Choices Without Regrets

By Vyaska

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The long anticipated sequel to It was My Willing Choice; the first chapter of the second book, and continuing... More

Chapter I: The Slumbers' Awaken
Chapter II: Awakening Part II
Chapter IV: Fragile Alliances
Chapter V: Time Moves Gracefully
Chapter VI: Life's Gift and Curse
Chapter VII: Entry to War
Chapter VIII: Stranded in Shangri-La
Chapter IX: Informing the Inner Circle
Chapter X: A New Era Dawns
Chapter XI: The Cease-Fire Talks Begin
Chapter XII: Tensions
Chapter XIII: A Life Remembered and New Surprises
Chapter XIV: Shocking Talks and News
Chapter XV: Of Plays, Stories, and Torture

Chapter III: The Trials Begin

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By Vyaska

Lord Malfoy was sharply awoken by the alarms in his wards; the blaring of them instantly waking him and setting him on alert; though he only slightly relaxed as he realized that the sound was not the one for intrusion or a siege. But, he still scowled as he jumped up and hurriedly put his robe on. He saw Narcissa do the same before vanishing to another room through a secret safety exit as he walked briskly down the hall while his son came from his room and saw him.

Draco was bleary-eyed and only half-dressed; a small yawn threatening to come out as a twitch to Lucius's lips threatened to show itself for the behavior. His son trusting that he would be able to protect them if something bad happened. While he was grateful for that trust; he also internally wished Draco would take things more seriously at times. This was a war, after all.

"Father, why are the alarms for the wards going off? I have not heard that particular sound before?" Draco asked hesitantly

Lucius eyed him and his wife; who reappeared before them, "Another potential raid warning, I think. They have not yet attacked the barriers nor tried to breach them, so I believe this is more about finding information. I will go and to see what all the fuss and commotion is for. Narcissa, in the meantime, please pack everything we will need for now; about a week and half's worth of it, and send them to our safehouse with two or three elves before heading there.

Draco, you will need to do the same and to pack all you will need for at least the next week and half. No arguing...if this is not a raid for information; then the order has come to capture and or to interrogate us. Or rather, me."

Lucius's face gave way to resignation, "I made a show of knowing that I knew more than I let on. I never hid that; I knew my lord and that Potter by extension, would not want me to hide everything away.

They will be looking for ways to gain new information that I may or may not have at this particular time. My lord trusts that I will know what to say to them and what not to allow to be said, but I want to err on the side of caution. Just in case; Albus has been...more unpredictable as of late; especially after the meeting of the Wizengamot a month before."

He eyed the wall sternly, "As have all of the most influential and powerful of the Light side; the meeting rattled them, and many of them are not sure how to act or to respond. They are confused, angry, worried, and very scared for what lies ahead and in wait."

He shifted, "I will buy you both some extended time and to follow you both soon after if allowed. If I do not show after another two hours, you may assume I was attacked and captured. Do not return here nor try to find me; wait for our lord to come back with Potter and inform them." He said slow

"Wait for their direction on how to handle the situation." He spoke soft and clear

Narcissa nodded; though her eyes showed her hesitance to the orders. They might not have ever truly loved the other as real spouses, but Lucius; he was still her husband for the time being. They had shared good times and bad as friends, partners in crime, and because of this bond to him in this manner; she did in her own way, care for him. 

Draco's own eyes mirrored the emotions in his mother's; yet they expressed his emotions differently due to him being his son, before they hurried back to their chambers. 

Both were worried and pale; knowing that the new war had just really started. The scuffles of before had been minor; incidents without worth of mentioning. But no one had been captured or killed; so Albus was taking the initiative this time and not waiting for them to act.

This was dangerous, and he had more reasons than one to be leery. Some of them more closely guarded to his heart than he wanted to believe. He prayed that his instincts were wrong; that what he assumed was not something that would come to pass. That if it did; someone would be merciful and re-direct the actions.

Even if they would have no reason to show mercy.

Lucius sighed and headed to the foyer before exerting some of his magic; he was surprised and yet unsurprised to find the two men waiting for permission to enter. He hesitantly allowed Albus Dumbledore and Alastor Moody through the wards. Though that was not a decision he liked nor one he made lightly. But for appearances sake; he would exercise his excellent pureblood rearing and manners.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, to what do I owe the courtesy of this visit? It is, after all, quite late for such happenings. Especially with company that I would rather think would like to be sleeping still." Lucius drawled with an air of common politeness despite the chill to his tone, "I do hope you have a good reason for disturbing me at this unholy hour, at least."

