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By ReneCainMarien

515K 24.8K 11.2K

Mo Da Zu Shi and Tian Guan Ci Fu presents. π™‹π™§π™žπ™£π™˜π™š π™’π™šπ™ž - π™Žπ™€π™£ 𝙀𝙛 𝙃π™ͺπ™–π™‡π™žπ™–π™£ Spanish translat... More

1|Last wish|
7|Lotus Pier|
9|Puqi Shrine|
20|First meet|
21|Tianzi Xiao|


11.7K 574 195
By ReneCainMarien

After telling everything, almost everything that they had heard in their first visit to Lotus Pier, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng waited for their son to process the information. Wei Ying was smart, really intelligent for his age and very understanding too. They never felt like telling him about the rumours earlier but if he was going to stay in Yunmeng he will hear about it sooner or later. 'It will be better if he heard it first from us than strangers.'

Wei Ying remained oddly silent after hearing his parent's words. He looked up to see the very worried faces of his parents. He smiled at them and said.

"I don't want to cause trouble for Jiang shushu. Or to you."

"Baby just tell me this, do you wish to go?"

Wei Ying thought for some time. He knew people would be talking behind his back as soon as he reach Lotus Pier and that would also affect his Jiang shushu and others too. 'But Baba asked if I wished to go... '  Wei Ying said.


"Then we will leave for Lotus Pier in the morning. "

Hua Cheng said patting Wei Ying's head. Wei Ying hesitated, it was true that he wished to visit but he was sure there would be problems because of his presence at Lotus Pier. He looked at his parents with a frown. Hua Cheng kneeled beside his son's chair and said.

"A-Ying you don't have to worry too much."

Early morning the entire Paradise Manor was waken up by a very loud and hyperactive Wei Ying. Wei Ying was too excited to even to finish his breakfast properly. After getting dressed, he hid a small pouch with some money into his robes. Yesterday his A-Diē had secretly given him pocket money to spent while in Lotus Pier without Baba's knowledge.

The three of them walked through the busy streets of Yunmeng. Wei Ying liked this place with so many lakes and pretty sisters already. Hua Cheng walked forward to show their invitation from Jiang Fengmian to the guards. Xie Lian gave Wei Ying small nudge and said in a hushed voice.

"Don't tell your diē. "

Xie Lian took out a pouch from his sleeves and gave it to Wei Ying. Wei Ying shook the pouch and found out it was money, he was laughing loudly inside his head but outside he only nodded his head and smiled. 'Best parents ever.'

The guard lead the three of them to Sect Leader Jiang. Wei Ying was looking around and jumping all over the place, there many lotus ponds big and small. The fresh smell of lotus flowers hit him and he took deep breaths. A man in purple robes was waiting for them at the end of thier path. The guard turned and asked hesitantly.

"Young Masters I think I have seen you before. "

"This is our second visit here. "

Xie Lian said and the guard smiled and nodded but still he could not remember where he saw them. Hua Cheng whispered in Xie Lian's ears that this was the same guard who led them in last time. Hearing this Xie Lian smiled at his husband.

Jiang Fengmian was waiting for them, he led them to a beautiful open hall. The man had a gentle smile and a calm voice. Wei Ying really liked his Jiang Shushu. As all of them sat around a table, tea was brought for them. The view outside was very beautiful. Wei Ying was already making plans on swimming on the big lotus lake.

After exchanging greetings and telling Sect leader Jiang about their true identities, Jiang Fengmian agreed in keeping their whereabouts a secret. The table was silent for some time, Wei Ying sat there between his parents planning his escape route because he was getting really really bored.

Wei Ying really wanted to go meet his Shidi and Shijie and play with them rather than sit here and listen to the adults talking. He kept on tugging on his Baba's sleeves. Xie Lian looked at his son, Wei Ying mouthed in low voice.

"Can I leave now? I want to see my Shidi and Shijie"

Xie Lian smiled and nodded his head at his son then he faced the Sect Leader and said.

"We really want to ask Sect leader Jiang a favor"

"Please ask. Please ask. "

Jiang Fengmian said bowing his head at Xie Lian. He was smiling at the two men but inside he was very nervous to be in their presence. Xie Lian smiled at the man and said.

