Love Hurts

By BlueBloodgirl85

39.6K 515 119

Jay Halstead x OC One Chicago/ Blue Bloods Crossover Jay Halstead Hurt Fic A-Z Jay x OC injuries A-Z/ love st... More

Author's Note
Cast List
A is for Appendectomy
A is for Arrhythmia
A is for Anthrax - Part 1
A is for Anthrax - Part 3
B is for Blindness - Part 1
B is for Blindness Part 2
B is for Blood Transfusion Part 1
B is for Blood Transfusion Part 2
B is for Blood Transfusion - Part 3
C is for Conjunctivitis
C is for Chemo
C is for Cardiac Arrest - Part 1
C is for Cardiac Arrest - Part 2
C is for Cardiac Arrest - Part 3
C is for Cardiac Arrest - Part 4
Authors Note

A is for Anthrax - Part 2

2K 29 3
By BlueBloodgirl85

Ellie sat on the side of a hospital bed with her legs dangling down, her hands palm down rested on the bed on either side of her. She had already been evaluated and as she predicted She was just fine. She had her decontamination shower and now was dressed in a pair of scrubs with socks on her feet. She looked around the quarentine chamber. It was a large white pristine room, much different than any other hospital rooms, even the VIP ones. For the time being, the only hospital bed in the room was hers until they brought Jay in. There were two sets of medical equipment. Two monitors, two oxygen setups although she knew only one set would probably be in use. There were 2 Dr stools in the corner of the room near the door. There was a bathroom tucked in the far corner of the room. And a sink on the other side of it. There was a cabinet against the wall near the middle of the room with appropriate medical supplies. She had already checked it out: gloves, masks, gauze, towels, soap, sanitizer, a stethoscope, a blood pressure kit, thermometers, intubation kit, Saline bags, and other medical supplies. Usually Drs and nurses would be in and out checking on the patient in full hazmat gear in a quarentine room, but this situation would be different. Ellie would be in the room with Jay. And she volunteered to be quarantined with Jay for the simple reason to be here to take care of him. She guessed Will probably had the room stocked with extras so she could take better care of him. There was a large glass partition window where they could have visitors without having direct access to them and glass sliding doors that allowed access to the room unlike a typical hospital room.

There were 2 signs on the doors of the quarentine hospital room that read :

Quarentine: Authorized Personnel Only


Caution: Outbreak Alert

As she was waiting for them to bring Jay into the room, Will appeared at the window and turned on the intercom.

Ellie: Is he coming?

Will: Soon. He's in the decontamination shower.

Ellie nodded at her close friend.

Ellie: How is he?

Will: As stable as he can be.

Ellie: Will I think it's Anthrax. I remember when it was going around after 9/11 in New York. Jamie and I were Seniors in high school. But I remember 9/11 and it's aftermath like it was yesterday.

Will nodded.

Will: Yeah that's what Voight and the team are leaning towards to but we have to wait until the CDC confirms it. If we treat him for Anthrax and its something else we could be hurting him more than helping him.

Ellie nodded in agreement. But shot him a look. Will held his hands up in defeat.

Will: Hey i know. I know. But El, we're not in the middle of the desert in the Sudan, without state of the art labs. We're in Chicago in one of the best hospitals in the city. We have protocols. We can't go on instinct, not in this position, not with the CDC involved.

Ellie nodded in agreement once more.

Will: So you were with him when he got it huh?

Ellie pursed her lips together shot him a look and nodded.

Ellie: Not like that.

Will: yeah ok.

Ellie: It wasn't like that with us.

She said pointing between the two of them.

Will: Yeah you're right, you are. I don't know. Jay has weird taste

Will smiled and laughed as Ellie rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Ellie: We had a bad day yesterday. But neither of us wanted to go to Molly's.

Will: Oh so that's why you left so fast without even ordering a drink, you were looking for my brother.

Ellie: I only went to see if he ended up going. When he wasn't there, I left. But I didn't want to be alone either. So I went home and grabbed a bottle from the case

Will: What?! You wasted a bottle of Pop's Jameson Irish Whisky on Jay?! What?! Come on El we've been best friends what 10 years?!

She nodded and smiled.

Ellie: We ended up drinking and I stayed the night.

Will: Ok.

Ellie: It wasn't like that. I drank more than he did. He wouldn't let me drive and we ended up crashing on the couch. There's nothing physical between us.

Will: Ok keep telling yourself that.

Ellie: Will.

