So I'm An Enderman? ..... Nea...

By AntonioCristianChivu

14.4K 349 302

A retired boxer died because he won when a mafia boss beted for his oponent (yall wanted this and Who am i to... More

Damn The Nether
Binded Blunder
Dreamborn Discussions
Short lived And Chat
Lore And Chat Pt 2
Will Of A Brave Blade

The Algorithm

2.2K 44 65
By AntonioCristianChivu

Part 1 stage 2
Found Family?

The next few hours were intriguing to say the least.
After Sally stoped trying to see if i was a danger to her family she eventualy started to tolerate me more, Will TV previous sucker who most likely went trought this process didnt speak to me just giving the occasional 'I know your pain' look as both Mossy and Cadie climbed me like a ladder.

The Second creeper who i found out was named Cupa was infact the older sibling of little Mossy over there,
It was interesting to know that biomes could influence a mob, turns out she spawned in the badlands thus her mangerine hair and overall more clementine colored moss with the rare blackish vine. It spoke well or her origins.

However the children still needed sleep. Mossy was a good character judge in Cupa's eyes so she sorta trusted me. Sally understandibly didnt.
Cadie however seemed to not give a single fuck about the fact i was technicaly a horrific creature and allready seemed to like me well enough..

And will.
The Spider felt like a phisical threath to me. However the husk despite his lethargy felt.. Off. Smarter. Wiser. His empty eyes sometimes had this glimmer of anticipation as if he was scaning me down to my micro movements.

I did NOT want to find out what the husk is capable off.


The bar emptied. One by one mobs dissapeared into the darkness with the looming threat of the rissing sun making itself known.

Mossy still asleep in her sisters arms woke up for a second to hisss me something i assumed to be a goodbye. Cupa herself actualy wished me a pleasant day. Sally didnt quite apologise but at least gave me a sharp nod. Cadie was just uncouncious downright snoozing on her siblings back.

Soon enough it was just me. And Will. Yeah its suspicious as fuck. But. The Husk was intriguing and i was curious. A very advantajous combination for him


The husk was lethargic sickly allmost but as the sun creeped up the dark sky he seemed to slowly re-energize himself.

I anwsered him with a growl of confusion.

"Dont... play... dumb..."

Finaly he got up finaly sitting up with something akin to actual fucking stamina.

"...let me just make it clear then"

He looked at me. Realy looked at me.

"Fuck Mob votes."


Holy fuck.

I opened my mouth a torrent of questions and noise about to pour before he pushed himself foward and reached up to close my mouth like a chest.

"I know what your about to ask."

He paused and i for once i held my tounge and just listened.

"I dont know."
"I dont know how, why, or even who did this. IF anyone did this at all."
"All i know is this this is real. There are gods and they favour us like cherished toys."

The husk's claws dug into the wooden counter.

"....We aint immortal. Only Players can respawn. If mobs die its over. And even then players can only respawn for so long before they themselfes die and give up."

Will spoke. He was sincere but also... Hollow. Resigned fatigued in ways i havent yet to see.....Problably been here for way longer than me.

"I have no fucking idea if theres more of us. I only found another 3 before you and those 3 left this country a while ago to have their own epic adventures and what not."

"I know you have even MORE questions now. But onestly? Go check the library. The lore of this world as you can call it is pretty fun to figure out on your own."

"And all in all. This world aint that bad. Dangerous as fuck. But not bad."

....He stoped for a bit just breathing thinking and waiting for me. For my reaction for my questions.

I admit this wasnt my best choice but i got up. Took a half empty bottle of what ever alchohol they had here and drank it all in one go before sitting back down.

I tried talking. Nothing but garbled static came out.

"Okay. Lore aside. What have been doing and whats your advice on this?"

Surprisingly Will understood my horror-esque static talk.

"Living, making myself an underground arena and getting a found family. Pretty good shit all in all."

It took me a second to understand what he just FUCKING SAID.

"found family is nice. But fucking pardon."

"Underground Arena. For money and glory you must fight other people and / or wild mobs"

"Isnt that againts the law?"

"dude were in minecraft. F u c k the laws"

For a second i paused (i do this a lot these days dont i?)

"Can i join?"

Will didnt smirk, grin or react at first but simply sat up from his chair and offered me a hand to shake.

