Dragon Ball Z & Super x Male...

By Omymanstar

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You are not like most Saiyans. Your father led a lot of Saiyans to believe that you didn't have to steal plan... More

Chapter 1 (Saiyan Saga)
Chapter 2 (Saiyan Saga)
Chapter 4 (Saiyan Saga)
Chapter 5 (Saiyan Saga)
Chapter 6 (Saiyan Saga)

Chapter 3 (Saiyan Saga)

428 12 2
By Omymanstar

(Y/N): Your Name

Planet Earth

You, Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo are waiting three hours for Goku to show up. Nappa and Vegeta are doing the same so they can see what Goku can do.

(Y/N): 'looks at Krillin' Hey Krillin, is Goku really a Saiyan?

Krillin: Yeah, he is. And a stronger one too.

(Y/N): Then, what's taking him so long to get here?

Piccolo: That's what we're trying to figure out. If Goku isn't here within three hours, we'll have to fend off a little longer. (Y/N), you're really useful in this fight. We might need you to fend off these two a bit longer.

(Y/N): I can take down Nappa, no problem. I was just stalling for your friend to get here so we can both take on Vegeta.

Piccolo: Is he really that strong?

(Y/N): He's the Prince of all Saiyans. He could destroy the planet. But I won't let him.

You look at Gohan, who is downcast.

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Gohan: I'm useless. If I had done something, Tien would still be alive.

(Y/N): Hey, you're not giving up. That's something.

Piccolo: He's not making any progress. It was my mistake to bring him out here.

Krillin: Hey, Piccolo. Gohan just needs some help. If it was me, I would've been long gone by now.

Gohan: Thanks, Krillin.

Piccolo: Remember your training.

Gohan: But, I'm not ready! We still have two hours. Maybe you can train me some more while we're waiting.

Piccolo: The training is complete! I taught you everything I know! 'turns away from Gohan' Just go home!

Gohan: But, Piccolo.

Gohan looks down and starts to walk away.

Krillin: Wait, Piccolo.

You run in front of Gohan.

(Y/N): Gohan, stop. Don't go. We need you here. You don't see it, but I sense a high power level in you. You might be able to succeed where I might fail.

Gohan: You've seen me all day, (Y/N). You know I'm worthless. I might as well go home.

Gohan continues to walk away.

Krillin: Gohan, he knows you can do it. We need you.

You sense an energy blast and it hit a rock stand. Gohan fell back from the blast before it hit him.

Nappa: Hey, little brat! You better head home! We wouldn't want you getting hurt. 'laughs'

Gohan gets back up.

Gohan: You shut up you big bully! I'm not running you can't scare me anymore. 'whispers' I was just going to go over there to the bathroom if that's okay with you. You should shower yourself.

Nappa: 'holds hand near ear' What's that? Speak up kid. Well?

Gohan: OK. I said, YOU SMELL!

Nappa is shocked to hear that. You and Gohan go back next to Krillin.

Nappa: Why you little runt.How dare you? You're brave now, but we'll see what happens in two hours.

After Nappa said that some humans approach in a jeep with a camera.

Nappa: Look at those nosy human beings. Hey Vegeta, you mind if I go have some fun? I'm starting to get bored.

Vegeta: Be my guest. But save your energy. Kakarot is on the way and that Saiyan brat is getting the better of you.

Nappa laughs and starts to fly away. You look and fly in front of him to stop him.

Nappa: Move it, brat. I'm getting bored. I'm gonna go kill some humans.

(Y/N): You want to hurt innocent people, you'll have to go through me.

Nappa: Why, you! Fine!

Nappa tries to punch you but you dodged underneath him, punch him in the gut, and kicked him in the back. Nappa falls to the ground and gets angry.

Nappa: 'growls' You brat! I'll kill you!

Vegeta: Nappa! Enough of this.

Nappa stops and listens.

Vegeta: You fool! If this brat demands that the humans live, they live.

Nappa: Come on, Vegeta! I getting bored!

Vegeta: Do you want to die by my hand?!

Nappa: No...I don't.

Nappa flies to the ground to Vegeta. You fly back to Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo.


