š“š”šž š¬š®š§ ššš§š š­š”šž ļæ½...

By hannnnaaah

990K 24.1K 15.8K

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Selena Mae Gilbert
Act One
Katerina/ By the light of the moon
Daddy issues
The last dance
The last day
The sun also rises
As I lay dying
Act two
The birthday
The Hybrid
The end of the affair
Disturbing behaviour
The reckoning
Smells like a teen spirit
Ghost world
Ordinary people
The new deal
Our town
Bringing out the dead
Dangerous liaisons
All my children
The murder of one
Heart of darkness
Do not go gentle
Before sunset
The departed
Act Three
Growing pain
The rager
The five
The killer
We all go a little mad sometimes
The end of the war
My brothers keeper
Living the moment
After school special
A view to kill
Into the wild/ Down the rabbit hole
Stand by you
Bring it on
Because of the night
American Gothic/ Picture of you
The End

Oh come all ye faithful

6.7K 208 147
By hannnnaaah

Hung my head as I lost the war
And the sky turned black like a perfect storm
Rain came pouring down
When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe
And by morning
Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean


Selena was in the middle of the woods, she felt cold. The sensation was so familiar but that couldn't possibly be happening could it?

She killed the twins and her mother told her so. She had nothing to worry about, she should not feel afraid but she couldn't help it it was beyond her powers. The sensation and the memories was graved in the back of her mind, she couldn't just forget about it like nothinh ever happened

She looked around her frantically and fearfully, she only wanted to know if this was real or a nightmare. She ran and found herself inside a pentagram

She looked down and screamed from the top of her lungs "NO!" She shook her head

"Leave me alone" she screamed as tears streaming down her cheeks freely

"Selena wake up!" Klaus tried to wake his fiancée who was screaming in her sleep

"No! No!" She screamed and sat up to see Klaus beside her looking at ger fearfully as her eyes were red and when she touched his hand, she burned him

"Selena!" He groaned in pain "You're burning me!"

"I'm so sorry" she said and jumled from the bed away from him "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

"Just breath" he softly said and approached her, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath causing her eyes to return back to their original colors

"I'm sorry" she breathed out and he nodded

"It's okay" he said and stepped closer to her causing her to step back "Little wolf, you're not going to hurt me"

"You don't know that" she whispered and he sighed "Please just sleep. I'll be in the balcony... Please Nik, go back to sleep"

She stood up on the balcony and closed her eyes inhaling the fresh air. All of sudden she felt strong arms around her waist

"Nik..." she began and he kissed her cheek as she tried to move away from him

"I'm not scared of you" he whispered in assurance and she gulped nervously

"You should be"

"You really think I can sleep if you're having nightmares?" He asked and she sighed "What was it?"

"I wanna go home... my home" she told him as a tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away quickly "I'll text you"

"Selena, I'm your fiancé... if we can't be at the same room then how the bloody hell are we supposed to-" he began trying to reason with her

"I can hurt you, worst case scenario- Kill you. Yes, Klaus I'm that powerful and guess what? I can't even control my temper" she said with a sarcastic smile "I don't know half of the shit I'm doing with my magic. How I killed the twins? That was luck"

"Talk to me, tell me what's wrong" he softly said cupping her face between his hands gently

"I don't know" she said with a sigh "That night keep playing in my mind repeatedly"

"You won, Selena... what you've been through is not easy but you're so strong keep that in mind, little wolf" he whispered and kissed the top of her head gently "And now come on you need to reset"

"I had a relapse once" Selena revealed quietly and he could see how ashamed of admitting it "It was after my parents died... I went to the hospital and I almost died... My past is not me, Nik, I swear... it was back then when I stopped, I'm clean now, I promise"

"I know, love... I know and I love you more than anything, you are the strongest person, I know" he told her softly before kissing her cheek "The way I look at you will never change"

"But it did, I'm not broken, I can handle myself but I am not that girl anymore" she promised him as a tear dropped from her eye and he kissed her forehead brushing her cheek with his fingers

"You can talk to me if it's too much, you know?"

"At the moment... honestly, I barely remember what happened but Jeremy... uh- he, he found me on the floor passed out" she began to tell him and he could see how hard it was for her to open up "By the time I was at the hospital... I was so close, in fact my heart did stop for few seconds"

He frowned deeply, almost two years ago, Klaus did feel like his heart stopped. He couldn't understand why and he was perfectly fine, in fact it was in middle of the night and all of sudden, he was gasping for air.