Will: Look he's my little brother and I love him. And you're my best friend and I love you too. I know him and I know you. And Jay, he doesn't fall easy. But when he does, man he does, he gives himself 1000%. And I'm telling you I know you know all about Erin.

Ellie: Will this isnt

Will: He pined for Erin for years. He ended up living with Erin, he was going to marry Erin but I never saw him look at Erin the way he looks at you.

Ellie: Well that's because he was either under the influence of pain medicine or deprivation of oxygen.

Will: You trying to convince me or you?

Ellie: Look i know you don't want something to happen between us because it could affect our friendship, it won't Will.

Will: I'm not worried about that. If it worked, I think it would be awesome. I'd love to have you as my sister in law but I'm a little worried about what would happen to Jay here and you know what I'm talking about. Either you're all in Ellie or you're out completely. And you need to nip this in the bud before it goes that far.

Ellie: Will I'm trying to figure that out. I know I have my rules but I do care about your brother. I really do.

Will: You got to tell him El.

Ellie: He knows I don't date cops. He said he wasn't going to press me at the time.But we came to the realization that i can have a relationship with him the way I have with you.

Will: But is that what you really want Ellie? Because I don't think he could go that route again. It's going to be all or nothing with him.

Ellie just sat there in silence

Will: Ellie I see it in you too. This is above and beyond your duties as a Dr. This is about you caring about him and wanting to take care of him yourself. I know you Ellie. You're falling for him.

Ellie tearfully nodded at her best friend.

Will: Ellie you have to tell him why. He's going to figure it out sooner or later. I haven't said a word but I'm surprised he hasn't already put 2 and 2 together. This is Jay we're talking about. He's a damn good detective.

Ellie: I know.

Will: Just tell him El he'll understand. But you'll still have a decision of your own to make. Jay's career is his life, he'll never give up intelligence or being a cop.

Ellie: That's because he's the best kind of cop. He'd fit in just fine at family dinner

Will: Speaking of I made a call. I called Jamie. Figured that was my best start.

Ellie: How'd he take it?

Will: Hes worried but hes Jamie, he was ok. He said he would relay the news but he didn't freak out the way Danny or Erin probably would. He asked if he and or your Dad should come, I told him it was pointless at this point but that you would call as soon as you were released.

She nodded at him.

Will: Look you're going to have plenty of time in here together, so you might want to have that conversation.

Just then, Will turned his head.

Will: Here he comes

The doors to the hospital quarentine room opened and a team wearing hazmat gowns and equipment, rolled Jay's bed into the room. Ellie jumped off her bed. Jay was in bed wearing scrub pants and socks, a light blanket over his legs. He was bare chested and he was fresh out of his decontamination shower. He had his iv port still in his arm but not connected to any thing. His eyes were closed and was lightly napping.They rolled his bed in and locked it into place closest to the window a few feet from where her bed was. Ellie raised the head of his bed slightly so he could rest propped up, she knew he would breathe better like that.

Ellie: I got it from here. I'll hook him up.

MedicalProfessional: Hes been through the decontamination procedures and we've taken bloodwork and sent to the lab Until we get an ID from the CDC just push normal saline in him.

Ellie: Got it. I'll finish up, thank you

They left Ellie alone with Jay. And Ellie went to work. She went to the cabinet and grabbed supplies. She went back over and placed supplies on her bed. And stood between the 2 beds. She placed the EKG leads on Jay's chest. And then placed the pulse oximeter on Jays forefinger on his right hand. She grabbed the oxygen tubing and placed the cannula up underneath Jay's nose. She grabbed a set of tubing and a saline bag and walked to the other side of Jay's bed. At the head of his bed, She connected his nasal cannula tubing to the oxygen. She then hung the saline bag on the IV stand and connected tubing to the bag. She noticed Jay had 2 IV ports in his left arm. One in the back of his left hand, and one on the inside of his left arm. She decided to hook the fluid tubing to the IV in his arm and when he needed meds, she would insert them into the IV in his hand. She hooked up the wires from the vital monitor to his EKG leads. She then unwrapped the blood pressure cuff from around the IV pole and wrapped it around Jays left bicep. She hooked up the blood pressure cuff to the monitor as well.

Now that he was all hooked up, she turned on the screen of the vital monitor and it came to life. His blood pressure cuff began to inflate and the various vitals began to read on the monitor as well as a soft beeping in the room indicating the beating of Jay's heart.