"Buddy. Pall. Friend. Your first instinct about hearing about what could be considered an underground fight club is asking to join? Even AFTER knowning you can literaly just go wherever and do whatever?"

Will was smilling ear to ear jagged yellowish fangs being displayed in an expresion of actual joy and....misschief

"Of course."

The husk took a minute to laugh quietly before i shook his hand.

"I dont know what crazy life you had before this but buddy you are IN. il figure out how to get you in tonights show aight? But you better get iron weapons. And at least maybe some gauntlets before you get in there."

NOW think about this for a moment.
This is fucking stupid you say. We ARE not ready actualy fight people for sport.
Right you are. But Will said jack shit about murder so its best assumed its non lethal.





The next few days where hectic. The Crew pretty much adopted my introverted behind the moment i steeped into the bar the second time. Mossy and Cadie and i kid you not LEAPED an impresive 5 feet in the air so they could climb me again.

Mossy didnt speak yet but her adorable hissing and Cadie's young laugh made more happy than i tought it would.

Will gave me a lethargic nod on entry before going slack and falling asleep on the counter and... I guess i finaly have an opportunity to talk to.....

Ignoring the tiny terrors using my body as a jungle gym i tried to start conversation with the 2 actualy councious adult mobs. Cupa as expected did not understand jackshit from my enderman noises but atempted to anwser the general question she though i might have.

"So! Im Cupa but you allready know that! The little bug over where who is using your shoulders as a wool pillow is my younger sister Molly!"

Molly... Mossy... I got surprisingly close there. Good job me.

"This bar is sorta our hangout spot. Where we get togtheter for reunions and... Well hang outs."

The older creeper was peppy having a loud way of expresing herself despite her softer voice. However i was'nt dumb enough to underestimate a now mob so while she talked... I observed. Its actualy somewhat scary. I can see the moss piercing trought the flesh and molding with it for a plant... Animal? type of new tissue. Sometimes i cool see little pulses of white energy under her more plant esque areas.

She was watching me as well.

"Its rude to stare mister."

I static grumbled an apology to her. She didnt understood the words themselfes but she seemed to grasp the gesture well enough.

"We realy need to get you a proper way of talking."

Unexpectedly the Spider was the one to sugest this. And god. Her voice was deeper than expected. Her soft apology from last time did nothing to prepare to how.... SPIDER-Y? Its like those deep female super villian voices that turn you on and but also scare the shit out of you at the same time.

While i was wandering în my own head, Mossy gave my chin a little pap. Mostly to wake me up and point to the Freshly place book and quills now present on the table courtesy of who the fuck k-The web pathern on the cover told me exactly who it was from....courtesy of spider i guess.

I looked at the antro arachnid. Confused and somewhat gratefull. But mostly confused. Yesterday she literaly scaned me like a threat and while understandeble her shift from that to sudden wellcoming rubbed me the wrong way.

Until Cadie giggled wrapping herself around my left shoulder to give her sister a geniunely beaming smile.
Likely speaking here she definely still doesnt trust me. But consider Cadie pretty much decided we are friends so her swich, may be a ploy to not upset her youngest.

Well i guess its better than nothing.

The 4 mobs quieted down as i started to write my first ever sentence.

"My name is Endoria?"

I panicked i admit as such having a strainous half a second of thinking about a name that came out blanc.

"Are you a girl mister black?"

... I stared at the little spider on my shoulder and judging by the way Sally muffled her laugh im pretty sure i actualy made an expresion at that. So my bone smooth face can emote... Good to know

"Endoria is a perfectly masculine name." i wrote back a smidget more defensive than i needed to be

Cupa did not look convinced. In fact she looked at me like she just knew i made up that name on the spot.

"No it doesnt Mister! If you have a girls name then your a girl!"

Mossy-Molly was usualy quiet but looked me in the eye before hissing in aproval and leaning down using her knees to keep herself anchored to my shoulder.
Using her moss coated fingers she wrote her own green passage in my new journal.

"New sister?"

Cupa giggled loud enough for Will to wake up for half a second look around then fall back asleep.

Sally shit's eating grin was expanding and at this point i was tempted to just close the book and sigh.

"Brother" i wrote back to her.

