Winter Warmth

By bokunohero66

5.4K 178 31

- Rated MπŸ”ž - Short Story - Lumberjack Katsuki - Librarian Izuku - Slight age difference ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... More

Ch. 4


1.4K 53 17
By bokunohero66

Word Count: 3070


3rd POV:






Strong and well defined arms flexed with every swing of the axe as it struck the sturdy wood, chopping it into three pieces. The snow barley covered Katsuki's winter boots as he walked over and dropped the chopped wood into his slay and picked up another log to chop. A sudden cold breeze struck across Katsuki's sweaty face as soon as he raised his axe to take another swing. Even though he only wore a long sleeve under his flanneled shirt, the cold didn't bother him. Not even the cuts along his face that stung every time he would scrunch his face bothered at all. He was too focused and in a hurry to even notice that the slit on his lip had begun to bleed again.

Why did he have cuts across his face?

Simple, he got into a claw fight with a raccoon for taking down a tree, the one he is currently cutting into pieces. He was usually careful and observant every time he took down a tree, making sure no animal lived in it. But when it was a specific person asking for wood, he took down the best tree, not caring if an animal was in it. And so, it would result in an angry animal coming at him for his recklessness. He's had to take a couple of shots since these animals were wild and many had rabies. The doctors were so used to his visits, since they were always for rabies, they gave him a few doses so he can take them home and put them on himself.






' That should be enough...' Katsuki thought as he brushed his sweaty eyebrows with the sleeve of his sweater and throwing the last pair of logs into the pile on his slay. He struck the axe down to the middle of the old tree stump, leaving the axe stuck at an angle. He then reached down and grabbed the rope to his slay and headed out to the road. The soft crunch of snow beneath his every step and the wind that blew helped him concentrate and plan out the day he was going to have with the person who was receiving the wood.

Who was the wood for?

Izuku Midoriya.

The man that made him act careless and reckless at his job as the official lumberjack of the small secluded town. The man that he has had feelings for for as long as he can remember. The man that has made him feel loved once again after losing his parents in a terrible accident. Even if they have not yet put a name to their relationship, he was willing to spend the rest of his life with Midoriya. Age was just a number for both of them, what really mattered was the love they held for each other. Every time Midoriya calls him for more wood for the library, he can't help but get all mushy and blind with love

and recently with want....

When Midoriya had turned 18, five years into their loving relationship, Bakugou had asked if it was okay to try thing out with Izuku, but differently. It was going to be the first time either of them ever tired it out with another man. Bakugou wasn't as nervous as Midoriya was since he already had experience with 'that' type of intimacy with past partners. As for the greenette, he was still a virgin and he was scared of how it might feel or happen. And so, unfortunately for Bakugou, Midoriya had declined his offer and just wanted things to be as they were; cuddles, hand holding, small pecks and quick kisses. As much as the blond longed for the greenette, he never insisted more that year and agreed to wait for him. All they really needed was each other, and it made them both really happy.

But recently, quick kisses had suddenly turned into intense and heated make out sessions. Both of them would sneak into the back room of the library and make-out until they were completely out of breathe. Izuku would occasionally climb onto Bakugou's lap and roll his hip onto his hard, but never went farther than that, and poor Bakugou always had to deal with his erection in the bathroom alone. And when both were out from work, Midoriya would visit Bakugou at his place and do the same, but without a shirt....and pants. They would strip each other from their clothing, except their boxers, and feel each others body, rut against each other, but again, it never went farther than that.

Its been several months and Bakugou has had it with the cock block, and today things were going to change with the younger male. He was going to make it happen, he already had a plan in mind, and he knew Midoriya would have no choice but to accept. But if things did go downhill, he would apologize and was okay with having to wait another year and try again.


Bakugou took a final turn and headed into the street and straight to the library that was only a couple of feet from the corner. He then stopped right in front of the stairs and carried a couple of logs into the building. He made sure to shake his boot near the front door carpet and continued his way in, his heart beating faster as he neared the reception area. The library at the moment was empty, not a single soul could be seen as he stopped at the foot of the front desk. He couldn't spot the green haired male either as he glanced into the rows of bookshelves, thinking that Midoriya was probably busy organizing books.

"Oi! Where the hell are you Deku?!" Bakugou shouted as he placed the fire wood near the fire place.

There was no answer.

"You better not be sleeping down there again!" Bakugou shouted as he stomped around the front desk, noticing a bundle of blankets laid out on the ground underneath the desk with green hairs sticking out from the top . Bakugou clicked his tongue and walked over to where the greenette was resting, he squatted down and gently removed the blanket that covered Midoriya's face. He leaned down and pecked the boy's forehead, chuckling as a pretty loud snore erupted from Midoriya's parted lips. The small male then slowly blinked his eyes open, and jolted up when he saw Bakugou, resulting in bumping each others head.

"Fuck!" Bakugou yelled as he fell backwards and rubbed his temple, the cut near his head opening again, a small trail of blood slide down the side of his eye.

