Two Broken Hearts

By ameliaaaxmm

1.4K 103 1

The Academy of the Arts is where every wealthy family sends their children to pursue a career. However not ev... More

Part 1: Elapse
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Part 2. Collapse
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part 3: Perhaps
Chapter 31

Chapter 19

20 3 0
By ameliaaaxmm

"She loved him and he loved her but it wasn't that simple."

I decided to interview Luna first since it gives me more time to brainstorm what I am going to ask the others.

Luna decided to take me on a workday with her. Today is the final day for her to work on the senior football campaign for the big game tomorrow.

Brady for once is not coming with us to help because he has training so Luna is taking me instead.

All Luna has left to do is reveal the pictures she took at the party and she already has the slideshow done. And she is in charge of the whole pep rally meaning she has to organize the schedule.

"Is Brady paying you to do all this?" I ask Luna as we are driving to Brady's house.

Yes, we are driving to Brady's house because apparently all their work is there meaning they have been spending a lot of time together.

"He said he was but it's fine," she says.

"I'm sure he will you are putting a lot of work into it plus I know you need the money," I say

Let me remind you that Brady's house is in the middle of the woods. The first time I saw it was at the first senior party that he hosted.

Luna had the key to his house and opened it when we walked it.

She walked as if she knew the place for a long time.

"So this is where you go when you disappear on me, to Brady's house," I tell Luna.

"Yeah he has been a great help," she says as we enter a studio.

"Okay do you want to help me with the schedule or do you want to ask your interview questions already," she says.

"We will multi-task. I help you then you answer one of my questions," I say.

"Okay so first me. For the schedule, we have the opening first right. So I already have planned that everyone will be seated by around 6 pm. Then the football team will make their big entrance while the cheerleaders are dancing and everyone is cheering. I will be narrating the whole thing. But I still don't know what I should do to acknowledge the senior players," Luna finished talking.

"Maybe just have all the senior players lined up and introduce them and give them a small gift. The gift can be like a rose, another jersey, jacket or a gift card I don't know," I say trying to be helpful.

"Maybe I can give them a picture of them framed. Since I took pictures of everyone while playing games I can frame one for each." Luna says.

"Ooo yes I like that. Okay, my turn. What have you learned about the elite so far like how they are?" I ask.

"Okay so Brady loves to play around but he knows when it's the appropriate time to do it. People see him as a player and this selfish football player when in reality he is sweet and caring which definitely surprised me. He loves to be the life of the party and is always true to himself. Cameron loves to express himself in his art. I don't know much about him but both of us are artists and I know that without painting he won't be his true self. Amanda is selfish yes I admit that but maybe in a way also misjudged. I guess she always has to keep up her popular bitchy girl act all the time. And Blake is very hardworking. He is mature in some ways but not fully he still has a lot to learn. He is too afraid to stand up to his parents but I'm not sure why," Luna says and I know perfectly why he is afraid.

"Thank you, that was great," I say.

"Okay so back to the prep rally. We then have the mascot's big entrance. What song should he dance to," Luna asks.

"Okay this might sound totally pathetic but we should redo the whole Harlem shake trend. I think it would be really funny and everyone in the field would be a part of it," I say

"Wow I totally forgot about that song and I love it. It's like a goodbye to our childhood and hello to our adult life," Luna says.

"Okay, next question. How do you feel you are different from the elites?" I ask

"Well for starters I am not rich. I came like you on a scholarship and all I have been doing is passing my classes so it won't be taken away. I feel like they don't have to worry as much as we do because they already have a whole career ahead of them. Blake is taking over his father's hospital, Brady is going to become a professional football player since he already signed a contract with a team, Amanda has been designing dresses for famous celebrities all her life so her name is well known in the fashion industry. And lastly, Cameron has sold his art numerous times and has even had a whole newspaper written about him. And I will start from the bottom. I will start with nothing and bring myself up," Luna finishes and I couldn't agree more with her.

"Agree bestie. You and I have nowhere to go and no one waiting," I say.

"Funny how life works. Now back to the pep rally. After the whole mascot dance, the football game begins. Then it brings us back to halftime. I have a cheerleading performance planned but it's not enough," Luna says.

"Let's just play a game," I say

"It's hard to get volunteers," Luna says.

"Just ask all the football players for help I am sure more people will participate then," I say

"Okay, then what game?"

"We can play against some of the professors who volunteer. Maybe some dodgeball. 10 and 10," I say

"Okay I will write that down," Luna says.

"Next question. How do you think the elites have impacted you?" I ask

"Well, I would say they have made me more aware of who I am in a sense. I am not just someone who does not have as much money as them I am someone who wouldn't change even if I had money," Luna says.

"Agree," I say.

"Okay after the game maybe I can get someone to perform a song or something. Then the game will resume and lastly, it's the closing. Hopefully, we win the game you know to celebrate. There are going to be fireworks displayed that say, SENIORS. The whole theme is our "throwback days" with old music and trends," Luna says.

"I love it you have that figured out," I say

"Okay so now all I have left is to reveal the pictures."

"Great because I have one more question left. How do you think the elites impacted our school either in a negative or positive way," I ask.

"The elites have impacted the school and others in both ways. One is how many are afraid of them but still want to be like them. Others will step over others in order to get power and that is life. But I know for sure they have helped others in the academy and given us more opportunities," she says

"Okay thank you that was really good now let's organize these pictures," I say.


Dear Diary,

The inner cuts I had have healed but the scars still remain never making me the same.


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