Albus internally was surprised that Lucius had acquiesced to meet him due to the lateness of the hour and how bad a breach this was in pureblood protocol, but he inclined his head as if in apologies, "I do regret that the hour is not the best for this. However, I came here because I wanted to speak to you about something rather... delicate, shall we say? Something that might also prove to be opportune. For you and your family?"

Lucius rose a brow to them both silently; appearing curious, all while he internally tightened his grip to his own occlumency shields. He wasn't unaware of the fact that Albus knew he had tried to protect his family as best he could during the war before and then more recently. That Lucius was considered like a person who might switch sides if it protected them.

Yet, Albus missed one key factor. Lucius might've tried to protect his family as best as he could from the dangers that he knew he could route. But if either Narcissa or Draco made stupid decisions that endangered them both; while he would regret it, he would not save them.

Narcissa had long understood that; she accepted it as she knew it was only fair. Blatant stupidity had a cost, after all. Draco, however, despite his coming of age; he still only saw what he wanted and acted because of it.

It was getting to be dangerous to his heir due to the tendencies that Lucius saw and could not curb with firm words alone; though he hadn't said more to him other than to try to advise his son against certain directions.

Knowing well enough that Draco would appear to have heard him while not listen to his advice; no matter how much it might one day be something that kept him alive.

Draco was now an adult; a wizard of age and majority, so Lucius couldn't keep his position in the ranks where it was and to protect him for forever. His lord only allowed them so many chances. Draco had also already incited his lord several times due to unknown actions he wasn't aware of. And, Lucius's role to his lord was too important to risk having another less competent moron take over.

And also...Lucius was and always would be a dark wizard at heart; he didn't want to see the world completely corrupted by the Light propaganda, and especially not so after he had learned what Albus had allowed his potential savior to go through in order to destroy them.

"And it could not have waited for several more hours? When all of us are more rested and coherent?" He asked them with a raised brow

Albus grimaced, "I would have liked it to, but alas; I am at a limit for the moment in time and running out of options for what I fear may have come to pass. I cannot glean what I wish from my own faction; nor the neutral one. So, I must seek to parley with one who might know more even if I disagree with their orientation. Alastor is merely here for me and not to assist me. He will not do anything."

Lucius pinched the bridge of his nose while scowling slightly; he now had a very good idea as to what Albus wanted to learn of. What he might try to say to sway him, if he was correct. As he then sighed; he wondered vaguely how much would be too much here to say. He silently gestured to the left, "If we must speak; then allow me to at least let us be comfortable. The sitting room will suffice."

He led them into a lavish room; the fireplace instantly lighting to provide them some warmth in the cold stone room, and he bade them to sit before he summoned an elf and requested tea for them all. As politely as he could; given the company. The drinks were brought in moments as Lucius waited for Albus to speak.

Albus paused and he hesitated; this was not something he chose willingly to do, but he had seen the merit to the idea and he had been out-voted among the members of the Order. Even if it turned out that Lucius knew nothing; it was worth a shot.

"You were there at the meeting of the Wizengamot; the one that has thrown this world off-kilter when so much of what has been hidden and done was made plain to us. I have spent much time in the aftermath; reflecting on what was said there; both directly to me and to the general body, and I thought much on all that was revealed.

I came to realize that I have made many errors in judgment over the last several decades. Some of the choices have led me to many forms of regrets; due to how grievous and serious those errors were. From choices made due to my own actions in the past while also being unwilling or unable to see a larger scope of what could have happened."

Albus paused whilst Alastor stood and slowly walked to behind them near the door in wary vigilance and Lucius listened with a blank expression; though not one that said he was uninterested, "It has been a full month now since both of them disappeared; Harry and Tom should have woken from their enchanted sleep by now.

We have seen no indication of such happenings, and I believe that to be deliberate due to Harry's mistrust in me now. Thus, I have no choice but to try to ask. Have you heard from your master? Or either of them?"

Lucius kept his face stoic but knew this conversation was beyond people playing games and with pretenses, "No. I have not heard from my lord nor have I spoken to Potter. I do not know the exact timing of when they will wake; nor am I privy to those details. No one is or does, and even if I did have a notion to them; that gives me no right to tell you nor a reason to trust you with that information."

Lucius leveled a glare to them, "My lord trusts that I will act in his best interests; something you do not do with your allies for yourself. That role I have; it that includes keeping information he doesn't want spread from reaching those who are undeserving. If that information happened to be about someone else you are looking for; well, that is unfortunate for you all."

He smirked to them now as they eyed him warily and with discerning gazes.

