Two Broken Hearts

By ameliaaaxmm

1.4K 103 1

The Academy of the Arts is where every wealthy family sends their children to pursue a career. However not ev... More

Part 1: Elapse
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Part 2. Collapse
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part 3: Perhaps
Chapter 31

Chapter 16

20 3 0
By ameliaaaxmm

"I believe that when you love someone and that person loves you in return you're uniquely vulnerable. They have the power to hurt you, it's like nothing else." - Elijah Mikelson

I didn't even last a full week back home and before I knew it I was back at the academy.

After what happened when I got home my mother never left her room again. I tried going in there to make sure she took her medication but she never spoke to me. I did tell my father to keep a close eye on her because we might have to hospitalize her. My father said he would but we both know he works almost all the time.

I said goodbye to my siblings and promised I would visit them sooner. They of course did not believe me but this time I will keep my promise. I don't want them at the end to forget all about me when I will be taking care of them until they get older.

I opened my door with all my luggage again. It took me more time to pack and less time to stay home.

I unpacked as I was listening to music because I can not do anything without listening to music. Spotify Premium is the way to go.

When I finished I organized my desk because I wanted to write. I haven't had a lot of time to write due to school but it's a break meaning I can finally have some time for myself.

I did message Blake telling him I was going to come back to the academy and he said he wished he was here with me. But he won't be coming because of the meetings he was forced to attend. I love how responsible he is, makes him more attractive.

But I truly am going to miss him since we were used to being together all the time.

I made some coffee and placed it on my desk and I played my writing playlist.

I began writing as the words came up in my mind. The beautiful thing about writing is how you are in control. You can make anything happen as you desire.

As I was getting in the flow of writing I heard the jiggling of keys. I jumped out of my chair as quickly as possible before hiding to see who this person might be.

Luna was home and no one else had access to our keys as long as I believe.

When the door opened fully I was extremely shocked at who the person was.

It was Luna.

But she was home. All the time I have known her she has never stayed at the academy for a break. I guess there is a first time for everything.

Since I saw it was Luna I walked from behind the door towards her.

"AHHH," she screams as she drops her luggage to the ground.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Luna says as she catches her breath.

"What are you doing here?" I ask instead.

"Umm no I asked first," Luna says as she sits in her bed.

"You know home, my mom," I say

"Are you okay?" she asks.

This is one of the things I love about Luna. She is always asking me if I am okay and immediately knows if I am lying. And sometimes although we are both not okay we still manage to be there for each other.

"Yeah I just had to calm myself but I am fine," I say

"Want to talk about it?" Luna asks

"Just at home, my mom was acting as she would when I was younger and I just got flashbacks to when she tried to kill herself," I say

"I am so sorry bestie. As hard as it is to let go of that memory it makes you stronger. I admire you a lot. I hope you know that" she says with a smile.

"What about you? You are never back so early?" I ask again

"Well, everything was going by fine. All my family came over for the holidays and it was great. But then Robert came since you know my cousin and him are best friends. It triggered a lot of bad memories and no one knew what happened between us so no one suspected a thing. I was just uncomfortable with everything but I didn't say anything since it was just for one night but he began to follow me everywhere. I would go to the store and he would magically appear. Then he tried to get me into his car because he said "we weren't done" that was it for me. I ran as quickly as I could to my car and drove home. I had to leave because I didn't feel safe anymore. I told my parents I had an emergency back at the academy and I had to leave," she tells me.

"Luna you have to do something about this. We can go to the police so they can get a restraining order." I say

"No I can't do that," she says

"And why not?" I ask

"If my parents find out they will be disappointed in me for being involved with someone like him," she says

"You just can't live all your life being scared he might be everywhere you are," I tell her.

"I won't, I promise. Just give me some time to figure out what to do," Luna says while laying down on her bed.

"Okay then I am here for you," I say

"You know the only thing good that came out from those days was how Brady texted me. He said Blake gave him my number and how he wanted to hire me to take some pictures of the next football game. Maybe I can spend more time with him," Luna says

"Wow that's amazing I am so excited for you. Also, those pictures are going to be so good I am so excited to see them. Just always remember to be yourself and if he doesn't like you then it is his loss," I say with a smile.

"Okay let's stop being sad and have a bad bitch moment," Luna says.


Dear Diary,

I always believe everything happens for a reason. The good and the bad come and go in our lives as either lessons or blessings. I hope Luna finds a blessing soon. It is something she has earned and needs in order to continue being her cheerful self. And although it is sometimes hard to identify which is which the blessings always shine more.


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