Time passed to nearly sunset. You, Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan tried to make a plan about Nappa's tail. So you all decided you just fight Nappa for a distraction. Then the time was up.

Vegeta: Time is up.

You, Gohan, and Krillin stand ready.

Krillin: Oh great.

Vegeta: 'takes off scouter' It looks like Kakarot decided to leave you to die alone.

Nappa: Hey, Vegeta. Where's Kakarot?

Vegeta: You're right, Nappa, he's not coming.

Gohan: Yes he is! My dad's coming! He's not afraid, he'll be here!

Krillin: That's right! He'd never abandon his friends!

Nappa takes off his saiyan armor and puts it on the ground.

Nappa: That's better. I'll make quick work with these pathetic weaklings.

(Y/N): We'll see about that. Everyone, let me handle Nappa. This'll be quick.

Nappa: 'laughs' Bring it on, kid.

Piccolo: (Y/N), keep your guard up. He may try to do dirty tricks.

(Y/N): Don't worry, Piccolo. I'll can take him.

Nappa: Where is Kakarot? Where's that coward of a saiyan hiding?

Vegeta: 'laughs' What a coward.

Gohan: Don't you say that about my dad! He's not a coward!

Krillin: Come on. 'looks at sky' Goku, where are you? Hurry!

You step up to fight Nappa.

Nappa: Come on!

You charge at Nappa with incredible speed and punched him in the face. The punch sent him flying and he landed on his feet. He had another bruise on his face. Nappa charges at you trying to punch you. You jump over the punch and fly. Nappa sends a white energy blast to you and you deflected it.

(Y/N): Is that all you got?

Nappa: I'm just getting started!

Nappa launches a yellow energy beam out of his mouth and you clashed it with a (F/C) energy beam from your hand. You kept the beam at bay and you pushed further. Your beam caught Nappa and Nappa was bleeding over his body. Nappa looked at you with an angry look.

(Y/N): Had enough?

Nappa: 'roars' Come on!

Nappa flies to the sky and tries to punch and kick you at his highest speed. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't touch you. After a kick you vanished from Nappa's sight. Then, you kick Nappa in the back and he's falls to the ground on his stomach. Nappa struggles to get up and he is breathing heavily.

Nappa: 'huffs' 'puffs' You trash!

(Y/N): Piccolo, now!

Piccolo grabbed Nappa's tail and got him.

Nappa: Hey, what the?

Piccolo: Gohan!

Gohan tries to attack Nappa but Nappa elbowed Piccolo's tail with no problem. Gohan stopped at the sight of Piccolo being elbowed in the head. Piccolo's pupils were fainted and Piccolo was out cold.

Nappa: What's wrong, Namek? 'laughs' You look surprised. 'laughs and holds Piccolo up' Oh no, don't die on me just yet. You've still got to tell us about the Dragon Balls.

Krillin: What happened? What went wrong? Piccolo had his tail.

Vegeta: 'laughs' Grab his tail? That was your big plan? Nappa and I have evolved beyond far of that little weakness.

Nappa: Good for us, bad for you.

Nappa throws Piccolo to the ground and Gohan goes to wake Piccolo up. Nappa sees him and kicks him in the air. While Gohan was in the air Nappa slapped him to a rock wall. Gohan hit the rocks and his headband came off. Gohan gets up and Nappa starts to go after him. Krillin gets in front of Nappa at high speed and kicks Nappa in the face. Krillin punched Nappa after his kick. Nappa flies back and Krillin goes after him. Nappa landed on his feet and tried to punch Krillin, but Krillin dodged Nappa's punch. Krillin got some distance.

Vegeta: 'laughs' He's making you look bad, Nappa.

Nappa: Not for long!

Nappa runs after Krillin. Krillin lifted up his right arm and formed the Destructo Disc. Nappa stopped running.

Krillin: Here, catch.

Krillin launches the Destructo Disc at Nappa and Nappa looks at it unfazed.

Nappa: Catch? Fine!

As the Disc came closer Vegeta shouted.

Vegeta: Nappa! Don't touch it!

Nappa looks at the Destructo Disc scared and he dodges it in time with a cut on his face. The Disc then slice the top of a rock wall.

Vegeta: That idiot. That shot would have sliced him in two.

