Exchanging Scars

By merrystory_

1.5M 39.2K 40.9K

Used to be 'never underestimate the broken' Isabella is a independent, intelligent, food loving fifteen year... More

// characters
2// pleasure to meet you...
4// Insult them, I dare you
6// Oh you did not
7// black
8// the medical
9// progress
10// on our way
11// home sweet home
12// Miss Castillo
13// oh boy
14// you've got to be kidding me
15// what in the disney
16// ice ice baby
17// bloody hell
18// the whole package
19// more than you think
20//under my skin
21//deathly combination
22// the night changed
23//four steps
24//step one: seclusion
25// step one: seclusion part II
26//step one: seclusion part III
27//step one: seclusion part IV
28//step one: seclusion part V
29// new family member
30// the date
31// the date part 2
32//one of the two
33//me first, not you
34//Angelana banana
35// cherry on top
36// I hate you
37// walk with Apollo
38// the big battle
39// Italy
40// Isabella Empire
41// bonus chapter

5// perfect

54.6K 1.3K 1.1K
By merrystory_

"Why would you start puniching her like that?!" It was only now that I noticed that Rodrigo and Riccardo tried to pull us apart from the beginning. Riccardo was holding the girl and giving her to security. Rodrigo was holding my wrists, preventing me from escaping.

"Answer me Isabella!" He yelled angry. Everyone was looking at us and waiting for my explanation. I looked around and he got the hint. He signed his twin and suddenly everyone started to walk away.


"We're important clients Isa, now start talking. Why would you punch her like that?" I moved closer to his face and stood on the top of my toes and looked him straight in the eye.

"I am the only girl who is allowed to slap you. All the others will have to deal with me. No one, except me will slap a brother of mine brother." With that being said I pulled my wrists out of his grip and walked to the door.

No one messes with my brothers. No one.


The car ride was silent, awkward silent. Rodrigo wasn't mad, I think. He was more surprised by the fact that I defended him. I don't blame him tho, I didn't expect it either.

Riccardo was in his own little word. He was open book to read, if he'd let me at least. I think he was confused that I protected his twin after what he a said yesterday.

He looked at me through the front mirror and I could see he was trying to figure me out. Trying to read me like a book. Sorry brother, you'll need a key for this book.

Rodrigo was constantly looking from the road to me through the mirror, back to the road, back to me. Alright enough with this.

"If you're looking for an apologize, you're looking in the wrong place." He looked me straight in the eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"I'm not going to apologize for my actions. She deserved it and nothing in the world will make me change my mind." I said locking our eyes. He gave me the 'why are you so hard to read' look.

"Why though? After what I said you still punch a girl who slapped me?"

"Yes, you're an asshole. I don't know why you said that, I don't know if you mean it or not. I know it sounds silly, but in those 36 hours I've met you guys, I felt a bond I felt with no one before. A bond I'm ready to fight for." suddenly Rodrigo turns the car and parked at the side of the road. He aggressively walked out of the car and opened my door. I hold in my breath and I could see Riccardo smiling. Smiling, what the-

He grabbed me and we both entered one of the most firmest hugs I've ever had. My eyes wide open, shocked Rodrigo was hugging me. His face was buried in my shoulder. Soon I started to relax and wrapped my arm around him as firmly as I could. I hurried my head in his chest and let out a satisfied sigh.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think before I said anything. I just got you back and the fact that you cried because of me yesterday broke me in so many ways that I wanted to punch myself so bad."

"I didn't cry-"

"I'm an asshole, not stupid Isa. I know Lorenzo protected you. He protected you from me..." 

We stayed like that for a while, not saying anything. I lifted my head and signed Riccardo to join our hug. He started to smile and ran towards us. Right now I was sandwiched between my two brothers, who are way taller than me and so freaking strong.

After our little moment we all went back to the car. Linkin Park was on the radio and the boys were singing as loud as possible. What they didn't know is that I'm also a big fan so when they least expected it, I started to sing with them and I swear I will never get tired of those faces.

Some more songs came up that we sang together. I was holding on to this moment, because I knew this wouldn't last forever.

After a while we came back home and Riccardo carried all the bags. Five to be exact, for them it was way too less, but for me it was way too much.

Riccardo carried everything to my room and Rodrigo pushed me into a room.

