis

"mom sit down" louis says as he puts the baby carrier down as harry walks in and puts the other twin as he goes to hug jay

"do you want anything" harry says

"yes these kids to come out" jay says

"see what happens when you get pregnant" louis says laughing

"shut it" jay says as liam and niall walk in the house and anne and robin

"ohh my look at these bellies" anne says

"i am over and done being preggo" liam says

"me too" jay says

"lets go to the back yard" liam says as he stands up and stops

"you ok" niall asks

"umm i think my water broke" liam says as everyone looks at the floor

"ohh hell no you are not going into labor before me i been pregnant longer" jay says

"well we better get going" niall says as he takes liam out the door

"not fair" jay says as she starts to pout

"they will come when they are ready" dan says as he kisses jay

"but i want them out now" jay says

"well my tour starts in 4 weeks so jay please anytime before we leave or louis wont leave" harry teases

"shut it styles" jay says

"no yell at daddy" kash says in a stern voice

"ok fine" jay says as they all walk to the back yard as jay stops "for fucks sakes"

"what" everyone says

"i think my water broke' jay says laughing

"let me call niall see if they are close enough to come back" louis says laughing as harry gets close to jay and helps dan take jay to a chair as louis comes back "they are half way to the hospital so dan you drive carefully with my mom and siblings or you will have a house full of angry tomlinsons"

"dont worry i want to meet my children" dan says laughing ash harry helps dan take jay to the car as he drives away

"well it was worth a shot to try and be together" anne says laughing

"well we are together and now we wait for the call to see who delivers first" louis says

"where nana and gampy" kash says as he climbs on robins lap

"they went to have your new aunts or uncles" robins says

"nana went to have babies" kash asks

"yes buddy so we will meet them soon" robin says as kash smiles

"kashew its time for your nap" louis says as he walks to kash

"no mommy i stay with gampy pease" kash says

"just leave him with me i will put him down when he falls asleep" robin says

"ok" louis says

"where are the twins" anne asks

"on their swings" louis says as he goes to sit next to harry "you hungry"

"just thirsty" harry says as louis gets up and gets harry something to drink and brings it back

"well i am so happy we are getting to meet all the babies before we leave but i am going to be sad not being here" louis says

"well we will be home when we have time and everyone is going when we get to the states so it wont be that much time we are away" harry says

"i know and i am happy and kash is excited we have been going thru the maps and i have be showing him where we are going" louis says

"i know he does that with me" harry says

"so are you ready" louis asks

"yeah i have a few interviews before tour starts and roman wants you to come with me" harry says

"ok" louis says as they continue to enjoy each others company and soon louis phone starts to ring "its dad"

"answer stupid" lottie says laughing

"dad" louis says as he answers the phone and puts it on speaker

"lou liam had the baby its a boy" dan says

"really yay" louis says "what about mom"

"she might have a c-section her labor is not progressing the doctor is waiting a few more hours" dan says

"ok keep us posted and let niall and liam know we will go visit when mom has the twins" louis says

"well they are in the same room your mom requested it as soon as we walked in" dan says laughing

"why am i not surprised well dad tell mom we love her and cant wait to meet the babies" louis says

"i will i have to get back the nurse is calling me" dan says as he hangs up

"text niall" louis says

"i just did" harry saysd as they continue to enjoy their time together and a few hours later niall calls harry" 'niall"

"hey sorry dan told me to let you all know they took jay into surgery she is having a c-section and he will call louis when they get back to the room" niall says

"ok thank you for calling i will let everyone know we are all still at jays" harry says

"ok i have to go liam has to get up to walk" niall says as he hangs up

"your mom is having a c-section and will call when they are back in their room" harry tells everyone

"well we are heading back home call us no matter what time it is" anne says

"ok mom thank you for being here" harry says as he hugs anne and robin

"are you and louis staying" lottie asks

"im sure louis is going to want to stay" harry says

"of course lets go get some clothes and come back" louis says

"ok are you taking boo" fizzy asks

"no keep him so we can be quick" louis says

"are you staying gems" harry asks

"yeah just going to get clothes too" gemma says

"well set up the living room so we can all stay in there" louis says

"ok" lottie says as louis and harry walk out of the house and an hour later walk back in

"dad called" louis says

"what did he say" lottie says

"mom had the babies a boy and girl" louis says as he hugs his sisters as they all start to cry and gemma walks in

"what is going on" gemma questions as harry tells her as she goes to hug everyon "did you call mom"

"yeah she is on her way here we are all going to the hospital in the morning" harry says as anne and robin walk in the house

"lets get to sleep so we can go see all the babies in the morning" anne says

"nana i watch movie" kash says

"just for a bit then its bed time" anne says

"i sleep with you and gampy pease" kash says as he smiles

"of course" robin says as he picks up kash as he hugs him tight as they all sit in the living room as they watch a movie and soon everyone falls asleep the next morning they all get up as anne and louis start to make breakfast and soon everyone gets to the tables to sit down as louis serves harry and kash and they start to eat and soon everyone starts to clean up and start to get ready and soon are walking out of the house as they all head to the hospital and soon walk in

"mom" louis says as he goes to jay and hugs her

"gampy" kash yells out as robin puts him down and kash runs to dan as dan picks him up and hugs him

"where are the triplets" harry asks

"nursery we wanted to rest" liam says as niall calls the nurse to bring the babies back in the room as dan picks up one baby and daisy picks up the other

"what are their names" gemma asks as anne takes the baby from dan

"well anne has doris and she is older by 2 minutes and phoebe has ernest" dan says proudly

"and gemma has joshua james" niall says proudly

"i love them all" louis says as he takes doris from anne "hi baby i am your older brother and promise to always protect you"

"im sure harry is going to be worst" anne says laughing

"what" harry says laughing

"poor doris and ernest they will for sure never date" phoebe says laughing

"gampy that uncle dory and erni" kash says

"yes buddy that us your uncle ernest and aunt doris and aunt lottie is holding your cousin joshua" dan says as kash goes to niall as he picks him up and puts him on the bed with liam

"uncle liam i take good care of cousin joshy" kash says

"i know you are buddy" liam says as they all stay together for a few more house and soon everyone starts to leave


i think its a good stopping point

see y'all next chapter

all the love

ME 💚💙

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