Krillin: So...close.

Nappa looks at the cut on his face and is really angry at Krillin.

Nappa: You! You cut me, ah! Oh you've done it not. You scarred my beautiful face. Now you're gonna pay for it.

Nappa has a white energy blast around his right hand and throws it to Krillin. Krillin jumped out of the way but, the energy blast was so large that Krillin got his clothes scarred and he was bruised. Nappa was about to launch another white energy beam, but Piccolo shot him in the back. Krillin was falling to the ground but you saved him in time. Nappa looks behind himself and sees Piccolo breathing hard.

Nappa: You Namekian trash! You think you can shoot me in the back and get away with it? How dare you! 'shouts'

Piccolo gets up.

Piccolo: I though it was your face?

Nappa: Uh! Why you! I'm gonna...

Vegeta: 'laughs hard' I don't know Nappa, it's an easy enough mistake.

Piccolo: Bring it on. 'clenches fist' I'm tired of you and your loud mouth.

Nappa: You arrogant fool! Your life is mine to take whenever I want! The only reason you're still alive is because we need you to tell us about the Dragon Balls! And once we have that, you'll be nothing more than a memory!

Piccolo: You caught me by surprise, it won't happen again.

You, Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo sense a very high power level coming your way.

Piccolo: What in the world am I sensing? There's a very huge power level heading straight for us.

Gohan: 'starts to cry' It's my dad! He's different somehow, but I knew he'd save us. 'laughs'

Krillin: Yes...I knew he'd...come and save us.

(Y/N): This power level is amazing.

Nappa: Aw, you're just trying to distract me. You can't sense power levels without a device.

Piccolo: Afraid you're wrong.

Nappa: You're bluffing.

Piccolo: Oh? Wait and see. It's Goku alright. He's on his way here right now. And judging by the power I'm sensing, you Saiyans are in for the fight of your lives.

Gohan: Wow, this is great! I knew my dad would make it here on time! Hurry up, daddy!

Krillin: Yes...I love it.

Nappa: You're all a bunch of liars. 'looks up in the sky' Where is he? I don't see anything. What do you think, Vegeta. Is Kakarot coming or not?

Vegeta: Calm down, Nappa. 'picks up scouter' Certainly, there's nothing to worry about. 'puts on scouter and activates it' Who cares anyway? Let him come.

Vegeta looks at the scouter in shock.

Nappa: Vegeta! Hey, Vegeta. You look like you've seen a ghost. 'laughs' Hey, come on, don't tell there's some kind of truth to what these fools are saying.

Vegeta: Something is definitely heading this way. But, it can't be Kakarot. The power level's too high. Whatever's coming has a power level of 5,000.

Nappa: What? No way! 5,000?! It can't be. Your scouter must be malfunctioning!

Piccolo: 'laughs' So then. You still think I'm bluffing?

Vegeta: 'clenches fist' Nappa! Quickly. Kill them all! We can't let them join with this fighter! If it is Kakarot, we have to show him that we will not be opposed by anyone!

Nappa: But--What about the Dragon Balls?

Vegeta: We don't need these fools to find them. It's all becoming clear to me now. It must've have been the Nameks who created the Dragon Balls here in the first place. I've heard of the magic balls of Namek before. But I always thought they were just a legend. It can't be just a coincidence that when we find the Dragon Balls, we found a Namek.

Nappa: I get it. A Namekian is all we need to make the Dragon Balls and Planet Namek is loaded with them. And if this one doesn't want to cooperate, we could always find a Namekian that will! So you're, expendable!

You look at Nappa and stand ready for his next attack.

(Y/N): Piccolo! Take Gohan, Krillin, and get out of here!

Piccolo: What?

(Y/N): I've been holding back this whole time so that Goku could be here to help me with Vegeta! Because of me, your friends are dead! I can't risk anyone else dead! My power is greater than Vegeta and Nappa! I've been trying to mask my power the whole time!

Nappa: Since you said that.

Nappa brings a white energy blast to his left hand and is about to take you on. But, Nappa didn't aim the shot at you but at Gohan.

Nappa: Die!

The blast was headed for Gohan but Piccolo ran in front of Gohan and took the blast head on.

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