
By h311182

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A sequel to Lords Heidy, Iwaizumi's adopted daughter, no clue of her father's past. A student at a normal hig... More

Explanation: only part
Final chapter
An apology
And they lived Hapilly Ever After
Last chapter


381 19 55
By h311182

"Are the brothers awake? I need them here." Kuroo walked alongside me.

I just saw y/n a few hours ago and I already miss her. Why should I? She's been dead and I got over her, why now?

Oikawa wasn't here. Why did she take Oikawa? Shouldn't I be killing Terushima for what he did on my wedding day? I should be out there.

'Just trust me.' How could I trust someone who's not even here? She expects me to follow her blindly around.

"Just say you miss and love her. Stop beating around the bush and letting your pride swallow you." Kuroo has an annoying way of knowing what I'm thinking. He needs to stop that.

"Kuroo I don't think you understand. She left me. She took everyone we cared about with her. I love her, but I can't accept her yet. She's in the wrong, and until she says she is, I'm not moving from the spot I am in now." I felt like crying. But I know no tears would come out.

"Did you really do that to her room? I would've expected you to at least clean up after yourself." I chuckled.

"What was the need? None of us were going to come back to this place, anyway. But now that we are back, I don't regret one thing." We walked into the dining room, hoping they would be eating.

Kuroo opened the door, just to find that nobody was awake.

"It's eight, isn't it? Why aren't they awake?" We would be up at five. What happened to these people?

"Trust me, they're not going to wake up now." What the fuck did y/n do to my guys!?

"Tell them I said to wake up. Now. We're meeting y/n today. I have some business to do." What I was going to do today is probably reckless, but what can I do?

"Y/n didn't tell us about meeting up with her? Did she call you?" If I told him, he's going to try to stop me.

"Yea she did. Later today. It's still early. We're not eating out, tell one of them to get their asses here and make breakfast." Sakusa was going to leave soon. I'm sending Atsumu and Osamu out. Just five of us left in this house.

"On it." Kuroo ran up to their rooms. I was still tired. The news is probably replaying her picture of what happened.

"Good morning." I flinched at the sound of his voice.

"Morning Sakusa. I thought you were still sleeping." Why was I surprised? He was with me all these years. They haven't forgotten how it works in here.

"No sir, I wanted to talk to you." Talk to me?

"Better if you sit down for this." He pointed to the old couches. I didn't like his tone. It was sorrowful. What happened now?

I walked over to sit on one of the couches. He sat right in front of me. The look in his eyes was painful. Something happened.

"Speak." I hoped it wasn't too bad.

"Atsumu and I want to resign. We don't want to live like this anymore. If you please we want to leave as soon as possible." I felt my heart shatter. What was he talking about? Resigning? He can't resign. Who does he think he is?

I stood up from the couch.

"No. It's not happening. I'm sorry, but I can't allow that. You can't just stroll out of a mafia. Your best bet is to stay with me. You work for me. I decide when you leave, if you want to leave, I have no other choice but to kill you." I stood up tall. That was a lie. I wouldn't kill any of them if my life depended on them. But they didn't know that.

He stared at me. Not making a sound.

"Understand? You don't leave this place unless you want to die. Don't mention a word of this to anyone." I walked away.

Unable to process what he just told me. I can't let him leave. After twenty years of living free from this, when we come back he doesn't want to come.

No. I won't have this. I've been too nice for too long.


"I have a bad feeling something is going to happen today. Don't you?" I walked beside Oikawa. After I told them what had happened at Kita's they left to go do something themselves. Jacob had told me how Heidi was about to kill her.

And honestly, it brought a smile to my face. Yet I hated myself inside for it. She can't kill anyone, it's going to haunt and ruin her life forever. And she just started it.

"Like?" Well geez Oikawa, I don't fucking know. That's the point.

"I don't know. But something is going to happen. Already my morning is ruined, I haven't even eaten yet. Or slept for that matter." One day I'm going to live happily with no problems, especially without the police searching for a dead person.

"Would you like me to make your day better?" He smirked down at me.

The temptation of punching him was huge.

"Like what?" I played along. Maybe he'll have something good for me.

"Would you like to go back down? I could give you something better than food to eat." He was on the verge of laughing. Was he mocking me?

"Iwaizumi's is bigger. Just so you know before you start acting cocky." I honestly don't care, if they please me then that's good enough for me. I just wanted to mess with him, tease him a bit.

"You want to try it? Is seven inches enough?" I wanted to punch myself in the face. I didn't mean anything I was saying, yet this fucker was taking everything seriously.

"Depends. I'm not that hungry." What the fuck are you saying!? Why would you say that!

I looked up at him. He still had that smug smile on his face. A smile he used when he knew he was getting his way. Our eyes met.

We stopped.

He leaned into me.

"Just say you can't take it and move on." He whispered. Stealing a small kiss from me.

I stood awkwardly.

Seven inches is a lot. I shouldn't wonder where I don't need to. Yet, I'm inclined. I've never done it with Oikawa. Only once with Iwaizumi, a month or two after I got out of the hospital. I still couldn't walk the next day.

Oikawa had sex with my sister instead of me, which pisses me off she got the chance and I didn't.

"Go fuck yourself." I whispered at him. His eyes glaring into mine. Full of lust. Did he not get any all this time? He looked like he was starving.

"Why don't you fuck me instead?" I don't think he thought that one through. I smirked.

