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Being in love with your best friend sucks. Especially when he happens to be the gorgeous Sasuke Uchiha. One b... Еще

♥Netflix and Chill♥
♥No Inhibitions♥
♥Bonus Lemon♥


615 29 74

 Blinking twice, the blonde craned his neck around then snapped back with a mischievous smile. He pulled from somewhere under the table plastic shot cups that he slid to Kankuro. Pushing the deck off to the side, the painted man nudged his sister. Temari rolled her eyes then zipped open her bag she had hanging on Shikamaru's chair. The Gosling's Old Rum bottle appeared in her hands then transferred to Kankuro's. Quietly, he poured the brown liquid into the tiny cups then passed them around the table.

Behind you, Hinata sat alone in her chair, eyes closed. Sakura must have returned to the kitchen. The raven haired female was barely red in the face anymore. She sipped at the ice water, enjoying the moment of respite.

You felt a tap on your arm. Sasuke held out a shot to you. You reluctantly shook your head. Knowing Sakura, she's smell the alcohol on you. You were not going to be the one to incur her wrath tonight. He shrugged then proceeded to knock back both yours and his minuscule cup of rum.

It was just as well because Ino started calling your name from the kitchen. Walking into the next room you saw a tower of pizza boxes. Bags of chips, bottle of sodas scattered across the counter. The girls had been digging out paper plates and napkins. Pouring the chips into bowls, and filling a small metal bucket with ice. Tsunade stood in the kitchen, a folded round table leaning against her leg.

"Where would you like this set up, Sakura?" Naruto's busty aunt questioned the hostess.

The pinkette thought for a moment, "between the couches and the table should be fine. That was no matter where people are sitting they have easy access to the food."

Tsunade nodded then left the kitchen with the table. You all filed out after her, filling the table she set up with 5 types of pizza, the various snacks and refreshing drinks. Feeling better, Hinata rejoined you girls setting out food.

Suddenly, Rock Lee jumps onto his seat, screaming at the guys for looking at his cards. That cheating is the opposite of youthfulness. Blank looks follow, it seems the accusation came from nowhere. He starts to wobble standing on the chair, arms waving frantically as he tries to balance himself. You assume no one kept track of how many shots Lee drank. The man has no tolerance.

You catch Sasuke staring at you. His cheeks are slightly pink, but his eyes focused. He had obviously drank more than the 2 shots you saw, but not enough to be considered tipsy. You anxiously chew your lip, looking away from his intense dark gaze.

Naruto, across the table from Lee, is trying to calm him down and get him to sit. The action has drawn the attention of the females around you. You hear a crunching sound, and jerk in surprise. Sakura's fist is in the bowl of Doritos. She is shaking, chips falling from her hand as she releases it. The pinkette had crushed the snack she had been grabbing.

"Naruto..." the pink woman hisses, stalking towards her disobedient boyfriend.

Just as she reaches the table, Lee lunges for Naruto. The man flung himself across the table at the blonde, and is hugging him so tightly you doubt Naruto could breathe. Tears are running down Lee's face, and he looks incredibly happy. Playing cards and poker chips have scattered, pushed to either side of the two embracing men. Well, one embracing, the other awkwardly trying to escape.

Shino backs away from the table in disgust. Kiba is laughing, taking another shot. When Sakura reaches Naruto, Lee is thrown across the room, tumbles across the back of the couch and right onto the cushion.

You had expected something like this to happen. Not quite this scenario but some ridiculous shenanigan to occur. It was going to take a while to clean up that mess after the screaming stopped. Skittering the edge of the room, you find your purse left on the table nearby. Retrieving your precious cargo you head to the plush chair Hinata had occupied while faint.

The current novel you had been reading flipped open to your bookmarked page. The plot of your favorite book had just begun to thicken, the intense scenes drawing you in. Just because you had read the pages enough that the binding was now loose doesn't make the story any less amazing.


After what felt like only a couple pages Hinata's squeal rips you from fantasy, landing you cruelly back into this world. An obviously tipsy Kiba, an idiotic grin stuck on his face, had reached up his girlfriend's shirt and was groping her large breasts. The assaulted girl was smacking helplessly at his arms, her embarrassed face redder than his intoxicated one. Smashing his face between her melons, you could hear him mumbling something about marshmallows and s'mores.


Awkwardly turning away from the intimate scene, you witness Kankuro repeatedly poking Gaara's cheek. An empty bottle on the floor next to him, and one nearly empty in his lap. The younger male was trying hard not to snap at his brother's obnoxiousness but was quickly losing patience. The redhead hiccupped. And again. Maybe it wasn't just Kankuro that Gaara was irritated with.


"Have I told you how beautiful you are today?" Naruto was on his knees before Sakura. The blonde had heart in his eyes has he hugged her legs. The pinkette on the other hand, was taking deep breaths to calm herself. "You are so gorgeous. Heavenly. I bet angels are jealous of you." She was having a hard time staying angry, the corner of her lips twitched. "Your hair is so pretty, like soft fluffy pink cotton candy... but not sticky." You couldn't help but snicker. Sakura sighed and tried to pull Naruto up from the floor.


