Love sick

By Kites_life_insurance

58K 1.9K 4.1K

"I love him..." ✄♡✄♡ Inspired by Yandere Simulator Killugon/Gonkillu High school & Yandere Au Complete!! Wor... More

⚠ Info & Warnings ⚠
♡ Prologue ♡
♡ One ♡
♡ Two ♡
♡ Three ♡
♡Ten ♡
♡Bonus Chapter♡


1.3K 51 109
By Kites_life_insurance

The night of the dance arrives and Gon finds himself getting dressed at his home, preparing for the events to come.

He wore some nice dress shoes and some black dress pants that were a little fitted, complimenting his legs nicely. He slipped his fancy floral top on, loving how soft and silky the fabric felt on his skin, tucking in the hem into his pants, highlighting his waist nicely. He brushed his hair a bit, giving it some volume before making it spiky, showing off his forehead. The cherry on top was the thin line of black pencil eyeliner he used to make his eyes pop lightly, smudging the dark line a little to blend it in better. He didn't use makeup a lot, but he just felt like he needed a little if he wanted to impress Killua, or at least catch his attention. 

He needed to make sure he looked perfect tonight, or at least close. He showered using his honey scented body wash, lavender vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner on his hair, even going the extra mile on his skincare routine and adding in a sheet mask just to help brighten his appearance. He needed to make sure he was the only one catching Killua's attention tonight.

He made sure he had everything ready and prepared, checking to make sure he looked fine and all his belongings before locking up his house and making his way to the school. As he walked he shifted his pants a little due to the discomfort, but told himself it would be worth it soon. He had been preparing for days; scouting out the gymnasium and even making preparations the day before. Luckily, this dance would also be a popular one, meaning there would be many people..easier to slip away going unnoticed.

But he was also thinking of hopefully being able to talk to Killua again. He's grateful that he's gotten a little more comfortable with him and can talk so casually while he's a flustered, stuttering mess. He hopes tonight he's able to find that confidence again that he had the other day when he had lunch with him.

He finally reached the school after some time, following the directional signs pointing him to the gymnasium. He could already see the flashing dance lights from the windows, hearing the music vaguely booming, he walked up to the chaperone who was taking tickets, Gon handing in his invitation that also stood as a ticket before proceeding in.

He followed the decorated halls, lines of silvery white and gold balloons up along the sides and above the hallways that all led to the main gymnasium. Taking a deep breath, he pushed opened the door a little, eyes widening at the environment around him.

Large white and gold silk ribbons draped from the center of the roof lowly towards different parts of the walls, little twinkling lights following along the fabric, more little light fixtures dangled between the ropes of fabric, creating almost a web of sorts. Tables lining the outside of the large dance floor were draped with a silk like cloth to cover them with candle like center pieces to light up the small area. There was a small buffet with a variety of snacks on the side, already getting bombarded with dolled up students. The DJ booth was at the head of the gym along with the crazy, flashing lights that beamed around the gym, the student body dancing on the floor to the beat of the music.

Gon felt completely out of his element. Normally, he wouldn't ever come to social gatherings like these; he just preferred to go into a forest, eat ramen, or draw -Killua to be exact-. But after hearing Killua would be here and also hearing about the bitch who wanted to him out that same night, he couldn't possibly miss it.

But he still felt awkward.

He stood there on the side, standing next to a decorative, low-lit pillar, watching as more and more students trailed in, filling up the gym slowly. He watched friends join their little clique of a group, squealing and complimenting each other's looks; saw guys join their own friends, commenting on other students and talking about whatever stupid shit they would think of.

Gon rolled his eyes in annoyance, he had an objective tonight and hasn't seen any sign of progression. He waited, seeing if any of the two people he actually needed to see would show up. He watched with some slight envy as he observed the students; he never really had any friends, not that he cared, he was always alone. He left his family to come to this prestigious school, no relatives or anything in the new city, he never had any childhood friends growing up.

Maybe he was a little envious, maybe he just wanted one friend..maybe just one person. But he found that person all those years ago, and made a vow to make him his from the day he met him.

As if right on cue, he turned and saw the love of his life enter the large room. Killua wore a white dress shirt, some dark blue dress pants, and a pair of black boots. He entered with his group of friends consisting Retz, Kurapika, and Hoshi, who were all also dressed spiffy.

Gon stood there, watching with hearts in his eyes, the same eyes he always had when he saw the older student. He gasped when he saw the white and silver head of hair turn his head toward his direction, instantly hiding behind the pillar, hoping to not be seen. Although he badly wanted to talk to him, he needed to prepare himself first so he didn't start up a conversation like an idiot.

Pull yourself together!

Right as he calmed himself and thought about approaching the elder student, he heard it...

