Journey Through Kanto

By Aditya_Mishra_

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Ash Ketchum a boy who can understand Pokémon decides to go on a journey wanting to see how many are out there... More

Journey Begins
Viridian city and Team Rocket.
Viridian Forest And Pewter City Gym.
MT Moon and the Cerulean City Gym.
Unbeatable AJ & Pokemon School
Bulbasaur & The Hidden Village
Abandoned Charmander & Friends.
Squirtle Squad Appears
Bill's Lighthouse & Eeveelutions!
St Anne's Battle & Arrival at Porta vista
Rampaging Tentacool &Tentacruel!
The Ghost Pokemon & The Maiden
Butterfree finds a Mate
Angry Primeape & Celadon City Gym!
Ghost of the Tower & saffron City Gym!
Old friend & Hypnotizing Hypno!
Fashion Nightmare.
Fighting Pokemon & Electric Magnemite!
Diggling Diglett & Fuchsia Ninja Gym!
Amber & Flaming Ponyta!
New Family Member Tomo!

Electric Showdown at the Vermilion Gym

528 9 11
By Aditya_Mishra_

After two weeks of traveling and training our heroes finally arrive at Vermilion City where Ash and Ritchie will earn their next gym badge.


"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Ash commanded.

"Chuuu," Pikachu's tail turned metallic and struck the rock splitting it in half, "Pika!" the electric mouse jumped back over to his trainer to inspect his work.

"That was good Pikachu, now use Quick Attack!"

Pikachu nodded and took off with incredible speed zigzagging between the trees until he was just a blur.

"Finish it up with Electro Ball!"

Pikachu jumped in the air generating an electric ball in his tail releasing it hitting the tree in front of him that now had a big hole in it. Pikachu ran to his trainer jumping in his open arms.

"Pika Pikachu Pikapi? Pika Pika Pikachu (Did you see that Ash? My Iron Tail's getting better)!" Pikachu said with glee! He had been training with Luxray non-stop so he could perfect his Iron Tail and it finally paid off. It's the same with Quick Attack, which was easier to learn because it involved speed something Pikachu's good at.

Ash hugged his best friend, "I know I saw! All that training really paid off didn't it buddy?"

"Pika (Yeah)!" Pikachu smiled.

Ash heard someone approach from behind and saw it was Brock, "Hey Brock is lunch ready yet?"

"Yeah, I actually came to get you to let you know but I didn't wanna interrupt your training." He smiled.

"Actually we just finished training right buddy?" Ash looked at his best friend.

"Pika (Yep)!" he replied.

"Let's go then, Ritchie finished not too long ago by the way." Brock walked with Ash back to the campsite where everyone else was.

Ash looked at the breeder, "Really? So he knows what pokemon he's going to use against Surge?"

Brock nodded, "Yeah, he said he's using Sparky."

"Hmmm, that's not a bad choice actually," Ash said, "Since its an electric type gym using Sparky's a good call since electric types can take damage from another electric type. It may only take half the damage but it's still something."

Brock nodded in agreement, "What about you? Do you know what pokemon you'll use?"

Ash rubbed Pikachu's head softly, "I'm thinking of using Pikachu. I was going to use Sandshrew but he doesn't have enough endurance and I haven't trained him to tackle electric type attacks yet. Just because he has the type advantage doesn't mean it'll give me instant victory."

"That's a smart way to look at it," Brock commented, "I gotta be honest though I was honestly worried that you were going to use Sandshrew against Surge. Like you said you haven't trained him to endure electric type attacks yet so I was worried you would just send him out because he has the type advantage."

Ash took no offense to the comment, "No way. The one thing I hate the most is to see a pokemon in pain. Had I used Sandshrew against Surge there's a high possibility he would have tortured Sandshrew right off the bat." At that Ash had grim look on his face, he'd heard rumors of Surge's brutality and had to play it safe. Since Pikachu can use his speed to his advantage, plus learning Iron Tail and a fully perfected protective move Protect it should be okay. Hopefully.

Brock noticed Ash's sudden grim look and began to wonder if he was worried about his gym battle with Surge, "Are you worried?"

Ash couldn't help but smile, "Yeah, I can't help it. This is Surge we're talking about here I'd be stupid not to be worried."

Pikachu sensed his trainer's anxiety and rubbed his cheek against Ash's, "Pikachu Pikapi. Pika Pikachu Pika Pi (Its all right Ash. We'll do our best like we always do)." The boy smiled warmly at his friend petting him on the head, "Thanks buddy."

Brock smiled at the exchange. Ash may not realize it, but his pokemon love him deeply and would anything for him. It's the same with him and Misty. They still don't know the whole story with Gary but if they ever see him, well let's just say it wont be a pleasant encounter.

For Gary that is.


Brock and Ash arrived at the campsite where the others were waiting for them to return and good thing to because Misty and Ritchie were once again arguing, but this time the subject was about the gym battle with Lt. Surge. Misty was telling him to take this seriously and that Surge is completely brutal and shows no mercy at all, but Ritchie being Ritchie just waved it off and said that he'll beat Surge no matter what.

