Haikyuu: AU Secret Murderers?

By Psalm-chan

3.4K 87 9

The Bottoms went out to kill, Atsu accidentally bumped into Komori, Sakusa's cousin, and he hid the knife awa... More

The B12
Top's Intro
Two Dead Girls
The Top's GC/The B12's Mission
The Bottom's parents
A Threat
Kill the Parents

Twelve years later

285 7 5
By Psalm-chan

"Natsu, hurry up or your going to be late for your first day in high school."

"Coming!" She finish fixing her hair and ran down stairs. "How do I look?"

Kawa whistled, "Such a cutie we have here."

Kaashi smacks the back of his head. "Don't hit on a kid who's more younger than you."

"It's true, we have the most adorable little sister in the house," agreed Atsu.

"Haha, thank you." They drop her off at her new high school and stood outside the car.

"Have a good day, Natsu."

"You guys have a good day at work." Hinata kissed her forehead.

"Stay safe, Natsu. And have an awesome first day at high school."

"Thanks, nii-chan." And they all drove off to their job.






"Oikawa, are you ready?"

"I'm always ready, girls." He entered the studio and smiled. "So what are we going to do today?"

"Right now, I'm going to introduce you to a new model who has join us."

"Are you serious? Who? Is it a girl or you know a guy?" They laughed.

"He has points on him, but he doesn't understand the concept of smiling and putting emotions to his poses."

"And you want me to coach him?"

"Please, Oikawa. Your so good at teaching the younger models, it's like your a teacher."

"Haha, two of my friends are actually a teacher though."

"Haha, that's right. Come in." The door opened and a familiar blue hair came in.

"Oh my fucking gosh." He backed away. "Tobio-chan?"

He froze, then looked at the older model. "Oikawa-san?"

"Holy shit."

"Do you guys know each other?" ask the boss.

"He was my kohai at my high school and my friend's ex boyfriend."

"Oh.. Yikes. But please, Oikawa."

"Fine." He can't say no to his boss. "Follow me." The boy nod and followed behind.


"We are not talking about it. We have work to do and I am very busy person." Kageyama nod.

"I don't understand what he meant by emotions through my pose."

"It's kind of easy, it took me awhile to master it. It means to express the feelings that are deep inside you, it's like playing volleyball. You control your feelings as you set the ball to your teammate. That's how you express it in your own way, but here." He spread his arm. "You show it to the world through model." Positioning his  legs to cross and stared at him. "What do I express in this pose?"

"Is it anger and beauty?"

"That's right. Now it's your turn, do your own pose. A pose where you're comfortable."

He did as he told, he tried to express sadness, but Oikawa shook his head.

"Don't think about it. Just let it flow."

"Oh okay." He positioned his arms like wings, lowered his back a bit and look at him.

"Hm, your getting there. Just need practice."

"Thank you, Oikawa-san."


"Oikawa, hurry! We have 30 minutes to get to your shooting."

"On it!" He ran out the room, leaving the boy behind. "Shit, how did he find us?"

"You said something, Oikawa?"

"Just talking to myself."





"Yachi?" Ms. Eito knock on the door of her classroom.

"Yes?" She look up from her grade sheet.

"The principal is calling for all teachers."

"Ah, okay. Coming." She stood up and walk out the door. "Thanks, Ms. Eito."

"Haha. Yachi, even though your new, your so good at keeping up with the students."

"Not really. I mean I was a high school student just like them before, but I don't understand what they are feeling if they try to block me out and I can't have that."

"So you're reading them like a book?" She laughed and shook her head.

"Not quite, but something like that."

"Welcome teachers," the principal announced.

Yachi saw a black, spikey hair behind the principal, but she can't see who it is.

"I will now introduce our new police officer for this school." He step aside and revealed the man.

Oh my gosh, is that Daichi? Holy shit. She hid behind the tall teacher in front of her.

"Hi, I look forward working with you all." He smiled.

He still know how to be the captain, she laughed a bit and cleared her throat.

"Ms. Yachi," the principal called out.

"Shit," she muttered and stepped forward. "Yes, Mr. Masao?"

"I would like you to show Mr. Sawamura around the school."

"I understand." She look at him. "Let's go, Mr. Sawamura. It will take awhile to show you around."

"I-.. Yes, Ms. Yachi." She left the room and sighed. "How-.."

"I am a busy woman, Mr. Sawamura. I don't have all day."

