Everyone Needs A Hero.... Eve...

By Bit_h_

64.9K 2K 925

*BANG* I felt a sharp intense pain in my leg. I screamed a blood curdling scream. "THEY SHOT ME IN MY LEG... More

Who's there?!
You sure shes fine? She looks dead.
Telling Master Splinter
Rooftop stars
The past
Silly Antics
Just her
But Leo
What if?
What happened
Master splinter
His hero
shes not yours
Reach back
I love you! I love you! I love you!
Sleeping beauty
Q. And A??
Space heros
Thank you for being my hero.
To the moon and back


1.1K 39 19
By Bit_h_

Leos POV:

"Uh, guys. Don't mean to disrupt the good vibes but, I have some bad news." Donnie said poking his head into the kitchen.

"What is it D?" Y/n asked.

"Y/n... I was looking over the footage and.."
Uh oh..

"Bee bop and rocksteady weren't lying. They don't know why they were looking for you, just that shredder wants you." Donnie continued.

"What.? They were telling the truth?" I asked.

"Yea.. but that means all we know is that he wants y/n and we don't know why." Raph who had walked back in complained.

"What should we do Leo?" Mikey asked me.

"Oh. Uh,"
Come one Leonardo think!

"We need to do a steak out. Full ninja mission. We'll do it tonight. I want to figure out what's going on. We'll talk more about it tonight." I commanded.

They all nodded and we went on with their day.
I sighed and I could tell y/n was watching me.

"Leo.." she begun.

"Good morning y/n!" April announced.
Y/n looked at me again and ran over to April to greet her.
They talked about what ever girls talk about as I went to talk to Donnie who was at the couch with Mikey.


"What's up Leo?"

"Did you get any info on y/n? Like at all" I asked.
Donnie looked at me and then got up.
"Let's talk about this somewhere else." Donnie instructed as I followed him to his lab.

"D, what's going on?" I asked.
"I didn't know if I should talk about it with y/n around but.. There's something I didn't say."

"Donnie what are you talking about?" I asked.

"It's about y/Ns mom."

"What.?" I asked.
" I heard y/n talking to you on that roof. About her mom. I didn't know,"Donnie begun.
"Hold up hold up. What do you mean you heard us?" I asked.
"We have to go on patrol every night. It was my turn and I was near you guys. But as I was saying. Bebop was talking on his phone." Donnie replied turning to his computer clicking on a file.
" his phone, I was able to tap inTo it's systems and hear what he was saying." Donnie explained before clicking a button.

"Listen man. I don't think the girl is here," I heard Be bop say.
"Keep looking! We must fine y/n l/n! Her mother must come out of hiding and face us for what she did!!!" A familiar voice said.
"Okay okay, we'll keep looking."
End of call.

"Whoa." I said.
"Y/Ns mother is hiding, but from what?" Donnie asked.
"Not what, I corrected. Who. Y/Ns mom did something to the foot and is making her daughter pay for it." I responded.

"Should we tell y/n?" Donnie asked.
Should we? How would she react? I mean her mom left 3 years ago out of no where.
"No, not right now." I answered. "But at least we have somewhat an idea."

"Okay, should we tell the guys?" Donnie asked.

"No!" I yelled, "no. They'll tell her."

Donnie looked at me, "okay..?"

"I- um. I need to go.. meditate." I said walking out.
That was weird... Mabye it's just all this.. Karai. She's still out there. Scared, and terrified. And I'm not helping her. And now, I have y/n. Both of them are being tracked down by the shredder. What do I do?!

I walked into the dojo and sat down. I breathed in and out emptying my mind. Meditation is an escape for me. It makes everything okay, even if it's just for 10 minutes. That's all I get though. 10 minutes. Then when I open my eyes, I'll be back in we'll... the opposite of an escape.

"Leo?"Someone asked.

"What." I sharply asked as I opened my eyes.
But this time... I didn't return to my world, I was still felt like I was in my escape.
It was y/n.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bother you," she bashfly apologized.

"What? No no it's fine." I said patting the spot next to me. "What's up?" I asked.

"Can.. you teach me how to meditate?" She asked,

"It's just.. I've been having this thing going on with my head, and it's been making be feel crazy, and.." she quieted down but i could still hear her. "I wanna spend more time with you."
"Of course!" I replied. I noticed my smile. It was big and wide and my cheeks were a bright pink.

"Okay so. Put your hands like this," I said putting my hands on my lap as she did the same. "Now close your eyes and breathe in and breathe out." I watched her close her eyes.

Her chest rising.

And falling.

"What next?" she asked

Crap! I don't mean to stare.

"Oh- right. Okay now picture something you find peace full. It could be in a field, in a childhood home. Just somewhere you feel safe and comforted."

"Got it." She responded and I smiled.

"Now keep your eyes closed and focus on the place. Focus on the sounds you would hear and the smells."

I watched her breathing become deeper. Softer. Her chest raised up.

And down.

"Now, once your calm, focus on your body. How your fabric feels on your skin. Feeling your hair rest on your head. How you can feel. Even when you can't see. What you can can hear. How you feel when your in the place. And stay there for as long as you would like." I instructed as she nodded.
I tried to go back into meditation. Though it was difficult. Honestly. It was hard to disconnect from my reality now.
It wasn't like this before y/n came in. Why now.?

I feel... safe around her. Like I can tell her anything on my mind and I know she won't juge me. With everything I've told her.. she might know the raw me better than my brothers.


"Leo!" I heard y/n yell as I opened my eyes. "It's been 3 hours and Donnie brought lunch, come and eat.!" Y/n happily instructed taking my hand and pulling me out of the dojo.

I focused on her hand, how it felt. How much smaller it was compared to mine.

"What did you imagine?" I asked.

Y/n looked at me and smiled, "being the the Lair," she paused. "With you."

My eyes widened and I smiled as she led me to the kitchen.

What if...

Y/n... was my escape?

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