Misty sighed out in annoyance and turned to Ash, "Will you say something to him! This is serious!"

Ash doesn't usually take sides but in this case he had to agree with Misty in this one, "She's right Ritchie. We're going up against Lt. Surge the most brutal gym leader in all of Kanto aside from Viridian City's gym leader. And I'm just as worried about this as Misty is."

"So you are worried about this gym battle." Misty was wondering if it was bothering him or not.

"I am," he gave Ritchie a serious look, "That's why I want you to take this gym battle seriously Ritchie because I am. Surge is brutal and won't hesitate to thrash our pokemon and see it as no big deal."

Ritchie swallowed the last of his sandwich and grinned at his cousin, "It'll be alright! We'll take Surge down and show him just how strong we've become!"

"Pikachu (Hell ya)!" Sparky said.

"Your completely hopeless!" Misty yelled, while Ash sighed and shook his head at his cousin's carefree attitude. Just once he'd wish that he would take his battles seriously, but Ritchie will be Ritchie and honestly he prefers it that way. But it still wouldn't hurt to take his battles seriously though.


Vermilion City


"Finally we're here!" Misty raised her arms in happiness. Two weeks of traveling and sleeping outside have finally paid off because they've finally arrived at their destination. Vermilion City!

"Now I can finally take a nice hot bath and sleep in a real bed!" Misty smiled.

"And I can finally do some laundry," Brock said, "Our clothes desperately need washing and the pokemon need to rest up at the pokemon center."

Molly stretched her arms above her head then picked up Petilil and had Teddiursa on her shoulder, "The city looks so big! Bigger than Pewter City don't you thing guys?"

"Teddiursa (It does)!" Teddiursa responded.

"Petilil (Very big)!" Petilil also responded.

"I hope we can find the pokemon center with all these people around," Ash said looking around them, "I need to switch out my pokemon and get Pikachu, Luxray, and Fennekin checked out by Nurse Joy."

Brock looked at the raven haired teen, "Now that I think about it why isn't Luxray out of his pokéball? You usually have him out."

"Luxray has a lot of endurance and can keep on walking with no problems but I still want him to take a break from all that walking around." Ash explained.

"Makes sense." Brock commented.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Ritchie said, "Let's get to the pokemon center so I can get to the gym and get my next gym badge!"

"Pikachu (Yeah)!" Sparky copied.

Ritchie was about to take off but was pulled back by his collar by Ash, "And where do you think your going Ritchie?" he asked still holding his collar.

Ritchie looked at him in confusion, "Where do you think I'm going? The pokemon center of course!"

Ash raised a brow, "Really? Then you know where it is then?"

"Uh..." Ritchie said.

"Figured as much," Ash sighed, "Before you go running off why don't we have Brock look at the map first, okay?"

Ritchie pouted but complied, "Fine..."

Satisfied with his response Ash let go of his collar, "Good," he turned to the breeder, "Are we near the pokemon center at all Brock?"

Brock was still holding the map and looked at it again, "Let's see, ah ha! It says we're close just keep going straight and we should be able to see it." he smiled.

"Then lets go!" Ritchie was about to run off again but Ash grabbed his collar again keeping him in place, "So help me Ritchie if you run off again while carrying the egg I'll borrow Misty's mallet and whack you upside the head with it." he said with a tick mark on his head.

Ritchie stiffened knowing his cousin was serious and stood straight up holding still, "Okay I won't run off again while holding the egg I swear!" he panicked.

Ash smiled knowing his threat got through, "As long as you understand then its okay."

Molly laughed at her cousin and brother finding the whole exchange funny, while Brock and Misty stared in interest.

Misty put her hands on her hips and smiled, "Well at least we don't have to worry about him running off while carrying the egg anymore, right Brock?"

The breeder crossed his arms in a thinking position making Misty worried, "Um Brock, you okay?" she asked.

"Hm?" he looked at the red head, "I'm alright. I was just thinking that Ash might be more scarier than you."

That earned him a whack on the head from her mallet gathering the attention of the others wondering what just happened.

Ash was sure he didn't want to know but asked anyway, "What happened...?"

Misty put her mallet away and smiled sweetly, "Don't worry its nothing!"

Ritchie sweat-dropped at the two wondering what Brock could have said to make Misty use her mallet on him. Right now said breeder was currently sprawled out on the ground with a bump on his head which Molly was poking fascinated by how big it is.


Pokemon Center

The gang finally arrived at the pokemon center much to Misty and Brock's delight as well as Ash's because he needed to switch out his pokemon. When they walked through the door they saw Nurse Joy and a trainer running along with Chansey. They were taking a badly injured Rattata to the intensive care unit.

Ash and Brock look at each other immediately knowing that this brutality can only come from one person. Lt. Surge.

When Nurse Joy came out from the back the gang approached out of worry, "Nurse Joy what happened?" Ritchie asked.

The pink haired nurse looked at them sadly, "its because of that man that all these pokemon are in this state of condition, some of them critical."