"I guess, if it wasn't for the soulmate bond I'd be dead... and the worst thing is after the relapse, when you're fully awake. The guilt that cones after it's literally crushing." She admitted with a bitter chuckle "I even thought that I deserved death, then maybe it'd be easier. I don't know, it was kind of shitty... Can you believe it? The Selena Gilbert, the mean girl and the bitch... the strong Selena overdosed, the one who never showed weakness. I fucking overdosed"

"And sometimes-" her voice cracked and he squeezed her hand tightly and she gulped a sob "It's so tempting... whenever I'm breaking down or... it's so fucking tempting... I wonder if I am strong enough to handle it. It's always gonna be there and if I let my guard down just for one second. It's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life"

"So yeah, Nik... guess what?" She wiped her tears with a fake smile "You proposed to someone who's so fucking messed up. You can still back down, I wouldn't blame you... I'm not blaming-"

She trailed off, it was enough that she had revealed her darkest and weakest moments, she didn't have to add insult to injury by mentioning how her first ex fucked her up even more. The man who gave her trust and commitment issues.

"I know I have a reputation... fuck, whenever Theo says he's my brother, they'd be wary of him" she stated with a sigh "Maybe you should too, nobody trusts me and they have a pretty good reason to not trust me"

"You are my everything, I am so sorry that I made you feel like your old self again but you are the strongest person I know, I love you for who you are, flaws and all... We all have something that's haunting us, I will help you. That is a promise" he told her sincerely before wrapping his arms around her "I love you, Selena"

"Your past is not you and it's not your future and you think I'm looking at you with pity but I'm not... I just wish I was there with you" he admitted softly and she smiled weakly

"I love you"


"Hey!" Selena hugged her Theo, Caroline and Jenna "Guess who's getting married?"

"Who's getting-" Caroline began but trailed off when Selena raised her left hand showing them the ring

"You're getting married!" Caroline clapped her hands excitedly "My bestfriend is getting married!"

"I'm not sure the whole town heard you yet" Selena muttered sarcastically "Trust me I still can't believe it either"

"I mean we knew sooner or later Klaus would ask you" Jenna said "Plus he asked for our blessings"

"Not to disappoint you but I already knew before you Jenna" Theo said with a smug smile causing Caroline to glare at him

"You knew and you didn't tell me!" She scolded and he shrugged "How dare you?"

"I knew she would want to surprise you" he defended himself and she pouted

"I mean he supposed to ask for your permission" Selena said "I actually find that offensive. I have your back, Care don't worry"

"I know you're the only one who loves me" Caroline hugged her bestfriend "I'm so excited to plan your wedding"

"We already planned it in our freshman year, remember?" Selena said and Caroline nodded

"The june wedding" she said excitedly and Selena nodded

"I'll go talk to Tyler" Caroline said and Selena nodded as she walked away

"I missed you, Theo, Auntie J" Selena told them and her brother smiled smugly and she rolled her eyes

"Of course you did" he taunted and she chuckled

"Come on dance with me" she grabbed his hand and he groaned "See you, Auntie J"

"Leenie!" He whined and she ignored him and led him to the dance floor

"A little birdie told me you gave your blessings" she told him as he twirled her

"Klaus told you?" he whispered as they danced "After that night when he rushed you to the hospital... I saw it in his eyes. He loves you, Lennie so much. I couldn't say no plus I want you to be happy and he makes you happy"

"Yeah he does" she whispered "I just never thought he would propose... at least not this early"

"Tell me about it" he said causing her to frown "I mean my baby eighteen years old sister is getting married"

"First of all I'm not a baby and second we still didn't decide when or even where" she said and he smiled "You know... I don't think we're staying in Mystic falls after my graduation"

"Where are you going? I mean permanently?"

"I think so... it's just I really can't stay here any longer. It's suffocating me, Theo. You can come with me if you want" she said and he sighed

"You two need privacy. Plus as much as I hate to admit it but you're grownup and engaged" he said and she sighed sadly "But I'll be visiting you... I know you're a troublemaker"

"Stop!" She whined and he laughed "I'm not"

"Give me a second" he said when he saw Caroline and Tyler in a heated conversation

"Yeah sure"


"You are going to do what?" Caroline asked Tyler after hearing what he told her

"Hayley found a witch strong enough to do the body jump spell. You know the Klaus speciality" Tyler said causing Caroline to scowl

"So you're going to put him in somebody else's body and then what?"