"Stay. Do not move Isa." I'm not dog? A few minutes later Rodrigo came back with a first aid kit and Riccardo came back with a huge hoodie and some leggings.

"Give me your hand Isa." Rodrigo said calmly. He turned away and opened the first Aid Kit.

"Why? It's not like she could have hurted me." I know how to punch someone brother. Yeez

"I wasn't asking." He gave me his cold glare and and a look that said 'don't you dare to talk back'. I mentally rolled my eyes and gave him my hand.

A sigh came out of Rodrigo's mouth. "If Lorenzo finds out you got into a fight you're in seriously trouble." Riccardo said. He gave me a guilty look. Don't say he snitched on me.

"Please tell me you did not snitch on me." A nervous chuckled came out of Riccardo's mouth. Yep, I'm as good as dead.

"Are you kidding Ric? What the hell?" Rodrigo turned around, snapping my finger in the proces and making me hiss. How did he even do that?

"Mierda. Sorry Isa, that wasn't suppose to happen."

"Don't worry Rigo, it's nothing." My eyes immediately went wide when I caught myself calling my ice cold brother Rigo.

"What did you just called me?" He asked surprised. I couldn't see any anger in his eyes or dissapointement. That's a good sign, right?

"I- uhm I- I- I- gave you a nickname? Yes, I gave you a nickname." I said the second time a little more confident than the first time. A little more.

"Rigo... I love it." He came closer to me and my eyes grew bigger, scared of what's going to happen. Only he was never going to hurt me. He gave me a soft kiss on my forhead and laid his chin on top of my head.

"Now, I saw that she managed to punch you back, you want me to check it out?" Then I remembered she punched me in my ribs. My ribs!

"Oh no that's not necessary. It doesn't hurt that much. She punches like a little baby anyway." A small chuckled escaped from Riccardo and Rodrigo. I was actually proud I came up with a lie that fast. But I was more proud I made them both laugh...

"Whatever you say sis. Rod, check out her shoulders, they seem a little bruised." Riccardo said. My eyes went wide. Shit shit shit. Okay uhm lie, now

"Actually they're not that bad, I'll be fine." I nervously said. Rodrigo only raised his eyebrow and so did Riccardo.

"Let us just check it Isa, if there's nothing then there won't be a problem." He reached for my shoulder but I stepped away.

"No, there's nothing to check. You're waisting your time." Come on just leave it.

"Mi chiquita, we won't hurt you, you don't have to hide from us." Riccardo also took a few steps closer. Rodrigo reached again for my shoulders and I slapped his hands away.

"I. Said. No." Marking every word with anger and leaving space between the words I looked them straight in the eyes.

My stare was cold, my eyes were on fire and I was ready to punch my way out of this one. No way in hell they're going to see my shoulders.

They both started at me, trying to figure me out. Trying to find a reason why I'm acting like this and it's probably not the smartest move but when you fe el threatened, you react.

The aura was starting to get uncomfortable for the twins. Riccardo started to look around, everywhere expect my eyes. Rodrigo had his thinking face on and constantly open his mouth and then close it again.

"You have a pretty good punch for a fourteen years old girl you know." He tried to change the subject.

"Is that suppose to be a compliment?" I raised an eyebrow. Hello we're in the 21st century brother.

Silence fell and the awkward tension returned.

"Isabella-" Riccardo couldn't finish his sentence before he got interrupted by something. Someone to be exact.

"BELLA! MY OFFICE NOW!" I flinched at the sudden yelling but no one noticed. Thank god. This was the perfect escape. Before the twins could say anything I slipped through the two of them and ran out the door.

Slowly I walked down the hall to Lorenzo's office. I've never been scared of my brothers but hearing Lorenzo yell like that made me shit my pants.

I wanted to knock on the door but before I could do Enzo was one step ahead.

"Come in already Bella."

I took a big breath and whispered myself I could do this. I pushed open the door and stepped into the room. After closing the door I slowly turned around to face Lorenzo. I looked him straight in the eyes, not because it was one of his dump rules, but because my ego was way too big.

"A fight? Really? In the middle of a store? Mind explaining what happened?" He said as calmly as ever.

Remember when I said I was shitting my pants? Yeah that's nothing compared to now.

