š“š”šž š¬š®š§ ššš§š š­š”šž ļæ½...

By hannnnaaah

990K 24.1K 15.8K

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Selena Mae Gilbert
Act One
Katerina/ By the light of the moon
Daddy issues
The last dance
The last day
The sun also rises
As I lay dying
Act two
The birthday
The Hybrid
The end of the affair
Disturbing behaviour
The reckoning
Smells like a teen spirit
Ghost world
Ordinary people
The new deal
Our town
Bringing out the dead
Dangerous liaisons
All my children
The murder of one
Heart of darkness
Do not go gentle
Before sunset
The departed
Act Three
Growing pain
The rager
The five
The killer
We all go a little mad sometimes
The end of the war
My brothers keeper
Living the moment
Oh come all ye faithful
After school special
A view to kill
Stand by you
Bring it on
Because of the night
American Gothic/ Picture of you
The End

Into the wild/ Down the rabbit hole

6K 186 107
By hannnnaaah

If I got locked away
And we lost it all today
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?
If I showed you my flaws
If I couldn't be strong
Tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?
Locked away

Selena opened her eyes to feel Klaus was playing with her hair while her head was resting in his lap. She weakly sat up and let out a sad sigh

"I'm so sorry about Kol" she told him and he remained silent but she could see the pain in his eyes

"It's okay to mourn him. He was your brother, Nik" she softly said and placed her hand on his "I know you cared for him. He didn't deserve that... I can't believe my siblings killed him I-"

"Selena it's okay. It wasn't your fault" he whispered and kissed her forehead gently "You did nothing wrong"

"I miss him already" she said as years welled up in her eyes and Tyler Lockwood opened yhe door with a taunting smirk

"Morning sunshine. You look pathetic" Tyler taunted Klaus and Selena glared at him fiercely

"What the hell are you doing here, Tyler?" Selena stood up making her way towards him but Klaus pulled her back by placing his hand on her forearm

"Only until Bonnie's spell locking me in here wears off or Selena break it. Then I'll look different, angrier, perhaps or I won't look like anything because I'll have gouged your eyeballs from their sockets" Klaus growled threateningly causing Tyler to smirk

"My friends will be back with the cure by then. So I could shove it down your throat and make you mortal" Tyler retorted cockily causing Selena to scoff in disbelief

"You really think you have a chance against him?" She asked him defensively "I mean yeah you can try that. My bet that your heart will be ripped out. Are you really that dumb Tyler? Correct me if I'm wrong. Last time you tried to kill him, threatened my life with twelve hybrids by your side... they ended up losing their heads and hearts. You seriously wanna go up against an Original hybrid and Enchantress?"

"Leenie what happened to you? Why can't you see that he's a monster? We are your friends. You should be by our side. We grew up together. You barely know him" Tyler pointed at Klaus in disgust "I actually miss the old version of you. At least she didn't give a damn about love"

"That girl died and she's never coming back. Get over it honey" she stated with an eyeroll "Would you please stop acting all high and mighty around me, Tyler. You are anything but that I mean I am a bitch after all, right? That what you once said. A control freak, a cunning, mean, insulting bitch"

"Well I am what you all expected" she sat down with a taunting smirk

After a little while Caroline entered the house, she glared at Tyler angrily

"You're still here? What are you doing?" She snapped at Tyler and he shrugged

"Gloating" he simply said

"Hello Caroline" Klaus greeted the blonde

"Go Tyler" Caroline told her boyfriend "Just leave"

"He destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of his misery until I can kill him myself" Tyler retorted causing Selena to scoff

"You destroyed your own life, Tyler" She stated "You could've had your own life but instead you focused on something you and I both know you can't never fulfill. So yes Tyler you sabotaged your own life. I don't want to hurt you so go. Get the hell out of my house before I make you"

"Tyler's mother is dead so is my brother. We're even" Klaus told Caroline "Call Bonnie. Get her to let me out of here"

"I can't help you" Caroline told him and Selena looked at her betrayed "She's not here... they left"

"I'm pretty sure you can figure out something" he told her and she sighed in frustration

"I can't okay!" She snapped

Klaus quickly picked a floor-lamp with his vamp speed and impaled her and bit her neck causing Selena and Tyler to scream in unison


"Care!" Selena kneeled down beside her fearfully

Selena looked at Klaus tearfully and he gave her nod that he will heal her. She knew he wouldn't let her die because he knew how much Caroline meant to Selena

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Caroline cried as Tyler put her down on the couch "Oh my God!"