Albus seemed to slightly slump to the icy words, "I see. Did you...perhaps; happen to see Harry while he was with Tom at all? Did he...really seem to be...okay?"

Lucius's eyes hardened instantly to the query and narrowed at him, "And why should I even deign to answer that? Especially to you, Albus. You, who left that boy to be neglected and abused while hoping to use him as a weapon to end the war and both my master and the boy himself.

You claimed to care for him and yet used him as you saw fit while leaving him vulnerable on all sides from all manner of dangers. My lord only the largest; but not the most vicious. Even as you placed all your burdens, hopes and dreams onto his shoulders. Things that no child or teenager should ever have to bear alone. A magical child to be neglected and abused is sacrilege to most here, Albus."

Lucius's lip curled in disgust, "While I admit that I am not fond of the half-bloods and the muggle-borns; I realize that they are still of magical blood, as does my master now that his mind is his own again. You owe Harry for that; he alone restored it while separated from you and your manipulations. But, they deserve to be treated as one of us if they actually want to learn our culture and be a part of it.

Children with magical gifts are considered sacred to the oldest of the magical lines due to how few are being born as each new generation passes; abusing one or knowing of abuse and not doing anything about it; that is something almost all purebloods will never tolerate. The fact you left a Scion of an Ancient and Most Noble house in such will come to ruin you."

'Do not trust him. He is faking his emotions; looking and searching for any weaknesses in Harry.'

Lucius did not start at the sudden voice; he knew it only too well, and merely hardened his resolve further. Though he kept his expression blank; he winced internally...the voice sounded so much weaker than the last time he had been graced by it.

It seemed Potter was correct; the Mother was dying slowly.

He sighed, "As it is, I cannot help you even were I to be inclined to be. I never once saw him personally after he was taken from the Department of Mysteries that night. My lord...he took him to one of his secretive sanctuaries. One that I do not where it is even though I actually visited it, but I had no idea he was there at all.

I saw signs of another person staying there, but none of that told me it was Potter. The Dark Lord; as you well should know by now, he keeps to his own council. He might ask us; his Inner Circle, for advice...but ultimately, he will choose what he wants to do or to be done on his own. He hadn't debriefed us of his kidnapping, nor for why Potter was remaining in his custody and alive for that matter." 

Lucius knew; he knew this was where the true dangers of the game began. He knew he had to be extra cautious about his words.

He shifted uncomfortably, "I had, at first, believed that to be because my lord changed his plans on a spur of the moment decision. One he made after he learned something important from Potter's mind. 

Something of interest, of course. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered."

Lucius sighed as he poured himself more tea, "Later, after the meeting; I realized that I had been correct, but only partially. He had learned something; of that there was absolutely no doubt, but whatever it caused Tom to want to protect Harry. 

We all learned that day that Harry himself; he went willingly to him. He had planned for it; for years after coming to realize he was no more than a tool. You heard as well as I did that Potter chose to defect to save himself from madness and to survive."

Albus and Alastor were unemotional to the scene; yet were stunned to see the Malfoy Lord so open with his sadness to the situation.

"I can only guess that after they secluded themselves away; Tom learned more of he truly was when he no longer was forced to wear a mask and to be someone he only pretended to be. How Harry was without things to obscure him with rumors, how he came to be as he was for who he truly was, and what my lord learned eventually...drew them together.

It affected Tom as much as it did Harry; for he slowly got used to having him around. He opened himself to the boy; told him things that he has never trusted us to learn and to keep a secret, and that eventually caused him to allow Harry to heal his mind. He has been the only one allowed so close to him in many years. Even those of us who have served for decades; he treats us with cold distance, but there is none where Harry seems to be concerned."

Lucius's eyes hollowed and the two were surprised by the small show of emotion.

"Harry learned to be accepting of those who might deserve it. He came to understand there was more to Tom and to us than he had imagined there to be. He slowly became...comfortable; enough to settle and trust his decision to run to us. He, I believe, didn't expect to live for long after he ran. He expected to come and to die.

But Tom found something inside the boy that kept him at bay and to stay his hand."

Albus then looked haunted to that; knowing well internally what exactly had maybe been what Tom saw and driven him to save Harry. To want to take him away and to protect him from more of what he knew could come. Alastor saw the look of his friend; he wondered how much Albus knew and of how much he really knew of his friend if his assumptions were correct.

Lucius politely cleared his throat as they returned to look at him as he spoke, "Perhaps my master did so because both understand the pain that the other has endured; their lives have not been kind to them, and are very similar. If the rumors are as accurate as we've been told. 