A few seconds passed before he realized what he said.

"I didn't mean it. You know what? Let's just go find something to eat." He stood up straight.

I laughed at him. "What happened? You were so confident. Doesn't sound so good when I do what you would do to me, does it? I'm just saying, it's well known where a guy's pleasure spot is. I would have some fun with it too." We were still up the stairs that led us out of the basement.

We had no room to play around here.

"Creas que te miras bien graciosa verdad?" He pushed me to the side of the wall. There were no handles here. I tried to grip the wall with my nails so I didn't fall.

Translation: "You think you look very funny, right?"

"Would you like me to break another leg? Oh, right, you wouldn't know. You weren't there to help me." I spit at him. Maybe I was in the wrong to bring up old times, but he had no reason to push me like that.

"Y/n, no empieces. Mira chula, lo siento. Pero eso ya es viejos tiempos. Get over it. We were having so much fun just now." I froze up. There was only ever one person who called me that. And Oikawa was never there to hear that.

Translation. "Y/n, don't start. Look beautiful, I'm sorry. But those are already old times."

"What did you call me?" He lifted my chin with a finger. His eyes gazing into mine. They were empty. His eyes were empty, with no emotion.

"I didn't leave you once. I was always by your side. For as you see, you've always been mine." There was a hand on my waist. He pulled me in. Our bodies touching.

Always been his? What is he talking about?

"You always chose me. And will always choose me. Because you never stopped loving me, despite being with Iwaizumi. Am I right?" No, he wasn't right. Who does he think he is?

I tried to talk, but nothing came out.

"When are you going to tell Iwaizumi? I'm sure he'll be fine with Catalina. I was going to take you back to Argentina and marry you there that day I went to the wedding, but things didn't go as planned. You would've been mine, and I yours." Marry him? Me marrying Oikawa?

"Ironic you brought me my father just to kill him again. On the day you were supposedly going to take me away to marry you. Nice gift." I pushed him off of me. My father would be alive if he hadn't brought him. He would be alive with me out of his life.

"That old man was bound to die, anyway. What do you say? We leave this place and everything behind and live the life like kings?" That used to be my plan before I left this world for a few years. When we were just messed up teenagers.

"We've grown out of that Oikawa. Let's leave it here. Why don't go sleep with Catalina instead? I'm sure you'll be fine with her. We look the same after all." I walked away.

Oikawa was always there. He never once left me alone. But I did. I leave everyone at some point.

"Y/n. I love you." I wanted to stop. I wanted to look at him and tell him the same. I wanted to tell him how I felt, how much I loved him back. But my body won't move. And it will never look back.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. I doubt he heard me. I couldn't bring myself to crush his hopes.

The door was right in front of me.

I reached for it.

Something pulled my wrist back. I slipped on one stair.

I grabbed desperately anywhere, trying not to fall. These stairs were steep.

He caught me in his arms.

"Say it back." I could feel his breath. He was too close.

"Oikawa put me down." I tried to jump off, but he only gripped me harder. "Say it back." He repeated. His heart was racing. He wasn't looking at my eyes.

I could only see his jaw and the side of his face. His eyes were closed, still breathing on me. He was too close. Please put me down.


"I know you can say it back. Because you know you love me, you just want to let go of me. You don't have to y/n. I'm right here. Don't be scared, just say it back." He cut me off. My heart was going too fast. I needed to get out of here. I can't say it. I need him to leave me. Despite my feelings.

I caressed his face. Slowly pulling him towards my face.

"Whenever someone hurts me. Or when someone like Catalina touches me, I could see it in your eyes: y/n. Don't try to fight me anymore. Just accept it and let's move on." No. He was wrong. I didn't love him. I couldn't love him.

My mind flashed back to Kita's place. The way she grabbed on to him like a hopeless little girl. The way she stared at him with such eyes. Eyes I would love to gorge out of her sockets. And never let her see again.

We stared at the eyes of each other. His brown eyes turning black. Swallowing me into darkness. Was he right? I couldn't pull away. No matter how much my brain said to. I pulled him in instead.

"I love you y/n." He repeated himself.

"I love you too." It just came out of my mouth.

He chuckled softly.

That's when our lips touched once again. I had forgotten this feeling. I had forgotten how soft his lips were. The taste of the alcohol in his mouth. That bitter sweet taste from it. I wanted more. I couldn't though. I needed to pull away. The more seconds passed, the more I wanted. I didn't want him to pull away. I wanted to stay like this forever. I missed him. And he missed me. Never once did we stop loving each other the way we used to before. I found myself pulling in. My arms wrapped around his neck, pushing him in. He didn't resist.

I opened my eyes. His face was right upon mine. His eyes closed. He looked beautiful. His expression was soft and fragile. He wasn't as tough as Iwaizumi. He touched me with just the tip of his fingertips. His lips were not forceful. He was the complete opposite of Iwaizumi.

He was the one to pull away. I let my air out.

He smiled smugly. He had won. Just like all the other times.

Iwaizumi smiled at me.

He wiped my face. "Why are you crying?" It was Oikawa's voice. I couldn't do this. Not anymore.

"Put me down." I pushed him slightly away. I didn't want to look at him. I didn't want to see either of them anymore.

I wiped my face to find that I really was crying. Why was I crying? I have no reason to cry at all, yet I am. I felt no sadness, but I still cried. I felt happiness for one moment now I'm back to how I was.

