Supergirl's brother. A cat gr...

By unknown6741

56.8K 1.9K 121

Cat grant x male reader Supercorp Sanvers More

Just the beginning
New boss
First day
Dinner invitation
Sick day
Heroes don't break
Fight with hope
Meet the family
New beginnings
Love sick
The Ex
A new problem
Secrets don't last 
Trouble in paradise
The return
A cold luthor and a stubborn Danvers.
Come back to me
The invitation
Fallen god
Heartbreak central
Three's a crowd.
Woman down
Disturbed dinner

Red K Kara

1.6K 62 0
By unknown6741

"Cat, how does it feel to be the most powerful woman in National City?"

Cat smirks looking over to the reporter who's taking much interest in what the older woman has to offer despite your sour mood against her "Well, Sara, first of all, that's a total misnomer. Nobody is calling me the most powerful woman in National City. I believe they are calling me the most powerful person." She explained causally correcting the reporter who chuckled in response to the bluntness of the answer but then again it's Cat Grant of all people.

"Eugh turn it off." You huff over to Winn who scrambled up onto his feet to revive the remote for you scattering his desk items in the process of his clumsy mission, finally releasing your gaze from the small figure of Cat that was plastered all over the news, after the monitors went blank you were sure you were free but it didn't last long.

"Y/n? Print this" Ms Grant orders not bothering to even pass the paper over but rather throw it in your direction only for you to sprint forward to catch it, luckily super speed was one of your strengths.

"Yes Ms Grant." You groaned after her taking the document between your fingers but the sound of the private elevator caused you to turn to your sister waltzing in with a coffee cup in one hand and the other holding her bag over her shoulder.  "That's Cat's elevator." You explained, that was it Kara had finally lost it!

Kara huffed taking her sunglasses from her face and revealing her glasses free face that could possible make people aware of her secret but it was still secure with the bun on top of her head. A bobble can hide a lot of things it seems. "It is absolutely ridiculous for her to have her own personal elevator, plus horrible for the environment."

"Kara what are you doing?" You asked clearly confused to the mood that the girl was presenting you with. It was like she had been replaced with someone... someone just like cat.

"What are you doing sucking up to Cat like that?" She chuckled taking a slip from her coffee, it didn't take you long to realise that she had been listening in way before her arrival.

You frowned your brows together confused to the mood shift happening right now "This is what you wanted me to do." You explained softly reminding her that she was the reason you were even working for Ms Grant much to your begging to stay out of the public eye.

"Well it's humiliating, look at you just a simple lapdog" she twists her face into one of disgust as she looked down at you both metaphorically and physically by the inches added to the bottom of her feet.

"Okay what the fuck has gotten into you. What's that?" You ask leaning in seeing a flicker of red dance across her neck but disappear behind her collar. Your hands are inches above her skin, close to trailing after the weird glistening radiating from beneath its surface.

She swats your hand away harshly. "Hands off me, I don't need you anywhere near me, might just stab me too" she spat really dragging out the last of the sentence in spite, there was no remorse in her words.

"ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?" You yelled clenching your fists at the uncalled for reminder. You glared at her like your eyes were ready to melt her face.

"Inside voices Mr Danvers." Cat calls out, the door closing behind her as she approaches Siobhan who rushes to her feet holding out a latte ignoring the serve tension between you and your sibling.

"Here's your latte Ms Grant" she smiles sickeningly sweet towards Cat.

"Ah thanks." She snatches the coffee from her hand and hoovers it over to the bin where it falls into, a couple of splatters of coffee spilling out after the soft thud. Siobhan follows it with confusion " I admire loyalty, integrity and employees that I can trust. Not backstabbing, opportunistic little... Imps. Clean out your desk." She orders as you watch with your brows raised. How had she managed to get herself fired this early? But of course Siobhan stands there with her mouth open. "I'm sorry, was I using my inside voice? You. are. fired! Now, before you go skipping all the way back to Metropolis, I will save you the bus fare. I had a much too long conversation with Perry White. And there is no job waiting for you there. Mmm. Now, be gone."

"You're welcome" Kara smirked taking her glasses from the small handbag hung over her should and placed them of her face.

"Kara what did you do?" You whispered yelled watching as Siobhan cleared out her desk in frustration, losing everything that she had worked for but you weren't sure why. She turns to you in a glare for a moment as you wear confusion but Kara chuckles taking the focus from yourself.

