Lose Everything(2/2)

By MikushX

1.6K 301 68

You're starving. Starving for fun, starving for satisfaction, starving for victory. As time goes on, you want... More

Queen's Gambit
Sicilian Defense
French Defense
King's Gambit
Scandinavian Defense
Scotch Game
Trompowsky Attack
Danish Gambit
London System
Dutch Defense
Catalan Opening
Réti Opening
Vienna Game
Alekhine's Defense
Slav Defense
Benko Gambit
Tug of War
Dutch Defense
Emperor's Gambit
The Frankenstein-Dracula Variation
Broken Heart
God's Gambit
Lose Everything


27 7 3
By MikushX

What would men be without women? Scarce, sir...mighty scarce.

Mark Twain


It's been a week since they took a break. As the days passed, Hades became more active and began to gather strength. During these weeks, Mikush goes out every day and leaves him alone with Persephone. Hades keeps an eye on her so that she does not run away.

When Mikush leaves home, Percy feels unbearably bored. Because Hades doesn't talk to her at all, he cooks, he works out, he acts as if she doesn't exist. It is incredibly boring for Persephone to sit motionless all day. Even if they are enemies, she wants to talk to them to get rid of this boredom.

In the end, she decided to talk to Hades. Although she tried to talk to him several times before, Hades remained apathetic and ignored her. However, today Percy decided to try one last time to get him to speak.

She asked Hades, who was doing push-ups in a Tank-top in the lobby

"Why did you kill Hestia?"

Hades paused for a moment and looked at her strangely. Then he continued to do push-ups.

Percy: You not only killed her but also left her body there. Mikush says she was important to you guys. Especially for you. Did you love her?

Hades got up and approached her. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked into her eyes.

"Did Mikush tell you that?"

P: Yes. You know he's very mouthy. He talks about everything in order to have a conversation. He told me very interesting things about you.

Hades with interest, "What did he tell you?"

P: Everything. Your school years, your battle with Zeus. Everything about your past. You guys really have a horrible past.

H: Cursed Mikush. He never shuts his mouth.

P: If you really cared about her, why did you leave her there?

Hades looked at Percy quietly. This is clear from the fact that he has been thinking about it for a long time. But he never talked to anyone about Hestia. Because according to the law in their school, it is a weakness to talk about the past. Maybe sharing his thoughts with this woman will help him? Maybe he'll be relieved if he tells her the thoughts he's holding inside?

He decided to tell her everything. In the end, he would kill Persephone anyway. There is nothing to lose for him.

H: She was a fabulous person. We did not deserve to be with her. Therefore, we left her body with his brother. Cos, in the end, she chose her brother. I thought I would forget her. For some reason, we were taught this in our school. "Forget your past". This was our motto. But this is not the case. The past is part of us. It is impossible to get rid of the past. No matter what we do, our past will follow us. That is why I have not escaped the influence of my past. I changed a lot after she died. I still don't know how I feel about her. I tried to forget her, didn't think about her. But over time, the seeds she planted inside me began to sprout. I began to soften and become sensitive. As time went on, I could no longer remain calm. Before, the death of my loved ones was nothing to me, but now it leaves a big effect on me. So maybe Mikush is right, maybe I've changed. I have no purpose in life anymore. There is nothing I can do after reaching my final goal. So I did the right thing by entrusting Mikush with the work.

P: I agree with you. We all live with the pain of our past. In my opinion, the biggest reason for this is our knowledge and intelligence. It is true that when we have a lot of knowledge in life, our unhappiness increases. Life is an expression of evil because the higher the organism develops, the greater its suffering. No development of knowledge solves such a problem. Maybe we would be happier if we lived in ignorance.

H: Ignorant people can be happy but not free. We are free only if we have knowledge. There is no point in living without freedom ...

After that, they talked for hours. It was comforting for them to share the emotions they had accumulated over the years. They talked to each other as if they had been friends for years. they shared their deepest concerns that they didn't even dare to tell their close friends about it.

Maybe they were afraid that their friends would judge them. But strangers do not judge you, and this makes it easier for you to share your feelings. Maybe because of all this, they reveal everything. Hades, who previously did not share his feelings with people, now easily told her everything. Maybe he knew he was doing something wrong by telling everything to the enemy. But it doesn't matter, because these feelings need to be taken out rather than keeping it inside.

Hades: In the past, I lived to fight, to challenge, to develop. My only goal in life was to compete. But over time, I have come to realize that life does not always end there. All three of us suffer psychologically. Because we find nothing to do. This makes us even sadder. Especially, Mikush is the most depressed and sad among us. I understand why he is so. Although he jokes about everything, he is enormously dejected inside. But what can be done? That's the limit we can go. At least I decided to find peace of mind. In a small village, I plan to spend the last days of my life peacefully reading books, doing agriculture. I no longer need these killing games.

Percy: You don't trust Mikush at all, but you sympathize with him. I can't understand how you feel about Mikush?

Hades: What I say now may sound absurd. But I'm afraid of that clown. Underneath that smile lies something more dangerous, something more terrible. Each of us has a monster inside. But his monster is more terrible, more frightening. I am very worried about not knowing what he is thinking and the unpredictability of his actions. I'm worried when he's near me. I'm afraid he'll do something terrible if I turn my back for a second. But maybe all this is my imagination. Maybe he's not that dangerous. These are probably my overactive fantasies. So I decided to trust him. Maybe if the trust between us increases, the fear against him will disappear.

Percy: does he do such crazy things?

H: Well, I'll tell you a story... A long long time ago, when we were in our training school we were once instructed to kill a man. Our target was hiding in a huge forest with towering trees. He was a very dangerous former swat. We parted and raced in the woods to see who would find him first. For weeks we searched for him in the forest and fell into dangerous traps set by him. The man had set so many clever traps. How many times we have returned from the brink of death? Eventually, we found the man's house. When we entered, we saw Mikush sitting by the fireplace, reading a book and drinking wine. On the first day he came, he found a man and killed him, and then he made fun of us by setting traps in the forest...

After that, they both started laughing. Hades looked at her with a passion. He began to realize that he feels the same way that he felt for Hestia many years ago. Maybe that's the kind of peace of mind he's looking for. Just having someone he can trust.

It is as if Percy is feeling the same way too. She thinks that maybe the people around her didn't make a mistake by living together, maybe it isn't that bad.

They both looked passionately into each other's eyes.

Hades's gaze made her cheeks blush. In both, their bodies began to sweat and their hearts began pounding rapidly. Slowly, instinctively, they began to get close to each other. Hades couldn't take his eyes off her. It's a whole new feeling. He had never felt that way before. Maybe he's sick. His whole body is almost burning. Hades does not know what to do in the face of this feeling. It is as if they unite and becoming one.

Their heads slowly approach each other. Touching their lips together .....

Suddenly the door opened and Mikush entered the room cheerfully. They both parted immediately.

Mikush: Shit! I can sniff the smell of libido. Please tell me, what you "naughty puppies" were doing here? ..... If I leave you guys alone, we will face trouble after 9 months. (Then he turned to Percy). My dear Percy, I considered you a man's enemy. Why couldn't you stand the charm of our handsome Hades ?? I'm seeing an example of Stockholm syndrome here. Hahaha.

Percy blushed and looked away.

Hades: I don't know what you think. But nothing happened between us.

Mikush laughed: Okay... Okay, I believe you. You both blushed, nervous, and heated. If this continues, we will die here from the heat. But look how I thought of you. I bought enough ice cream for all of us here. Let's eat it and cool down for a while ...


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