She hissed again this time far more quietly. Before highlighting the name 'Endoria' with green before pointing at me again.

"New Sister."

For the first time ever my shouders sagged in a familiar sense of defeat (I missed my sister.) but i guess you cant argue with the kids. I stared up from the book to feel a pale hand softly pat my back. Sally with her now completly geniune.

Pardon my language


"Wellcome to the big sister club Endoria!"

The children cheered. Cupa muffled a wheeze. Will was now up and definely awake enough to see whats going on.
I looked towards Sally and tried MY VERY BEST TO formulate the clearest most gutural insult i cold manage

"f u c k. y o u."

Was all i could actualy muster or tried to.

Naturaly as if to rub salt at the wound it came out closer to 'thank you' and Sally at least had the decency to not laught at me again. But she still giggled.

Fuck you too spiderbitch.

Finaly saving me from this familial purgatory Will spoke.


Mid sentence his lethargy sudden dipped allowing him a quick laught at my spur of the moment decision.

"..... Heh...."

".... He..... Knows..... Bout....The.... FC."

The girls tensed for a moment.... And curiously so did Molly. Interesting.

"The.... Man.... Wants..... In."

Sally looked at me. Like realy looked at me. Red eyes dilating into red splits to size me up as both prey and a threat.... Gulping i felt a dull roar prepare itself as the bottom of my troath.

Cadie thankfully ruined the moment.

"The Woman!"

.....I feel defeated, Its been less than A WEEK here and a little girl defeated me in mental fortitude.

"Are you sure this is a good idea William? S(He)'s an Enderman yes but he is rather thin compared to others of his kind"

Fuck you too.... Bitch is right but still fuck you.

William lifts his head up little EXP colored sparks lighting up his void like eyes.

"Trust me he is ready."


And thats how i got here.

Hidden away inside a mobmade frozen forest, weaving between the profesionaly raised snow coated canopy....The dull wood allowed me some leeway in terms of stealth but the snow? My black shell constracted to deeply with it making any creature that isnt completly blind to spot me from a mile away...

What was i doing? Simple. I was hunting.

As a 'host' as Will put it i didnt get to directly participate in this weirdly non-lethal bloodsport. But he did allow me to chose a stage gimmick and the arena itself for the job.... I chose myself as the gymmick. And choose my new play ground at random

As such i took to the trees sending a few well placed sharp stone bits in some lanters and letting the improptu arena dim a little in terms of lighting..

"what the..... What is it doing?"

A skeleton judging by the allmost echo like quality to his voice, whispered from the stands, bones allmost rattleling againts his seat, a much more seasoned skeleton with a cracked almost splintering body and shatered skull chimed in with an explanation

"when an enderman teleports purple glowing particles apear usualy this is a simple mark of presence that dissapears for a few seconds, however....with the now low light. The particles stick around longer and reflect onto the snow bellow. Hes letting them know hes there"

The older skeleton smiled at this allbeit unintentional show of competence from such a young mob

"Good to know you younga fellas still got it."

Some of the spectators who heard him shivered (those who actualy HAD flesh to shiver with it at least)

Thank notch most endermen are like docile cats!

Timeskip brougth by ender stripmining while singing 'dont mine at night' to himself

Part 2 stage 2 Duel of Devils.

I waited. My oponents both slipped into the subspecies of golem, the snow golem had the very obvious advance inside this freezing place with the poor sucker competing againts him having nothing but bullshit to deal with.

As a stage gimmick i wasnt technicaly allowed to do em in and make one lose but my job was to essentialy harras them and overall make the match more interesting that it allready is.

The audience is at the edge of their seat with the lighting now dipped they were infact paying more attention

The competitors tonight were both golem as stated previously. One of snow and some poor fucker made of stone.

-------Pov Switch. Audience.----------

It started slow at first but... a sudden explosion of movement made this match so much more interesting.

The enderman, the crafty son of a gun chose a small corner of the arena and dug to stone before trowing some shard of rocks at the lanters above managing to make the competitors tense.

The snow golem proved however that he was an even CRAFTIER oponent. This as a tundra was his element in more was than one, The first thing he did is remove his pumpking head putting it in his inventory with surprising care before he prowled, diving into the thick layer of snow like a pool of water 'swimming' trought it to become night untrackable except of course for the sound of crushing frost.