"Ow... Sorry Kacchan you scared me-!" Izuku apologized as he got up to his feet and extended an arm for Bakugou to take, but immediately got down to his knees when he saw the blood trickle down the blonds sharp jawline. "Kacchan you're bleeding!!" Izuku yelped as he grabbed Bakugou's face and pushed his hair back to examine the injury. "Wait! You have cuts everywhere! What happened?! Are you okay?! Who did you get into a fight this time?! Did someone jump you on you're way here?! I'm sor-!" A hand suddenly was slapped against the rambling male's lips, who still continued to speak even as his mouth was covered.

"You don't have to apologize idiot, a fuckin' raccoon attacked me when I was chopping wood." Katsuki clarified as he removed his palm from Izuku's mouth and slowly stood up.

"Still! It's my fault since I was the one who asked for wood! If I hadn't asked for fire wood, your face wouldn't look that way!" Midoriya retorted as he also stood up and held Bakugou's hands, their faces only centimetres away.

"I would rather get attacked by a pathetic rodent than have you freeze to death Deku! Anyways, it's my fault for not checking that the fuckin' raccoon was up there in the first place." Bakugou answered as he looked away embarrassed. He knew and admitted how reckless he can get when it comes to the green haired boy.

Midoriya giggled as he shook his head and stood on his tippy toes to kiss the blonds flushed cheek. "Kacchan is so caring yet careless at the same time!"

"Only for you I guess " Bakugou chuckled as he tugged at both of the younger boy's freckled cheeks, receiving another heart filled giggle.

After properly attending to Bakugou's wounds they began to chat. Talking about their day and what they should do for the weekend since they were off from work.

Although, a sudden breeze entered from underneath the front door and had gotten Midoriya shivering, reminding Bakugou why he even came in the first place. "Let me go start the fire..." Bakugou said as he gave the greenette a quick kiss on the forehead and walked over to the fire place.

"As always, thank you for the wood Kacchan! This place would be freezing if it weren't for you! " Midoriya chirped leaning from behind the counter with a blanket draped over his shoulders and watched as Bakugou fed the small fire place with freshly cut wood. "So how much do I owe you now?" Izuku questioned as he opened the cash register. He has been keeping tabs recently since Bakugou wouldn't accept the money, saying he would collect it at the end of the week.

It's already Friday, so today was the day he would pay for the firewood, and maybe a little extra since he still blames himself for the attack he received for cutting some wood for him. Midoriya looks up to the direction of the blond, waiting for an answer.

Bakugou stood still, thinking over if it was a good idea to go on with his plan. There was only two ways this can go, either his plan is a success and Midoriya agrees or they don't speak to each other for a while or not at all, which scared him to the core. Either way, he wouldn't know unless he tried...

"Money won't cover the cost this time sweet cheeks... " Bakugou answered with a playful smirk as he walked over to the green haired boy who wore a confused look across his face, but suddenly grew red at the realization...

"O-oh, t-then a k-kiss...?" Izuku stuttered as he looked down and fiddled with the helm of his sweater sleeves. He knew what Katsuki meant, he himself wanted it as much as the blond did, but was to shy to ask for it directly.

"You know what I mean..." Katsuki growled, his voice sounding lower and a bit demanding. He walks over to the other side of the front desk and stands right in front of Izuku, who was now also still, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Y-you're gonna h-have to be a little more s-specific than t-that Kacchan..." Izuku whispered underneath his breathe, his entire body suddenly overheating with the close proximity of the blond.

"Hm? Didn't quite catch that," Katsuki asked, wrapping his arm around the smaller males thin waist while his other hand gently grabbed Izuku's chin between his thumb and index finger, "Deku..." Katsuki groaned, nearly nibbling the greenette's right ear. Izuku couldn't help but whimper with anticipation as the hot breathe engulfed his ear.

Looking back, scarlet red hooded eyes bored into large viridescent innocent ones. Izuku's long eyelashes fluttered against his freckled flushed cheeks, looking from Katsuki's lust filled eyes to those lush lips that always made him melt at the simple touch. He wanted to connect them, he wanted their breaths to mix and taste the flavor of Katsuki's peppermint breathe. He yearned for their bodies to finally connect, to be one with each other. To be at the mercy of his Kacchan...

Katsuki seemed to have caught Izuku looking back and forth between his eyes and mouth, and leaned closer until their noses were touching and their lips only millimetres away.

"If you want to...," Katsuki whispered, "just say it..."

A tingle crawled along the back of his neck and Izuku couldn't take it anymore, he smashed their lips together and wrapped his arms around the blondes neck, tangling his fingers within the spiky soft hair and slightly pulling it. It had caught Katsuki off guard, but he immediately kissed back, grinning as he ran his hands up and down on the greenettes sides and back. Izuku leaned his body as close as he could with the blonds, which caused Katsuki to stumble back and lean onto the reception desk.