Not even a second later, he heard the most dreadful noise, breaking him out of his gay panic moment. He looked to the side and saw his main concern; Yuki talking with her small clique, all the girls complimenting her on how good she looked and critiquing the dance around them. She wore that same skimpy black dress from that day at the boutique and a pair of black heels with a black ribbon tied around each ankle, her dark hair formed into a messy, yet well put together, bun sitting on the crown of her head, a few strands of hair falling along the side framing her face. Her makeup consisted of a grayish smokey eye look and burgundy red lipstick. Needless to say, she looked good and Gon knew it.

"So, you're gonna do it tonight right?" Gon heard one of the girls speak.

"Yeah, duh, this is the best time to do it." Yuki responded confidently, while Gon gritted his teeth, feeling his mind drift a bit.

"I saw him just now! He looks so hot, Kurapika does too!" All the girls giggled, completely unaware of the boy listening close by, almost glaring at the main girl in question.

"He does," The pink haired girl continued. "We'll be the talk of the school after tonight."

"Do you plan anything else for tonight?" One of the girls asked curiously.

"If all goes well, then maybe." Yuki responded slyly.

That's funny...really fucking hilarious 

Gon, once again, felt something in him snap; he only saw red for a moment, wanting rip apart the girl who spoke so confidently about winning over the only person that mattered to him..but he needed to remain calm.

Don't do anything rash, you've got it all handled...

"I gotta go to the restroom first," He heard Yuki tell her group of friends. "Gotta talk myself up before I see him." The other girls shot her some last few words of encouragement before waving her off.

"Guess were getting everything done early now, huh?" Gon whispered to himself, completely inaudible over the booming music. He pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on, cracking his knuckles to follow at a distance. He looked to the side, once again, seeing the silver and white haired boy talking with his friends.

He saw him smile and laugh, wishing he could always be the reason for it. He wanted to go talk to him, although he was always nervous, he loved having the other's eyes only on him, it gave him reassurance...but now wasn't the time. If he wanted the dream he's been seeking for years, then he has to work for it.

He reluctantly turned away and continued to follow the pink haired girl.

Yuki walked out of the main gymnasium, attempting to find the girls' bathroom. She saw the sign leading to it, only to find out it was locked. She sighed in annoyance, but beamed when she remembered, "The girls' locker room." She spoke to herself, making her way down the hall towards the locker room.

She approached the locker room door, praying it would be open, sighing happily when it did. She entered and made her way to the mirror first, checking her makeup and hair, fixing a bit of her lipstick that smudged a bit. After deciding she looked perfect, she turned around to use the bathroom...completely oblivious to the brown eyed boy that followed her closely behind, watching her every move.

Gon waited for a moment before he knew it was okay for him to move. He reached into his pocket when he heard Yuki going to the restroom, realizing it was his time to move fast, pulling out a small screwdriver. He heard her humming and recognized the sound of typing, sighing internally as more time was bought. He quickly and quietly unscrewed the tiny screws that held together the light-switch, catching the loose bolts and uncovering the panel, exposing the wires and small electrical parts.

He smiled to himself, but realized he needed to keep moving if this were to work on time; everything was about time. He walked with a purpose, his footsteps still silent, listening intently to any signs of Yuki making a move. He walked into the showers, counting each one before arriving to the one he prepared. He opened the shower curtain, revealing a medium sized bucket filled with water; he smiled, his eyes holding something so sinister.

He picked up the bucket with little effort, quickly yet carefully making his way back to the stalls, happy to hear Yuki still humming to herself and typing away on her phone. She must've been so immersed in whatever she was looking at, she didn't even see the stall next to her open, the slightest sound of light steps mounting a familiar object.

She locked her phone, and right as she was about to stand up, she gasped as she felt cold water drop onto her, drenching her entire outfit, smearing her makeup, and creating a large puddle on the floor below her, "What the fuck?!" She yelled.

Gon had to hold himself back from laughing as he scurried out of the stall, "Who the fuck is there?!" He heard her yell, but quickly turned off the lights carefully and turned the corner. "Are you kidding me?"

Yuki fixed herself as best as she could, her makeup making her vision hazy as she opened up the stall, attempting to look around for any suspect. "Is this some stupid ass prank?" She questioned irritatedly, her makeup burned her eyes, unable to open them or even see clearly. She moved her arms around, attempting to find the lost light switch.


"I swear when I find out who fucking did this.."

Just a little closer...

She finally reached the wall, patting along side it to feel out the switch.

Almost there...

She could've sworn she saw someone looking at her from the corner of the partition wall, "I swear, I'll fucking kill you."

I highly disagree...

She felt a small indention in the wall, sighing in relief before reaching to grab the light-switch.

I'm the only one that does the killing here...


Hi, hello, how are you?

If you see any spelling mistakes, please let me know!

Right, so I was thinking about updating the story every day or once every two days, I want to at least update once a week. I need to keep a schedule, what do you think about this?

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