"Care please calm down" Tyler told her softly and Selena rubbed her back

"You're going to be fine" Selena smiled at her tearfully

"Hey, hey look at me" Tyler told the blonde vampire "I'm going to fix this"

"She'll die if you don't heal her" Tyler walked towards the Original hybrid

"Beg me to save her life" The Original said tauntingly causing Selena to glare at him in disbelief

"Is that what you want? To remind me that I'm powerless against you?" Tyler narrowed his eyes at Klaus "Fine. You win, I'm nothing. Save her. Please"

"I'm sorry mate I didn't quite catch that" Klaus taunted and his fiancée was shooting him a fiery glare

"Please" Tyler desperately begged


"Please save her life" Tyler pleaded and Selena looked at Klaus desperately waiting for his answer

"See, now I think you're just telling me what I want to hear. I mean you did call me pathetic earlier" Klaus mocked with a smirk "And let's not forget what you said about Selena"

"And wouldn't it be more pathetic of me to help you now, knowing that mere days ago, you were plotting ways to kill me in a manner of which you wanted to have a certain amount of flair? I'm just asking" Klaus taunted once more as Selena was soothing Caroline

"I'll be your slave again, I'll do whatever you want. Just help her" Tyler begged him

"No" Klaus denied coldly and Selena looked at him blankly as tears welled up in her eyes

"Get me out of her" Caroline told her bestfriend coldly "I can't even look at him"

Tyler lifted her up with Selena's help as they made their way outside. Selena looked at Klaus with disappointment

"I know that you're upset and mourning, Kol but you didn't have to do that. I'll be back" she muttered in disappointment before storming out. Caroline had always helped Klaus when it came to Selena and always supported their relationship and that what upset Selena

She just wanted to scream. She wanted to let it out, she felt too suffocated by the pain and everything. Not just about what Klaus just did but about her family too

She loved Klaus so much and she knew their love was pure, deep, true, passionate and epic but it was also toxic in some ways. She knew they were both broken in different ways but she also knew that he made her feel loved and wanted. He made her feel alive, he made her feel ways no one ever made her feel like that

She somehow knew he wasn't going to let her bestfriend die. She believed in him. Their love was stronger than their prides


Hours later, Tyler entered again with Caroline on his arms and Selena following him. He put down Caroline and faced the Original hybrid

"You want to be in control? Here, now you get to be in control of her life. If you want her to die, fine. But then you can sit here and watch her die yourself" Tyler said before running out of the house leaving his girlfriend and Selena with Klaus alone

"If you don't feed me your blood, I'll die" Caroline stated weakly and Selena looked away as she wiped her tears

"Then you'll die and Tyler will have learnd his lesson the hard way" Klaus retorted coldly cauaing hus fiancée to glare at him in disbelief

"Nik help her, please I'm begging you" she begged him and he looked away

"Nik she's dying. Please help her, I can't lose her too"

"How could you, do this to him? To me? To Leenie?" Caroline asked him as she breathed heavily

"I'm a thousand years old. Call it boredom" Klaus crossed his arms around his chest

"I don't believe you" Caroline denied and he rolled his eyes causing Selena to sigh in frustration

"Fine, then maybe because I'm pure evil and I can't help myself" He retorted and Caroline shook her head weakly

"No it's because you were hurt. Which means that there's a part of you that is human " She said and he walked towards them and sat in front of the bestfriends

"How could you possibly think that?"

"Because I've seen it, I see the way you look at my bestfriend... I know that you're in love with her and anybody capable of love is capable of being saved" Caroline stated as she breathed painfully and Klaus looked away as tears welled up in his eyes

"You're hallucinating" he muttered quietly refusing to meet his fiancée's eyes

"I'm not and now that I know Leenie found what she always wanted. True love... Now I'll go in peace" Caroline said as tears streaming down her cheeks

"Please don't say that Care" Selena cried and Caroline's breath became more weaker

"Care stay with me" Selena told her desperately when she closed her eyes "Caroline don't you dare close your eyes? You're not dying on my watch"

"Caroline" she called desperately when the blonde start breathing hardly

Klaus bit into his wrist holding it to the blonde's mouth, Caroline drank it and Selena smiled tearfully in relief

Caroline and Selena fell asleep each on a different couch, Klaus walked over to his fiancée and kissed her forehead

"I love you" he whispered softly "I know that I don't deserve you but I love you'

Little did he know that Selena heard him and believed that he loves her with everything he had. She just wished for them to be under different circumstances


Selena opened her eyes to see Tyler and Caroline entering the house. The blonde handed her bestfriend some coffee and cookies

"Ah! Thank you, you're a life saver" Selena thanked her as she left to change "I'm gonna go change"

"Well if it isn't little orphan Lockwood. Come to show how laughable impotent you are against me?" Klaus taunted the Lockwood hybrid

"I'm just trying to help my friends find the cure... and make it up for Leenie" Tyler responded with a small smile before pulling out the sword from a blanket "Found this in your attic"