What Ellie forgot about was that Will was standing on the other side of the glass watching. And she never even noticed how Natalie walked up and stood beside Will.

Natalie: They'll be ok. They'll figure it out. Just give them some time. They'll work it out.

Will just nodded as he watched Ellie tenderly attend to his little brother. And they walked away from the quarentine room.


As the beeping filled the room and the blood pressure cuff inflated, Jay began to stir and he softly groaned. Ellie turned from the monitor to look at Jay as his eyelids fluttered open. A smile on his face formed when he saw Ellie.

Jay: Hey.

Ellie smiled back.

Ellie: Hey

Jay: Where are we?

Ellie: We're at Med. We're in the quarentine room.

Jay: They told me when they took me for testing that we would quarentine seperately, I kinda freaked.

Ellie: Yeah. Don't worry, I took care of it.

Jay: So you'll be here the whole time?

Ellie: I don't walk out until you do.

Jay nodded and smiled at her. He reached his hand out and she took it and squeezed it. She turned her head around and looked at the readings on the monitor that read

'Heartrate: 123

Blood Pressure: 90/65

Oxygen Saturation: 96

Respiration: 18

Tempature: 103.2'

Ellie turned back around to face him.

Jay: What happens now?

Ellie: Well we're still waiting on the CDC to identify the substance and as soon as we get the ID we start treating you. So you'll be in here several days at the least until you are no longer infected. So you're stuck with me for a while.

Jay: I can live with that. Sorry you got stuck here.

Ellie: Oh I could go for a few days off, and besides I could have worse company.

Jay gave Ellie one of those heart stopping smiles of his. Ellie let go of his hand and walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the stethoscope and slung it around her neck. She walked over and grabbed one of the stools and wheeled it over to Jay's bedside.

Ellie: How are you feeling?

She grabbed the inside of his wrist and pressed her forefinger and middle finger down on the artery there to feel his pulse.

Ellie: Don't you dare say fine or that you're ok.

Jay: Head hurts worse, my throat does too, it hurts to swallow.

She moved from his wrist and with both hands felt the glands in his throat. His chest and forehead had a layer of sweat from the fever.

Ellie: How's your breathing?

Jay: the oxygen helps.

Ellie nodded. And took the stethoscope off from around her neck and placed it in her ears.

Ellie: Ok well I want to listen to your chest

He nodded as he watched her intently as she layed the drum of the stethoscope on his chest.

Ellie: Breathe as deep as you can , you know the drill.

He nodded as he took deep breaths while Ellie listened to his lungs. She moved the stethoscope to over his heart.

Ellie: Just relax, I just want to listen

Jay: Yeah I know the drill.

Ellie chuckled as Jay leaned his head back against the pillows and closed his eyes. Ellie listened for a few minutes and then wrapped the stethoscope back around her neck. She got up and pushed the rolling patient table close to them. She poured some water in a cup and put a straw in it. She picked it up and sat on the edge of his bed. Jay opened his eyes as he felt the shift in his mattress. She held the cup out to him holding the straw between her fingers.

Ellie: I'm loading you up with fluids but you need to keep your throat moist.

Jay sat up a little and started gulping the water through the straw

Ellie: Easy, easy Jay.

He took a few more sips and laid back wincing, grabbing at his throat.

Ellie: Ok take it easy.

Jay started grabbing his blanket and pulling it up. Ellie stopped him.

Ellie: No Lets keep the blanket off.

Jay: Ellie I'm freezing

Ellie: I know Jay but it will raise your body temp and yours is already pretty high.

She pulled the blanket up from his waist and let it rest on mid abdomen and tucked it underneath him. She brushed his hair back gently as Jay closes his eyes.

Ellie: Hey you rest ok?

Jay: What are you going to do?

Ellie: Sit here and watch you.

Jay: That's boring.

She smiled at his comment.

Ellie: No it's not so bad.

She caressed the side of his face.

Ellie: Just rest, Jay.


Ellie sat indian style sideways in the middle of her hospital bed watching Jay sleep. Every other minute she would watch Jay sleeping, his chest rising and falling and then she would look up at the monitor and check his heartrate, temp, blood pressure, respirations, and oxygen level and she would watch the rhythym of his heart beating. Suddenly Jay began to stir.

Jay: El ?

Ellie: Yeah Jay I'm right here on your other side.

She placed a hand on his bare shoulder. Jay turned his head to look at her. He suddenly seemed even paler to her.

Ellie: Jay?!

