Winter Is Here // Game Of Thr...

By Audelia01

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"You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved" Audelia Stark of Winterfell, the beauty of the seven ki... More

Audelia Stark of Winterfell
Winter Is Coming
Winter Is Coming (Jaime POV)
The King's Road (Jaime POV)
The Ride (Audelia POV)
The Ride P.2 (Audelia POV)
Baratheon's dream
Honor (Jaime POV)
Bastard (Audelia's POV)
The Golden Crown(Audelia POV)
The Lion And The Wolf(Jaime POV)
A Hothead (Audelia POV)
Duty Over Love(Audelia POV)
Love Over Duty (Jaime POV)
You Win Or You Die(Audelia POV)
Baelor (Audelia POV)
Black Is My New Color(Audelia POV)
Captivity(Jaime POV)
The North Remembers (Audelia POV)
What Is Dead May Never Die (Audelia POV)
I Swear It(Jaime POV)
Rescue Mission(Audelia POV)
Love and War(Jaime POV)
Hate or Love? Tomato Tomato(Audelia POV)
Walk of Punishment (Audelia POV)
Maimed Lion (Jaime POV)
Wolf Judges the Lion(Audelia POV)
It's Time(Audelia POV)
Pain(Jaime POV)
Death From Above (Audelia POV)
The Beginning of the End(Audelia POV)
Regret(Jaime POV)
Numb(Jaime POV)
Rains of Castamere (Audelia POV)
Painful(Jaime POV)
The Purple Wedding(Jaime POV)
Revenge Goes Both Ways (Audelia POV)
Sold(Audelia POV)
Hopes to Dreams to Disappointment(Jaime POV)
Wrong(Audelia POV)
Childish Fears(Audelia POV)
A New Era(Audelia POV)
If You Think This Has A Happy Ending... You Haven't Been Paying Attention
Scars(Audelia POV)
I've Had Enough(Jaime POV)
I Am Not Afraid Of Death(Audelia POV)
Bring The Pain(Audelia POV)
How To Keep Wanting Without Ever Getting (Jaime POV)
Life-Changing News (Audelia POV)
Decisions Decisions(Audelia POV)
War Again?(Jaime POV)
Don't Make Me That Guy(Jaime POV)
Are you Stupid or an Enemy?(Audelia POV)
Planning a War(Jaime POV)
I Wish This Never Ended(Jaime POV)
The Bear (Audelia POV)
The Army I Promised(Jaime POV)
I Served House Stark Once But House Stark Is Dead(Audelia POV)
The Battle Of The Bastards (Jaime POV)
The Winds Of Winter(Audelia POV)
The Black Wolf(Audelia POV)
News from the Capital My Lord(Jaime POV)
Physical Attraction Chemical Reaction(Audelia POV)
Questions But No Answers(Audelia POV)
Assurance(Audelia POV)
You Were Never Even A Player(Audelia POV)
With Love(Jaime POV)
Seven Hells(Jaime POV)
Nothing Ever Goes According To Plan(Third Person POV)
The Lone Wolf Dies(Audelia POV)
And The Pack Survives(Jaime POV)
Arrangements Can Be Made(Third Person POV)
Reuniting Brothers(Third Person POV)
Twins are not meant to be Lovers. Or are they?(Jaime POV)
The Night Gathers(Third Person POV)
In the Lion's Den(Third Person POV)
I Will Be Waiting(Third Person POV)
Old Endings and New Beginnings(Third Person POV)
Hidden Enemies and Common Friends(Audelia POV)
Second Chance(Third Person POV)
Now It Begins(Third Person)
Now It Ends (Third POV)

The King's Road

5.1K 96 13
By Audelia01

I watched as Jon and Robb trained with their swords on the ground. I was standing on the balcony father and mother watched us from not long ago. It was fun watching how my two older brothers tried to beat each other but failing, seeing as they were both equally good.

"I thought you'd be with your sisters watching the Lannister's", said my father from behind me. I turned around with a small smile on my face. He joined me in watching Jon and Robb by the railing.

"No, this is much more entertaining", I replied laughing softly. I was holding my direwolf pup and he softly nimbled on my gloves. Out of all his siblings, he was the smallest, the quietest. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the hunt with the King?", I asked after a moment.

