The Life Beyond You

By WeStanBooks

104 11 0

Cyra lives in the City of New York. She is hired by a few and is on the run from all. One night Crya meets Es... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 10

6 1 0
By WeStanBooks

"Cyra!" Esteria yelled ahead of me, "Get ready, don't be fooled by how they look either. Kill all of them. If you're not sure if it's me and Margot...Kill it anyway."


Suddenly, everything around us was dark.

"Dammit, we got Knox.." Esteria came to a stop and I rammed into the nearest tree to slow down.

"W-hat do you mean.." I bent over, catching my breath.

"Ahh okay, quick update. So you have to battle Knox, Conan, Shane, or Oskar. Oksar is the easiest, healing powers are sucky to defend yourself with..But the others are a bit tougher, Knox being the hardest to beat. God da-"

Everything was slowly becoming pitch black. When Esteria turned around, her snake like emerald eyes were bright against the pressing dark. Both of Margot's eyes were different. One was blood red and the other a deep orange. I could see in the reflection of there eyes, that mine were a bright silver.

"Stick close to me Cyra. Watch the trees. Remember, everything can be a delusion. Kill what you see, you never know what's playing tricks on you. Expecially since we are going up against Knox-"

Everything went extremely quiet, if felt like our breathing even echoed through the thick dark oaks, standing above us at atleast 20ft or more. They slowly faded away into Silhouettes. Esteria snapped her fingers together, A large flame hung over her left hand. I stayed as close as I could to the ball of fire. I heard something shift to the left of the path, I felt for my quiver and snagged an arrow from the top, holding it tight to the bow. My breathing was quiet, but I felt like I could hear it grow louder and louder with my heartbeat. When I heard another shuffle, I pointed towards the sound, releasing the arrow.
I heard a small scream and a bright flash.

"You got one..Nice shot." Esteria said, her voice sounded impressed but I couldn't see her face anymore. I heard a sharp Zing. Esteria must have her sword out. We moved on slowly, following the small glow of Esteria's fire-filled hand. Suddenly, it went out without warning. I could hear struggling noises, Esteria grunting somewhere to my left, and another small flash of light, which illuminated Esteria and Margot's faces. It was out quickly though. Something grabbed me from behind, twisting a cold, boney arm around my neck, pulling back forcefully. I gagged, struggling. I swung my arm back, hitting another boney part. The arm loosened around my neck and I grabbed another arrow, driving it through whatever I could feel. Another flash of light went off in front of me, and for a moment, I caught sight of them all. Distorted human like figures, little flesh was hanging off of their decaying bones. Then it went dark..Everything was too quiet.

"Esteria! MARGOT!" I yelled as loudly as I could..No response. I started to run, I didn't know what direction I was going in. I heard more grunting up ahead, and another loud Zing.

"Cyra! Thank god." I heard Esteria's voice..Only it was a little deeper and raspy.

"I'm fine I'm fine..Margot?" I called her name, trying to find out if she was still with us. It got a little lighter, and all I could see were silhouettes in front of me. I heard a loud thud and what sounded like a faint scream that stopped suddenly before it started. Then Margot spoke.

"Yeah..I'm here."

"What are these things?!" I felt down to my waist, grabbing my pocket knife.

"Knox's little minions. Everyone he killed. Well their remains anyway, doing his work until he sends them back to where they belong. Dead in the ground." Margot explained, her voice sounding angered.

"Quicker we find our way out of here, the better. Any ideas? Esteria can you light another..Hand ball thing." I asked, feeling my way around the trees.

"N-no..Uh..My powers seem to be at a hault for the moment, grab my hand, I'll find a way out."

I heard shuffling, somehow she found me right away and felt for my hand. Her hand was freezing cold, and when I followed her, I could feel the crisp cold seeping from her. Margot was dead silent behind me. The farther we went, the more damp the air felt. I heard dripping around me.

"Are we in a cave..?" I reached out, feeling the walls. It was cold and damp, hard against my palm.

"Maybe...This could be the way out." Esteria said, her voice sounding calm. Suddenly she let go. I heard footsteps splashing around. Fire started to light all around me, and I saw where we were. Soon, the entire cave was lit, and filled with decaying skeleton bodies, all of them groaning and screeching. It was almost like a stone arena, Knox standing in the center. The figures that were once Esteria and Margot, were now one of the decaying skeletons.

"And I thought Esteria or Margot would be the one fighting me. Seems they are tied up somewhere else." Knox chuckled sinisterly.

"What did you do with them."

"You tell me, I haven't seen them at all." As he said that, the dead skeletons cackled, screeching loudly and banging on whatever they could. Knox raised his hand, and it all stopped abruptly. Knox's eyes wondered down to my chest, the bow around it. When he saw it, his eyes flickered bright gold.

"Why do you have that." His voice was deep and dead serious.

"I found it-"

His face showed extreme concern..Then slowly warped into a devious grin. He hovered his arm above the ground, and a small hole formed in the ground, slowly growing bright purple. His eyes reflected it, and suddenly a large scythe flew into his hands. It was thin and silver, the curved blade at the top dangerously sharp.

"You expect me to fight you."