"Let's go eat breakfast before they start wondering where we are." I didn't look back.


"Mom said she was on her way. What's taking her so long?" Heidi leaned into me and whispered. Everyone sat at the table, already digging into their food. Only my and Heidi's food was untouched.

We were waiting for y/n, but they were taking too long.

"They're not going to eat. Hurry up and eat so they could wash the dishes." Terushima pointed at Misaki, who was standing beside the door watching us eat.

"We missed a lot. What happened these past weeks?" Daichi mumbled with food in his mouth.

We all stared at Catalina, patiently sitting. She wasn't eating. Her plate was full.

"Why aren't you eating? Eat." Shirabu pointed at her food with the fork. On command, she grabbed her own fork and started to dig in with the rest of them. Mom sat next to her. Eyeing her. We all agreed she was a bit weird. She didn't do anything without people telling her to do it.

"Catalina, why are you like this?" Mom asked her. She was in the middle of putting food in her mouth. She put down her food and glanced at mom.

"I was taught to speak when ordered. To smile when ordered. To sit when ordered. To eat when ordered. If I don't I am a horrible human. That's how I was taught." We all stared silently. We were all surprised. She was the same age as y/n. Well, in her forties. She's a grown lady. Yet she has the mentality of a child. Was something wrong with her?

"Who made you think like that?" Mom and I made eye contact before looking at her again. This was very concerning.

She didn't touch her food again.

"My mother did." Her eyes shot to the food for a second before staring at mom.

"You could eat and talk at the same time." She was hungry. Anyone could see that. Yet she said not a word.

She grabbed her fork again and stuffed her mouth with food.

"We don't order her. Let y/n deal with her." Terushima announced. He couldn't possibly care less for her.

"What happened when you disobeyed your mother?" Heidi asked. She looked concerned despite the fact she was about to kill her a few minutes ago.

"She beat me till I couldn't walk. Over the time the pain faded so I'm fine." She continued to eat. Everyone had lost their appetite after that. I doubt y/n knows about this.

"Did Kita hurt you?" Terushima mumbled. He stared at his food. Even a vile man like him had feelings. He just decided not to show them.

"No. It didn't hurt when we fought, so he didn't hurt me." Mom stood up and left the table. Catalina couldn't possibly care. She kept on eating.

The doors opened as soon as mom was about to head out.

Oikawa and y/n waked in.

"Y/n we need to talk. Outside, please." Terushima stood up. The screeches of his chair echoed in the room.

"Did I do something?" She stared at me.

I glanced at Catalina.

"Oikawa eat something I'll be right back." She left the room with Terushima.

Oikawa walked over to the empty seat next to Heidi. He glanced nervously at the door every few seconds.

Misaki walked over with a plate of food for Oikawa.

Yachi sat in Mom's spot. Catalina glanced at her. Yachi smiled.

"What took you guys so long?" Heidi asked Oikawa. For all I knew, they were probably making out. What else would they be doing?

"She fell. I had to help her." I almost laughed out loud. Yea y/n fell down the stairs. Y/n did. If Heidi believed that, then... I don't know what to tell her. I lifted my cup of water.

"Is she okay? Did she hurt herself badly?" I stared at her, dumbstruck. The cup hadn't even made it to my mouth.

"No, she didn't. She just fell off a few steps and overreacted." Poor Heidi. I'm sorry.

"Why did he want to talk to her?" I'm guessing he didn't know either. She left us shocked, and she just shrugged it off like it was nothing. Y/n lived a normal life compared to hers. Unable to do anything without being told to? And then got beat half to death if she didn't obey? And even as an adult, she still went by that.

"I'm sure she'll tell you." I tried to continue and eat my food. But at this point, it was really hard.

I just realized she was wearing a ballgown. Why was she wearing a ballgown? "Would you like other clothes? I'm sure y/n's clothes will fit you, I'll bring a dress right up." I offered.

Wrapped around her neck was a lace necklace. Right in the middle looked like a black diamond. She was wearing all black. Don't tell me she's just like y/n who only wears red. But for her, it's black.

She glanced up from her food. She nodded.

"Thank you." Her eyes wandered to what seemed to be Oikawa. If only she knew.

"Misaki! Go to y/n's room and bring her any dress you can find. Make sure it's fitting though." I hated ordering people around, but when they listened I couldn't help but feel good.

She nodded and walked out of the room in a hurry.

The door burst open. It hit all the way to the wall, and those doors are heavy.

A furious y/n stormed in. I pointed at Heidi's food. Heidi stared at me, concerned. I had lived through too many of these moments. The best thing you could do is act like she wasn't even there.

I continued to eat my food. I stared at it. It looked good.

The sharp snap of a slap. Then silence.

"Grow up. Stop playing a victim and grow up." Y/n snarled. I'm guessing she was yelling at Catalina. It's a reasonable decision. She was a grown adult. She should know by now. That the world doesn't control her.

"Y/n what are you doing!?" Oikawa stood up. Bad idea, pal.

"Oikawa shut up. Do you know why she can't do anything without being told!? Because her mother trained her to be like that. Like a dog! They beat her until she couldn't walk if she moved a finger. She needs to grow up. She's an adult. If you're on her side of playing the victim. Then go fuck yourself." She was in the right in this. What adult would still think like a child? Unless she had some problem, but I doubt she does. She looks normal.

"Catalina?" Oikawa had a good heart. But this wasn't the time. Catalina was a dangerous woman.