And, unlike the rest of us, they have known dangers, stresses, abuses, and turmoil that most magical people don't ever believe can exist in our world until they are shown otherwise. They don't believe that they can in fact affect our people until proven wrong. We have done them a disservice by not acting and not changing; we who are all too happy to ignore it to advance for ourselves, and to go about our lives without concerning ourselves with how they might react."

Lucius then leaned back as his leg crossed the other and he sipped his tea momentarily. Albus and Alastor watching warily; wondering why the man was being so forthcoming and cooperative; despite that his words were less helpful than they had believed they would be.

Mercurial eyes held some hesitance for a moment; debating whether this would help the game he played or not, "The only one, besides what I already have said, who might know the answer to your query is Fenrir Greyback. I was informed by Fenrir himself when I met with him briefly that Harry and he ran into the other. The first time they met; it set Tom off into a rage, and then after that...they only met the other once or twice more before the induced coma.

But even so; finding Fenrir will be difficult now. Never-mind capturing him and trying to interrogate him, if that is what you plan to do. Greyback has...seemingly vanished into thin air, as have his Beta. While leaving his Delta; his fourth leader in command and in charge over the pack. His gamma is not present with the pack. We have yet to ascertain why on either of the incidents; though none of us would ever dare to try and track the pack."

"They relocated and retreated into the mountains of Siberia; the climate too harsh for most of us to deal with; even for all our magic. Especially now as it begins to get cooler and Autumn turning the corner. What little I do know is that they occupied the forest; took over a part of it that gives them the best cover and camouflage. 

Defended by the magic of those with magical talent. It would be stupid to attempt a manhunt for them; suicide to try and find them."

Albus considered that a moment, "Indeed, that doesn't seem like an ideal route for anyone to pursue. Despite the truths that could be learned. I am curious, however, as to why Tom even allowed Fenrir near Harry. He is a...pardon my bluntness; extremely possessive man, and I cannot see him letting Harry just wander about where he would be endangered if he wanted him alive?"

Lucius's lips quirked as he took his cup again and he sipped his tea; wondering how humorous it would be to show Albus exactly how free Harry had been to wander while with his master, "Allowed? No that wouldn't be the term I would have used for the situation. It wasn't so much that Tom allowed Fenrir near him...not as much as it was Fenrir using his nose to trail after Harry's new magical aura."

Lucius sat his cup down with a slight clink and then eased back to his seat with a smirk at them both, "Fenrir was...not himself at the time. He knew of the older scent Potter had since Tom had him familiarize himself to it if he ever wanted and needed Fenrir to track it, but Harry's changes accelerated rapidly and he changed in magical growth quite fast.

So much so that the scent adapted to fit them, and Fenrir did not recognize Potter through the hazy mind of his beast because of the changes to his scent. Though he admitted that his magic had felt familiar. 

Fenrir was also on his...mating season."

Lucius drawled that out slowly as Alastor hardened his eyes to the blond while Albus stiffened immensely, "What happened?"

Alastor watched the blonde and narrowed his eyes; the man was toying with them now. It was clear he knew more than he let on, but Alastor couldn't say anything; he promised not to interfere.

Lucius then softened his eyes, "Potter suffered no damage from it nor was he infected and forced into a mating bond. From what Greyback regaled to me after I met with him; this was after Harry and my lord were detained for their sleep...he had trailed after the scent of the magic. For weeks; almost two months more accurately.

Apparently, Fenrir had known of the changes within the boy before everyone else. He'd been tailing him prior to the defection Harry made. He couldn't get to him at the school or during the summer; though I suspect he watched from afar in observance.

The defection caught him off-guard when he vanished; having no way to locate him until he re-appeared. Which was when he caught the smell again at Gringotts for some reason."

Lucius was wary of how much to say; yet he was reveling in the game he was playing with those two who were so desperate for more news.

"Potter's new scent had drove the beast within him to force Fenrir to find the source; Tom and Harry had only shown themselves briefly and then vanished again. The wolf within Fenrir; it wanted to claim the power in the boy. That loss of control and new drive had led him to where Tom and Harry were staying; unannounced.

Though it had been touch and go a couple of times due to Tom hiding Harry's magic for him while they moved around.

Eventually while continuing to search, Fenrir began to very slowly lose himself to his beast. When he came upon Harry; the boy was alone in what was the garden and he smelled too good to resist to Fenrir. He surprised the boy as he physically pinned Harry down, and then tried to force himself on the boy without actually just taking and claiming him.

Harry, however, he refused to give in." Lucius's eyes lightened with a dark glee to such a thing as the other two merely smiled or smirked in knowing of Harry's stubbornness.