I took a big breath and started talking. "I'm not sorry for my actions Enzo. Yes, it was wrong. Yes, I was an idiot. But I don't regret it. That girl slapped Rodrigo and there is no way in hell I would let that happen without giving her a black eye." Enzo's eyes were big. Surprise was all over his face and soon a smile was on his lips.

"I'm proud at you for defending your brother even after what he said. But violence is always the last option, okay? I don't want you to get into trouble because of that. Your brothers can handle themselves." He said while giving me a worried look. I tried to hold back a smile but I failed miserably.

"Okay Enzo. Thank you for listening to my side. And thank you for being a perfect brother." Before he could answer me I ran out of his office.

I swear to God he's the best. I opened my room and almost got a heart attack when I saw Riccardo sitting on my favourite spot.

Dammit I almost forgot the little situation from a few minutes ago.

"Hey there mi chiquita. I didn't know you liked drawing." That's when I noticed my sketchbook from the day I arrived in his hands. Crap! He saw my sketches.

I looked at his face and I saw a flash of concern, worry and sadness in them.

"It just was a bad day Riccardo, and yes I love drawing."

"This doesn't seem like just a bad day, Isabella." His eyes met mine. "You know, these sketches, you flinching and having a panic attack. Your fighting skills, it's all coming together and I know you don't want to talk about it but eventually it will come out Isabella." I was speechless, I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to say.

"The look in your eyes when someone is angry, the masks you're so good at wearing. Three pieces of clothing when your mother and father had enough money to buy you more."

"He's not my father!" Anger was taking over and I had to control my breathing otherwise I would explode. He is not my father. He will never be and he never was.

"Oh I know that, it's just that that reaction comfirmed my theorie." Shit he's good. He got me right where he wanted me to be.

"I know something happened there Isabella. I know you knew about the drugs. You wouldn't be so calm. And I know we have no right to know what happened because we weren't there for you when you probably needed us the most, but I promise you, we will do everything to protect you, Isabella." A sigh escaped his mouth.

"I haven't figured out why you didn't want us to see your shoulder yet and I pray for God it's not what I'm thinking. But I'm going to give you time. You can tell us whenever you're ready. You can tell me whenever you're ready."

We stayed quiet for a while and the tension was unbearable.

"Bella" I said. Y'all know what that means.

His eyes went wide as he knew what that ment. I started to trust him. Not because he was smart and figured it out there was a puzzle to solve, but because he could see right through me. He understands me and respects my reason for not telling.

That is what I call double respect.

"You know I love to draw. Whenever I feel like my emotions are getting the best of me, I paint."

"No way! I have the exact same thing with drawing!" I slapped my hand immediately in front of my mouth. Riccardo's lips turned slighly upwards and I know he knew I confirmed his theorie, again.

"Confirmed me again. Anyway, why don't we have a 'creative afternoon' tomorrow. Because believe it or not but I suck at drawing."

"And I suck at painting." I said with a devilish smile.

"I'll guess you found yourself an amazing painting teacher Miss Castillo." Riccardo made a dramatical bow

"You found yourself a wonderful drawing teacher Mister Castillo." I did a courtsey and we both started laughing.

"I look forward to spend some time with you sis. Now go get changed and meet me downstairs. You must be hungry." My eyes started to sparkle and I heard Riccardo laughing.

What? A girl gotta love her food.

I took a Skinny Jeans from the bags and a super cute apple green hoodie from Primark. I looked at myself and for the first in forever I looked decent.

I walked downstairs and I saw that Emilio, Matteo and Riccardo were in the living room. They we're playing a game on the PlayStation. I smiled looking at them and started to feel like this could really be my home. So I did what ever other normal human being would have done.

"Oi, Lio. Get those magical hands to the kitchen and make me food."

Matteo started laughing like his life depended on it. Riccardo stopped playing and turned around to face me with an amusing face.

After Emilio calmed down he walked towards me, picked me up in brides style, put me on the kitchen table and started to make me something.

"Matteo give me your best music!"

"Hell yeah baby!" He connected his phone with the tv and soon the whole house was busting with 'cake by the ocean' by DNCE. Riccardo and Matteo started to dance together while Emilio was dancing and cooking at the same time. I was laughing my ass of and screaming with them on the top of my lungs.