"Answer him. Stop acting like you can't." She sneered. Whispering it yet shouting it.

"Y/n I think you should stop." Daichi stood up to her. Do you never learn or something?

"DAICHI YOU'RE THE LAST PERSON I WANT TO TALK TO!" She slammed her hand on the table. We all flinched. I tried to hide my laugh.

She glared at Yachi, who was shivering in her seat.

I never found out why she hated them so much. I always just thought it was because they worked with Terushima, but she gets along with Tendou.

Catalina stood. She was the same height as y/n. Is that possible? Of course, it is, but it's still creepy.

"What would you like me to say? I didn't run away from my problems. I didn't fake my death even if I lived a horrible life. You lived the life of a god with that man. He had money. He had a house anyone would love to live in. You lived great. Yet you killed yourself and disappeared. I didn't. I stayed alive despite getting beaten brutally by my own mother. If anyone would play the victim, it would be you." Catalina held her head up high. Why is she always provoking y/n? Does she want her to kill her?

"Catalina that's enough!" Oikawa yelled. Another one.

"Your mentally ill, Catalina. That's why you didn't run away. Because you have problems in your head. That's how you get your way, don't you? By guilt-tripping everyone. Am I wrong?" Someone needed to calm her down. That someone won't be any of us.

I sighed.

"Y/n, it's too early. Please sit down and eat. If you think about it, it's better for us. You could make her do whatever you want. Now let's not start fighting, because we both know this will only end one way. Sit down and eat." I pointed to the empty seat next to Shirabu. She can't kill me, but she can kill everyone else. I had no choice before I ended up seeing her kill her own sister.

"I swear if tempt me one more time and I'll actually kill you. I don't care if you're my sister." Here we go again. The heartless y/n is coming out of her shell. Good for her. Except for the fact that we go on about this twice a day.

"Yes, y/n we get it. You'll kill her. Now eat, please. We have things to do." We really didn't. Well, we used to before she bombed us with this surprise twin.

"Like what?" She yelled. Why was she yelling? Literally, nobody was provoking her.

Unlike Catalina, y/n wolfed down her food. She chewed loudly. Makes sense since she lived with guys most of her life.

"We were going shopping, but I guess not." I slid my hand in Heidi's. I didn't even ask myself how she was feeling. I feel like an ass. We'll be alone later, anyway. Nothing could possibly happen anymore worse than this.

"If your done eating go now. Nobody is stopping you." Y/n was back to normal. Have to love that about her.

"We'll be fine. We'll just go up to the room and watch some movies or something. I have nothing on my schedule today. She could live another day with my clothes." I wonder if Heidi would shower with me. I don't want to feel pushy, but I want to try it. I'll at least ask.

Y/n stared at me skeptically, as if she knew what I was thinking. She probably did. That woman was full of surprises. I wouldn't be surprised if she could read minds.

"I will be taking my leave. Yachi let's go." Daichi stood up. Y/n glared knives. I would be horrified if y/n stared at me with such distaste. What could he possibly do to deserve a stare like that?

"Might as well never come back." She muttered.

Her always starting problems with everyone. Good thing Daichi was good at ignoring.

"We'll be leaving too." I took Heidi's hand and pulled her up. I couldn't breathe in this room. One of us was bound to get killed if we didn't leave soon. Mom knew that from the beginning.

"That was a lot." I heard Tendou chuckle.

Then the sound of a plate being shattered. I tried to get out of there faster. Next thing we knew, there were going to be gunshots. And honestly, I wanted a peaceful day.

"Jacob!" Whenever he said my name, I wanted to jump off a cliff. I stopped and turned lazily to him.

He was next to mom. They looked like they were discussing something. She had a huge binder in her hands.

"What?" I was tired of him. I didn't want to hear him or talk to him.

"Good morning, Heidi. Do you mind going up to his room? I have to talk to Jacob, I won't take him from you for long." Terushima smiled at her. I felt like slashing his face till he couldn't smile anymore. But oh well.

"Good morning." She greeted and walked up the stairs awkwardly. She glanced back a couple of times. I didn't like him ordering her around. But she obeyed either way, I couldn't do anything if she obeyed.

"What do you want!? I was going to do stuff with Heidi." He ignored me and walked back to mom. I followed.

"I was very disappointed to see her walk down those stairs this morning." He sat on one of the couches in the living room. Mom stood still in her place.

I pushed my hair out of my face.

"Well, you're going to be disappointed when I tell you I'm not doing it. In fact, would you like me to go into that room right now and announce to y/n what you told me earlier? I'm sure if she didn't kill you before, she'll kill you this time." I felt a small sense of satisfaction. I dropped into the seat in front of him. We stared at each other.

"Just like your father." Mom scoffed and walked away. I sat straight up. That's something I cannot accept.

"That's the only truth there is, Jacob. Your growing up to be just like me. Now, I advise you to do what I say. Or I will have no other choice. You know exactly what I mean." I froze. My jaw locked. I felt as if I had gotten punched by y/n a thousand times. I knew exactly what he meant.

I stared at him. He was smiling. Smiling as if this was fun. As if he wasn't about to kill the only person I have ever loved.

His smile disappeared. Was it not funny anymore? Did he realize what he had said? No.

Why was I smiling?

"I'll do it tonight. No need to get your hands dirty." What was I saying? I can't possibly do that.

He sauntered. I could hear every step he took. He bent down. His harsh breaths blew on my neck.

