By AngelElysianx

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Tine loves everything about his side job. It's just an easy task to send updates about Sarawat. Yes, he loves... More



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By AngelElysianx

Chapter Fourteen:


I can't still believed that Wat willingly spent that much money just for a kitten. But of course it is for WatTine, I'm happy for him but still the amount is worth of my one whole semester tuition fee so don't blame me to feel like this.

I sighed. Carrying some of the bags we bought. I think Sarawat bought a whole month supplies for WatTine.

"I told you don't think about it"

I looked at Wat who's now looking back at me. Sometimes I think he can read my mind.

"Where do you want to eat?"

He said now eyeing a luxurious restaurant. Damn rich kids. Tch. I quickly pulled his hand on one of food stalls in the corner.


"I want to eat there"

I said. Pointing on one of the stall. They sell fries, burgers and drinks. Totally my type for snacks!

"I'm not gonna eat that for dinner"

I rolled my eyes at that. Putting the bags down.

"But I want those. I haven't eat them for weeks and I crave for it. I can eat dinner later but now I just want to have snack"

I said. He eyed me once again but then a smile flash on my lips when he nodded.

"Go look for a table then"

That's all he said before he talked to the lady to order. My forehead creased when I saw the girl all smiley seeing him. Maybe I'm just jealous that Wat gained attention without even trying. My pride is hurt being a self-proclaimed chic guy.

I stomped to find us a table then I put the bags under it and some of it to the chairs that won't be occupied. I chose a table for four people actually so we have some space. After a while Wat came putting the foods he ordered. My mouth watered seeing the foods I've been craving.

"You better finished all of them"

I heard Wat said because I'm too focus on the foods in front of me.

"Yes daddy"

I said but I quickly looked up to him when he coughed. It was then I found out that he's drinking and it made him choke. He coughed badly and even bang his chest so I quickly ran to his side and pat his back.

"Stupid are you still a child to choke on your drink?"

I nagged at him still patting his back. When I saw that he's okay I gave him his drink again to take a sip. When I'm sure that he's already fine I sat back on my seat laughing at him. His face is still red.

"Just take it easy now. Drink slowly you big baby"

I said then took a big bite on my burger. And by just seeing it I know this guy ordered the most expensive one because of it's ingredients. But at least it's cheaper than eating to restaurant.

"I was thinking if you can help me to set all this things in my apartment"

Wat said that made my eyes widened. Is he inviting me now to his place?!!!

"Don't be all happy about it I just really need extra hand right now"

He explained as he took a bite on his burger.
I saw him followed my hand on taking a piece of fries and put it in my mouth while listening to him. He put down his food and tear the lid open of one of those dips making me to take another fries and dipped on to it.

"Ow It's spicy"

I said.

"You don't like it?"

He asked. Giving me my drink that I quickly accepted.

"I like it. But this one is too much. Like you want me to eat it"

He rolled his eyes.

"Good thing I ordered spicy and not spicy one since I don't know what you like. Maybe it's this one"

He said then proceed to open a little container again. I took a fries then dipped on it and yes its not spicy. A barbeque flavor.

"Sour cream is mine"

He said then opened another dip again.

"What? You have that? Can I?"

He nodded and I flushed him a smile. Now dipping on it when he put it in my reach. Its more better.

"Oh what did you said earlier? You invite me to go to your apartment?"

I asked munching on my food.

"I clearly said that I need your help"

"But isn't it just the same? You still want me to go to your apartment"

I answered. He rolled his eyes.

"Rolling your eyes won't get you nowhere Wat"

I said.

"Same to you Tine"

He swatted back. Then I rolled my eyes at him. Oh. Do I do that often? (A/n: Yes Tine from Time to time😑).

"But it's already late not sure if you can. Maybe tomorrow?"

He added.

"Yeah I guessed so. After class?"

I asked.

"Yeah you said you worked in the morning right?"

I nodded.

"What job you have anyway?"

He answered. Lately I realized that he often asked questions about me. When in fact it should be me who should be asking a lot about his life but maybe because he's just curious. While me, I just want to know about him little by little. I have all time in the world to know him. And I don't know why it gave me warmth in my heart when I thought that.

