Divine Serendipity • Stiles S...

By klaussupremacy

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Arabella craved an adventure, she had always been one to throw herself in the deep end. She longed for her ow... More



915 20 0
By klaussupremacy

Arabella's POV:

"It's causing me severe mental anguish to say this but he's right." Stiles piped up from beside me, after signing up to help find Lydia, the three of us headed to chemistry.

"I know." Scott's voice was somewhat bitter.

"What if the next body part she steals is from someone who's still alive?"

I rolled my eyes, finally adding to the conversation. "She won't."

"What if she's dangerous? hurts someone?"

"Then we deal with it. But we'll find her first."

"But what if she hurts yo-"

I cut the short haired boy off, "Stiles! have a little faith in us from time to time. You really think I couldn't handle a sixteen year old were-whatever?" I smirked.

"This is a pop quiz, Ms Claire and Mr. Stilinski. If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career." Of course Harris felt the need to interrupt. God he was annoying.

"Can you do that?" The teacher turned to address Stiles directly this time.

"Well, there it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student, repeatedly and violently." The whole class was trying to hold back a laugh, I myself was fighting the urge to sport a cheshire cat grin. "I'll see you at 3 for detention."

Scott turned, facing us. "You too Mr. McCall? Ms. Claire?"

"No. Sir" the two of us replied in unison. Not a chance in hell I would go to detention when aunt Bex was only in town a couple more days.

Getting on with the quiz, I didn't have an issue. The questions were do-able, but it didn't mean I wanted to be there in the slightest.

I watched to my right as Jackson darted past me from his seat, gripping his nose as he ran out of the room. Of course Harris never said a word, he probably just had a nose bleed or something.

- - -

Today was the day. Kate Argent's funeral. Of course I never got to know her myself, she probably would have tried to kill me, but I was here per request of Allison.

She had asked for me to join her for the funeral, some moral support as one of her best friends. Of course I said yes, knowing the Argent's wouldn't have allowed Scott here either. I'm pretty sure I had scraped it by my teeth, they didn't know what I was. Of course Chris saw a wolf, but he never saw me in my human form that night with the alpha.

I watched cautiously as an old, grey haired man, tailored with a suit accompanied to two men walked past the paparazzi. I watched him take an SD card from some boys camera, squashing it in his hand. I recognised the teen, I'm pretty sure he goes to our school, very weird guy.

Approaching myself and the Argent family, the man walked with a sense of prestige. Was he another hunter? "Christopher." He said, hugging Mr Argent as a welcome.


Allison and I were front row, he walked past us to greet her mother as I grabbed her hand squeezing it comfortingly. She mirrored the action, sending me a small smile as he approached the two of us now.

"Do you remember me?"

Allison nodded ever so faintly, she was clearly uncomfortable. "Considering you haven't seen me since you were three I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me Grandpa."

Papa Argent in town, how fucking great.

"So if it's comfortable call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa." he finished, smiling before turning to me. "And who might you be?"

"Arabella, sir. I'm a close friend of Allison's." I sent him a small smile as he took my hand to shake it. "My sincerest condolences for your loss."

He sent me a grateful nod, removing his hand from my grip before taking the seat the other side of Allison. I watched as her gaze fell towards a headstone not too far away, I followed, only to find a crouched Scott and Stiles.

Stiles sent me a nervous smirk as Scott waved at Allison subtly. In return, I nodded my head slightly, returning to face the coffin displayed in front of us.

I felt Allison's grip loosen slightly as the funeral began, trying to calm herself. I understood. The last funerals I attended that affected me to this extent were Jackson's and Cami's, although they were a while ago now, I missed them both oh so dearly. In fact, every year my family organise a parade through New Orleans, one in which everyone from every faction takes part. Honouring the memories and celebrating the lives of the beautiful souls we lost along the way.

I don't know what it was, but something set me off, I felt overwhelmed being back in this position. Not wanting to make a scene, and with Allison's permission, I excused myself, and somehow not long after found myself on Scott and Stiles' trail..

- - -

"Woah woah woah. Your fighting werewolves without me? How could you Scotty?" I mocked in fake disappointment, gripping the jacket of a long haired shaggy wolf. I was making my way to Stiles, by some ambulance covered in blood when I zoned my hearing in to hear deep growls. "Can't stay out of trouble can you? Who is this?"

The werewolf stood hunched over, staring between the two of us before running away. "Wait!" Scott called hesitating before turning about to run after him. "Go get Lydia, I'll chase him."