Molly blinked in confusion, "That man?"

Nurse Joy looked sadly at the little girl, "Follow me." she took them to the back where all the injured pokemon where. What they saw chilled them to the bone. Ash covered Molly's eyes because she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"This is awful...all these pokemon." Misty saw a badly injured Caterpie, Oddish, Pidgey, and Sandshrew the ground type had a breathing tube coming out of its mouth meaning its in critical condition like Nurse Joy mentioned earlier.

"My god," Brock finally found the will to speak, "All these pokemon went up against Lt. Surge?"

She nodded sadly, "Yes, it's almost like he's getting worse."

"What do you mean?" Ritchie questioned.

"In the past he's always been brutal but this," She looked back at the injured pokemon, "This is just cruel! If I had my way I'd have the league revoke his gym leaders license, but I highly doubt they'd do anything. They'll probably say that he's merely doing his job as a gym leader."

Ash could feel the heavy sadness coming off from the woman but he could also feel a hint of anger to. It was if she was holding herself back from doing something she really wanted to do. Meanwhile Ritchie was beginning to worry about his gym battle with Surge.

After leaving the room filled with injured pokemon Ash made a beeline for the pokemon transfer system letting Prof. Oak know he needed to switch out his pokemon. He sent back Krabby, Glaceon, Espeon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Flareon, Leafeon, and Vaporeon and asked for Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pidgeotto, and Butterfree. He still wanted to keep Fennekin, Eevee, and Luxray with him for a while. After his pokeballs successfully transferred he went back over to the gang who were waiting for him so they could hear what his battle plan was.

"So what are you gonna do Ash?" Brock asked, "You still plan on using Pikachu?"

Ash closed his eyes for a minute then opened them, "I am, but I'll play it safe and just focus on using Pikachu's speed then when the opponent is caught off guard I'll attack."

"That's a good strategy, it doesn't hurt to play it safe." Brock complimented. It's good that Ash thinks about strategies instead of diving head first into battle. Its qualities like that Brock can respect.

"Brock's right because it means that your taking your battles seriously and thinking about your pokemon." Misty added.

Ash smiled, "My pokemon's feelings come before my own, and so far Pikachu still wants to fight the gym leader even though we saw, well that." At this the yellow rodent nodded with determination.

"Also," Ash continued, "If I change my mind I have a back-up plan, which Pikachu is also okay with."

Pikachu nodded, "Pikachu (That's right)."

"Really? What's your back-up plan?" Misty was curious to know.

"I'd like to know to." Brock said equally curious.

At this Ash brought a finger up to his lips, "It's a secret." He smiled.

Brock and Misty groaned, should have known the boy wouldn't tell them but figured they give a shot anyway.

Molly was still worried because this person Surge scares her a little bit. She had complete faith in her brother but she was still worried. Sensing the girls anxiety Ash rubbed her head making the girl look up at him, "Don't worry, like I said I'll play it safe this time and focus on my opponents movements so I can be more prepared."

Her anxiety vanished in an instant and smiled at her big brother. If he says it'll be fine then it will, "Right!" she grinned.

Ritchie shot up from his seat alerting the others, "Right it's settled then! I'm taking Surge on right now!"

"Pikachu (Right)!" Sparky agreed.

Misty wanted to bang her head on the table in frustration, "Don't you think you should worry about your gym battle at least a little bit?!" she yelled.

Ritchie smiled, "I was worried earlier but I'm okay now! Like Ash said as long as I have a battle strategy then everything will work out!"

Ash sweat-dropped, "That's not exactly-" Ritchie was already out the door Sparky right behind him, "-what I meant."

"There he goes..." Brock stared.

"Ritchie runs really fast!" Molly stared at his retreating figure.

"That he does," Ash got up and walked over to the exit, "We better go after him."

"Right." Misty said.

They all went out the door heading towards the direction of the gym thanks to the directions Nurse Joy gave them. They just hoped that Ritchie hasn't challenged the gym yet.

Vermilion Gym



The outside of the gym was something else. It was a very tall building with lightning bolts coming out of it; even the door had a lightning bolt on it. Unlike the Pewter and Cerulean Gyms this one had a tall stature making someone feel small and insignificant.

"This is a tall building." Brock observed.

"I'll say," Misty commented, "But if you ask me I say it's way too big. I mean it makes you feel small and inferior."

"It does, and if it's big on the outside I can only imagine how big it must be on the inside." Ash said voicing his thoughts.

"Do you think the gym leader will be scary?" Molly asked.

Ritchie walked to the door, "Guess we'll just have to find out." Opening the door they saw two people a man and a woman standing on the other side of the door.

"My names Ritchie Hiroshi and I'm here to challenge Surge to a gym battle!" Ritchie declared.

"Pika Pikachu (Let's do this)!" Sparky copied his trainer.

"My name's Ash Ketchum and I'm also here to challenge Lt. Surge to a gym battle." Ash said.

"Pikachu (That's right)!" Pikachu said.

