adventures with amezona

By amysluvr

681 26 15

Amelia meets this beautiful blonde at work they get to know each other and amelia thinks she might've develop... More



232 13 6
By amysluvr

Amelia's POV:
I got paged to the pit, As i walked through the elevator doors I was blown away by this gorgeous blonde, holy shit was she hot, She had ocean blue eyes and her body was perfect, She was in dark blue scrubs with a lab coat on. I snapped out of my thoughts as I was called over by doctor Bailey. "Dr. Shepherd this is Dr. Arizona Robbins, She is a peds surgeon and you two are working on a case together." she exclaimed. Fuck fuck fuck I am not going to be able to function while working with her, I was already blushing. I heard a voice say, "Blushing much Shepherd." Omg omg omg. "I am not, anyways let's go work on this case." I said sternly as we both walked to the peds floor.
Arizona's POV: Holy shit this woman is beautiful her brown loosely curled hair and her scrubs looked perfect on her they showed off her hourglass shaped body. As we walked into the room there was a 8 year old boy with a Glioma. "Let's go take him to CT" Amelia commanded, and I nodded. As we got into CT I noticed that Amelia was staring at me, I didn't look back but I was thinking about it. "Your really pretty." I heard Amelia say which shocked me. "Aw thank you, You are to." I said cheerfully. We were talking about the patient and how he needed surgery then I headed to lunch. I saw Amelia sitting alone which kinda surprised me. I got my food and walked up to where she was sitting. "Can I sit?" I asked. "Sure why not" She said. We got to know each other when all of a sudden we were interrupted by a beeping noise coming from both of our pagers. We ran to the patients room and he was coding. "HE'S IN V FIB, CHARGE TO 100!" I heard Amelia shout. After 5 minutes he didn't make it. "DAMMIT" I exclaimed. I ran out of the room into a supply closet.
Amelias POV: I saw Arizona run off so I went after her. I saw she ran into a supply closet so I carefully opened the door and she was sitting on the floor with her hands covering her face. I quickly ran over to comfort her. "Hey it's okay, We did all that we could" I said softly "He was just fine" she cried. "I know but this stuff happens." I said while rubbing her back. After about 4 minutes Arizona calmed down and hugged and thanked me for being there for her. We walked out of the closet and continued working.

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