"Ah, yes." She showed him every inch of the building from bottom to top. "And now, we are back were we started."

"Thank you, Ms. Yachi."

"Hm." Then she noticed the time. "Look at the time. It's nice meeting you, Mr. Sawamura." He nod and she hurried to her classroom, grading 200 assignments in her class. "Fuck," she muttered.







"Hinata, I need three scopes of vanilla ice cream and some sprinkles on top."

"On it!" He put new pair of gloves and started working. "Done!" Hurrying to the front of the shop and passed the ice cream to the man behind the counter. "That would be $100 yen. Do you need a.." He look up and stopped talking.

"Hinata?" asked Osamu.

"Hello, sir. Do you need napkins to take home?"

"Yes." He passed him some napkins.

"Thank you and come again, sir." Walking toward the back, away from Osamu. "Hope he doesn't though," he muttered.






"Mr. Yamaguchi, let us see your drawing." The students begged.

"Fine." He revealed his drawing.

"This looks so real, how do you this?"

"Use your imagination, it's where it will lead you to a whole new world," he instructed. Then he heard a knock.

"Mr. Yamaguchi, I would like you to meet the new martial art teacher."

"New? What happen to Mr. Yogi?"

"A very bad accident broke his back and can't come to the campus anymore."

"Oh no." That's what the bitchy old man deserved. "So who's the new teacher?"

"Haha, his name is Iwaizumi."

The fuck! Wait... Maybe it's a different guy. "Ah okay." Then the man entered and revealed himself. It's actually him. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Iwaizumi." He extended his hand, but Iwaizumi didn't take it.

"Y-Yamaguchi?" He stuttered.

"Oh sorry, you got the wrong person. My name is actually Yamaguchi Toshi." He smiled brightly, please say it work.

"Oh, sorry. You look like my friend's ex boyfriend."

"Hahaha, I get mistaken a lot." They shook hands and the two man left the room. "Phew." He then turn back to his class. "Come on, kids. This is college, you need to do better on this."





Suga counted the head on the little students in front of him. "Hey, where is Eito?"

"Mr. Suga, he ran toward the slides and won't come down."

"That kid." He sighed. "You kids walk back to the classroom and tell Ms. Diana about Eito."

"Yes." They left him, but he had to watch them head inside the building.


"Mr. Suga! I'm scared!" He look up at the boy, up on top.

"How did you get up there?"

"I don't know, Mr. Suga."

"I'll be right there." He tried to climb the slide, but it was a bit wet. "Damn."

"Do you need help?"

He turned around and saw two tall boys behind the fence. Shit. "Y-yes." The silver hair went over the fence and head to the slides, grabbing the little boy.

"Here you go."

"T-thank you."

"Come on, Lev. We are going to be late for our new job."

"Chill, Tsukishima." He look at the teacher in front of him. "Have a good day, sir." Suga nod and left with Eito.

"That was close."

"Mr. Suga, I need to go pee."

"Okay." He carried the boy close to him and ran, jumping over the toys in front of him. "Go, ran inside." He sat down and tried to calm his heart. "At least he didn't recognized me."





Suna stood in front the girls and sighed. "Girls, I need to go back for work." Trying to get away, carrying his luggage.

"Mr. Suna, at least hang out with us after work when you get back from your flight."

"I will try." He left the girls whinning

"Suna!" He turned around and saw the boss running toward him. "Before you leave, I want to introduce the new pilot."

"What!" A curly hair step behind the boss.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi. I'm looking forward working with you." He extended his hand, Suna look at it. Is this really Sakusa? Holy shit. What had happen to him during high school. "Um?"

"Ah, sorry." He shook his hand. "I too look forward working with you, Sakusa."

"Suna! Hurry up, we might leave without you."

"Shut up, you can't leave without me, asshole." He ran toward the jet bridge.

"Suna?" Sakusa look up.

"Ah. He forgot to  introduce himself, his name is Suna Rentarou. His a very good pilot, but sometimes he get surrounded by travelers and fan girls every day. Do you know him?" The boss look at him.

"He looks familiar and his surname rings a bell, but it might be the wrong person."

"Hahaha. It's kind of sad though."

"What do you mean?"

"He doesn't stay away from this place for long, he travels back at midnight."

"Why is it sad?"

"Oh because he said that he can't stay away from his only family, that he might miss him waking up if he is gone for long. I think that was what he explained."