"Sect Leader you were the closest person to A-Ying's parents. So, we wish that you would give A-Ying his courtesy name. "

Jiang Fengmian was shocked by this request. ' Me? Give their son...? His courtesy name? ' It was already difficult for him to wrap his head around the news that Wei Ying was still alive, he had been searching for this child for years. Now Wei Ying is sitting in front of him, and he was adopted by a God and a Ghost king. All three of them were sitting in front of him so this must be true.

Jiang Fengmian quickly asked a attendant to get him something to write with. Soon there were papers, calligraphy brushes and ink in front of Jiang Fengmian. He looked at the smiling Wei Ying in front of him. ' Such a beautiful smile. '

Wei Ying himself was way too excited in getting his courtesy name from his Jiang Shushu. He was fidgeting in his seat peeking at the paper waiting eagerly for Jiang Shushu to finish writing.

After writing Jiang Fengmian rolled the paper, he stood up and presented it before Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. They took it together and bowed to Sect Leader. They opened it and a smile formed on both their faces as they read it. Seeing this Jiang Fengmian said.

"You are his parents. You must be the first to call A-Ying his courtesy name."

"Come on, tell me fast. "

Wei Ying urged them to speak fast while clapping his hands and smiling. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng looked at thier son who was waiting impatiently for them to call his name. Both of them nodded to each other and said at the same time.

"Wei Ying
Wei WuXian"

"To have no envy."

Jiang Fengmian said looking at Wei WuXian. Wei WuXian smiled brightly, he liked his name very much he jumped down from his seat and hugged his parents. He then bowed down to his Jiang Shushu.

"Thank you Jiang Shushu. I really like my courtesy name. "


Xie Lian called his son and caressed his cheeks. Wei WuXian beamed at his Baba and hugged him once again. Hua Cheng kneeled beside his son and hugged him too.

"A-Xian now you can go play with your Shidi and Shijie. "

Hua Cheng said to his son whose smile was so bright that he felt really sad in leaving him here. ' I already miss you son ' He kissed Wei WuXian's forehead and so did Xie Lian. They bid farewell to Sect leader Jiang and left Lotus Pier.

Jiang Shushu introduced Wei WuXian to his Shijie and Shidi. 'Shijie is so beautiful' . Wei WuXian liked her very much, the way she called him A-Xian made him smile every time. But his shidi Jiang Cheng seemed angry the entire day. Jiang Cheng and Wei WuXian were same age, so Wei WuXian wanted to befriend him. 'It looks like I must work hard to get him to be my friend.' The entire day Jiang Fengmian took them around Lotus Pier, Jiang Yanli held Wei WuXian's hand while Jiang Cheng was scowling and glaring at him.

Wei WuXian was holding Jiang Yanli's left hand and Jiang Cheng was holding her other hand as they walked through the training grounds. Wei kept on looking around to see if there are any dogs but to his relief there was none. Lunch and dinner was super delicious and spicy too. Wei WuXian felt like it was love at first taste. He was in love with the spicy dishes of Yunmeng that he hardly noticed the glares from Jiang Cheng during meals.

Jiang Fengmian told Wei WuXian that he was just like both his parents, that they also loved spicy food. Wei WuXian heard a few more stories about them from Jiang Fengmian. All the while Jiang Cheng only spoke with him a few times and also sounded very angry. At night Jiang Fengmian told Wei WuXian to sleep in his Shidi, Jiang Cheng's room.

Wei WuXian was waiting outside Jiang Cheng's room asking him to let him in. He knocked on the doors many times as he called out.

"Shidi Shidi let me in. I want to sleep."

"Who is your Shidi? Go away.
I am so furious. Why did they send all my puppies away.
Just because you are afraid of dogs?
Is this okay?
These are my dogs.
All mine.
Why did you come here?."


Wei WuXian whined. He called Jiang Cheng so many times but he did not open the door for him. Jiang Cheng yelled from inside his room.

"Go away. If I see you again I'll let a group of dogs bite you. "

Jiang opened the door and threw out Wei WuXian's bedsheets and coverings. Wei WuXian was terrified of the dogs coming after him so he ran as fast as he can. He yelled back at Jiang Cheng.

" I'll go I'll go don't send dogs. "

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