The two subordinates took one look at them and started laughing in their faces making Misty and Ritchie very angry and causing Brock to frown.

"What's so funny?!" Ritchie yelled.

The guy stopped laughing wiping the tears from his eyes, "You really think you two stand a chance against Lt. Surge with those Pikachu's of yours?"

"Awww, I find it cute that the think they have a chance at all." The woman taunted.

A tick mark appeared on both Pikachu and Sparky's heads. How dare they insult them! Ritchie was about to blow up at them for insulting his best friend but Ash beat him to it, "If you two are done acting like a bunch of hyena's then could you call your gym leader here please?" he said nonchalantly like it was the most normal thing to say.

The two subordinates stopped their taunting immediately and stared at the raven-haired boy with mouths hanged open, while his friends snorted and snickered at their reaction. Only Ash.

Before the two could retort a comeback boisterous laughter was heard in the shadows, "Big words for a little baby!" emerging from the shadows was tall man with yellow spiky hair wearing a military uniform.

Molly blinked looking up at the man, "Tall..."

"More like a giant." Misty pointed out, "We're really small compared to him."

"Yeah..." Brock was starting to worry about Ash and Ritchie but former said he had a strategy plan so he'll just have to wait and see.

Lt. Surge looked at the two; "So you babies are my new victims this time huh?" he smirked.

Ash's eye twitched, "So you find brutally beating pokemon amusing?" his tone of voice sounding angry.

"Beating?" Surged laughed, "That's what battling's all about baby! This is a gym for big and strong pokemon not baby pokemon like that Pikachu and weird looking fox pokemon of yours!"

Fennekin couldn't take it anymore and shot a flamethrower right in his face surprising everyone. This scene reminded them of Charmander shooting a flamethrower at Damian's face.

Ash brought Fennekin up to his face with a smile, "Fennekin you learned flamethrower?" she nodded happily, "That's great! Looks like you and Charmander are some pretty impressive pokemon aren't you?" he said hugging the little fire type.

"Fenne Fennekin (Thanks Ash)!" Fennekin blushed at the compliment, meanwhile Surge's face was covered in black soot and Ash's friends and little sister may or may not have snickered, while Surge's subordinates were trying to hold in their laughter but failed miserably.

"Looks like my baby pokemon are more than capable of taking this gym on Lt. Surge." Ash smiled.

Lt. Surge rubbed the black soot off his face and smirked dangerously, "Have it your way then baby!" Surge tossed a pokéball in the air and out came an orange colored rodent similar to Pikachu only different.

Ash eyed the electric type unimpressed, "So he only uses Raichu in his gym battles." He noticed that the evolved form of his best friend Pikachu had a dangerous smirk just like Lt. Surge. Like trainer, like pokemon.

Ritchie scanned the electric type:

[Raichu, a Mouse Pokémon of the Electric element. Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu. It can shock with more than 100,000 volts, enough to render a Dragonite unconscious.]

Ritchie stared at Raichu determined to win his third gym battle no matter what!


Who's That Pokemon?




At the Battlefield


The battlefield was pretty basic for the gym. There was a large standard field and Surge's two subordinates were on the left side smirking the whole time something Ash didn't like. Looking at the battlefield more closely he noticed that there were some chunks taken out of the ground even though it looked like some were pretty much repaired, but it still made Ash worry. Misty, Brock, and Molly were standing behind Ritchie as he battled Surge with worried faces.

"This will be a one-on-one battle between gym leader Lt. Surge and challenger Ritchie Hiroshi from Frodomar City! The battle is over when both or one pokemon on either side is unable to battle! Do both sides agree?" the male subordinate asked.

Surge just laughed while Ritchie nodded with determination.

Ritchie looked down at his partner, "Ready Sparky?" the yellow mouse nodded and jumped in front of his trainer ready to start battling.

Surge smirked, "Lets tear these babies apart just like the others Raichu!"

"Rai (Hell ya)!" Raichu said standing in front of his trainer.

"Battle Begin!"

"Thunderbolt Raichu!" Surge commanded.

Raichu sent a power thunderbolt and Sparky, "Use Quick Attack to dodge Sparky!" the yellow mouse did just that avoiding the thunderbolt just in time.

Ash sighed out in relief at his cousin's quick thinking, "That was a good call. He's getting better at battling."

"He is but I wonder what Lt. Surge will do now?" Brock said eyes still glued to the battlefield.

"Use Thunderbolt Sparky!" Sparky released his own thunderbolt attack at Raichu who just stood there smirking along with Surge. When the attack hit it showed that it did no damage to Raichu at all.

"What?" Ritchie said confused as to why Raichu didn't receive any damage.

Misty was confused herself, "What's going one? I know Raichu's also an electric type but is still should have took some damage."

"Not if it has the Lightning Rod ability." Ash said.

"Lightning Rod ability? What's that?" Molly asked.

Brock answered this time, "When an electric type is hit a by an electric type move, like thunderbolt it deals no damage and raises its special attack."

