Love sick

By Kites_life_insurance

58.1K 1.9K 4.1K

"I love him..." ✄♡✄♡ Inspired by Yandere Simulator Killugon/Gonkillu High school & Yandere Au Complete!! Wor... More

⚠ Info & Warnings ⚠
♡ Prologue ♡
♡ One ♡
♡ Two ♡
♡ Three ♡
♡Ten ♡
♡Bonus Chapter♡


1.2K 52 65
By Kites_life_insurance


Graphic violence , Blood, and Character death

( ♡♡♡ Three hearts will be added as a warning at the start and end of violent parts)

Gon was raised like any other child. He had to normal an extent. He was always a social butterfly, kids just didn't seem to enjoy his company; he was never the first choice.

So when he first came across the albino boy for the first time in middle school, he was overcome with an emotion he hadn't felt before. He learned that he had to do whatever it took to make sure that Killua would he his and only his.


So when he stood over the charcoal-like body, smelling of burnt hair and skin, eyes completely bloodshot and teeth bloodied...he felt nothing. Obviously feeling the sense of accomplishment, but not feeling any sympathy for the corpse before him, only seeing an obstacle that is no longer a problem.

He returned the bucket to its rightful place and carefully placed the light switch panel back in place using his sleeve to cover his hand as he held the panel in place, screwing it closed before hiding the screwdriver.


He smirked to himself, minorly surprised that no one else walked in on the little event. He could hear the booming music from the locker room he stood in, deeming it time to return to the dance. He turned on his heel and walked out of the restroom, seeing as the coast was clear, he walked down the hall to the gymnasium.

He pulled out a travel sized body spray, spraying all over his body knowing he probably smelled like smoke or just something burnt before opening the door to the gymnasium. If he was honest, he wanted to leave since he wasn't fond of these environments and he did what he needed to do, so maybe-


He was frozen in place, looking bambi-eyed at the familier voice that got his attention. His breath hitched when Killua stopped in front of him, "I didn't know you were coming." He spoke with a bright smile.

Gon nervously began fiddling with his fingers out of habit, "Oh, uh yeah, I-I just thought it would be nice to get out..experience new things, you know?" He lied.

Killua hummed, "Yeah, I rarely come to these things but this one seemed cool so I thought why not and my parents told me to come.."

Gon's eyes sparkled a little, his heart was skipping beats just from the small continuing conversation, "Y-you cut your hair." He stated. "O-oh, yeah. I did, I thought it would be good for a change; I couldn't decide between letting it grow out or cutting it  so I just went with something in between. That's why it's at shoulderlength now." He ran his hand through his freshly cut hair that was held back in some places by a few black pins.

Holy shit...

"And the pins were just an accessory that my little sister suggested, she said it made me look 'sophisticated' or whatever. Something about pulling the outfit together."

He has a sister? I thought all the children in his family where men...? Guess not

"Well, I think you look good." Gon responded almost immediately. 

What the hell? He's probably gonna think you're weird now, saying something so abrupt like that-

"Thanks, Gonny, you look good too."

Gon was now very thankful the lights in the gym were low so Killua couldn't see how hard he was blushing. No one had ever said anything like that to him, if anything, he's been made fun of how he dressed or acted, so having the actual love of his life compliment him meant a lot in more ways than one.

"R-really?" Killua looked at Gon, confused. "Sorry, it's one has ever said that. Apparently, the way I dress isn't...'what boys are supposed to wear.'" Gon was tugging on the sleeves of his blouse.

"Since when does clothing have a specific gender?" Killua asked. "If you're confident and comfortable with what you're wearing, then there shouldn't be a problem." Gon's eyes sparkled at the words, he didn't know he could fall more in love with the older student, but he found himself doing so.

The two stood there in comfortable silence, observing the students on the dance floor. Gon didn't know what to say, he was still swooning over the compliment he received, "Do you dance?" He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts. "Hmm?"

"Do you dance?" Killua jutted his chin out in the direction of the students. "O-oh, no, I don't dance." Gon squeaked shyly, Killua smiling down at the shy boy. "C'mon."

Gon's eyes widened, "Umm-"

"Let's go." Killua held his hand out, Gon looking at him, confusion written on his face. "It's okay, Killua, I don't really dance, and your friends could be waiting for you."

"They're fine," He reassured. "No one's gonna judge you, at least not while I'm there." Gon visibly gulped, looking a little scared, his anxiety getting kicked to the max. He never danced or enjoyed doing anything like that, and Killua said he'd be right there with him, he doesn't know how he'd be able to function. He took one last look, meeting the other's sapphire blue eyes before looking down at his outreached hand, smiling a little as he reached his own hand out-

A blood curdling scream echoed throughout the gym, stopping everyone in their tracks.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Teachers ran towards the crying and yelling that came from the hallway, the hallways towards the locker room. Students were running out the door, a few teachers came back from the hall, looking incredibly shocked and distraught, asking all students to evacuate and leave the building.

Can I catch a fucking break? Just one, that's all I ask for.

Gon looked back at Killua, the albino himself was about to say something until he felt someone turn him around, taking his attention away from the shorter male. Gon's shoulders fell solemnly when he saw Killua's friends pull him aside, 'Maybe next time...' He walked away following the crowd of frightened students.

"Okay, alright, just give me a sec-" Killua turned back around as he pushed away from his group to look back at the younger, "Gon?" He looked around in confusion, only to see the empty space where the boy once stood and was now nowhere to be found, and a stampede of students passing by.

The next day, Gon stayed in, watching TV, his sketchpad on his lap. The events of the night before playing on repeat in his head; Killua complimenting him and asking him to dance. He wished he was more confident in himself cause then he probably would've been able hold a conversation better or just be more comfortable with himself.

The lead of the pencil brushed across the hard paper, shading in any much needed details, following the image of a memory that stuck to Gon's mind like permanent velcro, Gon smiling a little out of happiness.

He was pulled out of his headspace when he heard the news on the TV, 

"Last night, the body of a female student was found at Hunter Academy learning institution while a dance at the school was being held. The student looked to be burned, which was the cause of death, but no evidence has been found. The police are now opening an investigation, ruling this as a homicide, if there is any information that could possibly help, please call at the number on screen."

Gon smiled to himself, praising himself mentally for having such a clean getaway. He was glad the school was stupid enough to have a lack of security cameras in the locker room or even the hallway leading to it due to privacy. He muted the TV after hearing what he needed to hear, and continued humming a little tune to himself.

He glided his pencil across his canvas, adding the last finishing touches to make sure it was perfect...although a simple drawing would never compare to the real memory. Once completed, he ran upstairs to his bedroom, walking up to his wall covered with a tapestry...adding a new portrait of how Killua looked at him from the night before..this drawing being more detailed and closer than all the others.



If you see any spelling mistakes, please let me know

How are you all doing?

Anyway if anyone has any crossover fics between Hunter x Hunter and My hero or Assassination classroom, please gimme the recommendations!! I am in love with the idea of the HxH cast meeting the Mha or Ac cast! Please I need the food T^T

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