By BraedimusSupreme

21.7K 375 578

Braedey Martin is just your average regular 17-year old boy. Living life at his high-school, getting knocked... More

Ch-1: Braedey Martin
Ch-2: Trip to ESU College
Ch-3: Enhancements & Explanation
Ch-5: Spider-Man & Crimson Tengu
Ch-6: Festival Fiasco
Ch-7: Propositions
Ch-8: A Friend In Need
Ch-9: Revelations & Attacks
Ch-10: The Hospital & Jasmine
Ch-11: Final Confrontation
Ch-12: The Funeral & Next Step
Ch-13: Rhino Rampage!
Ch-14: The Armoured Avenger
Ch-15: The Curious Cat
Ch-16: The Wrathful Trio Of Women Pt1
Ch-17: The Wrathful Trio of Women Pt2
Ch-18: The Wrathful Trio of Women Pt3
Ch-19: We Are Venom Pt-1
Ch-20: We Are Venom Pt-2
Ch-21: Ambushed By a Ghost?
Ch-22: Another Cat Confrontation
Ch-23: The Mechanical Doctor Pt1
Ch-24: The Mechanical Doctor Pt2
Ch-25: The Mechanical Doctor Pt3

Ch-4: Discovery & Dicussion

1.1K 19 35
By BraedimusSupreme

After being told from Braedey about his newfound spider-like abilities, Leo was now making his way to his house. He told the others that he had to go get some groceries for his mother.

As he made his way along, he could hear what sounds like a break-in somewhere. He made his way along, and he could see some thugs were trying to break into a laboratory. He yelled out to the thugs, and they began to run away when they saw him, and the thugs ran off. Leo tried to chase after them, but they got away.

Leo fumed in frustration, then he saw a box in front of him, marked with the name 'Hoshi' on it. That got Leo rather curious at this. He picked it up, and he made his way home.

When Leo got home, he headed to his room at once without his mother knowing, and puts the groceries in the kitchen without being seen. He headed up to his room with the mysterious box in hand, wondering what it could be. He opened it up, and it revealed some kind of suit inside, as well as some kind of backpack.

The suit is made of a lightweight but durable material which can protect from most attacks. The mask/visor has a built-in HUD that can used to help in battle, plus a filter to protect from harmful chemicals and gases. Plus, the suit has grappling cables.

"Impressive..." Leo noted, looking at the suit and its composition, as well as the helmet. "Nice. This is pretty cool..." He puts on the helmet, and it brings up the HUD system. "Wow." He then made a phone call on the wireless system. "Hey, guys." He called quietly.

"Leo, what's going on?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah, man. What's up?" Shawn asked next.

"Wait. Shawn, is that you?" Andrea asked in surprise.

"Listen, you two. I've managed to link up our phone calls together, so we can talk amongst one another." Leo said to them. "Right now, I've got some tech so I can make contact with you."

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Shawn asked. "Is it about Braedey and his new spider powers thing? I mean, I'm kinda envious of him having it, but hell, I can't be angry."

"Well, it's definitely something else. Plus, he's the kind of guy that knows what's right and wrong." Andrea commented. "At the same time, who's to say what could happen?"

"True." Shawn agreed. "I think we can try something cool to help him out, like we can send information to him and tell him about what's going on."

"Good thinking. One of us could work on cameras or in photography, another can check newspapers, and another can be backup or something." Andrea suggested.

"Good thinking." Leo agreed. 'Especially since I found a supersuit in a box labelled.' He thought to himself. "Well, hope to hear from you soon." He said.

"Yeah. See you later." Shawn replied, ending the call.

"Take care, and be careful." Andrea added, also ending the call.

Leo took off his helmet, putting it on the table next to him, while folding up the suit to put with the helmet. He then took a look at the backpack. He then saw a red button on the top of it, so he pushed it. Suddenly, the bag popped open and configured itself into a jet glider.

"Whoa..." Leo noted, seeing it hover in the room. "Cool." He pushed the button again, the 'Wing Board' shifting back into backpack form, and he caught it. "This will definitely come in handy."

Leo took note of what he has, and he considered about Braedey's situation. He could use what he has for good, maybe be the one thing this city needs: a hero. So, with that on the mind, he got out a sketchbook, and he started to do some drawings, possibly thinking on something interesting...


The next morning, Braedey was up bright and early. He was lucky it was Saturday, and that he could take the time to get used to his new powers. He also wanted to say he was sorry to Jasmine about his outburst the other day.