Lucius quirked his lips, "Which is a most dangerous thing to do with an Alpha; never-mind one like Greyback, who can be quite vicious and vindictive. Potter earned Greyback's respect for his resistance, and Harry kept a level head. He somehow managed to use his connection or whatever it is; to call and reach for my lord. 

Tom was riled and angry; storming in only a few moments after.

Greyback recalled that Tom had been outright furious at him for the actions. He forced him off of Harry with magic as he was thrown against a wall; all done wandless and wordless. Fenrir had whined at him and asked of him why he had stopped him from taking his prize. Tom retaliated harshly to the mention of Harry being an object to be won. He then proceeded to punish Fenrir for his trespasses."

Lucius smiled, "Once all of them had recovered and the situation had been explained to him more than any of the rest; Fenrir apologized. Both to Tom and to Harry, and then he met and spoke to him at least twice more before the incident."

Albus nodded, "You mentioned Tom had regained his mind? How do you mean? And how do you believe that it is because of Harry that Tom is sane again?"

Lucius then stilled and eyed them, "With the limited interactions I have had with my master before the enchanted coma; I saw first-hand that he is no longer a person driven only by an unquenchable rage, hatred and sense of pure destruction. He can clearly think through situations as he once did and to choose how to respond to them. 

I image that this was what Mother Magic intended for him when she deigned to protect him even after he had desecrated her gifts so badly; allowing them the chance to right the wrongs and to know true happiness."

Lucius then silenced before resuming his thoughts aloud, "Whether or not they will be able to maintain it is another question. Both are...opinionated; too stubborn to outright give in to the other. Harry has sway over their situation; sway in that he can force Tom to potentially re-look at his choices.

He is the only one alive that can literally argue with him to his face and insult him outright whilst not suffer for it. Meanwhile, Tom has sway in that he is far older than Harry, and because of this...he has experiences that Harry doesn't.

Those experiences can offer to him new perspectives to consider. Both are intelligent, powerful, and they are gifted with enough leverage on either side of this war to level the playing field, so to speak."

He eyed them warily, "The playing field has already been leveled some; Harry's defection added more to our side, but that didn't make it level. He's still a wild-card for most of us; we don't know what to think or to expect from him. We don't know what expect at all, really."

"Only that if we dare act against Harry before given any sort of approval; we are the ones who will suffer for our assumptions and actions. It is clear Tom favors Harry; even when he has said nothing."

Lucius eyed them, "I think that it would be...most unwise to act against either of them before they return. Before you can learn what it is that drove them together; to try to work together despite the odds against them."

He quieted as both older men continued to consider that in the silence. Lucius suddenly sat upright in shock while he stared as a strange bird materialized before him; this was not expected. It was obvious the blonde hadn't expected the creature to show up; given his automatic response. 

Lucius, however, calmed and then he gently reached for the message. He eyed the bird with curiosity; it was not every day he saw something that he had never seen before. However, as soon as he touched the piece of rolled parchment; the paper then glowed and floated.

"Lord Malfoy and family." Harry's new and more rich voice sounded

Lucius paled; this was not how he expected to hear from them.

"Your lord and I have woken as of earlier this morning; both of us are alive and as emotionally stable as we can be from the ordeal we suffered. Magically however; we are strengthened despite the lingering effects of exhaustion we suffer. 

You should know that Tom has already returned to the mortal plains; guided by Life. He now is secluded away with a few others and he begins to re-train his mind and his body for the impending trials that come from whatever has occurred since we left.

Mother Magic is, as always, watching over him and I; even from her weakened state. I, however, have yet to return to the mortal world."

Albus and Alastor were quiet and stared to that pronouncement as Lucius made no expression; trying for all he was not to grimace or to smirk.

"Apparently, some rogue vampire lord tampered with the seals on me at the behest of another who I will not name at this time. Lord Death and Lady Life were furious when they found out; I daresay that I do not envy the fate of those who chose to tamper with them.

However, I remain at the side of Lord Death for now; within the grandiose halls of the dead even as living as I am, and also recovering from a slight bit of...possession. The tampered seals tried to seize control of me by placing a demonic essence inside my body as they broke. I resisted it naturally.

But...I shouldn't have been able to resist it, and so I kind-of went berserk when I was free and severely damaged several layers of the Underworld. Death fixed them of course; near instantly due to it being his realm, but he was rather mutinous when he learned of the vampire lord's...interference.

Once I recover, I will return to the mortal world in hiding with Lord Death beside of me. I will not say where I intend to be; I risk too much by doing that. However, he is to help guide me while I too re-train and re-learn. To break the conditioning that I was forced into; to become the leader I am meant to be while standing beside of Tom.

