Lips of an Angel [Luke]

By luke_in_a_penguim

454 10 5

5SOS FANFIC It's a Luke one but you never know he could be the boyfriend or the enemy or the friend I also pl... More

[1] Goodbye
[2] The Hunt
[4] Chinese Pizza
[5] Whats My Name
[6] Meet Your Nephew
[6 pt.2] Minni Party
[7] The Man
[8] Dare


66 1 1
By luke_in_a_penguim

Mikey's POV

I don't understand myself. I find a person and then I move on the next girl.

I saw this girl at the airport and she was beutifiul. We were there because it was my cousins coming home party from his final day in Europe. We didn't know where he was coming from so we all looked in different directions.

It was mostly me and my other cousins which are all guys. I don't have a girl relatives except for my aunts.

My eyes locked on hers and I started walking. I really wanted to remember her so I had to make up an excuse.

"Hey can I get a picture with you?" I say. She looks American with how she wearing a lazy day out fit and it looks as if she doesn't care but still does.

"Yah what for?" She asks. I was right she was American. "We are on a scavenger hunt and we have to find a hot girl to take a pic with." I say hoping she believes me. She blushed.

We took the picture and she looked really good. "Oh can you send that to me it's a really good pic of me and that rarely happens." She says. "Really I find that hard to believe and yes what's your name and number?" She giggles and tells me Sofi.


At home it's never quiet sadly. My mom and dad are always fighting and I'm surprised that they haven't burnt out their vocal cords. The only way I can not hear them is I play my video games with my headphones. It's my escape besides music.

I don't get people because they are terrible things. They yell and fight and what all people search for is pleasure. They are never satisfied. I mean if we are an animal species then why are we acting like aliens. Real animals fight for life and food and survival. All we fight for is what who told who this. It's just disappointing.

Lost in my own thoughts I realized that my mom was in my room. "Michael! Are you hearing me!" She yelled. "Sorry mom I was lost in space. What do you need?" I tried to say as nicely as possible. Then she sat in the bean bag chair next to me. "Your dad... is...uh...moving out." She said. I knew this was gonna happen but it still hit me hard.

"When?" I choked up. "Next Tuesday." She started crying."What am I gonna do with out him. I hate this relationship but I still need him." I went over to comfort her. "You don't need him you have me and you can find someone better." I said.

Then at the perfect time as usual Calum calls me. "Hey pretty girl what's your name. Can I have your number lemme buy you a drink." My ring tone said. I ignored it.


I'm going to Sofi's house in a few minutes. I'm really nervous I've only been texting her for a day. "Mom! I'm going to a friends!" I yell upstairs.

When I get into the car it's really bright so I pull down the visor. When I do a letter falls down. It says Michael on it. I open it and it says Happy Birthday from dad. He really remembered. He left me $50. "Wow thanks dad nothing says 'I love you' like 50 bucks." I say to my self, I was almost touched. There wasn't a special note or anything.

When I get to her house I ring the doorbell. I end up finding a woman who is about in her late 20's. "Hello." she says holding her head. She must have just gotten up. "Sorry if I woke you up. Is Sofi here?" I say in a soft voice. "Uh yah hold on....Sofi! There's a guy here for you!" She yelled. Then Sofi came to the door and the woman walked away. "Hi. Who was that?" I asked. I tried to ignore the fact that she was pants less with only a long t-shirt.

"Oh that was my aunt Alyssa. We are still a little jet-lagged." She said. Then she left the door open and walked into the house and I fallowed. "That explains it." She didn't bother changing or putting on pants she just stayed there on the floor.

"So when are you getting furniture?" I laughed. "I don't know, soon." she said standing up and streching. She stretched so I could see red marks on her thigh. Cuts. What from and why. She went up stairs and I fallowed her into her room sitting on her air mattress. "Sofi. What's on your leg?" I ask in a soft tone. She stopped abruptly and formed a frown.

"Umm... what do you mean." She said returning back to her closet. I stood up to face her. "Sofi, you can tell me." Her eyes started to well up. "I was in a bad time I don't know why I did it." She cried onto my shoulder. I started to hug her in return.

"What were you going through?" She paused and faced me. "Months ago my mom,dad, and my brother got into a car accident. I live with my aunt now." She shortened the story so she wouldn't have to think about it. I held her closer.

"Was there someone you could go to besides your aunt?" I ask. She must have stopped for some reason and someone must have helped her. "Yeah my friends and especially Austin." She sniffled. The crying was dying down now so I sat her down.

"Why don't you come with me on a date to the movies or something. Cause I know you are beautiful but I don't think you've met other guys in three days." I joked. "Yeah it'll be cool to go out for the first time in Australia."


I know this is weird for me to say but for once I actually care about my clothes. So I decide on a black t-shirt and a flannel with black skinny jeans, the usual.

I'm hoping I don't screw this up cause I always say the wrong things or just back out and stand the girl up. It's 7:00 I have a half hour what am I going to do I'm ready but if I wait any longer I'll think about it and we all know how that ends.

"They say she's in the plus A-" it was her ringtone A-team by Ed Sheeran. "Hey."
"Hi I'm ready and I really don't want to wait so..."
"Yah I'm ready too I'll come in 5."
"Thanks bye."

Once I get to her house I see her window with the lights on. I see her silhouette in the curtains. She's running around grabbing stuff.

"Hi Michael Sofi will be down in a sec you can stand or...sit on the floor." Alyssa giggled. I choose to sit to ease my nerves.

"Hi ready to go?" She asked walking down the stairs. She had a blink182 t-shirt and black skinny jeans with red vans. Her hair is a red-brown and her ends are bright red. She seems like a girl version of me not to be awkward. She had the hair dying and the style.

Hey I hope you like this chapter it reveals stuff about Sofi and Micheal.
Who thought it was sweet of how much he comforts people.
Who ships Mifi. idk is it the worst ship name ever. If u can tell me a Better one. The thing in the beginning is Sofi on the "date"
Love yah
Vote comment and shit. ;p

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