"No worries, Jacob. You don't have to get your hands dirty, that's why I'm here. Expect it tonight. Nothing you can do then, for you see, I can't trust you anymore." I pulled back, horrified. I shook my head desperately.

"No! I'll do it! Let me do it. I swear I'll do it!" I cried. He loomed over me. Grinning.

I felt defeated. I was scared. I feared this man. This so-called father of mine. I stared at the glass coffee table. I couldn't move a finger.

"I have no other choice, do I?" I stared at him. Y/n did it. Why can't I?

He stepped back quickly. But It was too late.

All those days of training with y/n paid off. Terushima was nowhere near as fast as y/n. That first step he took and y/n would've taken twenty. He was no match for me now. What he created was his own downfall. And I was glad to become that.

He laid flat against the floor. The coffee table was shattered underneath him.

I bent down beside him. His eyes were closed. A few pieces of glass must've impaled him. He groaned as he tried to get up.

I hovered my hand over his forehead. I slammed him back down.

"No offense, dad. But your no match for me now. You not doing anything to her. If you touch even one strand of hair, I'll kill you. Well, I'm off. Good luck! I hope a piece of glass made it to your vital organs!" I stood up. I looked at his hopeless face. It looked kickable. But maybe that was too much right now.

I walked a few steps. I froze.

I froze. I couldn't move. My legs felt numb. My muscles were tight. I couldn't move. I tried to look around me. But there was nothing anywhere.

The sound of shuffling. I couldn't turn my head.

I felt my legs give out.

"You left me no other choice. You're getting a time out." I closed my eyes. Anything but time out.


Terushima had Jacob in his arms.

"What happened!?" I ran over to him. Jacob was still breathing. Thank god.

"He fainted. I'm going to take him to another room. Heidi is in his. I don't want her to worry. He's fine, I'll call the doctor right now." He looked down at his face. If Jacob wasn't already pale, now he looked like a ghost. He was just fine a few minutes ago.

"Would you like me to inform Kiyoko? If anything happens to him, Terushima, I swear I'll kill you." He grinned at me. Why was he smiling? His son was in his arms, not waking up.

"He'll be fine. I'll take care of him. Kiyoko is busy doing paperwork. No need to bother her. I'll be off now. Y/n I need you to go take a look down at the factory. See how it's going." Factory? He never assigned me to go down to the factory. Before I could ask him, he had already walked away.

Tendou sighed harshly behind me.

I glanced back.

"Someone call Misaki." Tendou pointed to the living room. Why would they need her?

Then I saw it. The coffee table was broken. That was Kiyoko's coffee table. I don't want to be here when she finds out.

"Hinata and Ushijima weren't eating breakfast, were they?" Ever since my slight incident with Ushijima, I never see him around anymore. If either one of us were scared, it would be him.

"They're at the gates. I have stuff to do, so see you later." Tendou walked the opposite way from Terushima.

Oikawa and Catalina stood behind me. They were staring; it was uncomfortable.

"To the factory, we go." I spun around. Catalina was holding Oikawa's hand. While Oikawa was trying to pull away.

"Here miss!" Misaki came running towards us. She seemed like she was running.

She handed Catalina a dress.

Hold on. I know that dress. It's my dress.

I snatched it away from Catalina. "Why are you giving her my dress!?" I might be exaggerating, but she had gone into my room to get this. Why was she in my room?

"Jacob had told me to get one of your dresses. I only followed orders miss." She called me miss now. Before I let her call me by my name. What a mistake that was.

I handed Catalina the dress back. "It's fine. Thank you, Misaki. Oikawa I'll be back. I'm going to go take her to go change into it." I pointed back into the basement.

Let's hope this goes as planned.


5:03 pm

My eyes flickered open. But only darkness greeted me. I knew where I was. I knew what happened. I haven't felt this in years.

I was tied up to a chair. My wrists and ankles fell sore, but they didn't hurt. I only had underwear on.

I sighed.

With one tug of my arm, I ripped the tape holding me down to the chair.

It was pitch dark in here. It had been years since I last visited this place. Not like I enjoyed visiting it.

I used my right hand to untie my left. Then my legs. I couldn't see myself, but I knew I had open wounds. Not that deep, but deep to burn through any man.

They didn't hurt anymore.

As a child, I wasn't able to untie myself from that chair. Which is why he tied me there after what he did. But now he can't keep me there.

I walked over to the door.

The first step I had taken burned. He even did the bottom of my feet. New level of asshole.

I limped my way there. The door was locked. Only able to open from the outside. I flipped the switch.

One small lightbulb hanged over the chair I was sitting on. That chair never moved. It was permanently there. That wooden chair stained with all my own blood. The dried blood covered the chair. High risk of infection. I looked down at my body.

The wounds were clean. The wounds wrapped all around me. The whip really did its job. I looked around the room.

In the far right corner was a change of clothes. And a few rolls of bandages. On the far left were the chains that held me up. I chuckled at those memories.

He was too much of a coward to hurt his own child that he paid someone to do it.

He had left my hands and neck clean. No wounds.

His irony. He was scared that anyone would find out. Always was like this.

As a child, he would come to comfort me after it happened. He would cradle me in his arms and tell me everything was okay. He would help me bandage my entire body and put on my clothes. I laughed at myself.

He always came in acting like a god. Taking the pain he inflicted away. Just like god. Hurting people, then taking the pain away. At this point, God doesn't exist anymore. It doesn't hurt anymore.