Turns out for Bakugou that Izuku could get horny easily with just a few words and a change of tone to his voice. His plan had already started, all he needed was to tease the greenette and make the smaller male beg for more, to make Izuku say the words that he was ready...

Bakugou immediately switched their positions, lifting Izuku from underneath his ass and placing him on top of the desk, their lips not parting the slightest. Midoriya wrapped his legs around Katsuki's waist and basically bumped their half hards against each others. Bakugou groaned as he jerked his hips forward every so often. Izuku moaned and opened his lips, allowing Bakugou's wet tongue to collide with his.

It seemed as if time had slowed but their movements only quickened by the second. Izuku had gone from bumping to rolling his hips against Katsuki's full on erection. Bakugou no longer had his shirt on, it had been tossed somewhere over the counter and his flannel was right behind his feet. Izuku only had one arm out of his sweater, exposing one pink bud which was currently being played with by one of Katsuki's hands. Bakugou began trailing kisses up and down on both sides of Izuku's jaw and neck, leaving bright red marks along the way.

"K-ka- mhm! Ah!..." Midoriya couldn't speak, his mind was clouded with desire and lust. He knew they needed to stop. As much as he wanted to become one with Bakugou, he was at work and surely Katsuki had other people waiting for their wood. And what if someone walked in on them, he was not ready for that type of embarrassment. But all those thoughts were washed away as he felt something hot and wet engulf his exposed bud, a loud moan resonating throughout the small library.

"Seems like someone is a bit more sensitive today..." Katsuki grins as he continues to swirl his tongue around the pink bud, his saliva trailing down the greenettes body, sending tingles as it made its way down the pale skin.

"W-we..ngh!.. s-stop- Mhm!..." Izuku tried to muffle his moans as Bakugou had reached for the unattended nipple and gave it the same treatment.

"K-kaaachaan..." Midoriya breathed, his hips had slowly tired out and was back to small rubs. "W-we should reaally s-stop..."

"Hm?" Bakugou hummed as he played with the nipple between his teeth, slightly pulling at it. Izuku placed a trembling hand on one of Katsuki's strong shoulders and weakly tried to push him away but to no avail.

After a while of sucking, Bakugou reached out for Izuku's hand and intertwined their fingers. He pulled away from the swollen nipple with a *pop* and finally met with Izuku's glistening eyes.

"Do you really want to stop?" Katsuki questioned as he raised their joined hands and kissed each knuckle of Izuku's hand.

"I-im at work... and you too..." Izuku mumbled as Katsuki trailed his kisses up his arm, nearing his neck. Then, with one last kiss to Izuku's lips, Bakugou pulled away. "Alright, see you later then..." Bakugou stated bluntly as he turned away and picked up his flannel from the floor.

Izuku was shocked as to how easily Bakugou stopped. Usually Katsuki would be a little more insistent for them to continue or at least remind Izuku how much he loved him. This time it seemed as when Bakugou spoke, their was hurt behind his words.

Guilt began to overtake Izuku as he watched as Bakugou combed his hair and walk to the other side of the reception to pick up his other shirt. Midoriya quickly slid across the reception area and stopped right in front of Bakugou, forgetting that he only had one arm inside his sweater while the other was out in the open.

"H-hey Kacchan?" Izuku spoke, watching Bakugou pull over his long sleeve.

"What is it?" Katsuki said as he wrapped his flannel around his waist.

"W-what about y-your payment? I-i t-thought....m-maybe...."

"You said we were at work..." Katsuki said as he walked closer to Izuku and helped him pull his sweater back down, "Maybe another day."

Izuku didn't like how that sounded, he knows how much Katsuki wants it but he always stops him. He hates the thought of how Bakugou was always left with a painful looking erection every time they were together, he too had to deal with it alone.

"I can close early! " Izuku bluterted out mindlessly as he looked into Bakugou's eyes which seedd to have widened the slightest.

"Zuzu, you don't have to-"

"But I want to! And I know how much you want to also!" Izuku protested as he shakingly draped his arms onto Katsuki's broad shoulders, " Please, Kacchan... I-I want it as much as you do... " Izuku finally spoke as he covered his flushed face against Bakugou chest embarrassed.

A smirk gleamed upon the blondes sharp features as he wrapped his arms around the greenettes waist, his chin resting on the green bush of hair. He buries his nose within the curly hair and takes a deep, satisfied breathe, the scent of lavender and a little bit of eucalyptus filling his nose.

"Alright then, if you insist, " Bakugou says as he slowly slides his hands into Izuku's jeans, earning a gasp from the younger, "Don't expect me to be gentle though... " Katsuki groaned as his hands palmed the greenettes ass and gently squeezed them.

"I-Im fine with that..." Izuku says as he looks up into the eyes of his beloved as he himself starts undoing Bakugou's belt.


"I think you should lock the doors first... "

"O-oh r-right!"


*(Sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ) for the delay....)*

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