"Braedey." The brunette stopped, sighing to himself, as he now turned to see his father, James, sitting by the couch.

James Ryan Martin is a Caucasian at around 40yrs of age, with a set of brown eyes, accompanied with short spiky black hair. He stands at around 6ft tall, and he has a muscular body figure and shape. He is wearing a fresh cotton white shirt that hugged his broad chest and muscular upper arms, along with a black leather jacket overtop, a pair of denim blue jeans, and with black motorcycle boots.

"We need to have a chat." James said. "Now."

"What about?" Braedey asked in concern, now sitting next to his father. "And why now?"

"Because we haven't talked at all for so long." James said simply. "Your mother and I don't even know who you are anymore. You have all those weird experiments in your room. You start fights at school."

"I didn't start that fight." Braedey insisted.

"Well, you sure as hell finished it." James stated back.

"What was I supposed to do: let Biff knock seven bells out of me or something?" Braedey retorted.

"No, you're not supposed to run away, but... But, Braedey, look." James sighed softly. "You're changing. I know, I went through exactly the same thing at your age. No. Not exactly. Braedey... these are the years when a man changes... into the man he's gonna become the rest of his life. Just be careful who you change into. This guy, Biff, he probably deserved what happened." James gently pointed to Braedey's chest. "But just because you can beat him up... doesn't give you the right to. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility."

Braedey now considered his father's words, and he gave a nod to James. "Right. I understand." He replied with a smile. "I get it, Dad. I'll try my best."

"That's good, son. You take care of yourself." James gently patted his son's back, as Braedey now headed out of the front door. "And be on the lookout."

Braedey chuckled as he stepped out of the house. He then stopped as Jasmine slowly walked up to the front porch. "J-Jasmine. Hey, uh... I didn't think you'd come over." He chuckled, albeit sheepishly, Jasmine standing before him with a tiny smile. Braedey cleared his throat. "Listen, Jasmine. I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did yesterday. I didn't mean to yell out like I did. I was just feeling... feeling stressed out about what had happened earlier yesterday." He apologised to her.

Jasmine smiled gently. "Hey, it's no trouble. You were just feeling a little unwell. And it looked like we were pushing you too far." She puts her hands behind her back. "Can you forgive me?" She asked.

"I should be saying that, but yeah. I forgive you." Braedey chuckled, and Jasmine giggled in response. "By the way, you want to go to an ice cream parlour not far from here? It's got some nice treats." He offered to her.

Jasmine looked like her eyes lit up. "Really? I'd like to. I haven't had ice cream in a while." She replied.

"Really?" Braedey was taken aback by this, the two of them walking down the street away from Braedey's home. "You've not had ice cream in how long?" He asked.

"Well, I haven't had any since I was 8 years old." Jasmine admitted to Braedey. "I mean, it's because of my mother. She wants me to stay slim and small like her. But clearly, I didn't stay small." She looked down at her chest for emphasis.

"True." Braedey shrugged. "But, before you ask me, no. I'm not into that. I'm more interested in the personality of women rather than their bodies."

"Oh, really?" Jasmine asked in curiosity. "Is that why you've steered clear of other girls?"

"Well... I've not been one to talk to girls. I guess I was just nervous." Braedey admitted.

"Well, it's nice to know you've grown out of that." Jasmine commented to him. "So, let's be on our way to that parlour."

Eventually, the two arrived at the ice cream parlour, Braedey enjoying the time being alongside Jasmine, the latter feeling pleased to enjoy the ice cream. Plus, she got the chance to be herself instead of being the stereotypical redhead.

Jasmine explained to Braedey that back in Italy, her mother was very stern and strict as to what she can and can't do, much to her annoyance as to she cannot have any fun at all. She just wanted to be herself, but her mother seemed too strict. When they soon moved to the USA, Jasmine just wanted to be like others, but yet again, her mother was too stubborn to change. In the end, Jasmine began to do things behind her mother's back, so she can feel a sense of normality.

"Geez. Talk about rough." Braedey sighed. "I'm sorry about that."

"Hey, it's okay." Jasmine shrugged. "Just as long as she doesn't know, it'll be alright."

"I hope you're right." Braedey said.