Jay: El i need to get up.

Ellie: No Jay you need to stay put. You need to rest.

Jay: Ellie I'm going to be sick.

She shot up from the hospital bed. She ran and grabbed a small trashcan and went back to the rolling stool on the side of his bed. She held the trash can underneath his chin. He grabbed the can from her and sat up as he got sick. Ellie carressed his hair back and softly ran her hand up and down his back. Jay was able to take a break and he rested his head against the trashcan

Jay: Im so sorry

Ellie: Hey Im a Dr. Ive seen much worse. I've been thrown up ON more times than i can count.

He tried to laugh but that just made him convulse more into the trash can.

Ellie: It's ok, Jay, just let it out. Get it all out

After a few more minutes, Jay hauled himself back against the pillows. Ellie took the trash can from him and tied up the bag and threw it in the biologic waste bin. She put a new bag in and placed it back by the bed. She noticed Jays eyes were closed but his chest was heaving. She went over to the sink and washed her hands. She grabbed a washcloth from the cabinet and wet it and wrung it out. She went back to Jay's bedside. She stood over him and ran the washcloth against his forehead, his eyes slowly opened. She smiled down sweetly at him. She grabbed the water pitcher and poured more water into his cup, and held it up to his lips. He slowly sipped and then nodded at her. She placed the cup back on the table. Suddenly there was a knock at the window. Sharon was standing there. She turned on the intercom . Ellie turned her body to face the window with her hand resting on Jays shoulder.

Ellie: Hi Ms Goodwin

Sharon: Dr Reagan, Detective Halstead I have news.

They both waited for her to speak.

Sharon: The CDC has confirmed the substance sent to you, Jay, was Anthrax.

Ellie: So I can treat him now? His fever isnt going down.

Sharon: Dr Halstead is on his way with antibiotics

Ellie breathed out a sigh of relief. Jay listened to their conversation intently with his eyes open but chose not to engage in the conversation himself. He was getting weaker from the infection and what little fluids that he had in him that he had just vomited up rather recently took every last bit of energy he had in him. And he decided to save what little bit of energy in him for Ellie. Although they had now reached a point in their relationship (whatever that might be) that they no longer needed words. Ellie could tell just what Jay needed just by looking into his eyes. And she could bring him comfort and safety without words either. He hated hospitals. He hated people fussing over him but he didn' t mind when Ellie took care of him. In fact, he relished in it.

Sharon: Hang in there Detective

Sharon walked away from the window. Within a few minutes, Will was at the door with his hands full. He opened the sliding doors and handed Ellie a pack of empty syringes and 5 medicine vials and then closed the door and nudged his head in the direction of the window. She nodded and went and stood in front of the window. He turned on the Ellie layed the syringes and medicine vials on the rolling patient table.

Will: Ok you've got 500 mg each of Cipro, Levaquin, and Penniccillin. Every 8 hours

Ellie nodded as she filled a syringe with the meds in the first vial. She injected the first syringe slowly into the IV port in the back of Jay's hand.

Ellie: This is penicillin I'm giving you.

Jay nodded as he looked towards the window at Will.

Jay: How long is the treatment?

Will: Well it depends on how the meds work against the anthrax in your system but 5 days minimum

Will held his breath ,just knowing an argument was about to come on insisting he didn't need to be here that long. Ellie filled another syringe with meds from the 2nd vial. She injected that syringe into Jays IV port in his hand.

Ellie: It's what's best. We need to monitor you too especially with a bacterial virus. And especially with all these antibiotics going into your system. It's crucial to track your vitals. But I'll be here with you the whole time. This is Cipro now, it's a very strong antibiotic for bacterial infections.

Jay nodded tiredly as Ellie filled up a new syringe with meds from the 3rd medicine vial.

Jay: Ok.

Jay closed his eyes and leaned deeper into the pillows as Ellie injected the last antibiotic in Jays IV port in his hand. Jay could feel the liquids being mixed in with his blood stream.

Ellie: This is levaquin. It's another strong antibiotic. It only works on bacterial infections so it's ideal for treating anthrax..

Will: How you feeling bud?

Jay: Just peachy

Ellie: It might take till after the next dose or even a few days for you to start feeling better but you will. They've got you on some really high dose strong antibiotics.

Will: You should know though...

Ellie filled up another syringe with liquids from the 4th medicine vial as Jays eyes shot open

Jay: know what?

Ellie injected the syringe into Jays IV port in his hand.