Stonehead handled himself.... With less... Grace than that the others.

He didnt sneak but rather just used his chosen weapon, an iron shovel to very literaly shovel most of the snow away from his chosen path. Unlike the crafty snowman and teleporting tower of bone he didnt quite have many interesting abilities but....

There it was.

The Golem blurred gray, lifting its shovel up mid swing to intercept a teleporting strike courtesy of the enderman, with a gentle push the towering figure was sent skidding trought the snow allmost slipping on it, with a WOOSH however it was gone again, perfectly timed as the golem's shovel sunk into its previous position decimating the poor tree in its path.

The Enderman regained its footing and the stone Golem ripped its improvised weapon free from its wooden constrains, both creatures glaring at one another, lime coated wisps of lights clashing againts violet torches of unknown power...

The enderman summoned its blade, a stone sword looking intricately carved and crafted, it must be a special item most of the audience assumed after all who brings a stone sword to such an occasion?

The Stonehead slipped into a familiar stance placing the shovel infront of them similar to wielding a heavy blade, both of them jumped or more accurately the enderman teleported but remained rooted in the same spot as the golem leaped at it like a pouncing animal, The Shovel slamming itself into the stone blade as both mobs clash-

Sferes of frost hailed from above intrerupting the moment as with a flash of purple the enderman was out of harms way while the golem used its trusty tool like a baseball bat deflecting the cheap projectiles all around him.

Finaly done with hidding the Snowman rises from the white floor putting its pumpkin head back on—...

Oh no.

The Enderman just stared understandibly distressed at the fact ITS SECOND MAIN WEAKNESS ARE PUMKINS. no longer able to percieve the snowman the tall mob had to swallow its pride and retreat. Stonehenge was allready hard to deal with and he did not want to loose his first fight with tens of others watching his possible failure

Meanwhile the 2 Golems where left with no one but each other. Frost gathered at the snowmans feet and the Stone Humanoid held his shovel high.


[ sistem has been loaded]

Methaforicly licking my wounds i was shoving what little i food i had form slaugthered wild animals into my mouth like a glutonous pig. For a moment i dissregarded the message before the implications of this pop up made me chocke on my undercooked steak.

A few seconds later and a gulp of water i stared at that little square like it insulted my entire family line


It did not grace me with a response, so curious of it, i checked out my own menu before getting up and preparing myself for for the following fight i was about to rejoin.

[ menu]

[ statitisc]

[ campain]

[ options]

[ mods (locked due to low Power) ]

Stats. Statistics. Whatever just show me

[ statistics]

[ name : Sweetie / Endoria]

[ species : enderman]

[ Variation : none ]

[ title : beast, sweet pea, ender boi, Sister (New!) ]

[ fame : dark fiend
The dangerous beast of a equaly dangerous group of outlaws

New Sibling.
These children will absolutely not let you go.]

[ status : excited, confused, recolecting himself]

[ Gender : male ]

[ level : 12/100 ]

[ potențial :????? ]

[ phisical/mental atributes

(Full Health)

=> streng : 51/1.000

=> agility : 80/1.000

=> senses : 56/1.000

=> memory : 60/1.000

=> deduction : 43/1.000

Points : 0 ]

[ afinities :

=> dark : 33%

=> weapon : 29%

=> spacial : 69%

=> primal : 21% ]

[ inventory :

1 diamond

A set of stone tools

A set of Iron armor (Incomplete)

34 Glass shards

64 stone blocks (a stack)

A stack of raw meat (from various animals (23 porkchop, 30 Vennison and 11 Raw Beff)

3 water botles (stolen) ]

[ skills :

Bare fisted boxing

Law of The Street 

Novice sword wielding

Intermediate axe wielding



! (%/$#} ]

[ aligment : Chaotic neutral (is subject to change)]

[ aliance :

Creper (Cadie) : friendship
She finds you cute and odly similar to a cat, but is a bit curious about your murderous tendeties

Molly (Mossy) : New sister.
New sister. Former tall friend. She likes to use you as her not so noble steed

Husk (William) : fascinated
The aged Husk find you quite The interesting being that bring back quie a few memories

Spider( Elisha Sally) : Curious.
You are odd for your kin and while she doesnt trust you yet..she might begin to later.