"It was nothing" she shrugged, taking the excuse to leave. As she pasted Siobhans desk she flicks a small item still standing, flinging it across the room with a grin. "Oops"


You were still in the office working late trying to get enough work done now that you had been left to pick up Siobhans to do list aswell.

When walking back to your desk you see Kara and cat talking on the balcony, the girl had completely confused you and was out of order even for someone like Kara who always had something nice to say but now... now you were scared she was becoming more and more like yourself or even worse- Cat Grant.

You found your own eyes trailing over to Cats figure, her hair thrown over her back as She stared out to the city but registered non of her surroundings as she was too fixated on what the hell was up with her prized reporter. "I made you. And you are not going to let me down." You caught their words even from afar.

"Or what?" Kara chuckled crossing her arms over the new costume that she was sporting which reminded you a bit of Astra.  A blood red emblem on the chest side of her black outfit sticking out like a sore thumb "Wait, I forgot. You're the most powerful person in National City. At least that's what they say on TV. You want to see what powerful really looks like?" She asked, you couldn't help but hear the venom laced in her words as she steps closer to Cat who's holding closer onto her confidence much like her jacket that she tugs closer to her body and takes her by the shoulders. Cat doesn't even have time to respond before shes flung from her balcony heading towards the sidewalk with increasing speed letting out a chorus of ear piercing screams.

You rip of the outfit you were wearing in a hurry. You fly down before Cats body collides with the sidewalk. Kara let's out a chuckle as you carry her back up to the balcony letting Cat fall back against the wall in shock, her hair complete mess as it stretches across her face. She clutches her chest sliding down to sit on the cold flooring "what the hell kara?"

"Oh and here he is, you know she has 9 lives right?" she explained more interested in her hangnail that she was working on than meeting your glare.

"What happened to you?" You asked gesturing to her outfit and mood that had certainly shifted within the day.

"What happened to you?" Kara asked finally connecting your eyes together as she stepped closer. "You used to be so powerful until her, Cat Grant made you soft." She grimaced pointing down to cat who's trying her best just to catch her breath against the wall.

"Shut it!" You warned not bothering to look down to the mentioned woman who's watching in fear but also confusion to Kara's confession.

"You just had to go falling for your boss" she teased taking it too far once again. You shake you head at such a thought, you didn't have feelings for cat, that would be ridiculous... right??

"You know I'm stronger than you" you stepped closer warning Kara that if she kept going you were only going to fight her. You much intended for her step back in fear but you had never seen her so confident in her own skill.

"We will see about that." You focused on her grin but she launched forward taking you by surprise as you both topple over the edge of the balcony making Cat jump to her feet and lean over the railing with surprise. You kick her from your grip freeing yourself but she punches back into a building leaving a small Crater in the side of the bank.

"Captain super come in. Tracing your heat singal i'm guessing you're with Kara." You grunt pushing yourself from the hole in search for your sister who had vanished from your sight.

"Yeah kinda." You explained scanning around for her heat signature. You grinned seeing the reflection of her from the window and turning back to the direction of her movements.

"She's under the influence of red krytonite" Alex explained as you continued to weave through the buildings but Kara knocks you to the side but you move to grip her hand from taking another shot.

"Make rainbow while you're at it just tell me how to stop it." You yelled as Kara burned your hand making you release it in pain as she drops down onto the road below you, pulsing her strength into the concrete with her fist and creating a ripple rushing out towards civilians.

"We're working on it just don't let her get away." Alex begs and you land on the ground behind Kara but without a heavy landing.

"Move out of the way." You warned shooing the civilians away from harm. They all scream running away noticing the serious change that was supergirl. There were cuts and bruises forming on your face as you continued to fight your sister but she was in perfect shape, a grin making its way onto her face.

"They don't matter." She spat circling you as you kept her occupied waiting for the DEO. She watches you with wide eyes like a Predator ready for the perfect pounce that puts the prey at its mercy.

"Everyone matters Kara" you explained, noticing the humanity had already been drained from her as she watches them in disgust- like she was better than them.

"People like Astra. People you killed."