I started to laugh harder when Matteo and Emilio did a choreo dance together. Riccardo slapped his forhead while laughing and I heard a low chuckle behind me.

When I turned around I saw that Rodrigo was leaning in the door frame, looking amused by the scene in front of him.

Then Lorenzo came down.

"What is going on here- Can  somebody turn down the music?!"

Matteo rushed to his phone and quiet down the volume.

"Sorry bro, mi hermana was hungry and asked to put on some music. We were just having fun."

Hermana? That's cute

"Just invite us next time." Lorenzo said with a smooth smile. Rodrigo started laughing with his head in his neck and Matteo changed the song and turned it louder.

Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down was playing and I immediately begin to sing.

Lorenzo took me from the kitchen table and placed me on his lap with my back to his chest. He sat on the couch facing the others with a smile.






I rested my head against Lorenzo's shoulders and lifted my legs up as he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my forhead and I tried to hide the blush by snuggeling more in his chest. A small chuckle legt his mouth when the doorbell rang.

"Go open up love." I raised one eyebrow but walked to the door. When I opened, there were four joung men carring lots of bags.

"Miss Castillo, here are your orders. Where can we place them?"

"Erm- I think you must be wrong, I didn't order anything and I would never order that much."

"Put them in the hall, we'll sort it out." Matteo said from behind me.

"But-" I tried but Matteo interrupted me.

"You honestly thought we wouldn't spoil you? You only came home with five bags and that's what you call a shopping spree?" Emilio said, joining the conversation

"It was all so expensive! And nothing really caught my eye."

"That's where you are wrong little sis. Because every time you went into a store, Riccardo gathered every clothing that caught your attention but you putted away because you looked at the price." Emilio said

Riccardo that little bitch.

"Guys this is way to much. They have to carry it with four people. Four people."

"That's not all hermana." Matteo said. He took a box that was hidden underneath the stairs and gave it to me. When I opened the wrapping paper I saw that they gave me not only the latest version of Apple, but also Airpods, an Apple watch, Apple laptop and a golden necklase with Castillo in the middle.

"I- I- I can't take this" tears started to form in my eyes. Happy tears. Matteo took my into his arms and hugged me.

"You're our sister, get used to it" a smile appeared on my face and I gave Matteo a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you. So much"

"Don't worry about it loca. We'll bring it to your room. Go to Lorenzo, I made you a snack." He kissed my forhead and started to move the bags to my room.

When I entered the living room, I gave Rodrigo a kiss on his cheek. Well I had to ask him to lower himself because he was way too tall and I was way too lazy to jump.

Riccardo did the same but I slapped his arm first.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"Snitching on me. Twice." I stood on the tops of my toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"That's for being so cute."

I walked past Rodrigo again and slapped his arm aswell.

"That's because I felt like it." Riccardo started to laugh loud and Lorenzo let out a small chuckle. Rodrigo mumbled something that sounded like m'you're lucky you're my sister' .

I walked to Lorenzo and sat myself back on his lap. I took the same position in as a few minutes ago and he wrapped his arms around me again.

I looked up and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I whispered a quiet 'thank you for everything' with what he responded with a kiss on my forhead.

"I'm not going to talk about your panic attack this morning. Riccardo told me to let you tell it on your tempo. I'm not going to force you into anything cariño, but I'm always here okay?"

"I know Enzo."

"OOHHH Lio said he had food for me." Lorenzo chuckled at my sudden excitement.

"It's right before you." I turned around and my day just got better.

Freaking natcho's with guacamole.

I took the bowl and started eating. Lio and Matteo came back into the living room and everyone gathered on the huge couch.

All the boys were playing on the PlayStation, only Lorenzo was playing with my hair, his eyes focused on the game.

My eyes were also focused on the game and when I finished my natcho's I placed the bowl in front of me and snuggeled deeper into Lorenzo's chest.

He started to draw circles on my back and I closed my eyes. I started to fall asleep pretty quickly

"Sweet dreams cariño."

I felt into a deep sleep with a smile on my face. Today was perfect.

Too perfect because after sunshine there is rain.

"She's asleep. Let's do this."

Sorry not sorry.
See you in the next chapter who will probably take a little longer because I still have exams :(

I hope you enjoyed it!

Until next chapter!

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