€¥>£>>] : entertaining

[Im quite interested to see how you're going to fair]

[ family]

[ biological : none (for the moment *insert Lenny face*) ]

[ curent objective : find out what the fuck is going on, make an enchanting room, get better equipment ]

.... Thats a lot.

My feet made no sound only the crunch of snow following my steps, i mused over the several things revealed by this status page.

Stats were odd. I had nothing to compare myself to and i have to figure out my limits on stuff, i have no idea how fast i can run, how hard can i punch, or whats my teleportation limit. So thats something i need to test later.

Deduction explains itself even while vague. The ability to deduce something is related to inteligence and wisdom. Likely just a fusion between those 2 common stats.

Inventory was expected. I had it at first and i have it now.

Affinities.... Majik. Or Other such Arcane abilities. Evokers, Witches, Wardens even the golems wich mysterious origins.

My own Affinities were related to my species and actions it seems. Endermen are creatures that can teleport between DIMENSIONS and other realms. This makes for a naturaly high spacial affinity, Dark is likely linked to my nocturnal presence as a mob, Weapon is hella low due to my tool usage. Seriously im still on stone tools. And Primal.... I dont realy know much about this need more time to think

'Skills... Self explanatory' where the last words i whispered before i rejoined the fight.

The Stone golem has destroyed the pumpkin its mangerine remains staining the snow with the ACTUAL snowman covered in icy cracks and dents.

The Stone Humanoid himself looked more enranged than anything with its prized shovel destroyed and its remains frozen solid. Stonehead managed to not only defeat Snowman over here but also beat him BAREHANDED..... I admit thats respect worthy

Its clear who had the adva—

My analysis was cut short when the snowman kneeled and just raised its hands up in mock surended clearly knowing it wont win againts me nor the rocky fella.

The stonehead huffs or i think he does at least, giving me a nod of respect before collecting the frozen remains of his weapon and leaving the arena with the voice of a familiar husk echoing trought the mock stadium.



The Crowd cheers. And i retreat. I could feel their distant gazes behind me before i was right next to Will. Teleportation is awsome. Especialy for introverts.

'Sistem. Explain Law Of The Street please.'

[ law Of The Street is a version of The Skill Law Of The Jungle]
[ the stronger you are the more people would admire/fear/hate/etc you, it also improves adaptability in city or town type stages.]

[ this skill is one of The main reason you didnt have isues with your arrival in this world or suffer a breakdown at the loss of your family and older life. You adapted ]

Interesting and extremely concerning.... How much has this affected my mind and personality am i still me or a new person entirely? Has this thing been supresing my emotions? Is that why when people look me in the eyes i dont freak out?


That was scary

As an introvert i.... Yeah i will fully admit to that. Not only was i watched but good god. Stonehead was intimidating to say the least.... He outpowered me allmost instantly and if snowman over there didnt give up.... Yeah not sure if i could have pulled it off.


Sitting down the world shifted and i was alone at a counter inside a very familiar bar. Or pub. Whatever. I lifted the water pot to my face and.... Right. Enderman. This might kill me....

I ponder.

My stats are easy enough understand classic phisical traits with only Deduction replacing wisdom as a better term.

[ Yes Deduction has the same fuctions as wisdom but also enhances your ability to deduce something]

..... Good. A bit to convinient but good.

And the objective panel is also explanatory they are just my curent objectives....but the relationship pannel.... Will clearly knows other players... Or other reincarnated such as me. He is one himself and told me that to my face.... Sticking to him is bluntly speaking the best choice i have.

On a brighter note i am however pumped because of the aspect of variations or sub species of endermen i know some mods with that feature and maybe i can gain some cool abilities! Assuming i can gain abilities...

Like maybe just maybe i can become and ender titan from The far landers mod or a bligth! There so many posibilities! M
I will be dificult to pick ( if i have that choice) but it will be cool!

OK..... Options?

[ pain sensitivy : default]

[ world type : unique]

[ dificulty mode : hardcore (locked into it) ]

[ sound : default]

[ ambience sound : off]

[delete world]

[ customize?]