"He didn't say who. Probably a boyfriend who's in a coma."

A boyfriend, is this really Suna?






Some of the boys got home from work a bit late, then they all head to Atsu's room.

"Ten, is he still holding on?"

"His heart beat is maintaining a good level, but I don't know when he might wake up."

"I'm home." They heard Suna called out.

"Welcome home, Suna."

He heads upstairs and sighed. "I didn't miss anything, right?"

"No, Suna," Natsu mumbled.

"Hi, Natsu. How was school?"

"About that.." She lean to her brother's shoulder.

"What is it?"

"I meet my homeroom teacher.. His name is Ushijima Wakatoshi." She look at Tendō.

"Wakatoshi-kun? How? What did he look like? There's nothing wrong with him, right?" He asked.

"It looks like he grew a bit more the last time I saw him. He is wearing glasses now, but his eyes.. They have some red on it.."


"I also meet with Daichi," Yachi spilled.

"Daichi? My Daichi?" ask Suga.

"Yes, he is the new police officer in my school."

"Oh my gosh. What are they doing here?"

"How did they find us?"

"No, wait." Hinata stood up. "Osamu was shock when he saw me. They might not know we were here, they might have just stumbled in this city. So what are we going to do? Move? Or stay?" Suna only flinched when he heard his ex boyfriend's name, he was too tired to even react more.

"We have to wait till Atsu wakes up, we can't just move so quickly." Kaashi knock on the door.

"That's true, let's wait for awhile, but if he doesn't wake up by next week. We are leaving."

"Okay. This town was nice for twelve years, right?" Natsu ask and smiled.

"That's true, but let's not go back to the previous town we tried to settle down and almost..." Yaku stop talking.

"Come on, everyone. Get to sleep." No one moved from their spot and yawned. "Let's just sleep here then." Suga, Kaashi, and Yaku grabbed several pillows and blankets for everyone.

"Goodnight," Natsu muttered.

"Night, Natsu." Suga covered the siblings with a big orange blanket.

Four hours later, already pass twelve. Kawa quietly sneak inside the house, as entering, everyone were already asleep except for Suna who couldn't close his eyes. His sitting position, he could have mistaken to be a robber. 

"Suna?" Kawa look at his sleepy friend, but he didn't receive any response. "Haha." He heads upstairs and change for bed, he carried Suna upstairs to Atsu's room. "Goodnight, everyone." Then he close his eyes.






A week later, they all started packing the necessary luggage.

"Natsu?" Suga look at the little girl who is now a growing woman. "Are you sure you want to come with us?"

"Suga?" Hinata look at the two. 

"Nii-chan, wait." She look Suga in the eye. "I want to, you guys are my family. The only family me and my brother have. We can't separate just because of school, I don't care if I became a new student again. I want to at least stay with my family."

"I understand." The van are packed with their stuff. "Let's go before they find us." They already got the house sold, disappeared some of their clothing and papers.

"Is Atsu in the car already?"

"Yup. Kawa will meet us outside the city."

"Okay." They drove away from the house, passing their jobs, the schools, and the city itself.

"Been fun," Noya muttered.

"At least we saw some of our ex for the last time."

"Haha, yea.." Suna trailed off. They saw Kawa standing by the city's sign.

"Hey, guys. I bought food and drinks, but also some secret stash."

"Oikawa! Seriously." Suga glared at him.

"Sorry, not sorry." He laughed and was about to enter the car.

"Right there!" He turned around and saw his best friend running toward him.

"Get in, Oikawa!" Hinata pulled Kawa in.

"That was Iwa-chan?" He looked at them and they nod. "Still look handsome." Started laughing, crying.

Sakusa mumbled, "Were we too late to notice that they were here the whole time?"

"Probably." Tsukishima fall to the ground. "I didn't even recognize Suga-san at the elementary school. He look so different."

"Your best friend lied to me. I knew it was him, but he said his name was Yamaguchi Toshi." He laughed. "They change their given name, but how?"

"Kitten is a very good hacker, he might know how to change their given name so easily." Kuroo sat down on the grass and leaned on Bokuto. 

"That's probably it," Bokuto muttered. "I only caught a glimpse of Kaashi before they drove away."

"This is life. At least they didn't kill us." Lev laughed and cried. "We chase after them, but they disappeared again."

Kageyama laughed and started hitting the sign. "Fuck!"




The End.

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