"I was protecting you Kara why don't you understand that?." You really wish Alex was close now because having the same argument with Kara wasn't fun it just kept chipping away the both of you. You stepped forward carefully towards your sister who had to be in there somewhere, she completely stops moving this time.

"You've always did what you thought was protecting me but where did that leave you huh? Even Mother hated you."

"Yeah..." you sighed looking down to the ground momentarily. "that's true but Kara you need to stop this. You're hurting people. People that love you." You beg, wiping you bloody lip with the back of your hand. It's only then you notice a helicopter circle above, it's camera zooming in to your drama.

Kara let's out a dry chuckle but you see Alex closing in, you smirk but let her continue to tease  you until it was the perfect time to take her down. "I won't stop and there's nothing you can do." She's about to attack you again but every step she took you took two back.

"ALEX NOW!" Alex launches forward capturing her sister and releasing the antidote into her system making her collapse onto the floor with a whine. You sigh in relief seeing her eyes reopen and the redness leave her body, it's not long until the relief team is swarming around you all watching hopefully for supergirl to return back to herself.

"Did I kill anyone?" She mumbles darting her eyes about at the DEO agents before they land on your face. "Y/n! Y/n I said some horrible things"

You wanted to scream at her, tell her that you hated her but you couldn't because the person you hated was temporary and she had left, washed away with the kryptonite. "Forget it. It wasn't you." You took your exit before you had your heart crushed.

Karas about To jump up to her feet but the groans leaving his dull body Alert Alex. "Leave him, he just needs his space."

Kara frowns and falls more into Alex's support but snaps her eyes back up to your figure darting across the sky. "Oh my god I threw cat of a balcony"

"Oh you did a lot." Alex muttered pulling both her and Kara back to their feet.


"What was once a symbol of hope is now a symbol of fear. Early this morning, Supergirl arrived at the scene of a crime at West National City Bank. But instead of the usual cheers, Supergirl's intervention was met with skepticism and fear. Some say Supergirl was under a mind-altering drug when she attacked the city. she turned against our people even her own blood. The clash between the super siblings has made us rooting for Captain super but it seems like even he has abandoned our city."

Ms Grant lets out a frustrating sigh before turning the monitor off and crosses her arms in annoyance. "First Sandy Bullock steals my bike at spin class and then the juice bar runs out of chard, and now this? I knew people would be slow to forgive Supergirl, but this is ridiculous." She huffed darting her eyes back to your desk beside her standing position, you keep your head low trying to block the noise that was the office all too occupied with the news of course it's not easy when your an alien but you couldn't face the amount of disappointment that you had been receiving since your time of saving the city.

Winn sees Cats wondering eyes and clears his throat to collect her attention. "And now the crime rate in National City is up a whopping 40%." He announced finally receiving her attention but darts his eyes back down to his ipad fearing what would happen if he caught her gaze.

James seems oblivious as he turns to Cat. "Do you think Supergirl has lost the public's trust for good?" He asks with with a ocean full of concern for Kara which only makes you roll your eyes at his voice.

"Well, I suppose if Mel Gibson can present at the Golden Globes, then Supergirl can win the city back. This too shall pass." She waved her hand dismissively but turns back to look at you. "Y/n my office."

You sigh swinging your chair around to stand and follow her into her personal office still not giving her your gaze but hey it's a pretty carpet. "Yes Ms Grant?" You ask closing the glass door behind you both as you wait for her to sit behind her desk, her footprints being the only indication that she had finally sat down.

"I wanted to see how your were holding up, going against your own sister couldn't have been easy." She asks but you don't bother digging around for emotion, she could be writing a story about this for all you knew.

"No but nothing this week has" you explained Coldly, shifting the weight between each foot as you stand awkwardly.

"Oh? Y/n about the-." She seemed genuinely concerned but to you that only meant it could be more messy and you didn't need this now.

You forced your eyes to stay out against the ground which was proving to be a difficult task under the gaze of Cat Grant. "Don't please. Remember professionals. I have to go, calls to make." You called out over your shoulder, your hand coming to the door handle.

"Open that door and you're fired!" Cat announced, standing up and slamming her palms against the table to prove her point.

You spin around only to see her glare melt into one of sadness, worry and despair. "Are you kidding me? What do you want from me?" You urged dropping the hand that wanted to leave back down to your side.

"You're hurting." She whispered softly but distance didn't matter.