This time he didn't come in. He didn't cradle me in his arms. He didn't help me bandage myself. He didn't come and tell me that everything was going to be okay. Because now God stopped existing.

I stretched my arms out. My shoulders felt locked in place. I stretched every small part of my body. I didn't want to wake up in pain tomorrow.

This meant not showering with Heidi any time soon. Nor sleeping with her. My life is turning into hell.


Oh, God. Heidi.

What time is it!?

I needed to get out of here.

I snatched the rolls of bandages from the floor. There were ten rolls there. My body had grown, of course, it would need more to cover me.

I took a roll and started on my left arm. Right where my wrist started. I started to wrap quickly around my arm.

I didn't have any alcohol. He didn't leave me any.

My screams echoed through my ears. That small child screams when he would pour bottles of alcohol on my wounds. After many times, I would just cry silently. Not even scream. Just endure the pain.

I wrapped my legs next. Then my feet. Then my stomach. Then my chest. Lastly, my right arm.

The clothes that he had left me were truly astonishing.

A long sleeve black turtle neck. The sleeved would fit me tight around my arms. The pants were baggy. The socks were long socks. The shoes were high tops. These clothes were meant to cover my body.

I put on the clothes one by one.

He was probably watching me somewhere. Once I was done changing, that door is going to open.

One day I'm going to do it. I'm going to kill him. But not today.

I sat on the chair and tied my shoes. What did he tell Heidi? Did he go into my room? I doubt anyone else knows what he does to me. Mom wouldn't allow it. Y/n would kill him for it. And everyone else treats me normally. So he was probably the one who went into my room.

I couldn't have passed out for that long. Whatever he injected into me couldn't last that long. We were eating breakfast around eight or nine? Let's say the stuff he injected me lasted for six hours. It's still in the afternoon. It would be too risky for him to do anything to her.

I walked over to the door and slammed it a couple of times.

If he opened it, I wouldn't do anything to him but smile. This didn't hurt anymore. I don't know what he's trying to prove. He had no control over me anymore.

To hurt me, he would have to kill me.

A few seconds went by. Nobody answered.

I slammed it a couple of times more.

I looked around the room. There was nothing else in here. Was he even here? Could he see me? Is he planning to let me out of here?

I hit it even more. Almost punching it. I needed to get out of here. I couldn't stay here. I needed to know if Heidi is okay. Let me out.

The sound of a lock clicking.

I stepped away from the door. The old rusted door creaked loudly open. He needed to clean this place. And put on some lights, not just an old lightbulb.

The door seemed to be heavy. It slowly opened. I walked to the other side. I was tired. I didn't expect to feel this again.

"How was it?" He asked. His voice compassionate and caring. Just like old times. "Next time I want to see you do it. If you want it to hurt." I smiled.

"You're my son, Jacob. You have to listen. Here." He poked me with something. I looked down to see what it was.

He was handing me a gun. Out of all the things he could hand me, he handed me a gun. Maybe he didn't care about his life at all. "Do you want to die or something?" I took the gun.

"No, I just know you won't kill me. You'll realize that what I do is to make you strong. Because I love you, I don't want you to get hurt." I rolled my eyes. Love me? I wished he did.

"What time is it?" We walked alongside each other. I had grown up to him. Our strides were the same. Our steps in sync.

"Five. Don't worry, she's still alive." He was still going to do it. But he was crazy if he thought I was going to let him do it.

The stairs that led out of this hellhole were in front of us.

"Put a finger on her and I'll kill you. I'll pretend your not my father. That's easy enough." Some people should just not be parents.

"Please Jacob. You can't kill me. I'm your father. Do you think it didn't hurt y/n when she killed him. She regrets it every day after that. You will regret it too. Heidi is just a girl. I'm your father." He thought I just got with Heidi because he ordered me too. What an idiot he is.

"Do whatever you want, Terushima. I don't care. Now let me get out of here." I ran up the stairs. Nobody knew about this place. So if he hadn't come. I would be stuck down here for as long as he would like.

"What did you tell Heidi?" I hope she isn't worried about me.

"I didn't have to tell her anything. Who knew Iwaizumi's daughter is into drugs. All I had to do is give her some, and she asked no questions. Amazing how she chose drugs over you. Might have to reth-" I had my arm deep into his neck.

My heart was beating quickly. My ears were ringing.

I let go of him. It wasn't worth beating him. I slammed open the door that led me up.

No matter how much he gave her, I'm sure she knows how much is enough.

I was in the backyard. It was a long way from here to the house.

Don't be an idiot, Heidi.

I ran towards the house as fast as I could. The bottoms of my feet were starting to sting. They were covered in bandages and a sock over so they should be fine. I ran faster.

If y/n asked, I couldn't tell her. Because then she'll kill me along with Terushima. I don't want to die just yet.

I was getting closer to the house.

I would still have to climb up the stairs and get into my room.

Y/n and I used to run marathons. That lady sure was something.

I ran at full speed. I could run like this for a few more minutes before passing out. Let's hope I make it there before I'm all out.

I should've killed him then and there. My gun at my side and he wouldn't have stood a chance. I'm eighteen, I would've taken everything from him.

I ran past the pool. I was almost there.

I slowed down so I could open the backdoor. It's never open if it were, I would just run right through.

Heidi, I swear, I'll kill you if you took any.

"Jacob?" Not now.