....The Very settings of the world. Hardcore so death is final, ambience is something id rather keep, sound.... Might be worth messing with later if i can figure out how to use without decimating the core sense of it...

"Miss Endoria?"

....Miss. Miss Endoria. Without looking behind me i chugged the water full force almost enjoying cadie's sudden flinch. Of course when your in inimaginabne pain its hard to enjoy something.

Part 3 stage 2
I dont want another mom


Dinner came about. And it felt to awkard, to tense and to domestic all at the same time. Memories of family now unreacheble made any food i tried to consume taste.... Sour..  Even a mushroom soup with homemade bread tasted wrong and alien as..... When i looked towards Elisha. Or Molly. Or Will. I can only see family ie their stead....

It was however a little nice eating at an actual table again. Plus. Raw meat was getting hard to swallow...... Now come on this should'nt be to hard—

The wooden spoon was to small for my large hands.... I may have or may have not struggled for 2 minutes before just deciding to drink from the bowl

The husk decided to allow me my pride by at least trying to tell the Girls not to giggle at me. Molly hissed at me as a gesture of comfort. Thank you Molly.


I take that back.....

I was being put to bed....

I was grown man.

Well at least the insult let me avoid... Nope there it is.

An entire day has passed. An entire day here. Time will go on and even if i do figure out a way home im not its possible. Wills quote of 'The gods cherish us like prized toys" rang inside my head even the lights shut off and the sun was starting to rise.

They Saved my life. They trapped me here. Another world. Another reality alltoghether. Even if can go back. Will i be allowed too? Will i wish too?

I found myself on the floor. Its made out of wool blocks ensuring a certain softness to it.....a red blanket to small for my whole form was drapped around my legs..... I watched the sun slowly rise into the sky from the small window at the side of my room. The fact mobs are nocturnal felt both novel yet extremely obvious not that i think bout it.

My mind water ..... That spider!? I turn my head towards the window and who do i see? singing a nice lulaby was Sally. The woman who managed to nearly scare the shit out of me seconds after we meet.


Sleep comes late for me but at least it comes

Final part stage 2
Setting up and NETHER TIME

I wake at dawn. The sun isnt down and i can hear Will snoring from here... As i walked out of this odd replacement bedroom i had to wander if they all lived inside this bar. If so then thats both effective yet kinda sad

Entering the kitchen or whatever we have to replace that i fiind Molly sitting alone....and eating an entire cake by herself. When her sister is likely asleep.



I joined her at the tabble and steal a fork to finaly enjoy a sweet delicacy, i feel an impact at my side and the tiny terror Hisses into my ribs as thanks frosting somewhat coating my carapace. I smelled fresh moss and sweet cake.

... I stare down upon her and see a little pudgy girl with smart eyes and a Bright smile staring back at me.

One of limbs move before i say it should and teleports a napkin onto her face.

"clean your face"

He was not going to cry infront of a child.


Molly went back to bed leaving me alone with the sun for a while. Elisha's lulaby rattled inside my skull as i pondered the fact i just had afternoon cake with a creeper.

I get up eventualy exploring other rooms of the barhouse fusion at random, living room, more food storage. Random Red stone room likely used for the stages. Storage room again —

[ affinity(ies) unlocked]
[ wither : 2%]

I stop. I stop death in my track purple filling my vision as i stare at the obsidian made Gate before me. A Nether portal stood pround and mighty within the sparse room guarded and gated by black bars making it resemble a gateway to hell. Which it was.

An urger called out to me. Space distorted and i saw black stars up within the false sky, i walked towards unable to resist the primal impulse RAW SPACE activated within me

[ primal affinity activating ]

Rage took a sudden hold, snarling i try to resist but the pull feels so natural. Just like home. Just like... The end


[ primal affinity is increasing]

I pushed trought the pain and tried as i might to leap away from the Gate but.... The world shifted... Tinted red and burning with hell fire. I was one foot to deep inside the portal.

With my Last words i stared at whats to come. I steeped into hell itself willingly and i cant help but feel oddly giddy about it


[ title gained : The Challenger ]
[ fuck the rules il make my own
- Andrew the Brave ]

[ a title given to those Who defy the ods.... Or chalenge a God]


Another chap done
Not much to say for this one but still thank you guys the support

I have some plans for this fic

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