"I should be", replied my father and sighed as he turned to me. "He offered for me to be Hand of the King", continued dad as he leaned on the railing and looked at me. "You've always had something to say, what do you think I should do?".

"Well it is certainly a great honour, and if the king rode out this far North you must be the only one he is considering. But it does also mean that you have to permanently move to Kings Landing, leaving everything and everybody here", I state and look at my brothers just as Robb got the upper hand and beat Jon.

"So you think I shouldn't take it?", asked my father.

"I don't think you have a choice", I reply, looking at him with sincerity. He sighs heavily as he looks at the horizons. 

"Your mother isn't happy", he breathed out.

"When is she really?", I ask back rhetorically and look down at Winter.

"Your mother just wants what's best for you", argued my father gently and I rolled my eyes.

"Since when is knowing how to sow dresses, capes and shirts what's best for me? What is best for me is doing what I love", I argued back. He put a hand on my shoulder. 

"You have to learn to love what is good for you, even if you don't want to", said my father, squeezing my shoulder and leaving me on the balcony alone. I sighed and looked back down at my brothers who were now looking at me with concern. I shook my head at them, silently saying that it's nothing.

As I walked down the steps, and sat down my pup I saw my father climb on a horse, and leaving with the king through the front gates. My mother was certainly busy with ordering everyone around on what to do. So I decided to take my father's advice. Learn to love what was good for me. Sword fighting, archery and horse riding for good for me. It kept me sane through all the madness my mother was trying to put me through.

I went to the blacksmith, requesting a sword. Jon and Robb already had one, and I had already outgrown sparring swords.

"My lady", greeted the blacksmith as I approached. "What can I do for ye?", he asked with the Northern accent showing.

"A sword, simple but strong.", I explain, trying to visualize what I want. The blacksmith nodded and began to work, grabbing a piece of metal and beginning to melt it.

"What are you doing here?", asked Jon from behind me as he joined me. He waved over another blacksmith and explained that he wanted a thin, somewhat short blade with a golden handle. Not a dagger but not a real sword.

"I should be asking you the same thing", I reply as he was finished and we began waiting. "What is that sword for?", I asked.

"Arya. It's nothing much, just a parting gift", replied Jon as he looked at me. "What's that sword for?".

"Nothing much", I quote him from before. "Father said that I needed to learn how to love what is good for me. So I'm learning", I continue with a smirk on my face. Jon chuckles as he watches the blacksmith pour the smoldering hot metal into the shape.

"Your mother won't be happy", said Jon looking at me.

"And since when did I care?", I ask. 

"A sword for the wall?", asked a male voice from behind us. We both turned to look who it was and I immediately rolled my eyes at the approaching figure.

"Already have one", replied Jon, noticing my reaction.

"Good man. Have you swung it yet?", asked Jaime as he stood closer, glancing at me shortly.

"Of course I have", replied Jon, not really understanding the question.

"At someone, I mean. It's a strange thing, the first time you cut a man. You realize we're nothing but sacks of meat and blood and some bone to keep it all standing. Let me thank you ahead of time for guarding us all from the perils beyond the Wall... Wildlings and White Walkers and whatnot. We're grateful to have good, strong men like you protecting us.", teased Jaime and I huffed.

"Well someone has to", I say through gritted teeth as I smile fakely at him. The knight looked at me with a smile and a clenched jaw. 

"We've guarded the kingdom for 8,000 years", continued Jon, noticing the tension.

"Is it 'we' already? Have you taken your vows yet?", asked Jaime, the smirk not leaving his face.

"Soon enough", replied Jon and I turned back to the blacksmith as he poured water to cool the sword.

"Give my regards to the Night's Watch. I'm sure it will be thrilling to serve in such an elite force. And if not ? It's only for life.", said the Lannister knight as he left. Gods he was annoying. It made my skin crawl.

"I can't wait to leave, won't be seeing any of them any time soon", whispered Jon as we continued waiting for our swords.

"If I could, I would leave with you", I added and we chuckled softly. 

After a while longer, the blacksmith handed Jon two closed packages. One was smaller than the other.

"I thought I'd give you a parting gift as well", said Jon as he handed me the smaller bundle. I looked at him questioningly and then unwrapped it. It was a beautiful, sharp dagger. Not large but not small either.

