Lose Everything(2/2)

By MikushX

1.6K 301 68

You're starving. Starving for fun, starving for satisfaction, starving for victory. As time goes on, you want... More

Queen's Gambit
Sicilian Defense
French Defense
King's Gambit
Scandinavian Defense
Scotch Game
Trompowsky Attack
Danish Gambit
London System
Dutch Defense
Catalan Opening
RĂ©ti Opening
Vienna Game
Alekhine's Defense
Slav Defense
Benko Gambit
Tug of War
Dutch Defense
Emperor's Gambit
The Frankenstein-Dracula Variation
God's Gambit
Lose Everything

Broken Heart

30 8 3
By MikushX

"Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning."

Paulo Coelho


A couple hugs each other and sits under a blanket by the blue sea. They admire the beauty of the setting sun. The girl took her head off the boy's shoulder and looks at him.

- You like all these, don't you?

- I don't know. Maybe I like it. You know I don't have that kinda feelings.

- I understand, don't say a word. You're a little kid, I like you that way.

-Aren't you like me? We are both look like naughty kids!

-Please, don't talk about these things anymore. Remember our condition. I wanna enjoy the moment fullest.


- I know. I understand very well that I should not trust you. But I still can't hate you completely. After all these things, I still love you.

- People are like that. No matter how much the person you love hurts you, they are still a part of you. You can't completely hate them. The reason for your defeat is that you love me.

- Yes, I agree, my love for you destroyed me. But I still do not regret it. Loving someone is a wonderful feeling, no matter how much it hurts.

- I'm glad you're happy. How strange it is that you agree to stay with me in spite of the suffering you will face from now on.

- None of this is important. I just agree to go through everything for this happy moment. Spend some time with you. This is enough for me. How funny... How I have changed. Such is love. It crushes even the strongest people.

- Probably ...

- Can I dream, can I hope for a happy future? Do I have a chance that you will love me someday?

-No. Don't even think about it. You know me.

-But still, I wanna hope that one day a person like you gonna fall in love.


She looked into his eyes.

There is grief. A person who cannot love, who cannot feel happy. Just deep sadness. She doesn't know where this is going. So just leaning on his shoulder and enjoying the moment that is important right now.


Hera wakes up and looks around. The weather is getting dark. She looks at the ceiling without moving. There's a silent breeze outside. Hera goes outside and takes fresh air into her lungs. At this moment she hears laughter in the barn. She opens the door and enters. When she enters, she sees Kratos and Artemis talking with enthusiasm.

Hera: what are you doing here?

Artemis: Nothing, we just talk.

Hera: how can you talk to this filthy man? This is unacceptable.

Artemis: Sis, but...

Hera interrupts: Shut up! We will talk about this later. Now we have decided to meet with them. We have to exchange Percy with this idiot. God knows what these bastards have done to the poor girl in the last 2 weeks.

Hera went out and Artemis followed her while quickly glancing at Kratos.

Kratos understood what Hera is planning. Hera plans to attack them when they exchange. He needs to inform the boys. It is urgent to get out of here and prevent all these deaths.


Artemis could not sleep at night. The plan that Big Sis says is so dangerous. She thinks she can't do it anymore. After all, it is not necessary to kill boys. At least Kratos is innocent. She thought. Is it worth doing all this? What will they get by killing? Can all men be bad? All these thoughts began to turn in her mind. She just needs to talk to get rid of the thoughts. She got out of bed and looked at Hera. Hera sleeps quietly. She decided to talk to Kratos. Maybe talking to the boys will help to stop this dangerous game.

As Artemis slowly approached the stable, she saw that the door was broken. She understood what happened at that moment. She ran into the stable. There is no one in the stable. Kratos fled.

Artemis looked around helplessly. Hera's voice came from behind. "So he ran away?"

Artemis looked at her with despairingly "Sorry Sis. I had to keep an eye on him. But I was wrong. I trusted him...

Artemis began to cry.

Hera hugged her and said - "let go of all your emotions to go out. Men are all like that. They gain your trust and then they run away...

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