"And you think the sword brings you closer to the cure" Klaus scoffed amusingly

"You tell me" Selena heard Tyler say when she approached them with a frown

"I was playing around with the handle on the ride over and found this" Tyler opened the leather cover revealing a cryptex causing Selena's eyes to widen in surprise and Klaus to stand up from his chair making his way towards them

"And what do you think this is?" Klaus mused, Selena and Caroline stood beside them

"It called a cryptex" Caroline pipped in and Selena nodded as Klaus and Tyler looked at the two in surprise

"Yeah, it's pretty cool" the brunette commented with a curious smile

"We've seen the Da Vinci code" Caroline defended earning a smile from Klaus

"Yes, you turn the different sides to the different symbols to get the translation on the other sides" Selena explained and Klaus smirked at her proudly

"Always so smart" Klaus spoke proudly earning a small smile from his fiancée just as Jenna and Theo stepped inside the house

"What the hell happened here" she exclaimed and they smiled at her "And why there's a corpse in my kitchen?"

"Long story short your niece and nephew killed Kol" Selena retorted rudely "My brother in law"

"What?" She gasped in shock "I'm so sorry"

"Yeah me too" Selena sighed sadly

"I'm sorry, Leenie... Klaus" Theo told them sadly and they both nodded

"And with the magic of the internet. Elena send over these" Caroline continued as she showed them pictures of Jeremy's tattoos "So now all we have to do is cryptex away"

"If you want to help" Selena told Klaus garbbing his attention "We wouldn't stop you. Plus I'm not doing it for them. I'm doing it for Bex"

"Right" Klaus smiled smugly "Well, might I suggest using the magic of the internet to purchase an Aramaic to English dictionary from your nearest retailer"

"What's Aramaic?" Tyler asked looking at the girls

"It's a dead language" Selena stated looking at Klaus with confusion "It hasn't been used since like... biblical times"

Tyler glared at her in surprise causing her to roll her eyes "Why are you so surprised" She retorted causing Klaus to chuckle in amusement "I might be flunking out but I'm not stupid, I just don't like school"

"Qetsiyah native tongue, I'm guessing" Klaus mused "You know even if you had the best dictionary in the world it could take days to translate"

"Yeah it will take at least days to translate this" Theo stated looking at the sword curiously

"Perhaps weeks... In bas so teen to ara ma eet" Klaus said causing Selena to look at him in surprise

"What does that mean?" She asked him and he smirked tauntingly

"If you only spoke Aramaic, love" he said and she groaned in frustration

"Wonderful" she sarcastically said as she put her head on the table


"Okay this is it" Caroline sighed in frustration as she put the pencil down angrily "We've translated all the symbols on the tattoo"

"Requires a young senator... and pretty flower. Seriously?" Selena made a face throwing the papers angrily causing Klaus to chuckle "None of this make any sense"

"Requires a powerful witch and a hunter in full bloom" Klaus answered causing Tyler to narrow his eyes

"What are you doing?"

"I don't need to tell you my reasons" Klaus retorted back

"Little wolf, bring my sword over here" Klaus told her causing Selena to nod as she brought it standing across him

"Silas rest on the far side, the means of his destruction at hand" he reads before looking at the pictures of Jeremy's tattoo

"Turn the cryptex to the right" he told her and she obliged "Stop. The top of the hilt reveals a key to a nautical map... turn it to the left"

"There's something else" he said when Selena turned the Cryptex to the left, after reading out the Cryptex, he smiled causing Selena and the others to frown

"What is it? What does it mean, Nik?" She asked him as Theo approached her standing beside het

"What does it mean?" Caroline demanded only earning a smirk from Klaus causing Tyler to sigh in frustration and Selena to realise why he was smirking. She smiled back at him and he winked at her causing them all to share a look


"Hello?" Rebekah's voice echoed through the phone causing Selena to smile wildly

"Hello it's Caroline" The blonde greeted "We have the translation of the tattoo. We're emailing you pictures of the map and instructions right now"

"Got it thanks" Rebekah thanked her

"Actually it was me" Klaus told his sister and he shifted his gazes to his fiancée "And Selena helped"

"Trust me I didn't. It was all him" Selena stated with smile looking at her fiancé

"So you were the one who convinced him to help" Rebekah said and Selena scoffed

"You wish"

"You sound so surprised, little sister" Klaus mused causing Rebekah to scoff

"Shouldn't I be? I mean you don't want to be human. You don't want any of us to be human"

"Maybe I finally realised the longer I stand in the way of what you want, the longer you'll continue to hate me... perhaps I want my sister to finally be happy" he told her and Selena smiled at him as he smiled back

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me a hundred times-" Rebekah scoweled causing Klaus to cut her off

"No more fooling, no more games... I hope you get to live and die as you wish"

"So do I" the blonde muttered and Selena looked at Klaus before shifting her gaze to the phone