Unbeknown to them, Andrea and Shawn were just walking by the ice cream parlour, now noticing Braedey with Jasmine. Shawn smirked as he saw the two now getting along, and it seemed like they were hitting it off. Andrea also noticed, and she smiled as well. The two nodded to one another, and they began to make their way away from the parlour so Braedey could have some time alone.

Braedey then got a call on his phone. "Oh, excuse me." He said to Jasmine, who nodded in understanding, and he got up to answer. "Hello?"

"Braedey. Listen up, man. I've been thinking about what's been going on for the last 24 hours." Leo began to explain. "I mean, with you having spider powers and that-"

"Shh! I'm in public, Leo." Braedey hissed silently.

"Sorry. Listen, I've found some kind of suit and flying backpack. It has my last name on it. I think my father might've designed or built this thing." Leo explained to him. "I have also considered making you a suit."

"A suit? What kind of suit?" Braedey asked.

"You'll find out soon." Leo replied. "Besides, it'll be well worth it."

"Leo..." Braedey sighed.

"Trust me, you'll love it and then some. I've also taken the liberty of choosing your colour scheme." Leo added. "Just to ask, on a side note, have you learnt any new powers?"

"Well... I haven't checked as such, but I'll tell you soon." Braedey replied. "Gonna call you back a little later."

"Sure, pal. It'll take me a week or so to get what I'm working on done, so I'll message you when I'm done." Leo replied, and ended the call.

"Who was that?" Jasmine asked.

"Oh, my friend Leo. He's been asking about some..." Braedey stopped himself. "Some ideas for something new."

"I see." Jasmine nodded. "You know, I'm really enjoying all of this. The calmness, the nice treat, and even your company." She added in.

"Thanks so much." Braedey smiled, and he patted her hand, making her show a tiny blush on her face. "We should do this more often."

"I'll try to." Jasmine replied softly. "I've got to worry about my mother and that."

"If you get the chance, call me." Braedey handed her a piece of paper that has his number on it. "I'll be in the neighbourhood."

Jasmine took the paper and puts it into her picked. She smiled and nodded, getting up. "By the way, thanks for the ice cream. I really enjoyed it." She thanked him.

"Anytime." Braedey nodded, as the two headed off their separate way home.

'Nice, Braedey. Slow start, but a good one.' Braedey smiled mentally. He then began to think. 'What does Leo have in mind? I guess I'll have to wait until the end of the week.'


About a week later, down at the abandoned subway station, Andrea, Shawn, and Leo were already there and were waiting for Braedey to arrive. So far, they have begun to clean up some of the mess around the area, Leo showing off the suit he found and the Wing Board. Andrea and Shawn were impressed, and wondered about it.

Braedey soon swung in on the web. "Hey, guys. Had to wait until my folks were asleep." He apologised.

"Same here." Andrea shrugged. "Anyway, how are you handling things with your new powers and Jasmine?" She asked.

"Wait, how did you know about me and Jasmine?" Braedey asked.

"Andi and I saw you and her at the parlour earlier in the week, and around places walking together." Shawn clarified. "Have to say, for the past week, you two have been slowly coming together."

"So, why did you call us in?" Braedey asked to Leo.

"Well, for a few things." Leo gestured to the suit and the Wing Board he found. "First off: no doubt that my Dad must've built this somehow. Second, I've worked on some hardware for Shawn and Andi to give an edge around the city, such as laptops that are linked to the multiple cameras around New York, so we'll know what crime is going on, as well as police scanners to hear of anything. And third off..." He then handed Braedey a black box. "This is what I've been working on. Go ahead and try it on."

Braedey opened up the box, and he saw what could be a mixture of red, blue, and white, like the American flag. He decided to take a look and see what it's like, and walked over to change behind a wall.

"So, what did you give him?" Shawn asked.

"Well, if he's going to be a hero, I think he needs to look the part." Leo replied. That got Shawn and Andrea curious as to what that meant.

A few moments later, Braedey now stepped out from behind the wall, now wearing his brand new outfit. He has on a skintight body suit, concealing his identity. It has a spider theme to it, with a red, black, and blue colour palette, a webbing-like pattern across the red markings, with white teardrop-shaped eyepieces. The suit features a large white spider on the chest. The spider has long legs and ends at the thin blue piping of the suit. The shoes feature a sneaker-style design.

"Wow. That looks cool." Shawn commented.

"That's definitely amazing." Andrea added.

"I've done some modifications here and there, and at the same time, I've added in my own touch of colour for some flare." Leo explained. "And included things here and there."