Helping to guide him and to keep him from straying back to the path that nearly destroyed us and this world. Yet, also reminding the world that dark magic is needed to maintain a stable balance and keep magic present in this world; if we don't...magic will die and all witches and wizards will be left bereft of her blessings. The Mother has suffered greatly from all that has cut ties to it; she doesn't need to lose the last gift she ever gave to this world because of ignorant humans."

There was a brief pause.

"If all goes accordingly with the plans that have been made for us; we shall return home to our people by hopefully the beginning of December. That's...roughly about almost four months from now, so do try to please keep the peace between the others.

Oh, and Albus; yes, I knew that you were there and listening intently... so, please know that I know how to see, hear, and to find you no matter where you are. No amount of magical barriers and wards can hide you from me. I am not to be controlled as you wanted me to be, nor am I impressed that you even tried to manipulate a child who had been left without anything substantial to rely on when desperately needed.

Never-mind that this is the second time for it...

Albus wanted to hunch down to those words. Especially as Alastor and Lucius both eyed him now with differing expressions on their faces.

Sure, I had my fame and my inheritance; but all that falls gravely short of things like parental affection or a mentor who genuinely cares for his charges. It pales in comparison to being able to have friends that you know will be there for you, and without having been bribed or paid to be. It pales in comparison to true love when you try to force a girl onto someone using potions and do not consider their own feelings.

So, let me give you this first and only warning; if you dare to attempt to harm mine and Tom's people before I return with my soulmate and we all can meet to speak can consider the cease-fire I talked to Tom about off of the table and expect no mercy when we begin to make our changes.

This cease-fire is only on the table because darker forces than even us collude and make plans in lands far-away. They hide in secrecy and they conspire to kill and take what is not theirs; power, lands, and more. If you thought Tom and I were bad; then I'd ask you if you'd rather have fought with ancient vampires and high lord necromancers instead?

Lucius's visage went extremely pale to that notion; the necromancers were all of the witches and wizards that had been exiled from all nations due to the fear of their powers. They had been exiled and took to hiding away somewhere that others never located to purge. They had been silent for eons. Why would they now want to come out of their seclusion and what did the vampires gain by allying with them?

The Necromancers want me dead; they hate me and my line for the favoritism that Death shows the Peverells. For the powers I am bestowed due to that connection and thus have the favor of the other deities.

Mother Magic, Father Time, Ladies Life and Luck, Lord Death, and the Three Sisters of Fate to name a few...

The vampires fear eradication from Death; he hates them, so they see the alliance with the necromancers as their best chance to survive me and Tom in a prolonged conflict. Unaware that we both gained from this ordeal; that we are more than ready to train others to fight them.

I ask that you consider what is more important to you; the continual war for ridding this world of the magic that destroyed your life when it will be sorely needed to combat the new threats that will soon come to shadow our shores, or the lives of those you hold close and are living, breathing, and fighting for you right now.

If you choose to continue your vendetta against dark magic and all who practice it; everyone then will see you for who you are. Your allies will doubt your intentions and not trust you as deeply as they once would have.

You have been warned.

Harry's voice faded and the parchment then burst into flames and turned to ash. Lucius sat there stunned; Tom had agreed to consider a cease-fire in his war with Albus due to the threat of the Necromancers trying to get to Harry and to kill him for his blood.

'Albus's magic has shifted because of this message; he is battling his internal confliction over how to respond. Tread very cautiously.' the Mother's voice sounded softly

Albus and Alastor watched him and Lucius breathed and tried not to show his own surprise, "I can only imagine the shock we are all going through at this moment internally; trying to process what just occurred. It is clear that my master has come to regain his humanity; he agreed to consider ending this war for Harry's sake and this threat against him."

Lucius shifted uncomfortably, "The necromancers are a big threat to all lands if they've united and come together; if all of the clans have agreed now is the time to strike back for the injustices they were served. They are as ageless as Harry and Tom are and will be. They have magic we barely comprehend, and they have been training in exile for thousands of years. Honing their skills and tempering their rage."

Lucius then looked as if he considered something very heavily before he breathed deeply, "Do you intend to attack us?" He asked hesitantly, "You should know that I partially lied to you before. I never saw Harry personally while he resided with my lord in hiding; that was true, however, he left me a letter and...memories."

"Ones to help point me in the direction both he and Tom wanted us to move after they fell asleep to heal. To help me understand how the situation came to be what it was. More than the Wizengamot meeting revealed to us."