You Scoff shaking your head in amusement to her understanding "You know we should do that interview. You wanna know about Captain super so bad? He's a monster." You spat taking your stride back up to her desk, leaning over slightly so that your hands are holding you up inches from her face.

"Y/n" she whispers, her mouth so close to your own that her hot breath hits against your lips causing a small tingling sensation erupting on your neck.

Your eyes were forced together in such a small space but your were nothing like her own rather your showed a hatred towards the person you were, the person you were being right now. "No... I'm the monster. Fire me Cat but it won't change a thing, the city doesn't need me." You sigh moving back to stand tall, only then you noticed that her eyes had flickered down to your lips and back up again towards your eyes.

She seems to take a moment to compose herself clearing her throat and letting the blush Leave her cheeks before the words even escape her lips. "Oh I doubt that. It needs it more than ever, supergirl already lost their trust."

"You know I've had a really shitty week and you wanna know the one thing I wanted to do?" You let the tension in your shoulders deflate.

As you approach the door slowly she watches you in confusion "What?"

You had your focus out of the office watching everyone else get on with there work the only one who wasn't was Winn tapping his foot uncomfortably as he notices your scowl. "I wanted someone that got me, didn't treat me like a second because I already have the universe putting me last. I hope it was good enough to make me feel so little." You explained loudly so that the words could travel the distance that fell between you both.

"I didn't mean to make you feel like that" she explained calmly walking around her desk and leaning back onto it, contemplating her own thoughts; should she move forward or not?

You chuckled looking back for a moment to spit your words out. "Bullshit. Cat. Bullshit. You're not going to fire me. Like I said I've got calls to make." You explained finally taking your leave and stomping back over to your desk. As you take the phone you notice your anger let up as it crumbles within your hand, parts spluttering from your clenched fist.

You were too caught up in your emotions that you don't hear a gulp bubbling from Winns lips.


Cat didn't talk to you until later on in the day when she was hanging outside her door spotting Siobhan make her comeback. "Y/n call security. I haven't seen eyes that crazy since I had fondue with Ramona Singer." When her eyes meet yours tho she seems to stop everything and focuses on the puffiness of your eyes and your red Cheeks

You clear you throat taking the phone and speed dialling security before looking over to Winn who's trying to push Siobhan back "Siobhan, I'm sorry, you can't be here."

Kara gulps as she embarks into the room taking your side. Siobhan's eyes trail her until her sudden stop beside your desk where you slide out from your chair and stand in-front of her before it became more drama than it was worth. "You ruined my life, Kara Danvers." What you didn't expect was her to let out a high pitched screech flinging you from the window towards the city below.

"Y/n!" You hear Cats voice yell.

You fly back up taking of your clothes above your costume before tearing your glasses of and resting them against the window still. "Dude really popped a ear drum." You shake out the ringing in your ears, the glass scattering into small pieces as you jump back into the office.

Kara smiles in relief. "It's captain super!"

"She got away." Ms Grant explained, her voice a little louder due to the temporary hearing loss.


"Oh you're back." Cat tries to hide her smile as she notices you wondering in still wearing your family emblem but you weren't here to play around rather give some unfortunate news that Kara had dumped on you back at the CEO.

"You need to leave Cat." You warned looking back to the rows of empty desks and dark lights hung above them.

"Y/n I'm not leaving." She explained finishing of something she was jotting down before rising to her feet taking her glasses of in the process.

"Live wire escaped seems our new supervillain is teaming up. Makes sense two on two." You explained expecting her face to morph into one of terror but it stayed straight unaffected by your news.

"I trust that your protect me" she smiles sitting on the front of her desk and crossing her arms closing of her posture as she watches you dart your eyes down to the floor.

"Ms Grant-."

"No I'm sorry for what I said earlier it was out of line and Im sorry that I treated you like a second, you asked for respect and I should have given you that." She cuts you off talking to the man behind the cape.

"Cat we don't need to talk about this." You try to explain not finding it fit to talk about such a topic right now especially when she was being hunted.

Cat lets out a shaky breath as she drops her feet against the floor and places her finger interlaced in front of her "Oh but we do y/n."

You shook your head slightly still avoiding any contact with the woman "Anyway supergirls tracking them both so I guess I'm staying put with you." You explained clearing your throat.