"Bex there's one small thing" Selena began causing Klaus to chuckle proudly and Tyler, Caroline and Theo to look at her warily

"You need it to find it first and take it. It's the only way you'll-" Selena quickly said but before she could finish Tyler ended the call glaring at her harshly

"Oppss" she smiled devilishly earning a glare from the blonde and her boyfriend and a proud smile from her fiancé


Caroline and Tyler were outside the house trying to calm him down

"He will kill me" Tyler stated and Selena was listening to them

"Look calm down okay, we'll figure something out" Caroline told him softly and he shook his head

"I tried to kill him countless times... I hurt Leenie many times. He'll kill me with no hesitation. He's got nothing to lose, his brother's dead, his hybrids are dead. All he wants right now is blood. Starting with mine" Tyler stated fearfully

"He didn't kill Damon" Caroline argued and he scoffed

"If he kills Damon, Leenie will never forgive him"

"I'll try to talk to him" Selena approached them and he turned towards her facing her


"I can't promise you anything but I'll try" she told him and he looked in guilt

"I'm sorry Leenie, for everything I did and said to you. I never meant to hurt you" he told her sincerely and she smiled weakly nodding

"It's okay. I'll try... maybe I can persuade him"

"You can't kill Tyler" Selena told Klaus softly as she stepped inside the living room to where Klaus was stuck in

"Not only can I, I have to. I have a reputation to uphold. More over, I want to" Klaus said from his chair

"I'm not asking you to forgive him... all I'm asking is that you let him live. Somewhere far from here" Selena pleaded desperately.

She might not had forgiven Tyler but she didn't want him to die. She knew him since they were babies

"So he get to live a happy life after be turned all my hybrids against me. After he tried to kill me? After he made it his life's mission to find the cure so he could use it against me?" Klaus spat angrily looking at her in disbelief

"Hey! We all want the same thing here" she spat back raising her voice

"Do we?... do you?"

"It doesn't matter it's just a unfulfilled wish anyway. I'm never going to be normal again" she shook her head in frustration

"If you could? You wouldn't want to be normal again, would you?" He asked approaching her slowly and she remained silent

"You prefer who you are now to the girl you once were" he continued and she looked at him in the eyes without saying anything "You like being strong, smart, brave, fearless and powerful... We're the same little wolf"

"Then show me" she demanded "You know how much Caroline loves Tyler. Believe it or not he was there for me. When everyone thought I was a lost cause- a brat, he was my friend... You can see how scared I am to lose him. You're bigger than this Nik and you know it. If you and I are the same then show me your compassion, show him the mercy I've shown you so many times, prove to me that you're the man that deep down I know you are and love"

His eyes softened when he saw how scared amd vulnerable she looked at him and he wouldn't want to lose her for some revenge. She was looking right he was bigger than this

"Mercy? For Tyler?" He asked standing in front of her, their faces were only inches apart from each other

"Very well, tell him to leave town immediately. And tell him to run and hide in a place I will never find him" he moved away from her and she nodded

"Okay" she breathed out on relief

"Tell him this is the mercy I extend for your sake" he told her and she nodded lightly

"Thank you Nik... truly" she told him before pulling him into a tight hug

She knew that their love was stronger than anything and she was proud of it. She was hopelessly and madly in love with him and nothing was going to change that


"I guess this is our goodbye" Selena said as she stepped outside

"Thank you Leenie so much" Tyler hugged her and a tear escaped her eyes "Thank you for persuading him to spare me"

"I know that you and I don't see things eye on eye lately but you and I grew up together. I don't want to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes... I've always have" she stated tearfully and he hugged her

"Are you kidding? You and Caroline are the strongest people I've ever known. Beside I told Care this isn't a goodbye... I'll see you again" he told her and she smiled at him weakly

"Hey look... I'm going to let you go now but if you come after Klaus again... I will kill you" she told him sternly and he nodded briefly before he sped away

Selena sat down at the large swing hanging at the porch, Klaus walked out of the house and hers eyes widened in shock

"How did you get out?" She gasped in shock "I didn't use my magic"

"I fear something awful has befallen your friend Bonnie" he explained and he approached her causing her to stood up alarmingly

"Don't worry love you know I'd never hurt you" he said and she nodded

"I know" she said as he approached her more "Just after what happened lately... I've had enough of everything"

"I've done more than enough. I've shown kindness, forgiveness, pity. Because of you little wolf, because I love you and I will always love. Because I don't want to lose you for some revenge that's not even worth it"

She smiled up at him joyfully and he smiled back. She leaned up to kiss him, a light touch of lips to lips. They kissed, long and soft and sweet and gentle

"I love you too" she said breathlessly against his lips


So Selena's journey is nearly over in Mystic Falls

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