Lucius watched as they stilled to that news, "I didn't intend to share them with anyone else; especially not people who were and are at present; our enemy. But I trust that Harry would not have warned me of the new threat if he hadn't believed it to be seriously dangerous to us all. If you are going to consider the cease-fire...I can consider showing them to you."

What Lucius left out was that there were actually more memories added to the ones left; Fenrir came and gave him several vials worth before he vanished. Several small containers appeared one day as well.

Turned out to be more memories; each box labeled with Harry on one and Tom on the other. Lucius had to carefully integrate them so they were actually in a correct order. It had not been easy; not with all he had learned or been shown.

He smirked however, "They will answer your questions of Harry's happiness with Tom. His safety and much more about exactly how human my master is becoming, and all for him. But you might...maybe want to steel yourselves for surprises. Harry isn't one known for predictability, after all."

Lucius then looked like he was almost uncomfortable despite his smirk, "And my master; let us just say he has never been the person either side has tried so hard to see or portray him as."

Alastor then looked to Albus warily; he knew why Albus had wanted to cut dark magic completely out of their culture. It had destroyed his life by corrupting Gellert more than Durmstrang and his experiments there before his expulsion ever had. He had watched as all he cherished had been torn apart in a single fight.

Yet, Alastor couldn't fully agree with what Albus was doing. He had been an Auror; he still was inside even if he was retired. There were threats in the world that needed dark magic to combat them; hell, dealing with the Death Eaters had been one of those threats

Alastor sighed as he saw the confliction, "Albus, I know I said that I wouldn't interfere. I won't force you to decide. However, may I please voice my opinion on this and give you some advice?" He asked warily

Albus inclined silently and Alastor tightened his grip to his wand in case Albus lashed out angrily.

"I have known you for a very long time; longer than many suspect, and I consider you a very dear friend to me." He said slow, "I know the suffering you've endured at the hands of dark magic; I do not blame you for being angry and hateful. 

But my tolerance has a limit; that hatred and prejudice has to have a drawing line."

Albus then looked up as Lucius watched with keen interest as this unfolded.

"I was an Auror, Albus. I am still one inside; that will never change." He said firmly, "I fought and bled to protect the people of this community from atrocities that no man nor woman should ever have to see or go through.

I fought with you against Gellert's forces in the skirmishes; I saw what he did as much as you to the people he claimed to want to protect. But he was lost in corruption, and his protection would have become our slavery to his ideals if not for you."

Alastor sighed, "And I know how much that victory cost you."

Lucius rose a brow; that was an interesting way to phrase that. His father might've known more of what that was about, but he decided against asking; that would only silence them.

"After Gellert was dealt with; you've actively found ways through the years to limit how much magic; of all kinds, anyone is able to learn without pushing the law. For some branches now; our people are being forced to break laws and hide in secret to practice."

Alastor's eyes hardened, "And those restrictions have limited us Aurors in doing our jobs correctly. In a war, it is kill or be killed. You decreed that the use of the Unforgiveable Curses was against the law. You know what happened to our people after that; how many fine Order members have we lost because of that decision."

Alastor then nicked names off, "Marlene McKinnon; Sirius's one-time betrothed, Gideon and Fabian Prewitt; Molly's brothers, Charlus and Dorea Potter; Harry's paternal grandparents, James and Lily Potter; Harry's parents, Kyra and Desirae Potter; Charlus's aunts and Harry's biological grand-aunts that he never knew, Sirius Black; Harry's godfather, Alice and Frank Longbottom; Neville's parents and Harry's godmother, Pandora Lovegood; Luna Lovegood's mother and her experiments done at your behest, Dorcas Meadows, Adrian Thorpe, Nicole Henderson, Olivia McDermott, Shawn Fawcett; the uncle of the Fawcett younger girl at your school and her older sister who graduated several years ago, Edgar and Camille Bones; Susan Bone's mother and father, William Bones; Amelia Bones's husband and Susan's uncle."

Alastor eyed him, "The list goes on. Your decision has played a role in stealing so many lives from those younger than us. I cannot lay the full blame on you and I cannot fault you for wanting to give people a chance to prove themselves worthy of a second chance. But that only goes so far, and in a war; it is deadly. Second chances become third ones. Third ones to fourth."

Alastor eyed him, "I cannot even count on my hands now; at how many times you've tried to give Riddle another chance and failed to convince Riddle to stop what he was doing. To try to see another path. I know well how you tried to get Potter to see as you do; now that has back-fired and we've lost the only person who might have been able to stop the war for us without more bloodshed than is necessary."