"I worked part time in a fast food"

"Oh that's why I often see you getting out from it when school is about to start. I thought you're just having a daily dose of sodium and unhealthy fats every now and then"

He said with a teasing smirk that I want to slap away on his face. His smirk should be illegal. It's getting on my nerves and I don't know why.

"You see me? Why you didn't call me so we go to school together?"

I exclaimed.

"Why should I? I want to be at peace as much as possible"

He said smirking. I smack his hand that is now taking a piece of fries. He winced and that made me laugh.


I heard someone called him from my back. I saw Wat's eyes widened. I turned around and saw a girl behind me. A beautiful lady. Oh. Same as Wat the girl look surprised seeing him. Who is she? Are they friends?

"Finish your food Tine"

Wat said. Ignoring the presence of the girl. I decided to just let it go and was about to eat again but then the girl walked towards us. Now in front of our table facing Wat.

"C-an we talk?"

The girl asked. Her voice is trembling and I was in halt when I saw her hand tried to touch Wat but the latter is quick to stand up clearly avoiding the contact.

"Tine let's go"

I want to groaned at that. Who the heck is this girl anyway? Showing up out of nowhere and disturbing us? Can't she see that she doesn't want to talk to him?

But then when I looked up the girl is now looking at me with her expectant eyes.

"Can I talk to him for a while?"

She said asking for permission. But before I could answer Wat talked.

"No. We have to go. Tine...."

I stood up and gave the girl an apologetic smile before taking a quick bite to the burger and even shove fries on my mouth then sipped on my drink before taking the bags and followed Sarawat. While munching while struggling to tail Sarawat by just seeing his back I know he's furious. I don't even know what's between them but I'm sure that Wat is not in the mood to talked about it. And as much as I want to know I held myself back. After all it's just been weeks since we're friends, I know that I'm not in the position to do so.

However, the thing just happened a while ago made me curious. I want to know Sarawat more and by just what happened I know how far he is from me. I want to ask but I can't. There still a wall between us and it gave me anxiety. Without even realizing I was already there in front of our house. We took a can to get home. And as much as I want to invite him inside I decided not to because seeing him zoning out as if in deep thought I know he probably declined the idea and just go home.


The next day. I'm relieved that nothing changed to Sarawat. I expected him to stay quite or still not in the mood but he did not.
We spent the day at school and meeting each other together with our joined friends every break to eat.

"Do you still want me to help you?"

"Yes. Would it be okay if you'll wait for me after practice until 6?"

I nodded.

"As if I have a choice"

I said sarcastically and he just pat my head before he left.


"We're here"

That's what Sarawat said as we stepped in to his place. I expected him to be in expensive one but no. It's just a simple cozy apartment. Not big but not that small. And it is also walking distance from the University so maybe that's the reason why he got it.


"What the f*ck!"

I exclaimed as I jumped back when I realized that there's a cat at my feet and if I'm that too occupied in inspecting the place I might stepped on the poor little guy. Glad that it made it's presence known before I could.

"Hello Tine"

Wat said and picked the kitten up. Hugging it and even kissing it on its head. I don't know but that's a good sight to see. However he called him TINE again!

"Hi there Sarawat! Nice to meet you again!"

I said patting its head. Wat glared at me.

"What? You called him Tine just a while ago!"

His forehead creased as if he's tying to remember if he really did said it.

"Sorry. I just got used to call him that. WatTine it is then"

He said. Then made his way to put his things on the sofa. I followed him sitting there. He switched the TV on then go to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took a box of Juice and glass then putting it to the center table in front of me. I poured myself a drink and drank it in one go, I'm thirsty since we just walked. It was then I saw that he still carrying WatTine in his hand that I think he used to do.

"You carry him like a baby"

I said.

"He won't let me roamed around without having a scratch on my feet here and there so might as well just carry him. He very much like it. Look at him"

He said as he moved turning a little for me to see WatTine who's now sleeping in his arms. I leaned forward more to watched it, it's just too cute but then Wat pat my head before pushing it back gently.