I nodded, heading back towards the original crime scene in a flash, making my way over to the Sherriff and his son in a moments noitice. I kept continuously scanning the area as the two conversed, "Arabella?" The sheriff asked, looking at my outfit in concern. "I thought you were at the Argent funeral?"

"I was originally. I excused myself when it got a little overwhelming."

"overwhelming? what happened?" the younger Stilinski queried, like his father, his tone laced with concern.

"Oh no everything's fine, I've just never really dealt well with funerals that's all." I smiled, reassuring the two the best I could. "I'm okay really, I wanted to be there for Ally it just brought too much back."

Unexpectedly, the Sheriff pulled me into a comforting side hug, tapping my shoulder as I giggled slightly. The three of us continued to converse together this time, that is until my eyes finally locked with a familiar figure emerging from a tree.

"Lydia?" The girl looked petrified, her eyes wide as she stood perfectly still. Her strawberry blonde hair was tangled and teased completely, littered with leaves and debris. "Well, is anyone gonna get me a coat."

Everyone seemed to turn and face the naked girl, an action to which I of course rolled my eyes, slapping Stiles lightly on the arm. "Turn around assholes!" I yelled. "Sheriff do you mind if we give her your jacket until we get some other clothes?"

"Uh- yeah of course." The elder Stilinski replied, removing his mirky green coat and handing to me as I jogged over to my friend. I wrapped it around her gently, ensuring she was completely wrapped up before leading her back to the police. "It's okay, you're okay." I pulled the girl into a side hug, rubbing her arm gently, she still seemed to be in a state of pure shock.

I waited for an ambulance to arrive, along with Lydia's mother before I deemed it right to return to my own appartment, aunt Bex was there of course. Sipping a blood bag as she watched some show on the telly. "Hey Belle, what happened this time?"

Chuckling, I placed my keys down on the counter before leaving to slip out of my dress. I curled up with my aunt, explaining everything as the two of us talked for hours on end, I really didn't want her to leave tomorrow night.


I let the boys deal with their own problems for the next day, inviting Tyson over as he, Bekah and I lounged about the whole day.

"Shut it, Ty, when was the last time you bloody did anything around here? You don't get to win!" the blonde original whined, throwing down a pile of coloured money.

"It's monopoly Bex, you literally landed on his space." I joked, adding another house to my section of the board.

"I'll have you know I killed two vamps on her trail yesterday." Ty defended, although no trace of hostility in his voice. My eyes widened slightly.

"So people really are starting to figure it out?" I asked, passing my aunt the dice as she rolled her turn.

"Yeah, I told you I was here to help defend you, I'm keeping my promise!" He nodded his head slightly, punching my arm playfully.

"T we've barely spent time together since you got here."

"I told you you'd barely notice I was here, I don't want you to worry about outside threat for a little bit, actually enjoy time with your friends without thinking you're going to get killed. I have the rest of eternity to be a teen, you don't."

"God you sound like an old man sometimes." I added as the three of us continued to play.

As if it wasn't obvious, Rebekah didn't win, Ty defeated us both, although I came close in second. I helped Bex prepare her bag as she texted Marcel, probably notifying him she would soon be on her way.

"Do you really have to go?" I moaned, pulling the blonde into a tight embrace by the door.

"I do sweetheart. We'll have to see eachother again soon, maybe bring that boy of yours to the big city sometime ay?" She chuckled, holding me tighter before the two of us pulled away. "Thankyou for helping her Ty. It means a lot to us." She smiled before opening the door.

As she waltzed down the hall, I called behind her "Love you Bex!"

"Love you too Belle!" She returned before she reached the corner, I closed the door, immediately hugging Tyson before the two of us pretty much collapsed on the coach. We were beyond tired.


"Ty if you don't get your hand away from my head right now so help me God-" I warned, my eyes closed, I didn't move.

"Okay okay!" He laughed, moving his hand away from my temple, one of them resting in my hair whilst the other gripped the TV remove.

I was curled into his chest, my hands close to my chest tangled in a blanket as my head rested a little below his chin. The two of us had woken up like this a plethora of times, it was nothing new, he was one of my best friends after all. But being the little bitch he is, he tries to get into my head whilst I'm sleeping and manipulate my dreams to wahtever he likes. Sometimes this includes horror or fears, other times they're just plain weird. "I wasn't even trying to get in your head this time!"

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes, lifting my head. I stretched slightly before getting up, "want a drink?"

"What you got?"

"AB positive, O negative, A positive and B negative." I answered, digging through my freezer of blood bags I kept for this exact purpose. You never know when you're gonna have a vamp in your house.

