Fairy Tale Wedding (Book One...

By SarahRWorkman16

44 3 0

What happens when you meet Prince Charming and he isn't "the one" for you? Princess Adeline of Once-upon-a T... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four: The End

Chapter Eleven

2 0 0
By SarahRWorkman16

The "stable" of Lady Jacqueline's dreaded abode was a cavernous repository of living evil; a hideaway hewn out of the ominous mountains in Distress. It made the creatures that dwelt within feel so much more at home. The animals were soothed by the weighty darkness and hissing exhalations of steam from down deeper still to the mountain's roots. When light was necessary for their ugly, mutated caretakers, well, the occupants of the cave could easily start a hearty blaze.

They were dragons, after all.

The current quota was at an even half dozen. Six of these scaly monsters were quite enough to do damage to Fairy Tale. With their speed and fire-breathing ability, they could burn many acres to a crisp in no time flat. Dragons certainly were a superior weapon against the weak. They possessed natural armor and snappy reflexes to dodge any stone or arrow that might be thrown at them. And, of course, the intimidation factor did wonders of its own. Only the stoutest heart could look a dragon in the eye and take up his sword without a thought of cowering.

The six, large lizards were lazily lying about their hay-covered stalls. It had been at least eight months since Lady Jacqueline cooked up a plot to take over Fairy Tale. They were not used to flying long distances on surveillance missions. Most had lost a few pounds of idle, belly fat while on their recent journey. Now, with muscles still sore, each giant reptile tucked his, or her, wings around his, or her, exhausted body and gently slumbered. Tiny trails of smoke curled up from their nostrils as dreams consumed their consciousness.

Lady Jacqueline inspected her winged army with vile pleasure. Her dark eyes glistened in the dimness of the stable-cave-area. Everything was coming together beautifully. Evil plans were her life force. The idol months between schemes were unendurable. She needed something she could give her whole mind and energy to, and thus feel excited to know all Fairy Tale would soon be under her spell. At the moment, Lady Jacqueline was quite bubbling over.

"Oh, my lovelies," she cooed to her sleeping dragons. "You are mummy's precious dears. Yes, you are."

Lady Jacqueline hugged one of her sweet killers, stretching her arms over the snout with affection. The unfortunate dragon opened one, amber eye with disdain. He sighed and adjusted into a cozier position. She was undeterred. Lady Jacqueline rubbed her cheek against the rough, bumpy surface of the scales. How reassuring that scudding burn felt. It was the power to wreak havoc in a single touch. If Lady Jacqueline had been the kissing type, she would have imprinted the black outline of her lips upon the iron scale as a mark of proud ownership.

The torchlight flickered above Lady Jacqueline's head. A smile curled over the corner of her lips. She lifted her raven-black tressed head from her massive pet. Circling near the cave's ceiling was Lucius, the ever faithful spy. He made two more loops in the air before working up the courage to fly down to his queen and her dragons. Those six monsters beneath represented the larger winged animals that preyed on his smaller species. He perched on a ladder resting against the natural, stone wall, making sure he didn't disturb any of the snoring reptiles.

"Lucius," Lady Jacqueline extended her draped arms in his direction. "I trust you have dastardly news for me from the disgustingly happy parts of Fairy Tale."

Lucius stepped back and forth on the ladder. He hated to tell her what he had seen in Once-upon-a Time. He knew she would use every piece of information for the outside kingdoms' harm. Especially those two poor royals. Their lives were already confused enough, that much he witnessed with his own eyes. He didn't want to distress them any more.

He didn't want to, but he had to – well, if he desired to survive to see another flight.

So Lucius told his lady the truth of what he had observed.

Lady Jacqueline listened with folded hands held so tight her knuckles went white. Her eyes were intent beneath black and purple eyeshadow. Her lips were smashed together, holding in any weak desire to interrupt her slave. She hungered after every word he uttered. Even when Lucius finished his speech upon the princess and prince and those connected to them, Lady Jacqueline made no hint of commenting. She remained silent and stolid.

Lucius shifted uneasily from one foot to the other. His head squeezed down into his shoulders. He knew a great outburst was coming and he wanted to be prepared. She'd startled him into molting feathers up in the air too many times in the past. He didn't especially want to let it happen again. So he closed one eye and waited.

Lady Jacqueline's pointer fingers began to pat each other in a steady rhythm. Slowly she was working it all out in her twisted mind. Thoughts were winding and untangling themselves in her cranium. Gradually, almost as if someone was turning a switch, Lady Jacqueline's lips cranked into a grin.

"Ah, ha, ah, ha, ah ha, ha, ha" she screamed in maniacal pleasure. Her arms flew up in the direction of the night sky outside the cave. It was somewhat surprising that lightning did not stretch out to meet her fingers.

"Oh Lucius, what a violently wonderful twist! I could never have planned this better myself. It's too marvelous," she said. "But, are you sure? Absolutely sure you know how the pieces stand?"

Lucius nodded from his cowering position on the ladder rung. He had watched many episodes in Once-upon-a Time unobserved. He knew how people felt better than they comprehended themselves. It was the benefit of a bird's eye view.

Lady Jacqueline's mouth opened enormously wide as her vile brew of laughter bubbled trouble.

"Well, well, this makes my next move inescapably clear," she said, tapping her chin with one of her long, skewer-like fingernails. "It appears to be time for me to air out my ballgown, Lucius. Wouldn't want to miss the highlight of Fairy Tale's social calendar now, would I?"

Lucius shook his head. No, Lady Jacqueline would never pass up this opportunity to ruin royalty.

"I will be taking a trip, Lucius," she decreed. "My plan is now in motion, everything working out in accordance with my master scheme. You know what to do."

She walked out to the cave's mouth and took in the fierce air. The moon in its crystal glory was just barely visible behind the smog and dust weighing down the atmosphere. She breathed this bizarre soup up into her black soul. Her dark eyes and sickening smile glowed through the mire of mists most devilishly.

"Soon Fairy Tale will be mine."

It was a thought that sent chills down the spines of dying trees and dropped the mountain's ash to its knees.

"Be sure you prepare the boy while I am away, Lucius," Lady Jacqueline ordered. "So much depends on him, the snivelling fool."

With that, Lady Jacqueline underwent a transformation. Her hideous gown whirled around her, blocking all view of her person. As the material swam up to surround her, the evildoer threw her arms into the air. Out of the spinning garments flew a new raven. The dress fell to the ground as Lady Jacqueline began her journey to Once-upon-a Time. In the form of a bird she could easily slip over borders and do great harm.

Soon she would be in the very presence of the prince and princess she meant to destroy.

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