"Thank you Jon, it's amazing", I said  and reached to hug him but stopped myself and put it back into it's sleeve.  Then I hugged my brother tightly. I was going to miss this. We pulled away just as the blacksmith was finishing up my sword and he gave it to me.

"It is said that all great blades have a name", said Jon as he looked at the sword that was given to me.

"'Brotherguard'", I said finally as I looked up. Jon looked at me confused. "It's going to guard me, just like my brother", I explain and he smiles softly as we began walking away.

"You've always been the weird one out of the bunch", said Jon and I gasped fakely, as if I was insulted but we just burst out laughing. 

We were walking and laughing when a servant ran up to us, panicked.

"What's happened?", I asked immediately alarmed.

"Brandon Stark was found...", said the servant, trying to catch her breath. "He fell from the tower. The maestars are now looking him over", she finally blurted out and me and Jon looked at each other.

"Go, make sure your mother does not kill someone. I'll take care of Arya", said Jon and I nodded, slinging my sword over my shoulder and attaching my dagger to my belt as I ran inside the castle with the servant as she led me to Bran's room.

I burst in, not caring how I looked and spotted my mother sitting, her face full of tears by my brother's bed as the maestar told her something. I walk over to her, sitting down next to her and rubbing her back as she cried into her arms.

"Mother, what happened? What did the maestar say?", I asked, my voice full of worry as I looked at my younger brother. He was pale, his eyes were closed but he looked alright.

"We will have to wait and see if he wakes up", replied my mother weakly. The maestar had already left the room, giving me and my mother privacy. I couldn't believe this. Who would do such a thing.

"Who did this? Was he caught?", I bombard her with questions and she just shook her head weakly. She was absolutely broken as was I.

My little brother, may never wake up. 

And if he does, I doubt he will live a fruitful life. I don't know much, but falling off a tower and now having a chance of never waking up does not sound like he would be completely fine afterwards.

"We'll find whoever did this. And we will make him pay", I assured her as I rested my head on her shoulder. She continued to cry but I couldn't bring myself to shed a tear. I was too angry. At whoever did this, but mostly at myself. If I had looked better after him he would be fine, he knows that he shouldn't climb on those damned towers but he still does. Now he may never climb again. 

Hours had passed and I knew father would be coming home soon. My siblings have all come and gone, making sure that Bran was alright. Well, as alright as he can be. Even Prince Tommen, and Princess Myrcella have come and paid their respect. Prince Joffrey hasn't yet, neither has the Queen and I thought that was a bit suspicious but mother dismissed my thoughts. Like she always does.

"You should go, get some rest, eat something", nudged my mother as I looked at her. I was about to protest but she shook her head. "Please, I can't do this right now. Go to bed. You can come visit tomorrow", said mother and I sighed but decided to oblige.

I left Bran's room and walked down the hallway, not feeling very hungry. My room was further away from my siblings, as I didn't want to be awoken in the middle of the night as they played a prank on me. I heard rapid footsteps down the hall and looked up to see my father, tired and sweaty from the ride, rapidly walking towards me.

"How is he?", asked father as he slowed down a little. 

"He is alive but the maestar said he doesn't know if he will wake up", I replied softly. My father quickly continued walking to Bran's room. I just sighed and continued walking away and then I saw his grace, King Robert walking with his King's guard slower than my father but I knew his destination.

"Your grace", I curtsied as he walked and  he stopped by me.

"How is your brother?", asked the King.

"Alive, not awake but thank the gods, he is still alive", I replied, trying to pull myself together and look bravely at the King.

"I've send my personal maestar to see if he can do anything.", replied the King and I bowed my head in respect.

"Thank you, your grace",  I thanked him, smiling briefly but it fell just as quickly as it appeared. Robert nodded and continued walking and I bowed again, also continued my walk. I ignored the many white cloaked guards as they walked behind him, except one. 

"Ser Jaime", I greet him with a stone face as he walked past me.

"Lady Audelia", he greeted back with a smirk. I wanted to wipe it off his face so bad. I tried to ignore him as I walked past. At the end of the hallway I looked back, and saw that he was also looking at me but I quickly brushed it off and turned the corner.

I shook my head as I tried to get him out of my thoughts. He is in the Kingsguard, he is the Queen's twin brother and his personality is god awful. He was not someone I should get close to. 