Will: You're going to feel a lot worse before you start feeling better.

Jay looked up at Ellie

Ellie: A lot of times Antibiotics can make you feel bad the first few days you're on them

Will: It's your body's way of getting rid of the infection

Ellie: And you're on 3 very strong antibiotics and very high doses of them at that and you're getting an extra dose each day

Jay nodded taking in everything

Jay: What did you just give me?

Ellie: It's Phenergan. This will help your nausea.

Jay took a deep breath and nodded into his pillow. He closed and reopened his eyes.

Jay: Thank you.

Ellie held up the last medicine vial towards the window at Will.

Ellie: Diazepam? Nice thought. Thank you.

Will nodded and smiled.

Jay: Wait. Thats a sedative. No I dont want that.

Will: And he's baacck. Wasnt sure if it was the Anthrax poisoning or Ellies influence but my brother was checked out for a bit and was being all compliant

Jay: Screw you.

Ellie: Will!

Will: Fine. You talk to him. He always listens to you.

Ellie shot Will a look and turned back to look at Jay with seriousness but yet softness as well. Ellie always had a way with Jay that could get him to do things noone else could.

Ellie: Youre right. Diazepam is usually a sedative used for anxiety. It's also an antiseizure medication. And with your fever so high you could easily have a febrile seizure so this could help prevent that.

Will: Jay look at me

Jay turned his head and emotionally looked at his brother.

Will: Me handing Ellie a vial of diazepam had nothing - absolutely nothing- to do with your PTSD or anxiety. The sanest person in the world would be anxious being stuck in a quarentine room after inhaling anthrax

Ellie: It's true. Drs prescribe Diazepam for anxiety disorder and like we said also to prevent seizures but in a hospital setting we often give it before most surgical procedures to keep patients calm.

She looked at him seriously but almost pleadingly. She softly touched his chest in between the EKG leads.

Ellie: Jay, it will help you relax a little. Take away that chest pain.

Jay: I never told you my chest my hurting

Will looked on in shock and concern

Ellie: Jay.

Jay took a deep breath and rested his head back against the pillows as he closed his eyes. And he nodded.

Jay: Yeah. Ok.

She leaned over and softly ran her hand through his sweat soaked hair and kissed his cheek. He grabbed her other hand.

Ellie: Hey remember our deal?

Jay's eyes remained closed.

Jay: We're in this together?

Ellie: We're in this together. Show me where the pain is.

Jay lifted their intertwined hands and placed them on his sternum in between his breastbone.

Ellie: Ok that's a classic symptom. It'll go away gradually with the other symptoms.

Jay: The sedative will help with the tightness?

Ellie: It will. It will relax you, keep you calm.

She moved her hand from his hair and caressed his cheek gently.

Jay: Do it.

Ellie removed her hands from Jay's body.

She went back to the table and grabbed an empty syringe and filled it with the diazepam from the medicine vial. She slowly injected it into his IV port in his hand. She collected the syringes and placed them in the needle bin across the room. She made her way back to Jay's bed and looked up at his monitor. She pressed a button on his monitor and his blood pressure cuff began to inflate. Jay groaned softly. Ellie softly sat on the edge of his bed facing him. Jays eyes were closed but knew she was there. She took the stethoscope from her neck and placed it in her ears and on his chest. He began to take a deep breath and she placed her hand on his chest.

Ellie: Just breath normally.

And Jay relaxed. The sedative was already working. His whole body felt relaxed. The tightness in his chest had already eased some too. Ellie placed the stethoscope on the table this time. She got up from the bed and when Jay felt her absence, he immediately wanted her back. He reached out for her.

Jay: No.

Ellie: I'm not going anywhere Jay.

She sat back down on the edge of his bed but this time at the very head off his bed, her back against the head of his hospital bed, her legs stretched out straight in front of her. She gently tugged Jay into her.He moved his head from his pillow to her chest. She ran her fingers through his soft damp hair and gently kissed his forehead.

Will watched his brother and his best friend completely mesmerized by them. He knew his brother loved Erin with his whole being and he had been a mess when she left, but seeing him with Ellie was like seeing him in a whole different light. And he had never seen Ellie like this either not even with Jacob, and God how she loved Jacob. She was a wreck when she lost him. She cried in Will's arms for weeks, months. Jay and Ellie had become so natural with each other in just a short amount of time. Ellie had found a pleasure in taking care of Jay and Jay actually didn't mind it, in fact Will could swear Jay even enjoyed it. Will was so deep in his thoughts once again he didn't notice Natalie walk up beside him

Natalie: Would you look at those two?