The suit is equipped with several technological expansions to increment its overall efficiency, having its own built-in camera, radio, and communication system. The lenses of the suit's mask are expressive and can squint inwards and outwards. The lenses have a built-in AR HUD display system, allowing Braedey to analyse his surroundings in great detail; he can also view his health state, and global position. In addition to technological enhancements, Leo has improved upon the material design of the suit, with each comprising colour on the outfit representing something specific in functionality. The red of the suit is made of a reinforced and thicker material, providing some armour and protection, while the blue adds flexibility. The white bits, positioned on the gauntlets, feet, and chest, are carbon-fibre, and designed to absorb as much impact as possible, thus offering the most protection.

"Cool." Braedey commented, looking at his outfit. "Thanks so much, Leo."

"By the way, why the spider logo?" Andrea asked, gesturing to the white spider on Braedey's chest.

"Well, think about it: Braedey has spider powers, so why don't we give him a spider as his logo to go with?" Leo shrugged as if it were obvious.

"I have to admit, this is one amazing outfit. It feels like a second skin." Braedey noted, then performs a backflip, shoots a web up to the roof and hangs upside down, looking at the others. "I don't know about you, but I definitely look good in this." He joked.

"So, what will Braedey's hero name be?" Andrea asked.

"That... I haven't come up with, admittedly." Leo shrugged sheepishly. "Do you guys have a hero name we can give Braedey?"

"Why don't we call him Webslinger?" Shawn asked.
"Nah. Doesn't feel... heroic, sort of." Leo shrugged.

"Maybe Super-Spider?" Andrea asked.
"Meh. Close but not there." Leo shook his head.

"Human-Spider?" Andrea asked again.
"No. Not that good." Leo shook his head again.

"Wait. How about American Spider?" Shawn asked next, the others groaning in response. "What? Seriously, what?"

"I've got it!" Braedey dropped down and landed on his feet, the others look to him. "What about.... Spider-Man." He announced with emphasis.

"Yeah, that can work." Leo nodded.

"Yeah. I like that name." Andrea agreed. "And it works, with your suit, your powers, and who you are."

"I still think American Spider sounds cooler." Shawn muttered.

"I heard that." Braedey quipped. He turned to Leo. "So, what about you? With your own suit and wingpack, what will you be named?"

"Well, considering the outfit, colour scheme, and my own tricks..." Leo counted off, then smirked. "I think I'll have the designation of 'The Crimson Tengu'." He replied.

"Nice." Braedey held out his fist, Leo taking this as a brofist, and he brofists Braedey back with a nod. "Okay. Before we do anything, let's set some ground rules or something." That got the other's attention.

"What do you have in mind?" Shawn asked.

Braedey took off his mask, as he looked serious. "While Leo and I are in our hero outfits, we go by our aliases, not our actual names. We don't want anyone to get suspicious. Second of all, we are to deal with whatever we can. If the authorities already have a situation under control, we stand by in case they need backup. If they don't need help, we go to the next location. Also, we DO NOT kill anyone, even for the sake of revenge."

"Call you by hero names, assist if necessary, and no killing." Shawn shrugged. "Doesn't sound so hard."

"Shawn, he's being serious." Andrea stated back. "This place can act as our little hideout for now until we can get a proper residence to act as our HQ."

"We'll call this place... 'The Haven'." Leo announced.

"Right. The Haven, it is." Braedey agreed.

"Attention all units." The police scanner came to life, the teens looking to it. "We've got a 10-71 and a 459 at Crystal Garden Jewels on E Tenth Street. Suspects possibly armed and dangerous. Any units in the area, please respond."

"Showtime." Leo announced. He got his suit and changed into it. He turned to Braedey. "Well, what are we waiting for, Braedey?" He asked.

Braedey nodded with a smile. "From now on, call me Spider-Man, Crimson Tengu." He replied, and puts his mask on.

Spider-Man sprinted forward, jumped and fired a web, swinging out of the tunnel. Crimson Tengu snapped his fingers, the Wing Board flying to him, so he jumped up and landed on the board, and he flew off after the newly named Spider-Man.

"There they go. Let's hear what's going on." Andrea got the laptop opened, which is linked to the cameras in Braedey and Leo's masks, so they could see what's going on. Andrea got a headset on, so she can contact the boys.

"And I'll stand by you, keeping an eye out." Shawn commented, looking between the screen and the tunnel behind them.

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