"Gives us time to talk." Cat calmly suggested making your eyes travel back up towards Cat who had step closer towards you.

"Cat I don't want to do this" you sighed softly.

"Well I do"

You looked at her determination written on her face. You knew she was far to stubborn to let this go   "Fine well this week I nearly lost my sister to her own fantasy about the perfect family back on krypton where I don't belong. I killed my own aunt to protect Kara and well everyone. Oh and my boss hired another assistant whilst I was busy being tracked down and trailed for a crime that I committed on krypton. Then my sister went crazy on Red kryptonite only to be reminded of my own actions that I did to save her and I guess here we are."

She seems to take a moment to digest the information but you hadn't noticed that you both fell closer together. A step apart as she looks up towards you with a sad smile. "Oh god. Okay That's a lot but a trail?"

"Yeah. I didn't come to earth the same way Kara did." You explained finding it hard to look anywhere but the woman's blue eyes.

"Well how did you?"

You chuckled nervously. "I was banished.. by my own mother. I committed treason for wanting to save my planet but They didn't listen and I was sent to the phantom zone." You reminisced on the past but you couldn't change a single thing; it didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell though.

"I truly am sorry." Her words fall into a whisper as she reaches out to take your hand but the televions above her desk start to distort and instead she drops it watching the electricity weave it's self around you both and behind you. "Livewire."

"You really should watch where you're going, Cat. Or someone's gonna need to declaw you." She chuckles as you turn around but she doesn't seem to be alarmed at your presence.

Cat scoffed stepping towards her but you grab her hand to warm her to stay back. "You know, you really need to get some new material, Leslie."

"Okay. Well, your days of telling me or my friend what to do are long over." You follow her gaze in confusion but the Elevator dings and its not long until Siobhan had joined.

"Oh, it's you, Siobhan. I see that my ex-minions have united."

Livewire is not where amused at Cats throw backs. "I see that you still hide behind a super. We're see about that." She's about to attack.

"No, Leslie. Please don't do this." Cat begs jumping in front of you and swapping your positions making you small tall behind the smaller blonde. You narrow your eyes at the both of them ready to intervene even from behind.

She lets out a dry chuckle, there eyes darting between you too with a look of confusion. "Begging? I'm disappointed. What's so special about this super, kitty cat?"

"Hey shut it." You yell at her with your short temper as Cat grips your hand telling you to stay put.

"Ah he bites" live wire chuckles over to Siobhan.

You scan quickly getting the lay out of the office. "You know you should be very careful on where you stand." You zap the ceiling quickly. Water pipes burst that rain down on live wire, making her burst into a series of short circuits. You quickly move to cover silver banshees mouth before she could let out a ear piercing scream again.

It's not long unti the DEO run in, Alex in lead. "Finally what took you so long." Alex looks at the top and watches her step around live wire who is completely soaked. 

Once they're gone Cat approached you again and let's out a small "Hey"

"Hey. Thanks for jumping in front of me like that Cat but you realise I'm the superhero right?" You ask worrying what could've happened if they did attack.

Cat shrugs smiling never the less "Least I could do"

"Well thank you cat." You smile back but noticing your closeness you clear your throat taking a couple steps back to relieve yourself of the lack of space. "We should have talked about the other night and I'm so stupid for just blowing up on you like that it wasn't Cool, I just - I may have been hurt." You explained truthfully.

"It's fine."

"Y/N!" Kara yells out scanning the office for you but stops in her tracks as she looks towards "Cat?" She asks confused watching as the woman looks at her waiting for her to finish but Kara just continues to look at Cat like she's dreaming.

You snap your fingers in front of Kara as she stares weirdly at Ms Grant. "What the hell is wrong with you?" You asked threading your brows together.

"You're not a mindless drone." She states peering past you to look at Cat who rests back onto her desk crossing her arms.

"Uh, no. No, I learned that lesson when Demi Moore and I wore the same dress to the premiere of Ghosts. Never again." You can't help but let out a small snort at her reply.

"Ms. Grant, listen to me. Everyone in the city is affected by this alien signal. They're acting like automatons"

"Kara what are you saying?" You asked in all urgency stepping between the two of them and facing Kara with all seriousness.

She darts her eyes between the too as she lets her words tumble from her lips. "Myriad is live"

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