"Uh AB Positve obviously." He sassed as if the answer was clear as day, "You know it's my favourite Bella." Rolling my eyes, I tossed him the bag as he tore into the top. He seemed to tuck right in, I on the other hand, made my way to the kitchen, sliding two slices of bread into the toaster, leaning over the counter.

Placing the now empty blood bag into the bin, Tyson looked at me, his eyes had a ever so slight hint of guilt. "Not that I don't love spending time with you Belle, but I might have to keep a distance for a little bit. I'm not going to tell your parents because I know you want to stay here, but recently the number of supernaturals arriving within a few miles of Beacon Hills has doubled, most of them on the hunt for the 'hidden Mikaelson'." He clarified, making me furrough my brows slightly.

"I'll be out of town for a couple of days, I'm gonna try and get info and see what people know for definate and what the rumours are. I'm coming back, you'll still see me looking out for you, and of course I'll warn you if I see someone near. I just want to decrease the fucking huge, and quite frankly ugly target on your back."

"You were doing so well for friend of the year award until that last part." I rolled my eyes playfully, lightening the serious mood slightly. "So you're gonna be like my little guardian angel huh?"

"Exactly that, but I'm cooler." He tormented as I retreated into my bedroom to get ready for school. Unfortunate, I know.


"It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same."

"Oh does that include the urge to maim and kill people like me?" Stiles retorted sarcastically as the three of us walked into the boys locker room. I didn't really know why the boys felt the need to have this conversation with me here, its not like we have most of our classes together is it.

Of Couse Coah didn't question my presense this time, instead sending me a simple defeated nod. Although I know he didn't reakky mind, I was one of his favourite students after all.

"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you. Tell him Ari."

I held my hands up in defence. "Don't look at me, I don't even have to turn."

"You know Scott you say that now, then the full moon goes up and the fangs and the claws come out and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere okay?"

"I think we get the gist Stiles." I added, voice laced with sarcasm as we approached his locker. I leaned in slightly, my voice lowering to a gentle whisper as I was now dangerously close to his face.

"You forgot about the eyes." I smirked, flashing my golden orbs momentairily. His heart beat had already picled up from the two of us being so close, the anxious feeling I had just provoked inside of him with my gesture of course didn't help as I moved away. Stiles visible gulped as Scott laughed, moving beside me.

"I'm still locking you up Scott." He tried to change the subject, making my grin grow wider.

"Okay fine, but I do think I'm in more control now. Especially since things are good with Allison."

"Okay I'm aware of how good things are with Allison."

"They're really good."

"I..Thank you, I know." Stiles replied, ever so slightly snappier.

"Careful Stiles, try not to sound so jealous." I teased grinning as his eyes widened slightly.

"I'm not!" he flailed his arms slightly making both Scott aqnd I giggle.

"But guys, they're like really good."

"I know, Ally tells me, enjoy it whilst you have it Scotty." I smiled at the boy before Stiles cut in.

"We get it! Now please just shut the hell up before I have the urge to maim and kill myself."

"Men, so dramatic." I groaned. "Get anything better than handcuffs this time?"

"Much better." The pale boy replied, opening his locker as a long, metal chain snaked its way from the shelf to the ground. Everyone was looking at us, or more specifically him as the clattering of the steel was the only thing they could here. When it finally stopped, a slience followed as Coach approached.

"Part of me wants to ask. The ither part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine." He held his hands up slightly, backing away. "So..I-I'm gonna walk away."

"Wise decision Coach." I smiled before lowering to the ground to help the boys retrieve the chain. Scott's demeanor changed, his eyes glowing amber as he looked up. "Ari, you smell that?"

I took in a deep breathe, harnessing my senses. Oh I knew exactly what it was. 

"Scott? Bella? You okay?"

"Werewolf." I nodded, confirming Scott's theory as he began to explain. "There's another, in here, right now."

"Another what?"

"Mermaid. What do you think dumbass?" I replied sarcastically before Scott continued.

"Another werewolf."

My eyes scanned the room, trying to pinpoint the scent to a specific person. I didn't have any luck, until my eyes locked with a particular messy haired brunette boy. Issac? Why is he staring at me?


A/N: Ending this one here! What will Tyson find out about the rumours? What's going to happen with the Mikaelson twins reunite? What's up with Lahey?...

My second story is out with two chapters published! Its a Klaus book, in which he meets a firey, confident spitfire, who just so happens to be a perfect match for him..

Currently on school holidays so I'm hoping to get some new chapters out soon. As always thankyou for the support and if you have any suggestions feel free to comment or message me!

No time to proof read:(

Word Count: 2.9K

Until next time...

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