Misty realized what Brock meant, "So your saying Raichu absorbed Sparky's thunderbolt attack?"

"That's right," Brock nodded grimly, "Hopefully Ritchie's thought of a counter strategy."

Ash didn't voice it but he was wondering the same thing, but Ritchie's been training his pokemon including Sparky so maybe it'll all work out. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Lt. Surge's annoying laughter.

"Show that baby a real Thunderbolt Raichu!" Lt. Surge grinned like a maniac.

Raichu released his own thunderbolt at Sparky but Ritchie had a move that just might work, "Use, Double Team!" Ritchie yelled. In a blur there were thirteen copies of Sparky the thunderbolt hitting one of the clones making them disappear and leaving an unharmed Sparky.

"Sparky's okay!" Molly said.

"Petilil tilil (Thank goodness)!" Petilil said.

"Teddiursa Ursa Ursa (Awesome job Sparky)!" Teddiursa jumped up and down.

Ash smiled, "Using double team was a good way to avoid that thunderbolt." he complimented his cousin's quick thinking.

"I bet Surge wasn't expecting that!" Misty smiled.

"True, but this battle's not over yet." Brock reminded them.

Ritchie was glad that his counter move worked. They had been practicing double team along with Ash and his Pikachu and finally after 3 hours of rigorous training they finally mastered it. He was worried that maybe the move wouldn't work but was honestly relieved when it did because Sparky was able to avoid that powerful thunderbolt.

Surge was irritated this is the second time this little punk avoided Raichu's thunderbolt attack! He refuses to lose to this little baby and his baby Pikachu! A thought came to his mind and smiled sadistically. That's right he could just use that move to finish this.

Ash saw Surge smirking and immediately an alarm rang off in his head telling him that this man was about to do something vicious. Before he could warn Ritchie about what was coming it was already too late.

"Sparky, use Quick Attack!" Sparky shot towards Raichu but that was just what Surge was waiting for.

"Thunder Punch on the ground!" he ordered.

"What?!" Brock and Misty yelled.

Raichu's hand was covered with electricity and struck the ground in front of him cutting off Sparky's quick attack. Because of the rocks in his way and the dust that followed the yellow rodent couldn't see a thing.

"Hit that weakling Raichu!" Surge continued.

"Get out of there Sparky!" Ritchie yelled frantically.

Raichu head-butted Sparky hard in his gut then began throwing punch after punch sending the electric type skidding back, "Finish it off with Thunderbolt!" Raichu sent a powerful thunderbolt at Sparky who cried out in pain and was sent flying towards his trainer.

Ash grit his teeth, "That's a dirty way to try and win a battle!" he growled.

"Pi Pikachu (Dirty Bastard)!" Pikachu growled right along with him.

"Sparky!" Ritchie caught his best friend as the electric type flew right towards him cradling him in his arms. The others ran towards him immediately Brock getting out his healing spray and other things Sparky might need. That was the most vicious thing anyone could do to a pokemon in fact it was down right despicable!

"Sparky can you hear me?! Sparky!" Ritchie cried out in fear what if Surge had Raichu hit something he wasn't suppose to? His fears soon vanished when Sparky opened his eyes smiling weakly at Ritchie, "P-Pikachu (R-Ritchie...)."

Ritchie had tears in his eyes relieved that his friend was okay he'd hug him right now but Brock was healing him to best of his abilities right now.

"Pikachu, Pika Pika Pi Pikachu (Ritchie, I'm sorry I lost another gym battle...)."

Ash clenched his fists as he heard Sparky apologize to his trainer, "You didn't lose anything Sparky. In fact you were about to win had Surge not decided to fight dirty."

Misty was just as angry as Ash was. Ritchie worked hard to win this gym battle only to lose because his opponent doesn't know the meaning of fighting fairly, "Ash is right! If anyone deserves to lose the battle it should be Surge!"

Molly had tears in her eyes but she was trying to be a big girl and wiped them away. She wanted to be strong for her brother and cousin and refused to cry in front of a bully.

Sadistic laughter was heard from the other side of the gym no one needed to be told who it was because they already knew. Lt. Surge was laughing his ass off because for brutally beating Sparky.

"See?! This is what happens when you send out a weakling to battle!" he taunted, "Had you'd evolved it into a powerful Raichu it might have stood a chance!" he started laughing again.

The others were disgusted with the display. So not only does he find it funny that he hurt Sparky but now he's going as far as to taunt about it and to add insult to injury his subordinates were laughing right along with him.

Misty turned to him, "You dirty bas-" she started.

"THUNDERBOLT!" an angered voice was heard and a shot of electricity shot out at Surge barely missing his head and cracked the wall behind him sending concrete chunks to the ground. At that moment no one said a word even the cruel taunting stopped probably because Surge was caught off guard by the sudden attack, even his Raichu wasn't smirking anymore having witnessed a powerful thunderbolt attack. The gang already knew who did that it was none other than their friend Ash and an equally angered Pikachu who was growling at humans who ceased their sadistic laughter electricity coursing through his body.