Sneaking up behind the unsuspecting Kankuro, Ino grabs the nearly empty bottle of Gosling's. She quickly chugs what is probably several shots worth in a few seconds. Disappointed you sigh, you had wanted to taste it, just not when Sasuke had offered you a shot. You should have taken it and just saved it for later.

Lee stumbles over to you, kind of landing on the floor but also on the side of the chair, "Y/n, hey y/n! Pst!" You lean away from the man whisper yelling at you. "Y/n, if you were my homework, I'd slam you on the table and do you all night long," he slowly winks one eye at you. Or it could be a very long single eye blink. "A long youthful night to remember." He does the eye thing again.

"Y/n!" Ino has tears streaming down her face. "Y/n!" Sluggish, she crawls on all fours over to you, her seemingly emotionless boyfriend keeping watch.

"What's wrong, Ino?"

She sniffles, her eyes watering, "I can't find, Sai. I think he left me."

Doing your very best not to roll your eyes, you point behind her, "Ino, he is right behind you."

Ecstatic, the blonde jumps around glomping her boyfriend, "Sai! You came back!" He chuckles, patting her back while she covers his face in kisses.


"K-k-k-kiba, p-please, s-st-stop!"

"Sweetie, have I told you how beautiful you look today?"

"Uh, oh..." twisting from Ino back to Lee you see his face pale with a greenish cast. "Y/n... I don't feel so-"

It was a good thing Lee hadn't eaten pizza yet.


The book will have to wait. At least your precious cargo hadn't gotten wet.

"Troublesome," Shikamaru helps remove the nauseated Lee from his position of, kind of on the chair, to laying down on his side. "I think we're going to head out."

Temari and Karui are behind the Nara. Karui's eyes wide at the ridiculousness around her, "is it always like this?"

You pinch your nose, pulling your wet shirt away from your skin, "thanks, Shikamaru."

"Usually," Choji joins the small group, 3 pizza boxes and 5 bags of chips in his hands.

Sasuke pushes through the double couple, "I heard... gross..." He takes the book from your hand, then gingerly grips your elbow helping you stand; allowing you to keep your nose plugged and the sticky clothing away from you. The raven then pushes your h/c back off your face to keep it from getting vomit on it.

"It was nice meeting you, Karui," your voice slightly nasally, "how about next time we have dinner out? Less likely for this shit to happen."

"Sure," the dark skinned beauty tries to smile but is obviously disgusted by Lee's addition to your outfit.

"I'll text you, y/n," Choji nods smiling, "maybe we can triple date or something." The two couples head out the door, happy to be free of the interior chaos.

"Good luck on your midterms!" Temari calls closing the door behind her.

Stepping over Lee, you head towards one of the guestrooms on the main floor and into it's attached bathroom. You gingerly lift your shirt, attempting to remove the puked on article without spreading the mess.

"Sasuke," you call seeing him in the bathroom mirror leaning against the door frame, "can you help? I don't want to get this in my hair."

The raven's eyes widen, staring at you struggling with your shirt. He takes two steps forward then a step back. A delicate blush spreads across his cheeks, "I'll go get, Sakura."

"Sasuke," you whine not wanting the nasty clothing on you any longer. You watch him leave the guestroom, only to reappear a moment later. The woman he left to fetch pushing past him.

"Will you watch, Naruto for me, Sasuke?" The Uchiha nods and leaves her to assist you, shutting the door behind him. "Here, let me help. Lift your arms." You obey, reaching up as she grabs the bottom of your shirt and pulls it off careful not to get any of Lee's regurgitation on you. "Go ahead and get in the shower, Y/n. I'll let Tsunade know what happened, and grab you a towel. Leave your clothes in the sink and I'll get them washed for you."

"Thank you so much, Sakura. I was about to throw up from all the throw up."

She laughs, setting your shirt aside, "I'll be right back."

After a short warm shower with lots of delicious smelling body wash Tsunade had left for guests to use, you shut off the water. You heard the bathroom door open. Thinking it was Sakura returning, you pushed back the shower curtain enough to see her and grab the towel. Except it wasn't your favorite pinkette holding out a fluffy f/c towel.

It was Naruto's uncle, Jiraiya. Gathering the curtain tightly around you, you blushed reaching for the towel, but he moved just slightly out of reach. You reached for it again, with the same reaction. Catching on to watch to what the now grinning white haired male was doing you retreated back into the shower.

"Are you serious right now? You're acting like a pervert. Throw the damn towel over the curtain or I'll start screaming." You were irritated, embarrassed, and getting cold.

"Alright, alright," he chuckled, "here." He reached around the shower curtain trying to hand the towel to you. You could see his outline on the other side of the fabric making you nervous.

"I told you to throw it over," you growled, taking a deep breath preparing to scream.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE YOU PERVERT!" You heaved a sigh of relief as Sakura's angry voice thundered into the bathroom. Jiraiya instantly dropped the towel trying to dodge the murderous woman's punch. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you to just leave the towel on the counter and leave."