I climbed the many steps to my room and locked it as soon as I entered, finally letting the tears about Bran spill. He was my little brother, and he had gotten hurt because I couldn't look after him like I always had. If he would ever wake, I would never leave his side.

The next morning, everyone was at breakfast, including Jon. Usually we would be talking, laughing but today it was quiet. Not a peep from anyone, except the Lannisters trying to make small talk with all of us. Tyrion Lannister asked many questions as he seemed to feel weird just sitting and eating in silence. The King just looked around, not saying a word. The Queen just fussed over her children, especially Joffrey. The prince seemed to not care that my brother was on his deathbed, and made jokes with his younger siblings and continued flirting with Sansa, who reluctantly engaged in conversation with him. The only Lannister that wasn't saying anything was Jaime, which I found nice, I was not in the mood for him to say something cocky again today.

As soon as I was finished eating, not that I eat very much, I looked over at Jon who met my eyes and nodded, knowing that I wanted to go to the tree. I looked at my father and mother and they let me and him go, and after curtseying we quickly left. Only in a couple days time Jon would forever leave me and go to the wall, so I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

"Do you think Bran will wake?", asked Jon unsurely as we walked to the park. I looked at him and then back in front of me, sighing quietly.

"I pray to the gods he will but the maestar said with each passing day he spends unconscious, the chances of him waking up become slimmer and slimmer", I reply. Ghost and Winter joined us as we walked the trail and sat down under the tree. The direwolf pups began playing in front of us and me and Jon just watched. Summer hasn't left Bran's side even for a minute, it was hard to even feed the dog, I had tried today before going for breakfast. 

"Promise me you will visit the wall someday", said Jon as he looked at me sadly. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Of course I will", I promise him, not letting go. I looked behind Jon and saw as a figure approach.

"So this is where the Beauty of the North and the bastard run off to all the time", said the voice as I recognized as Jaime Lannister. He must've followed us when we left.

"Ser", greeted Jon stiffly but I paid no attention to him, only wrapped my arms around myself and focused my attention on my pup. "What are you doing here?", asked Jon as Jaime as he walked closer, looking down at the direwolves as they stopped playing and glared at him.

"Just thought I'd take a walk around the North. Such a beautiful place", said Jaime, looking around the tree and the small lake. I rolled my eyebrows and petted Winter as he run up to me, sitting down and growled quietly at Jaime. It was so quiet that neither of the men heard it. "Please accept my deep condolences about your brother".

"Thank you Ser", I reply quickly and stiffly as I looked up at the knight. He didn't have his armour on, only his leather jacket. One of his hands was positioned on the handle of the sword as he looked me up and down.

"I hope you are ready for travel, we will be leaving for Kings Landing earlier than expected. Tomorrow morning if I remember correctly", said Jaime not taking his eyes off me. I looked at Jon surprised, I thought we would at least get a few more days but he shakes his head sadly.

"I was going to tell you later", whispered Jon and I sighed.

"Yes I am ready Ser. I hope King's Landing is just as nice as I remember.", I reply, looking at the Lannister expectantly, waiting for whatever else he has to say. He nods and stands awkwardly for a second before bowing a little.

"I should be off.", said Jaime turning around but stopping himself and turning back to me. "By the way, you look lovely today my lady", he compliment me and one of my eyebrows rises. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as he walked away.

"How can a knight, a King's guard be such a prick?", I asked Jon as I pulled Winter on my lap and brushed his thick black fur.

"I have no idea. But something about him doesn't seem right", replied Jon looking after the retreating knight. "He seems to always be there when we are together".

"Perhaps he is jealous of the relationship we have together. He and the Queen seem pretty cold towards each other.", I propose, kissing Winter's head. "Have you heard the rumours?".

"What rumours?", asked Jon as he threw a stick for Ghost to catch. Winter saw the stick and quickly run after it, kicking me in the stomach accidently. I brushed it off, and laughed softly.

"Him and the Queen are supposed lovers", I reply. "Have you really not heard? It's as if you live under a rock".

"We live in the North, it's just like living under a rock", joked Jon and we both laughed. "I doubt they are lovers. That would be sick".

"We don't choose whom we love", I reply, picking up the stick Ghost brought and throwing it again.

"No but we do choose if we stay with them or not", said Jon.

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