Molly flinched at her brother's tone of voice. It reminded her of when her father would yell at her to go away when he was busy with something and didn't like having her around. She shivered having remembered her father's scary face when he said it, she felt a hand on her head and saw it was her big brother. Even though he wasn't looking at her she knew that he was trying to calm his nerves for her sake making her smile. She really had the best big brother in the world.

Having taken a deep breath he turned to his friends his anger slowly dissipating, "I need you guys to get off the field while I have my gym battle with Surge if that's okay?" his friends gave him determined looks as if saying 'you really need to ask?'

Misty smiled at her friend, "Teach him a lesson Ash! After what he did those pokemon and Sparky he deserves it!"

Ash nodded, "I intend to," he gave Brock a look signaling to him that he'll be okay with in his match with Surge and just focus on Sparky for now. The breeder nodded at the exchange and moved over to their original spot when they watched Ritchie's battle with Surge.

Molly looked up at her big brother with a determined look on her face and smiled, "Beat him up big brother!"

The boy smiled at the girl ruffling her hair; "You got it." she went over to the others standing near Ritchie the two of them knowing their cousin was about teach Lt. Surge a lesson.

Ash looked at Pikachu, "So what do you want do buddy? Fight Surge or have our friend Luxray have a crack at him?"

Pikachu smirked at his best friend, "Pikachu Pi Pika (I'm good to go)!" the yellow mouse saw Sparky as his little brother and that little display really pissed him off. Ash smirked right alongside his buddy and looked back over to Surge.

Standing in the same position as Ritchie was he called out to brutal gym leader, "Lt. Surge! My names Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and I hereby challenge you to a gym battle! But this won't be a normal battle! You and me will make a wager! Do you accept?!" he yelled with confidence.

Lt. Surge snapped out of it and smirked at the boy. He had to admit the kid has guts but that won't do him any good, "Heh! I accept! So what are we wagering?"

Ash smirked having baited the man into making a wager with him, "Badges, if I win you give both me and Ritchie the Thunder Badge! And if you win then you don't have to give us the badges and we'll try next time! Do you accept?"

Surge grinned like a madman; "Fine then baby I accept!" he looked at his subordinates signaling him to call out the rules.

"This will be a one-on-one battle between gym leader Lt. Surge and challenger Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town! The battle is over when both or one pokemon on either side is unable to battle! Do both sides agree?" the male repeated.

Surge smirked while Ash simply nodded in agreement. Both pokemon were ready to go at it, Raichu was smirking while Pikachu was on all fours with a serious look on his face.

"Battle Begin!"

Ash made the first move, "Pikachu, Electro Ball!" Pikachu jumped in the air generating an electro ball from his tail and sending it at Raichu at incredible speed.

"Take it Raichu!" Surge smirked seeing the attack hit Raichu who took the hit.

"Is that all you've-"

"Thundershock!" Ash cut him off by ordering Pikachu to send out another electric attack, which hit Raichu dead on.

"That's not gonna-"

"Thunderbolt!" Ash cut him off again and ordered Pikachu to send out another thunderbolt once again hitting Raichu who still stood there unaffected.

Ash's friends were confused. He knows that Raichu has the lightning rod ability so why is he sending out nothing but electric attacks?

Brock's eyes widened in realization, "Unless..."

Misty and Ritchie look at the breeder with questioning looks but the boy was too busy paying attention to the battle to acknowledge their confused faces.

Back to the battle Surge was pissed because the brat kept cutting him off. Now its time to end this!

"Battle's over brat!" he hollered, "Raichu finish this weakling off with a Thunderbolt full power!" Raichu's body was surrounded in yellow electric aura and shot out a powerful thunderbolt. Surge smirked thinking he'd beaten another weakling but that smirk disappeared when he saw Ash smirk himself almost as if...he was expecting it!

"Tail in the air Pikachu!" Ash ordered. Pikachu lifted his tail in the air as the thunderbolt hit his tail absorbing the electric attack. When it died down Pikachu was still crouched on all fours having received no damage at all.

"W-what? But how?!" Surge's eyes were wide as was Raichu's and everyone else's.

Ash was still smirking but explained anyway, "Lightning Rod isn't just Raichu's hidden ability but its also Pikachu's." he explained.

"Say what?!" Surge's subordinates, Misty, and Ritchie yelled in shock.

Brock and Molly smiled at the information. This battle just got more interesting.

"Grrr, so what if your baby pokemon has the same ability that doesn't change anything! Raichu, use Thunderbolt!" Raichu's cheeks sparked but...nothing came out!

"What's wrong Raichu?! I said use Thunderbolt!" he yelled, but when Raichu tried again the same thing happened again. His cheeks sparked up but nothing came out leaving Surge and Raichu confused.

Ash crossed his arms, "That won't work," he said from across the field but everyone head him loud and clear, "In case you forgot you told Raichu to use thunderbolt at full power which is what he did, so no matter how many times you tell him to use thunderbolt or other thunder attacks nothing will come out because he disposed all of the extra electricity both Sparky and Pikachu gave it."