"And you more than anyone; you have become the role model for the allowance of it. Now, the damage is beginning to pile up and we can see where our world is crumbling."

Albus, for once, genuinely listened to his friend and begin to feel sick inside with himself.

"Please Albus. Please really consider this cease-fire they are offering to us. Let go of the past and this war against dark magic. If Harry truly believes the necromancers to be conspiring against us, and I have no doubt that he told us the truth; we are going to need every advantage.

They won't hesitate to punch our tickets to the nearest boneyard. They won't hesitate to mock us and hurt us all by reanimating the fresh corpses of our fallen comrades to use against us."

Alastor walked a bit in nervous tension, "We are going to need to train for the darkest of the dark. And who better to give that guidance than the man who leads the dark sector with Harry beside him. I am not saying we give them free reign to do as they want, but we need to truly know what to expect.

This could be part of how to bring their orientation back to us; how to get others to become less afraid and more accepting. They could see the acceptance, and in doing so, they might find redemptions for past actions. A reason to stay and to help guide the way for us"

Lucius showed nothing outwardly, but he silently was impressed. It showed why Alastor was such a formidable Auror.

"But, with all the laws you've had put in place currently; we're sitting ducks unless we choose to willfully break the law."

Lucius internally rolled his eyes; not that the man could continue to be horribly eloquent, but he did get his point across.

Alastor then steadied himself, "And, keep in mind that we have no idea from where they will come from if they attack right now. We have no idea of who else might consider allying themselves to them in order to seek retribution for the prejudices and injustices they suffered."

"Our community is not perfect; I agree to that much, and it does need to change to become better, but it is still ours to defend and to protect. This is our home; our safe place, and no one should be able to tell us to get out unless we want to leave."

Lucius considered something heavily before he sighed and stood straight regally. He motioned to them to stand and beckoned them to follow. Albus and Alastor; they were curious now. What was the man thinking about?

When it was clear that they had walked to the man's study; their eyes darted about in surprise to the large collection of books there. Most of them also graced the Malfoy Family library, but more than several were rare and likely not to.

Especially not the ones they saw that referred to Dark magic rituals or other practices.

Lucius stepped to the blank wall beside the bookcase behind his desk. He pulled a silver dagger from the drawer and cut his palm before letting the blood seep into the stonework. The wall emitted a glow and then the illusion shimmered away as a pedestal showed.

A basin of swirling liquid lay on top; a pensieve.

Lucius delicately removed the bowl as he placed it onto the desk and tapped his wand to it. He eyed them with a small quirk of his lips, "I could sense the urgency in Potter's tone; this is serious. He meant what he said. My lord and our side know better than to ignore him when he has his sensations or gut-feelings about some matter.

He is usually correct; no matter how unnatural it seems." He told them dryly

Albus smiled now as his eyes shadowed, "Yes. His ability to see magic and to read it while being so highly sensitive to it; I expect nothing less."

Lucius eyed him, "He can see magic; as in raw magic? Or did you mean auras?"

Albus hesitated, "Both. He didn't know or understand what it was he saw as a younger child or even as he grew to his early teenage years; but it is partially what let him escape so much trouble. He had instinctive danger sensors because of his abilities."

Albus smiled as his eyes lightened, "Hence everybody believing he had Felix Felicis in his blood."

Lucius snorted now loudly as his lips smiled; Albus and Alastor stared to the unexpected show of emotions.

The blonde then settled and gestured to the pensieve, "I have brought forth the memories he left for me. I am taking a leap of faith and I am going to...slightly trust that this is what my master wants of me to do. To secure the cease-fire."

They watched as Lucius then shuddered with some emotion, " a warning; you know what, never mind. It won't make the same impact if I say anything."

Lucius's mental state was smirking evilly at them and roaring with malicious and gleeful laughter. Oh, their expressions would be worth gold for Harry and his master when they came back.

Albus nodded and looked to Alastor, "Are you going to view this?"

Alastor eyed the bowl warily, "If I must. Something tells me I really don't want to though. Not because it's a trap; but...because of the memories themselves."

Albus brightened, "It always helps to have a second opinion."

Alastor then sighed and muttered underneath his breath as he joined Albus; albeit, without wanting to. Never noticing the horribly amused smirk and gleaming mercury eyes that watched them.

He then took a moment to message Narcissa; telling her that he was fine, but not to return to the Manor yet. That he would join them in several more hours to explain what had happened, and then to decide where they would go from there.

Lucius then sat down again and summoned an elf for something to refresh himself with. His lips curling as he saw Albus and Alastor's forms shudder with shock and surprise. Oh, he was going to enjoy this...

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