Will just simply nodded.

Natalie: If they were just 2 regular patients and we were just regular doctors who didn't know them, you would think they'd been married for years.

Will just looked at Natalie. She was right. They looked like they had been doing this for years. He just hoped and prayed his best friend would face her fears head on and give his brother a chance because he truly believed they could do this, they could make this work and they would make each other happy. Will loved that idea. He wrapped his arm around Natalie.

Will: Come on let's give them some privacy.


Back inside the hospital quarentine room, Jay still lay on Ellie's chest completely relaxed.His eyes were closed and he was just about eased into sleep.

Ellie: Jay?

Jay: Mmmh?

Ellie: In a few days when you're starting to feel better, we need to talk

Jay: Talk about what El?

Ellie: Talk about us.

Jay: there's an us?

Ellie: Do you want there to be?

Jay: God yes. I love you Ellie

Ellie's eyes widened in shock. Did he really feel that way or was this the high fever talking? Whatever it was, they needed to discuss it..later when he would remember it. She leaned over and softly kissed his forehead. His breathing evened out as he fell asleep.

I love you too Jay. I've tried not to but God I can't help it... She thought to herself.

She pulled out her phone and typed out a message. This was not the person she typically went to for advice but given the situation she knew this was the person she needed to talk to.

I know this is wierd coming from me. But I didn't know who else to go to. And please refrain from your normal incessant nagging on me. What do I do if I've tried not to fall in love with someone but I just can't keep fighting it anymore. And what if this said person is in law enforcement? You know my rule. And can we please keep this between us?

She sat there stretched out on Jays bed watching him sleep caught deep in her thoughts when her phone buzzed.

She saw the message notification:


Harvard told me what's going on so I'll give you a pass THIS TIME. Seriously Ell, stop fighting it. There's your sign, if you have to fight it, then the feelings are already too strong to fight. Don't waste your time fighting it, that could be precious time you've wasted.TRUST ME. It will be OUR secret, kiddo. Really miss you.

Ellie was seriously thinking about what her oldest living brother had just said when she recieved another notification


I know you wouldnt expect this from me. But just hear me out. I have no idea who this guy is or whats going on but I do know for you to ask ME something like this that you must really have feelings for this guy. PLUS while noone will ever be good enough for you...this guy's a cop?! Bonus points. And youll never know how much it means to me that you came to me instead of Jamie or Erin but ITs BETTER TO HAVE LOVED AND LOST THAN TO NEVER HAVE LOVED AT ALL. I dont regret one second I had with Linda, the good, the bad, or the ugly. Oh can we keep this between us? I love you sis.

Ellies eyes clouded with tears and nodded. She accessed some photos on her phone. One was of the whole family at a NYPD vs FDNY softball game years ago. Her dad Frank, Her sister in law Linda, her nephew Jack, her brother Danny, her sister Erin, her now ex brother in law Jack, her niece Nikki, her brother Jamie, her brother Joe, her holding her nephew Sean, and her Pop. She scrolled and found another prized photo. One of her and Jamie at their college graduation with her Dad and her mom who had passed away from cancer over 10 years ago now. She scrolled to another one. One of her and a young good looking man dressed in a NYPD uniform. He had his arm around her and she was leaning into him, her hand resting on his uniform front showing a small but elegant diamond ring. Then she scrolled to the last one. One of just her with her brother Joe. It was a simple family photo but it was her favorite. Sitting at the Reagan family dinner table, leaning into her big brother, his arm around her, planting a kiss on the side of her head. That was the last time she saw her brother not lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. She couldnt stop her tears from coming. She wiped her face. And went back to her messages. She typed her brother Danny a response.

Thank you so much. Thats exactly what I needed to hear and youre exactly the person I needed to hear it from. But I have something I need to say to you too. I love you. Theres never a moment that i dont love you. I would be lost without you. Dont ever forget that. Please be safe. Tell Biaz to watch your 6.

She put her phone down and She looked down at the man sleeping on her chest. She had made her decision.



Okaay, we now know a lot more about Ellie, but Jay still hasn't made the connection!

Also, for those of you not familiar with Blue Bloods, when Danny mentioned Harvard, he's referring to their brother Jamie, who graduated from Harvard Law School but gave up being a lawyer to go into the 'family business'

Next Chapter, Jay and Ellie finally have a big talk!!

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