"Yea?" I stopped for her. She seemed concerned.

"Are you okay? Where are you going?" Y/n stared at me.

"To my room. I'm just excited. That's all." I smiled and sprinted away from her.

"Be careful! Heidi is sleeping!" I was halfway up the stairs before I froze. Sleeping?

I skipped my way up. Almost tripping on the last stair. My room was right by the stairs. I burst in through the door.

Heidi stood scratching her head. She turned her head slowly. Her eyes were swollen as if just waking up.

I ran to her and embraced her.

I was out of breath.

"Hey, what happened? Are you okay?" She pulled away. My throat felt dry. I needed water.

"Where is it? You didn't take any, did you?" I looked around the room. The bed was undone, but that was it. Nothing else in sight.

"No, I didn't. I put it in that drawer you always have your stuff in." She pointed at my drawer with the broken mirror.

I sighed in relief.

"Good girl." I whispered, hugging her again. A weight has just been lifted from my chest. I closed my eyes.

"Why are you covered in bandages?" She pat me down. I pushed her away.

I immediately regretted it.

"Sorry. I got hurt, that's all. Don't worry about me." I smiled at her. She smiled back. I felt a great amount of peace with her. It felt warm. I hugged her and didn't let go. I never wanted to let go.

"Are you sure? Your covered in them." How did she know? Not one part in my body was visible. Yet she knew right away.

"Some parts of you are harder than others. And lumpy. That's how I know." She smiled up at me. She was a short little thing. I kissed her forehead.

"I'm fine, I promise. Are you hungry? Since when have you been asleep?" I grabbed a hair tie from my nightstand. I gathered up all her hair and tied it for her.

"Like around ten. I just woke up a few minutes ago. I was tired." She woke up pretty early. I don't blame her.

"Let's go find something to eat then. The slippers by the door are yours." I forgot when I had told them to get her some.

I held open the door for her while she put them on. I need to get her out of here before tonight. Even if it's just her. I know she'll be better off somewhere else than being here.

She walked through and I closed it behind us.

The second I closed the door, the bell rang. Tendou walked towards the door.

His phone rang.

"What is he doing here!? Why did you let him in!?" He yelled over the phone. Who's here?

I ran down the stairs.

"Tendou who's here?" Tendou put a hand up. He glanced at Heidi.

"Where is the boss? Take your girlfriend upstairs. Her daddy is here." He looked down bitterly at his phone.

Iwaizumi? What would Iwaizumi be doing here?

I opened the door.

He smiled at me.


The door finally opened. Jacob stared at me. What was I doing here? I don't know. But I had to do something, at least.

"Iwaizumi. Are you an idiot!?" Kuroo whispered in my ear.

I shrugged.

"We came here in peace. I don't want to fight." The only reason I came was to get my little girl back.

I took a step into his home.

"Iwaizumi." I knew that voice. Jacob stepped aside. Y/n stood next to Oikawa. My eyes followed down.

They're hands connected.

I stepped back outside.

"I want to talk to Terushima. Where is he?" My heart had shattered. My chest felt heavy. As if I couldn't breathe. My eyes burned, but I didn't let the tears fall. I took a deep breath and smiled.

I noticed it. It was small but it was there.

"I'm here for Catalina and Heidi. I would like to talk to Terushima." I stared at y/n. Just like me, she felt betrayed. But was too proud to show it.

"Why are you here? In my home." Terushima appeared around the corner.

I felt Kuroo go for his gun. I put a hand up. I wasn't looking for a fight. I didn't want one. Not now.

"I came to negotiate with you. May I?" I kept my head high. I noticed Heidi standing on the stairs. I smiled at her.

"How many do you have with you?" Only Kuroo and Sakusa had come with me. The others I made them stay home. Bokuto didn't even know I was here.

"Two. I don't want problems. I just want my daughter back." Tendou glared at me. I smiled.

"Jacob and Tendou. In the dining room. Bring Catalina and Heidi with you." I walked into the room right in front of us.

I glanced at y/n one last time. She had let go of his hand. Like if that would change anything.

"Catalina. Follow the boss." Tendou ordered her. And she obeyed. She passed y/n. She gripped her arm. Y/n whispered something in her ear. She continued to walk towards the room. Unfazed at whatever y/n had told her.

Jacob glanced at Heidi and she too walked into the room.

"Don't pull out anything, or I'll shoot you down. Okay!" Tendou said happily. I chuckled. What a happy fellow.

Jacob and I met eyes. He seemed sad. Who wouldn't be in this home?

"You know where to go," Jacob whispered. How old was he? Eighteen? He looked too tired and done with life for an eighteen-year-old. Not my problem.

I walked with Kuroo and Sakusa following right behind me. They were the only two that could reach y/n's level. Almost.

Osamu and Bokuto had to stay at home, after all, they were the ones who needed more time.

"Was this your plan? Or did you come up with it last second?" Sakusa whispered.

I stared right ahead. Y/n was staring at me. But I can't meet her gaze. I won't.

"No, it wasn't." I'm tired of being left aside. I'm not going to deal with any of this anymore. Y/n was playing stupid games, and I didn't want to play along.

"You're an idiot for coming here. We should've never come. Y/n was handling everything." Kuroo had too much hope in y/n. If fucking Oikawa behind my back was "handling everything" then I should handle everything myself.

We let the doors close behind us. Tendou and Jacob right on our tail.