Surge had a bead of sweat come down his cheek. He got played! The brat was sending out all those electric attack knowing Raichu would absorb all of it and knew he would tell Raichu to use thunderbolt and when he did he had his Pikachu absorb all of the extra electricity he gave to his Raichu! This brat planned all of this the moment he sent the first electric attack and Surge fell for it.

Brock was smiling alerting both Misty and Ritchie, "So that's what he was doing when he ordered Pikachu to use, electro ball, thundershock, and thunderbolt. He wanted to charge Raichu up till it was at full power and when Surge told Raichu to use a full powered thunderbolt he had Pikachu steal all that extra electricity back."

"You mean...Ash planned this from the beginning?!" Misty and Ritchie yelled out in shock.

Brock scratched his cheek, "Well, he said he had a strategy he didn't say this was part of his plan so maybe this counts as the same thing."

Misty and Ritchie were completely speechless but couldn't deny that was a good battle strategy if that was the original strategy.

"Use, Double Team!" Ash ordered.

Thirteen copies of Pikachu formed and surrounded Raichu. Without the use of using thunderbolt or thunder punch the electric type knew that he was screwed, "Iron Tail!" all the Pikachu's tails glowed metallic white and one by one they each attacked Raichu in different areas like, the head, stomach, back, and face.

"Raichu!" Surge cried out. He couldn't believe that a Pikachu was beating his pokemon!

Ash deemed it was enough, "That's enough Pikachu you can stop now!" Pikachu stopped his merciless assault on his evolved form the copies disappearing instantly and saw that Raichu was already exhausted.

Molly looked at Brock, "How come Raichu looks tired?"

Brock thought about it and realized why, "Probably because Surge evolved his Pikachu too early and didn't bother to train it to use speedy attacks or have any endurance when it was still in its second evolution stage and that's why its already exhausted."

Misty chimed in at this point, "Its probably out of shape to, not to mention that this might be the first time it had fight for this long when its use to doing one hit elimination attacks."

"So its tired out already because Surge didn't train it properly?" Ritchie asked to make sure.

"That's a possibility." Brock said.

Back to the battle Raichu was swaying back and forth bruised and battered, taking iron tail after iron tail will do that to you. Ash felt sorry for the little guy. It wasn't entirely his fault because pokemon tend to follow their trainers personality and Surge's sadistic personality rubbed off on Raichu. He decided to end this battle.

"Pikachu finish this with a Thunderbolt!" Ash yelled. Pikachu was surrounded in yellow aura just like Raichu was, "Get out of there Raichu!" Surge yelled frantically which was ironic seeing as how Ritchie did the same thing not too long ago.

"PiiiiikkkkkaaaaaCHUUU (Take this)!" Pikachu yelled sending a full powered thunderbolt at the exhausted Raichu, which was a direct hit making him cry out in pain and when it couldn't take anymore it fainted signaling the end of the battle.

"R-raichu's unable to battle! Pikachu wins!" the male subordinate announced.

"He did it!" Molly, Misty, and Ritchie cheered while Brock smiled. He was scared at first but after he saw that Pikachu absorbed Raichu's thunderbolt he knew that Ash would win.

Pikachu ran to his trainer on all fours and jumped on the boy both of them hugging each other happily, "I knew you could do it Pikachu! I'm so proud of you!"

"Pika Pika (We did it)!" Pikachu cried out in happiness. The two best friends heard footsteps coming towards them and saw everyone come at them. Pikachu hopped on Ash's shoulder as Fennekin jumped in his arms as Misty ran up and hugged him, "That was amazing Ash!" she said letting him go.

The boy smiled back, "Thanks Misty, but the amazing one is Pikachu, right buddy?"

Pika Pikachu Pi Pika (Aw come on your making be blush)." Pikachu scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Ritchie looked down ashamed and Ash noticed this, "What's wrong Ritchie?"

The boy shook his head, "I feel bad. After all that training we did together I still ended up losing and to make matters worse you had to wager another badge for my sake." He had such a heartbroken look on his face that it was just so sad. Ash put a hand on his cousins shoulder, "Ritchie I don't mind wagering for badges if it means you can pursue your dream right along with me. Also your getting much better at battling, remember we're still rookies so we have a lot to learn. We'll just have to do more training and get stronger together." He smiled.

Ritchie grinned at his cousin's words of encouragement, "Thanks Ash."

"You sound more of an adult than a baby." The gang saw Surge coming up to them holding a pokéball in one hand and two thunder badges in the other. He reached his hand out showing the two thunder badges that were shaped like eight pointed stars with an orange octagon in the center, "I present you two squirts with the Thunder Badge!"

Ash and Ritchie took the badges from the tall man putting them in their badge cases but Surge wasn't done "I owe you both a thanks and an apology. Its been a long time since anybody's beaten me that I got overconfident in my skills as a gym leader, worst of all I ended up hurting all those trainers pokemon. I'm pretty sure Nurse Joy wants to give me a stern lecture for it."