"We'll encase the body in concrete then buty it" Tyler replied

"Are you insane! You do realise he's Leenie's fiancé" Caroline told him and he rolled his eyes "You can't do this to her and do you really think she would spare you? No she won't"

"Why can't you we just desiccate him like Bonnie did? Dammit forget I just said that!" She facepalmed herself

"Well because to do that spell you have to stop a human heart and I was a little short on volunteers" Tyler told her

"Well who was dumb enough to volunteer their body to be a Klaus sublet?" She asked him and he gave her a look and the held up his arms to calm her down

"Don't freak out"

"Freak out? Freak out! I'm about to hemorrhage. You volunteered" she snapped at him

"It's not forever. Just long enough for the hybrids to be able to completely disappear" he reassured her

"Well I can't think of a better way to spend our senior year than you buried in concrete, Tyler" she hissed and he put a hand on her shoulder

"This started with me. It has to end with me, I need your support" he told her and she shook her head

"Remember what happened to Leenie last time she thought he was dead or when you desiccated him?" She asked him "You can't do this to her. She's your friend"

"I'm doing her a favor" he defended himself and she scoffed in disbelief

"A favor, Tyler? They're about to get married for Goodness sake"

"If you want to help her. You need to support this, if you don't they'll go after her too. And I won't be able to stop any of them. They already know her weakness"

"Are you seriously threatening her life?" She raised her voice and he motioned for her to be quiet "Are you-"

"Hey Ty, Care" Selena greeted them as she gave Tyler a quick hug

"Leenie! I heard you got engaged, Congratulations" he said with a fake smile

"Thank you" she smiled at him

"Where's Theo?" She asked them

"He just left" Caroline said glaring at Tyler "He's with Dylan right now"

"Okay" she smiled at them "See you around, Ty"


Selena stood in front of Klaus's painting, amazed by it. She didn't even know it was his until she noticed his signature. She sensed some kind of loneliness by the dark colors

She could paint sometimes but she wasn't an artist like him but she did understand what he meant by the colors and where it came from

"Little wolf" he called and she turned around to face him

"Someone's trying to steal tiny Tim's crutches?" She teased as he eas smiling at her

"Dickens was a dark man" he retorted with a smile as he approached her "You would have liked him"

"I love the snowflake by the way" she said as he wralled his arms around her waist

"Is my work really that literal?" He asked and she chuckled before looking back at the painting

"There's... something lonely about it" she pointed at his painting

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment?" He said and she kissed his cheek

"I like it" she said and he smiled

"Can I offer you some champagne?" He asked and she scoffed

"Too many adults prying eyes" she stated "But since everyone expects the worst from me. I'm gonna take your offer"

"Allow me" he motioned for her to walk first and she smiled

"Always a gentleman" she teased and he chuckled

He handed her a glass of champagne and she smiled at him as he stared at her with awe causing her to blush

"You know I can't believe it" she told him taking a sip from her champagne "After everything we've been through here we are... engaged I mean if two years ago someone told me I'd fall in love with someone and especially the Original hybrid. I'd kick their ass"

"Well I knew I'd fall for you the second I first dreamt of you" he said and she smiled as he leaned in capturing her lips slowly and passionately


Caroline walked out to meet Stefan as she found him he was already waiting for her

"Hey did you find the sword?" She asked him and he shook his head


"What are we going to do?" She asked him once again

"I need Tyler to call it off. As much as I want Klaus to suffer but we still need him to find this cure" he said and Caroline sighed

"What about Leenie, Stefan? They can't do this to her" She said and he sighed in frustration "She doesn't deserve this. They love each other"

"Klaus is our best shot to find the cure. We need Tyler to call it off" He explained

"Well that's not gonna happen" Tyler approached them and he looked at Caroline accusingly "You told him?"