"Have a seat." Terushima sighed.

I stared at Heidi. She didn't look hurt. What a relief.

"Thank you. Let's get right to the point, shall we?" I grabbed a chair. Kuroo and Sakusa sitting on either side of me.

"I would've thought you came to ask for y/n. But what the twist, you asked for Catalina instead." Terushima chuckled as if this were some joke.

"Seems like you have more need for her than I do. I want my daughter back. I shouldn't be asking. I should be killing you right now for taking her in the first place. I could've barged in here and killed every one of you. But I didn't, consider yourself lucky." I wanted everything to be peaceful just because we had a ball this weekend. And if y/n thought I wasn't going to go, how wrong she was.

"If you haven't been informed yet. There is going to be a ball at Kita's place. And I wanted to spend it peacefully. In other words, I want to declare peace with you. Even if you kidnapped my daughter and almost killed me. I think we would work well together." I put both hands on the table. At the same time, so did Kuroo and Sakusa.

"Working with you? Is that what you're going to give me for your daughter?" I looked around to see if he was actually talking to me. I don't think I heard that right.

"I'm not giving you anything for my daughter. She's coming with me whether you like it or not. I'm just offering you the opportunity to work with me. Of course, if you would like." If he didn't let me take Heidi with me, then he leaves me no other choice.

"Fine. You could take them. One condition. You take Jacob with you."

"What!?" Jacob and I yelled at the same time.

"We work together from now on. Y/n can't go near you. And you take Jacob with you. Can't break adolescent love apart, can we now?"

Not like I want to be near her.

"If I end up killing him, not my fault. I can live like that. I take Catalina with me. Catalina, Heidi, and your son. But if he tries anything, I won't hesitate. And Oikawa, if you haven't forgotten, he's one of mine. I need him too." I don't care if she ends up alone. She's been alone all this time. I couldn't care less.

"Your cruel for that one. Jacob, take Heidi outside, please. Tendou brings me the packet." I stood up. Packet? Why was he making Heidi go outside? I needed an explanation before he started ordering stuff around.

"Iwaizumi sit down. Don't worry, I just need to show you something. Tendou, now, please." Jacob took Heidi's hand and pulled her away. Tendou went out through another door.

"Show me what?" Heidi was out of the room. Tendou had come back already. A small envelope in hand. He handed it to Terushima.

"Leaving y/n all alone here. You love her, yet you're leaving her here. Personally, I would leave if she ever cheated on me. But you know how that goes. Kyoko is still at my side. But you're different from me. So here. Do whatever you like with this." He slid the envelope across the table.

I already knew what was inside. But I opened it anyway.

Inside were pictures. Pictures I didn't want to see. Pictures that were going to completely destroy me.

I took one glance at one of them and put it back. It was y/n in Oikawa's arms. Kissing.

I couldn't help but laugh.

I closed the envelope back up. "Thank you for this. I'll be taking my leave now. See you on Saturday. If you could please, send me a picture of what y/n is going to be wearing? I would appreciate it a lot." I tilted my head slightly at Kuroo and Akaashi. They stood up.

"I will. Goodbye Catalina. It was nice having you in my home for a while. I'll send Jacob over." I walked over to Catalina.

I grasped her hand in mine.

She was wearing red. Y/n's red dress. Now all I saw was y/n. Something caught my eye.

I pulled her along with me. She eventually caught up.

Kuroo held open the door for me. "Jacob your dad wanted to talk to you. I'll be waiting outside." Jacob looked as if he had been talking to Heidi. He let go of her hand and walked into the room. Kuroo closed it behind him.

Oikawa, y/n, Heidi, Catalina, Kuroo, Sakusa, and I stood still in the room.

"Oikawa get in the car. Your coming with us." I ordered him. Y/n had already created distance between them, but that wasn't going to change.

"Iwai-" Y/n started but froze.

She stared at me with pain in her eyes. I smiled.

"Everyone in the car. We're about to leave." Catalina walked forward. I didn't let her hand go until I couldn't reach anymore. Kuroo took her with him and everyone else.

Oikawa didn't move from his spot.

"Oikawa in the car. I won't repeat myself again." He didn't budge.

"What about y/n." He whispered. I still held on to the envelope.

"I have no use for her anymore. She could stay here and rot. Would you like to stay here with her? Because you two seem to have a very nice relationship." I chuckled. Even if it hurt me deep down, I couldn't let her see that I'm hurt. She doesn't deserve to see that.

"What are yo-" I threw the envelope at her. Something was around her neck.

"Oikawa, in the car. Now." Y/n put a hand up.

She opened the envelope and looked inside. The look on her face was priceless. She looked at them as if that wasn't her.

"Iwaizu-" I cut her off. She was really going to try and play it off.

"What are you going to say? That, that wasn't you? What? That it was Catalina? Don't try to play me for the idiot. And you know what. You could stay with Oikawa. I'll see you guys at the ball." I walked away. I did it.

Jacob would have to come out alone.

It had all gone according to plan.

I hurried over into the car. That necklace. It wasn't y/n's.

I jumped in and closed the door behind me. She sat in the middle seat. Her seat. The one sitting next to me wasn't Catalina. The one in those pictures wasn't y/n. Just as planned.

I held her hand. Y/n's hand.

"We have some talking to do." Y/n gripped my hand harder.

"Sure do boss." We smiled at each other. It had all gone according to plan. She was back at my side. Just like she once was.

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