Ash smiled at the man, "At least you realized you went too far, and speaking of Nurse Joy I think we should head to the pokemon center. Im pretty sure Sparky, Raichu, and Pikachu need to see her right now." The other agreed and walked out of the gym, unknown to them Ash was secretly smirking knowing that Nurse Joy will probably do more than just give him a stern lecture.

Pokémon Center


Looks like Ash was right. The moment they walked into the pokemon center and she saw the state Sparky was in she marched right up to Lt. Surge and slapped him across the face then she then pulled his ear yanking him towards couch and told him to sit there until she was done healing his Raichu, Ash's Pikachu, and Sparky. She was surprised at first when Surge told her that he lost both the wager and battle to Ash, but that soon faded when she said he's not getting out of the lecture she was going to give him.

When she first slapped him Ash snickered making everyone look at him wondering if he somehow knew this would happen. He just smiled innocently and said "I don't know what you mean." Making everyone sigh not at all surprised by his answer. After she took their pokemon in the back Ash called Prof. Oak and asked if he could switch Luxray out for Gyarados wanting the giant cat to socialize with the other pokemon. After swapping out Luxray for Gyarados he walked over to the counter where Pikachu was the rodent went to his shoulder immediately and Sparky and Raichu also made a full recovery. After getting a stern lecture from a scary Nurse Joy Lt. Surge went back to his gym to rethink about his battling method.

When that was done Ash asked if they could all stay here tonight, the nurse smiled and said they were in luck because she had plenty of rooms available. Before they could head to their rooms they heard a beeping noise coming from Ritchie's backpack alerting them that the egg was about to hatch. Ash told Ritchie to give the egg to Nurse Joy who went back into the medical room with the others following right behind her wanting to see what kind of pokemon would hatch from the egg. She placed the egg under a warm incubator as it began to glow brighter and brighter until it finally revealed the pokemon inside which turned out to be an Eevee!

The newborn yawned cutely and opened its eyes slowly and the first person it saw was Ritchie. Yipping in joy the little one jumped in his arms nuzzling his chest then fell asleep once it got comfortable in his arms. Ritchie felt his mood skyrocket after everything that happened today getting hugged by a newborn baby pokemon felt nice.

After the excitement of Eevee being born the gang went to their rooms to sleep but Ash and Ritchie were wide awake with little Eevee sleeping on Ritchie's chest.

The brown haired boy hesitated before speaking, "Hey, Ash?"

"Hm?" the boy hummed not turning around to look at his cousin because he was exhausted after today's events.

Ritchie took a deep breath, "Have you...have you ever heard from Leaf or Yellow after they left Pallet Town?"

Ash still had his eyes closed but responded anyway; "Now that you mention it I haven't heard from them in a long time. I wonder how they are?"

Ritchie felt bad for keeping his cousin in the dark about what happened to the two of them but he couldn't risk his cousin getting hurt if he ever found out, or if god forbid lose his mind and kill Gary. Shaking his head he responded, "Yeah, same here."

Ash yawned eyes still closed, "We should get some sleep it's a long way from here to Celadon City."

Ritchie yawned himself, "Yeah your right, night Ash."

"Night Ritchie." And with that he was out like a light, but Ritchie was still awake how could he sleep after what Surge told him.

Before Surge left the Center


"Hey kid." Surge called out to Ritchie.


The man sighed, "There was a girl that came to my gym before you two showed up. It was a girl with long brown hair said her name was Leaf."

Ritchie's eyes grew wide he looked around to make sure Ash wasn't within hearing distance to listen to their conversation. When he determined that the close was clear he looked back at Surge, "Did she challenge you to a battle?"

He shook his head, "She wasn't interested in a gym battle just wanted to know if some kid named Gary stopped by my gym. I told her no and she clicked her tongue saying "dammit! I'll find him soon enough."

Ritchie's blood ran cold, "What...did she mean by that?"

"Beats me," he shrugged, "This Gary brat must've done something to piss her off. I noticed she hid her face the whole time we were talking."

Ritchie laughed bitterly, "Did she now?" he knew the reason why she hid her face and wasn't really that surprised, "Thanks for telling me and not my cousin Ash."

"Heh, I owe you both so as far as I'm concern we're even." He pats Ritchie on the head and left the center giving the boy some time to think about why Leaf would be stalking Gary.

"Leaf...what are you trying to do?"




Ritchie closed his eyes finally letting sleep take him but he still couldn't shake the feeling that if Leaf and Gary somehow run into each other it could turn into something really bad.


And so after earning their third gym badge Ash and Ritchie get some well-deserved rest, but the conversation Ritchie had with Lt, Surge still echoes in his mind. Just why is Leaf trying to find Gary? Stay tuned as the journey continues.


I gave alot of pokemon to Ash and his group because I felt like they should have had some more pokemon in the anime but I'm satisfied now so they'll get the pokemon they get in the anime and I'll add some more pokemon to their arsenal but only in the safari chapter and the trading event in my Johto fanfiction.

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