"I've had twelve hybrids sworn to secrecy for a month. I have Hayley and a witch risking their lives and you're babbling my plan to him?" He continued with a scowl

"Look all I'm asking you for is a little bit of time okay?" Stefan told the hybrid

"How long? An hour? A day? Because every minute that goes by they're at risk. You and Klaus already served one of them for Jeremy to kill" He spat angrily "I don't owe you anything"

"I'm taking him out. And if you don't handle Leenie... they'll go after her too and I won't stop them. She already chose his side" He said but before he could walk away Stefan stopped him

"Leave Leenie out of this. If you're taking Klaus down. I don't care but Leenie is out of it" Stefan warned him with a fiery glare

"No why would he do that? Why leave me out of this. Take me down with him" Selena appeared behind him and he closed his eyes taking a deep breath

"Leenie look we're not after you. Stay out of this" Tyler warned her and she scoffed "Or you're gonna regret it"

"You do realise I can kick your and your twelve hybrids asses?" She asked him and he scowled "If you're after Klaus then you're after me"

Tyler sped over to her but Stefan was faster, he stood in front of her protectively as Caroline stood behind the hybrid

"Harm her and I will kill you" Stefan threatened him "Klaus would be the least of your problems"

While Stefan was standing in front of her, she used it as an opportunity to ran away looking for Klaus

Stefan turned around to see Selena was no longer there, but before he could go after her, Stefan and Caroline were surrounded by the hybrids

"Tyler leave Selena alone" Caroline pleaded him

"Sorry but I have to" he said before speeding away as she pulled her phone out texting Theo


Selena was running looking for Klaus as she placed her phone in her ear "Please pick up" she desperately said

"Selena where are you?" He asked and she sighed in relief

"Thank God. What the hell took you so long?" she asked him "Listen to me wherever you are get out of there. Get out of town Nik they're after you. The hy-"

Before she could finish what she was about to say, someone hit her with something in her head,
she felt everything swirling and she fell to the floor half unconscious.

She looked up to see it was Kim one of Klaus' former sired hybrids. Selena used her magic and casted a pain spell causing the hybrid to fall on her knees but out of nowhere one of the hybrids surprised her and knocked her out


"I broke into your save to look for the sword" Stefan informed Klaus causing him to frown


"Because I don't trust you" Stefan simply said

"I showed you the sword. I explained it's value, I've been on your side the entire time. What do you want from me? A secret brotherhood handshake?" Klaus angrily asked Stefan

"I found your letters. You have few pen pals over the centuries?" Stefan stated

"Well is keeping my victims letters really so different from writing their names on a wall, like you did... Ripper" Klaus smirked causing Stefan to frown in confusion

Klaus noticed one of his hybrid and he walked towards him but stopped and turned around to face Stefan again

"Loneliness Stefan... That's why you and I memorialise our dead. There's the briefest of moments before we kill where we literally hold their life in our hands, and then we rip it away, and we're left with nothing. So gathering others people's letters or writing their names on a wall it's a reminder... that in the end we're left infinitely and utterly alone" Klaus told him as tears welled up in his eyes "But I have Selena... she's all I'll ever need"

"Klaus" Theo called as he ran towarda the Original hybrid "It's Leenie. They hybrids have her"


She opened her eyes to see she was in a cell and her hands and feet tied tightly causing her to groan in pain as she felt her skin was burning and she knew they used wolfsbane on her

"Oh Klaus' little bitch is awake" One of they hybrids said and she scoffed

"You do realise I can kill you?" She asked him and he smiled smugly

"No you can't. Not now"

"It's just a matter of time before Klaus finds me or maybe I can do this" she tried to use her magic but it didn't work causing him to laugh mockingly

"Yeah we know your weakness" he mocked causing her to grow more angry. She wasn't having it

Her eyes turned red causing him to step back fearfully as he was trying to open the cell

"What the hell" he exclaimed as he was surrounded by fire. She unchained herself and stood up making her way towards him

"Never mess with me ever again, darling" she hissed amd all of sudden someone opened the cellar causing her to look up making the fire stop

Theo snapped the hybrid's neck and rushed towards his sister hugging her as ahe hugged him back

"Where's Nik?" She asked him fearfully "Is he okay?"

"He's okay" he assured her and pulled away looking for any injuries "You're injured"

"I know" she muttered as Klaus entered the cellar with a fiery glare but the second he looked at her his eyes softened

"Theo take her home" he told the eldest Gray amd she looked at him as he avoided any eye contact with her

"Nik-" she began but Theo lifted her up knowing she was very tired

"Leenie come on" he told her and she sighed sadly


Back at the Mikealson mansion Theo was helping Selena treat her injuries after taking a shower. He gave her a hot British tea causing her to smile weakly

"How are you feeling?" He asked her and she nodded

"Better" she told him "What about you?"