"Don't get too close you're allergic to it's fur remember?"

I pouted when he said that. I forgot. Once again my eyes roamed around the place. There's nothing much to see actually since I think Wat likes it that way. Maybe he's living minimally. I saw the stuffs we bought yesterday that are placed in corner still unopened.

"Would you help me to unpack those? I used to prepare WatTine his food first, go get him I think it is in the bag. The large one at the left"

I stood up and made my way to it. Opening it and rummaging until I found a can of wet food.

"This one?"

Wat nodded. I saw him putting WatTine gently on the couch. It's in deep slumber now. I gave him the cat food and tailed him to the kitchen. I watched him pulling some of vegetables from his fridge.

"What about food? Do you have allergic to anything?"

He asked not looking at me. Now pulling some meat from the freezer.

"No I don't have"

He nodded then pulled a pack of frozen shrimp. Woah.

"You're going to cook?"

"Yeah. Do you eat seafood? I'm craving for buttered shrimp and stew"

He said.

"Yes I do. Damn Wat. You can even cook?"

I said amusement in my eyes while watching now preparing the ingredients. I walked towards him watching closely.

"Your the man Sarawat"

I said patting his back. (A/n: Brooo👀).

"Did it make your heart flutter?"

He asked then turned around.

"Knowing that I cook?"

He added. I was taken a back by those words and his eyes staring back at me. I cleared my throat.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll give you my words when I tasted it"

I said smirking at him but then he just pat my head. I silently watched him do what he have to do then I helped him out whenever he needs to. When he put the ingredients and let it boil that was our cue to leave it for a moment then proceed to our main task and that is unpacking the stuffs. We sat at the floor and started pulling the things out of the bags, it was then I started to sneezed.

"Get up. I didn't do vacuum today so his fur is on the ground"

He said as he stood up carrying the bags to the table and I helped him.

"Wait a sec"

He said then go to a room that I assumed his bed room then gave me a face mask.

"Wear it for awhile. Anyway remind me to buy more of it next time"

A sudden warmth rushed to my cheek when he said that in his low tone. Damn it. It's weird. I never had someone taking care of me just like he's doing. Is he really like these to his friends?

As soon as we finished doing the unpacking. Wat resumed doing the cooking. While I rest for a while but then my eyes saw the Cat feeder. That was the thing I've been dying to unboxed.

"Hey can we open it now too?"


"I thought WatTine already used it from yesterday"

"No. I was tired and busy to do so. Go ahead open it. I'll just finished this up then I'll join you"

He said. So I did. I opened the box. The appliance is so mesmerizing in my eyes. I'm also very cautious on handling it because of its price. I read the manual then I felt Wat's presence beside me.

"I already installed the app a while ago. I'm intrigued by the recording function the lady said yesterday actually"

"Me too, can we try it n---"

Wat stood up patting my head.

"No. Let's eat first, come here"


I didn't meant to eat like a pig in front of him but that's what I did. Don't blame me it was  his fault making it delicious to even put my Mom's cooking ability shaking. He's a good cook actually.

"How is it?"


"Just good?"

He asked. He's now doing the dishes while I'm sitting up at the counter and even dared to take one of the apples beside me as my dessert. I felt at home here so don't blame me for that.

"Fishing for compliments are we?"

I asked. He just laughed.

"I know I made your heart fluttered. I'm full package you know"

He said and I just rolled my eyes at that. I want to disagree but where is the lie actually?

"I know it's weird but what's the reason why you like me Tine?"

He asked not looking at me. His focused is on the dishes. It was a good thing because he didn't see that I was taken a back by his words. My heart beats faster maybe because I'm afraid that I have to lie again. It was then I got reminded that I stayed because I have hidden agenda.

"I d-on't know. Maybe because you're popular?"

That's all I said then I saw him halt.

"So it's that all?"

He said and I clearly heard the disappointment in his tone. The idea of lying to him made me sick. I don't like it actually. But then I brought myself here and all I can do is play along.