"I expect you to do whatever you can to win. I know you don't like to loose. Or miss."

"And I know you hate being the underdog don't you...You talk about how you don't understand why you are the leader...You just love being the center of attention as much as you want to hide it." I mocked, knowing this wound enrage him, and for some reason, watching him tense up and his hands form into fists made me smirk.

"You're walking on dangerous grounds. I would stop."

"Thought this was a fight...Can't stop until we start."

He gave me another grin, moving his hand upward quickly. Suddenly, about 10 of the skeleton figures came crawling towards me, screaming louder and louder. I winced, flipping up my pocket knife. When one of them jumped at me, I swiftly avoided it, digging the blade into what would be the top of their skull. It dissapeared with a flash. Knox stood their, controlling more and more of them. Too many came at once and I was buried, there cold arms tugging at every limb of mine. Pain surged through my arms and head, when suddenly I heard a loud yell echo through the cave walls.

"I'm back fuggers." Esteria's voice rang out, which caused an explosion of screeches. I heard something break like glass, and smoke filled the cavern. The skeleton bodies that crushed me, turned into dust. I got up quickly, brushing the remains off. Margot's eyes were going crazy, flashing red and orange quickly. She gave me a small salute and reached into her satchel, grabbing another round bottle, throwing it at a group of oncoming skeletons. Purple smoke filled the area, and left behind piles of dust.
Esteria was already running towards another few, showing off her swordsman skills. She jumped ontop of one, twsiting it's decaying head until it snapped, she moaned at the sound, holding a small satisfied grin. Within 5 seconds, she cut into them, tearing off their rotten bones until it was a pile. The other skeletal remains took the warning, scurrying up the cave walls and into the dark. Margot pulled out a sewed shrunken head, tossing it up in the air, her crazy red and orange eyes flashing quicker than ever. It made a high pitched whistling, much like a firework, up into the cave ceiling. When it got to the top, it let out a loud cackle and exploded. Moments later, a dust storm rained down from the top. Margot let out a demonic like laugh.

"That was pathetic even for you Knox." Esteria said, wiping her sword off on her shirt.

Knox walked over and gripped her throat, she raised her eyes up at him, making...Odd noises. Knox let go, pushing her back. She let out a small mischievous laugh and rolled her eyes.

"To bad Cyra failed to even lay a single hand on me-"

I released another arrow and is sped past his face, side swiping his cheek. Suddenly he was close to me, his scythe clipping the bottom of my ankles and sending me to the ground, wacking my head off the solid stone. He bent over me, his cold hand pressed against my throat. When he raised my off the ground, I gagged, feeling my airway slowly closing up. Then I saw it, a drop of blood fell onto his hand from his cheek. He looked terrified, dropping me to the ground. I gasped for air, trying to get it to fill my lungs. Knox backed up, wiping away every sign of an injury and blood. A portal opened underneath his feet, and he fell through.

"What was that?" Esteria asked, looking at me like I was crazy too.

"I don't know..." I rubbed my neck, picking up the arrow.

Esteria rubbed her chest, wincing. There was a small gash by her collar bone.

"Come on..We did good now let's get back while we have a chance.." Margot grabbed Esteria's arm gently and led us out. The entire walk back I ignored the nagging darkness flooding us. The only thing I could think about was the look on Knox's face...And the blood on his hand. Esteria and Margot must not of seen it. I didn't bother to bring it up..I didn't want to make anything worse.

"And she's still alive." Malakai walked over to Esteria, clapping sarcastically.

"Did you ever doubt I would? Your weak ass couldn't take on one of the younger children." She walked closer to his face, gripping his chin with her hand. It slowly moved down to his throat and she tightened her grip. Malakai slipped his hand up her chest and to her wounded collarbone. Immediately Esteria became wide eyed, knocking him to the ground. She stepped right on his crotch when Conan walked over, pulling her off.

"I would rather you not hurt my friend, thank you." His eyes burned a deep purple. Esteria swatted him away.

"Esteria I'm just trying to help you. Come on, let's get it cleaned up please." Malakai said, standing up. Esteria gave him a reluctant nod and marched off to the Shrine ahead of him.

"Come with me and meet my sister." Margot said from behind me. "Or do you wanna keep watching...Whatever the heck that was."

I caught up with her and we walk across the field and the group of children around Avalon. Margot rushed over to another girl, about a year younger than Margot. She was a few inches shorter, with the same sandy hair, but with one red eye and the other a light Hazel, alot like Margot's.

"I have arrived fully alive dude. Don't squeeze the living soul outta me." She pushed Margot off of her and looked at me, hand on hip. She was wearing tight overalls with a green sweater underneath. She held her hand out to me.

"Mazu, 19, ability to read minds and warp objects. I can also tell how dangerous a person is when there blood level rises. Thing with warping is, I accidently made someone explode! Haha!" She laughed to herself, this girl is insane. "There bones warped and the blood was under pressure and-BAHAH!" She bent over, laughing like crazy. Margot gave me a This is normal look.

