Klaus different daughter

By kill444me

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I am Vivianna my name means ✨LIFE✨ if you want to find out about my life then read to find out...... More

The beginning
3 years later
Esther's Grimoires
Will you be my mom?
1 year later
Boys & Girls Academy
first day at school
I like you
it's all the memories
I'm back
going to the park
Going to the park pt.2
I'm leaving
Trying to disappear and fun day
photoshoot day
I dyed my hair
6 years later
Dinner talk
Going to the park
Vampire side
I'm back home
I'm pregnant
your kids
9 years later
Meet my kids
Meet my kids pt. 2

we're sorry

4.2K 72 17
By kill444me

Mom: when did you trigger your wolf side

Me: oh I don't know probably when I was protecting Hope

Dad: when was this

Me: when I was 4

Dad:... sorry I wasn't there fo-

Me: don't.... just don't you are NOT sorry... so don't say it if you don't mean it 

Mom: why didn't you tell us you were like Hope

Me: I didn't know I had to 

Dad: what do you mean if it was Hope she would have told us

Me: You are really unbelievable everything is about Hope even before she was born you abandoned me I was discovered as the family reject I was the black sheep in the family I was isolated for 12 years surrounded by all the thing Hope got out of life I'm not good enough for you and EVERY part wants to kill you for that.... EVERY PART but I can't because you're my dad and there is nothing I can do to change that 


Me: like what... how you talk to me

Hope come in my room still crying I'm pretty sue she heard everything 


Me:.... or what 

she start doing a spell and I fall down in pain

Me: STOP!!!


Hope: she deserves it 


everyone ran in my room from all the yelling but Hope didn't stop and I feel my power about to explode so I whisper a boundary spell and let my powers out

Hope stop doing her spell I felt tired but I didn't fall asleep I got up and everybody looked surprised I looked at Hope and boy was I mad

Me:... you silly girl 

I start doing the same spell she did to me and she fall down in pain 


I don't stop I chant the spell louder


Freya tried to stop me with her magic but she couldn't 


Freya: she too powerful I need someone else energy to help me

Dad: use me

She grab my dad's hand and tried the spell again but it didn't work

Freya: it's not working she is too powerful... I need to use all of you

They all hold hand as I kept Hurt Hope and Freya tried to stop me but it didn't work I am stronger then all of them 

Freya: that's impossible 

Hayley: what is

Freya: she is stronger then all of us even me

I stop because I seen Hope about to pass out and look at the rest of the family 

Me:.... yes I am you got it in 

I said then started to pack my things I finished packing my stuff and turned around to look at everyone in the room 

Hope: the reason I did that is because every since you were here all MY mom do is worry about you she never had time for me even when you were gone it took her 2 years to focus on me and only me

Me: you're saying it like it's my fault 


Me: how... how is it my fault 


Me: right 


Me: don't I don't need nothing else to be blamed on me existing.... if it makes you happy I will go and never come back 

Hope:.... no I didn't mean it please I don't mean it please 

Me: no... no I think you did mean and I don't blame you because I was always abandoned before I could prove I was good enough for this family

I grabbed my bags and walk out with tears falling down my eyes I take out my phone and text King


Hey babe can you send me your address 

Yeah but why

I need to talk to you about something and I'm going back to the academy 

oh well the address is ********

Ok thanks I'll be there soon

I want to his house and soon I got there I knock on the door and the same man I seen early answered the door

Me: hi sorry to bother you but do Kingston live here

???: yes he does and who's asking 

Me: oh sorry I am Vivianna his girlfriend 

???: oh the girls from the park... well it's nice to meet you I am Derek his father... please come in

Me: thank you and it's nice to meet you too Mr. Smith 

Derek: oh please call me Derek 

I smile and nod then he call for King and he come down he seen me and walked to me and his dad walked away 

Me: hey I just wanted to tell you I'm going back to the academy today and if you want to leave me for my sister go ahead and do so but I'm not hoping to sit around and wait till I'm officially broken but I want you to know that I love you always have and always will 

as I was talking tears were rolling down my face he grabbed my hands and held them

King: for one I will never leave you especially for you sister she is 9 and she should like one of the girls at school except the girls at school don't do thing like that they are happy for us and plus evat school always wanted us to date and you make me so happy and so many different ways... I asked you to be my girlfriend remember

Me: yes I remember 

King: you are the one how tough me how to do lots of spell... you help me study when I need help even if it took away your sleep even if you got in trouble you didn't care and I would do the same for you.... also I learned different languages because of you... you were always there for me and I'm going to return that favor... so do you want to stay with us for summer

Me: thanks but I going to kindly reject that offer I really appreciate it 

King: are you sure

Me: yes 100% sure

King: ok but you are always welcome 

Me: ok thanks but I should get going.... love you

King: I love you too

I left and I was walking I called an Uber before it came I heard someone call my name I turned around and seen the two people I didn't want to see for a long time 

Hope: please come back home

Klaus: yeah she didn't mean it and I didn't mean to hurt you

Me: I'm sorry but no I'm not going to sit in that house and let you or you family ruin my life or break me I was finally happy at the academy and I'm going back

Klaus: stop this nonsense it is your family too

Me: so all you got from my statement was the part were I said "your family" you are really unbelievable 


enjoy and vote I will post the next part ASAP

Word: 1226

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