"I'm fine" he said and she gave him a look "It's just I can't help but think if we weren't there in time? I could've lost you... I almost did many times"

"Theo, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I promised you. I know our life isn't easy but we're both in this together" she said softly and he hugged her

Selena's phone start ringing and when she saw who was it ahe quickly picked up

"If it isn't Sexy Salvatore to what do I the pleasure" Selena said with smile missing the elder Salvatore

"I miss you Sexy wolfie. Here's no fun without you... By the way I heard you got engaged" Damon said and she chuckled "Congratulations"

"Thank you"

"I just don't get it. I mean I'm so much more hotter than him. We could run away and get married" he teased and she giggled "How are you feeling after what happened today?"

"I'll be fine" she told him

"Just wait until I get a hold of Tyler. You should have let me finish him off like his uncle. I'm pretty sure Klaus is way ahead of me but I want to do that"

"How's uh Jeremy?" Selena avoided his response

"If Klaus doesn't kill him, Lennie I'm doing it. Don't say I didn't tell you" he said "And to answer your question your brother is fine"

"I don't believe you. Give him the phone"

"I'm wounded but fair enough"

"Leenie hey!" Jeremy greeted her and she smiled in relief

"Jer I miss you. How are you? Is Damon teaching you anything?"

"He's not the best student" Damon shouted over the phone and she laughed

"And you're not the best teacher" Selena defended the younger Gilbert "Deal with it!"

"I'm good what about you?"

"Congratulations by the way, Leenie" he said and she smiled

"Uh Jer I'll talk tou later" Selena said before hanging up. She gasped when she saw Klaus covered with blood and a little bit wet

"Oh God... what happened? Are you okay?" She rushed toward him and he hugged her tightly as he sighed in relief

"I'm gonna go. Goodnight" Theo said and ran outside leaving the couple alone

Selena hugged him back, he buried his face in her neck and she realized his face was wet

"Look at me, Nik" she cupped his face "Talk to me please. Tell me what happened? Why are you like this? Are you hurt?"

"I killed Carol Lockwood" he whispered and she gasped in shock. She felt the shock of his words go through her body like the recoil of a gun

She looked at him with widen eyes as she tried to say something or react but her body betrayed her. He held her hands as she felt him trembling against her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath

"Let's get you cleaned up" she whispered grabbing his hand leading him to the bathroom

She start to unzip his blouse and he lifted her chin up so she could look at him as tears welled up in her eyes

"Do you need anything?" She asked him "Do you want me to help you?"

"No I'll be fine" he said and she nodded walking away taking the bloody and wet clothes with her


When he cleaned himself up, he entered their room to see her sitting on the dressing table, brushing her hair

"Little wolf" he began and she stood up making her way to the bed "You're angry"

"Of course I'm angry Klaus" she stated "I know that you were mad and angry about your hybrids and Tyler but you didn't have to kill his mother. She's innocent in all this"

"I made him pay for whay he did. I almost lost you tonight" he said and she could hear the vulnerability in his voice "They hurt you and you can't convince me otherwise"

"Nik" she took a deep breath "You need to control your temper. I'm telling you this because I love you"

"Selena I love you" he said as a tear escaped her eye "Don't leave me"

She turned around and walked towards him hugging him tightly as he nuzzled his face in her neck and placed a soft kiss

"I'm not leaving you, Nik. I would never leave you" she whispered softly "Ever"

"You know... you are my life" he told her and she smiled weakly

He leaned down and kissed her a kiss that told her that she's everything she'd ever wanted.

She stood up on her tip toe to meet his mouth as their kiss was slow and gentle at first. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he did the same around her waist pulling her more closer if that was possible. He laid her down on the bed. She locked her ankles around the small of his back, and he groaned against her mouth

She dug her fingers into his shoulders when he kissed her throat, her collarbones. His fingers dug into her hips

They pulled apart and she frowned as she frowned while breathing heavily

"You're still hurt" he stated and she nodded as he laid down beside her wrapping his arm around her waist as she buried her face in his chest and they both slept in each others arms

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