"Anway, need to meet someone. I'll catch you both at dinner. Can we eat out here again? Stargazing is amazing at night. Anywho, see ya mamas!" She gave us a cute wink and walked off. Margot waved me goodbye as well. I looked around the field and found Avalon with Oskar, leader of Eternal Wings. They were laughing over something, his hand rested on her shoulder and they both leaned in close. They seemed more realistic than her and Knox, but who am I to judge.
I walked over, and Avalon immediately spotted me, letting go of Oskar. She waved at me and had a huge toothy grin.

"AH! HOW WAS IT!?" She screeched, clapping her hands together and giggling.

"It was..Hard to be honest. Knox doesn't go down easily. And I'm not so good with a bow." I rubbed the back of my head, shrugging.

"Oh nonsense! I bet you did Fantastic!" She sang the last bit. Oskar let out a small little laugh and Avalon smiled even more.

"Anyway, where does he usually disappear to? I feel like I need to have a word with him." I asked her, feeling awkward about asking Knox's girlfriend where he was. Avalon seemed unphased though and offered to take me to his Office.

"He's always hiding in there when he needs to think, I can take you if you want! I haven't seen him in a bit!" She winked, skipping off towards the Shrine. I gave one last look at Oskar who looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't. I turned and followed Avalon off into the huge home. We walked through the Japanese style hallways, decorated with paintings of ancient scrolls or warriors, even a small ginger cat with one paw raised. Eventually the hallways grew colder, the farther we walked down. When we reached the end, it looked vacant, and only one chipped black wooden stained door remained. Avalon gave a little knock, and I have a feeling she came here alot. I heard a deep and muffled, Come in..
Avalon pushed the heavy door open and squealed, skipping over to Knox who sat throne like on a huge rocking chair. The room itself was bigger than his old office times two. The walls were painted black still, with shelves filled with antiques or weaponary. In the corner though, was a case that held many weapons that looked like the bow around my waist. Black, with golden gems hidden in them.

"We never spend enough time together!" Avalon said, her voice jokingly aggressive. Her Pink lace dress was pulled up to her thighs when she sat on Knox's lap, her legs on either side of him. Yikes. Knox rested his hands on her back, and stroking her long blonde hair. Her green eyes squinted at him slyly, and she started to kiss up his neck and onto his chin. Knox returned the kisses on her forehead, and one right ontop of her head. When she started messing with his shirt I let out a cough, which sounded more like an asthma attack. I didn't come here to watch this.

"We can talk later, Avalon. I'll come by for dinner."

"No worries, I know you are busy, baby boo! If you can come though, that would be great! I love you..!"

"And you too.." He gave a half effort smile.

Avalon let out a small grunt, then clapped her hands together, giggling. Her face, for a second, was a flicker of sadness. I could tell she wanted to be with him right now, she wanted him to say it back, but she was her normal cheery self within seconds. She lept up, giving him a quick curtsy, and waved at me, waking out the door. It shut behind her. I rubbed my arm and went to a small cushion across from him. I realized I was limping slightly, my ankles were still sore from when he hit me with his scythe.

"Let me look at your ankles." He went to get up but I raised my hand.

"I'm not here for that, for your sympathy and motivation talks and whatnot. I wanna know what made you look so terrfied."

He stood up anyway, one arm across his chest and the other balanced on it, his pinking resting on his bottom lip again. The gash was almost gone, a small mark barely visable laid in it's place. I noticed how smooth his pale face was..Completely untouched or blemished.

"I don't get terrified."

"So you ran from a fight when a newbie barely skimms your face with an arrow?" When I said arrow, he tensed again. His eyes flashed quickly.

"You should be dead.." He mumbled, walking back to his desk. He leaned over it, his shoulders buldging from his shirt.

"What did you say?"

"YOU. SHOULD. BE. DEAD." He yelled, slamming his fist on the desk.

"What the hell do you mean." I raised my voice now too. He walked quickly over to me, pulling the bow up my chest.

"You know what this is?! Do you?!"


He sighed. "This was forged on the night of the Dark Moon Ritual. It is literally made out of the purest Darkness. I..I never came back fully human..I'm technically still dead. I shouldn't be able to bleed Cyra."

"So..How did you bleed?"

He waited a second, studying my face..

"You don't unders-...Darkness..The thing that forged this..It can end me. That's why no one ever touches this, if you are not the one meant to use any of the weapons forged by Darkness, you can be cursed for life. Look at Conan, he touched Darkness when he was younger, he was cursed as a shadow. Forced to live an emotionless life, sure he can feel pain, because that's what the curse does. It just causes you to feel pain or anything that hurts you. He can't feel happiness or pleasure or even love. He wants the Stone so he can be a full being and hold the power that's inside. The Stone could free him."

He scoffed, setting down the bow. "People are selfish Cyra. The sooner you accept that the sooner you will learn to be picky about who you choose to befriend."

"Like you..What if you are doing this for the power? To hold something that could pontentially destroy universes."

"You never trusted me did you? After the crap we jsut went through, the opportunities I could've used to let you die, and you are still standing here. That's really sad, and I don't have time for that right now. Either you are with me or you aren't. Don't be so bold as to assume I'm in this to benefit myself when I gave everyone here a second chance." His face was full of held back anger, he shoved past me and slammed the door shut behind him.

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