"Now that I slowly getting to know you more I know that you're more than just a handsome face Wat"

I said in all honesty. I felt a warmth in my chest as I saw the calmness spread on his face. There's no tension now. So I quickly changed the topic.

"Hey we have to set the feeder!"

I said as I jumped out the counter then made my way to his living room. Soon after he followed me. I saw him punching few buttons to the feeder then on his phone.

"What should I say?"

He asked looking at me. I furrowed my brow at him. He made me look at his phone and I saw that he's already doing the recording.

"I don't know. The lady said you can record your voice calling him"

He nodded. He put his phone closely to his lips. But then sighed.

"WatTine, WatTine come here"

He called the kitten that didn't budge on his sleeping position.


Then the kitten woke up. Still in trance but then after some stretch roamed his doe eyes around the place.

"Tine come here"

Wat said in all soft tone that made it hard for me to contain. Damn it. It's really weird. I don't know what I'm feeling actually. Maybe because he call the kitten my name?

The kitten jumped then ran to Sarawat's lap.

"He's already used to its name what should we do?"

Wat said then smirked. I know he's teasing me. I rolled my eyes then glared at him.

"Fine! He's Tine then"

I said looking at the kitty. He pat its head then continued to what he's doing a while ago. He put his phone speaker closely to his lips.

"Tine! Tine!"

I laughed at the kitty's behavior because he's confusedly looking at Wat. And I know Wat keeping himself from laughing because he's still recording.

"Tine baby come here"

Then our eyes met. It was the time like everything around us stopped and all I can think of is his eyes directly looking at mine. As if he's staring down to my soul. When did his eyes became so mesmerizing to me?
I felt the pounding in my chest. What the f*ck. He's not referring to you Tine!


He repeated looking down at his kitten and ran his fingers to its furr. Oh.

I cleared my throat. And finally I'm back to reality. What are you thinking Tine? He's referring to the kitten not you. Stupid.

I saw him clicking some buttons on his phone then to the feeder then he also put some good amount of dry food at the little compartment attached to it. Soon after he test it.


We watched the kitten confusedly following the voice.

"Tine baby come here. It's time to eat"

Oh. He also said that? I didn't heard it awhile ago. Maybe because I was zoning out that time.

Then the feeder automatically poured the foods on one of the bowl while the other one is still empty.

"This one is for its drink I think"

Wat said. He quickly ran to the kitchen then poured it to the other compartment then clicked some buttons that made the water poured down to the other bowl beside were tine eating. I was mesmerized when tine eat it.

"Glad it worked. Finally I can leave you alone without worrying"

Wat said patting tine's head.

(A/N: To avoid confusion I'll just right tine (the cat) as 'tine' then Tine (the person)😅. I know it's lame naming him that but who cares anyway? haha)

"I guessed we're all done here"

Wat said stretching his arms. Too soon?


I spent an hour to his place after that. We watched a movie then soon after I found myself walking down the alley with him.

"Thank you for today Tine"

He said.

"Thank you too"

I said as I removed the mask I've been wearing that I even forget that I still wear outside. Tossing it to the bin we just passed.

"Remind me to buy you that next time"

He said.

"You said that as if I still have a chance to be there again"

I said chuckling.

"After spending time with you there? I think I'll consider that"

He said that made me stopped.


"Yeah, you said you want me to teach you guitar right? Besides you're actually my partner for the task. Speaking of that it was due tomorrow"

"So tomorrow then?"

I asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah. Goodnight"


Then we stayed there looking at each other's eyes but I was quick to cut it off. It was dangerous. I felt my heart jumping and it's not good.

"Thanks for the delicious meal. I didn't knew you're a good cook"

I smiled at him and he did too. Oh shit. It's dangerous as much as his smirk. Both are not good for the heart.

He murmured something but I didn't catched it. I was about to ask him but then he already turned around.

"Okay then goodbye"


"I'm honestly looking forward to cook for you in the future"

A/N: This is Wat said in case you're wondering. Anyway, I enjoyed writing them being domestic🥺🤧

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