Grabbing the f/c towel as Jiraiya dropped it, you quickly wrapped it around yourself. Instantly feeling safer. Stepping out of the shower you watch as Sakura drags the older male out of the guestroom by his ear.

"What is your wife going to say when I tell her you were peeping on, Y/n?" Her voice fades as she continues to roughly pull him to where ever Tsunade was.

Raven hair replaces pink, as Sasuke enters the room. He takes one look at you in a towel and speedily removes his shirt, handing it to you. "Tsunade is washing your clothes, it'll be a while."

He looks away as you pull his shirt over your damp body. It almost reaches mid thigh, scarcely covering your butt. His dark eyes flicker to your exposed legs then up your body until they reach your e/c orbs. Your eyes were checking out his defined chest and lined abdomen. It wasn't as if you two had never seen each other barely clothed before. After all you did live together. But there was something different in the way Sasuke was staring at you than anytime before. Perhaps it was the dim lighting of the room, or the unfamiliar place, or the awkwardness of Jiraiya's attempt to perv on you. Whatever it was, you were suddenly flustered to be seen in only a shirt by your best friend. His shirt; that smelt of sandalwood and citrus, with a touch of spicy rum. You cleared your throat trying to distract yourself of the lewd thoughts invading your mind. Now was not the time to be imagining his hands on you. He opened his mouth, but never got to voice his thoughts. Sakura had returned, opening the door.

She rushed to your side, apologizing profusely, "I'm so sorry, Y/n! While I was asking Tsunade to wash your clothes and explaining what happened, Jiraiya just took off saying he would bring you a towel. He promised to just leave it... I never should have trusted him." Her panicked face was stricken, "Tsunade swore she'd keep him out of your hair."

"It's alright, Sakura. I don't blame you at all," you smiled remembering how she saved you from the older man moments before, "if you hadn't shown up I was going to scream. I know what he's like."

"Tch," you looked past the pinkette, Sasuke looked pissed, and guilty. "Damn pervert... if I hadn't been helping that idiot clean up the other idiot's mess I would have been here to stop him."

You laughed, grateful to have such amazing friends, "calm down you two. Nothing happened. He didn't see anything." They both looked slightly mollified by your words.

"That still doesn't make it OK," the raven grit his teeth, crossing his arms over his oh so bare and delicious chest. You gnawed on your bottom lip, trying to keep your eyes on his face.

Sakura snickered, then coughed as you two looked at her. She spun away grabbing the blanket from the guest bed. "Here, use this to cover your legs when you sit down. Might as well rejoin the party." She winked handing it to you.

The pinkette knew, even though you never told her. You didn't have to. She was one of those rare people who could read between the lines. See the unseen emotions. Better yet, she didn't feel the need to rub it in anyone's face. Compassionate and observant, Sakura Haruno was an amazing friend.

The living room was in a state of disarray. Lee had been moved to the couch, where he laid still passed out. Poker chips and face cards lay scattered on the floor around the table. Shino sat eating pizza, with Sai across from him. The pale man tried to eat as well but Ino snuggled in his lap kept shifting making it hard. Kiba was chasing a squealing Hinata around the couch. Poor girl had her hands full trying to get away from his grabby hands. You could see Naruto, Kankuro and Gaara walking back from the kitchen.

Naruto quickly hid something behind his back, then skipped up to Sakura lightly kissing her cheek. She giggled, flushing. "I missed you, sweetie."

The pinkette rolled her eyes, but couldn't hold back a smile, "I was just in the other room, Naruto. I wasn't even gone five minutes." She gave him a peck on the lips. It seems she hadn't noticed that Naruto was hiding something.

You grabbed a couple slices of your favorite pizza before slipping into the seat next to Shino, covering your legs with the blanket, "so who won?"

"Nobody won," he replied, looking at you through his dark shades. He gestured to the floor, "we couldn't remember who had what. Besides, as soon as Lee got sick, Shikamaru and Temari escaped. Choji followed taking Karui with him."

"Just as well," Kankuro sat down across from you, "my bitch of a sister kept messing with the cards as I was trying to deal." That was definitely something Temari would do to mess with her little brother.

Sasuke slumped into the chair next to you with pizza of his own as you laughed. Gaara sat across from Sasuke next to Kankuro, he had a bowl of chips in his hands. Kiba sat at end of the table, between Sai and Shino, a blushing Hinata in his lap. Naruto claimed the other end, between Gaara and Sasuke. The blonde tried to place Sakura in his lap, but she was having none of it. She had gotten another chair and made him scoot closer to Gaara so she could fit in.

"So..." Kiba grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "we could play Twister."

"No," echoed from multiple sources.

Sai held up a pack of UNO cards, his classic closed eye smile, "we could ruin our friendships." After a couple shrugs and multiple "sure why not", the cards were passed out. How Sai was going to play with Ino still in his arms, you weren't sure. Hinata, however, did manage to get her own chair next to Kiba. Unfortunately, a game with this many (tipsy) people doesn't progress rapidly.  

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