Take 2, Times 2? Book 1

By monasabay0010

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What if you could go back in time to your younger self? What would you do? How would you act? Would you chang... More

Part One?
Part Two?
Part 3 Maybe
Part 4 What the...?
Part 5 Some Answers
Part 6 Where we are
Part 7 The talk
Part 8
Part 9 The beginning of the end
part 10 The work is done
Part 12 I just wanted clothes and food
Part 13 I got FOOD
Part 14 Nightmare to FUN
Part 15 And now it begins
Part 16 Trader?
Part 17 the end of the beginning

Part 11 Some of the truth

176 6 3
By monasabay0010

Max's POV

I was somewhere soft and warm as I started to wake up. I could hear sounds coming from everywhere around me. People were talking all around me. People I sorta recognized. People I had just met.

"Have you told the kid yet?" That was Bull.

"No" That was dad.

"Why not? He should know what he's in for." That was Wolf.

"No. Not yet." Dad again.

"Listen Jack, he's a good kid. He's smart and you know he will remember everything anyway. Why don't you just tell him? I think he would like the heads up." That was Bear.

"Not yet. I'll tell him tomorrow night, after the party. He needs a day to relax. And this would stress him out. So not yet." Jack insisted.

"Panther, what do you say?" That was dog.

"Honestly, I think he can handle it. I mean it's really no big deal, is it? So he gets a little sick after he jumps. What was it for you Jack 2 days? Maybe he'll be different because he's so young. Tell him or don't, it's your call, Jack. You're his dad, but I would have him let you know somehow when he does go back. I'm sure you have already thought about that." Panther reasoned.

"Yes. As long as he can say two words to me, I think I'll understand what's going on. Then I can deal with anything that happens." Jack stated.

"What two words, Jack?" That was Wolf again.

"Isn't it obvious? 'Time travel'."

And that's when I had to fart. Just a little SBD (silent but deadly.) There was a lull in the conversation, but I could hear people sniffing.

"Panther did you just cut the cheese? You could have warned us. God, man, what have you been eating?"

"It wasn't me this time."

"Check the cub's diaper. See if I need to change him again."

Diaper? Bear changed me? How long have I been out for? And Whose lap am I on now? I felt air on my backside but just for a moment. "No, he's clean, but I'm still going to blame him, because I know it wasn't me this time."

So, I was with Panther. I knew this fur was different. Then I felt what could only be panther's paw pet my head and back. I could feel the fur going down my back. And that could only mean... I had no clothes on. An arm wrapped around me completely covering me up.

"When he's curled up on my lap like this he's more like my kitten, not your cub."

And that's when I moved the wrong way and let out a giant fart. I couldn't help it. I started to laugh silently, but my whole body was shaking. Panther knew I was awake by that point. The whole room was laughing as Panther just kept petting me.

Then Bear said, "You may want to recheck his diaper. I think your kitten just left you a mess." And everyone laughed harder.

"When my little kitten decides to get up, he will tell me if he needs a change." Panther wrapped me tighter in his arm and just kept petting me, however, he did look down at me as I opened one of my eyes and looked at him. But he played it off and the conversation continued. It became a boring conversation about stuff that didn't interest me. At some point in time somebody got up and handed something to panther. I opened my eye to see what it was.

It was a glass of water. I instantly started to get thirsty. I licked my lips as I stared at the glass. Panther saw so I pointed at my mouth barely being able to move, but I managed. He got the hint and asked someone to get me something as well. A bottle of pink stuff came into my view moments later. Panther sat his glass down and took the bottle. He gave me a sign to close my eyes and I did. He moved me in to a better position so that I could drink from the bottle. My head was on his bicep, and my ankles were on his wrist. If I was dressed up like a cat I would have looked just like a kitten in his arm. He put the bottle up to my lips and I started to drink.

The only problem was, the second the cold pink stuff, strawberry milk, hit my stomach I had to pee really really badly. My eyes popped open, and I started to panic. Panther saw what was happening because he was looking at me still. All he did was smile and quietly, so no one else could hear, said "It's ok. Go ahead and do what you need to do." And then he just looked at the other people in the room like he didn't know exactly what I was doing.

Now, I have never intentionally wet a diaper in my life. I didn't even know if I could. However, the pressure was building fast. I didn't think there would be time for me to get down and get to the bathroom before... and it started to come out. I had my hands wrapped around the bottle so tight, I thought I would break it. My eyes were shut, and I felt tears running down my cheeks. Then a non-furry hand brushed them away. Panther said, so quietly that only I could hear "It's ok kitten. I got you. You're safe with me." Those few words helped a lot. I was able to relax enough to finish what I had to do and drink the bottle. It felt weird, odd, something, lying there in panther's arm. I was fully awake, and with something wet between my legs. The fur was comfortable, I liked that a lot. The warmth was nice, I could have stayed there forever. But the wetness between my legs was a definite no-go. That was definitely uncomfortable. Now I know why infants cry and toddlers waddle so much when they're wet. They didn't want this feeling to last too long. Neither did I.

I was done with the bottle and I really wanted to get changed. So, because I was still in my right mind, I reached up and grabbed Panther's fur and meowed at him. I thought I did it quietly enough that the others wouldn't hear. And then when he looked down at me I pointed at my diaper with a pleading look in my eyes. He knew what I needed. He got up and took me to my room.

Behind us someone said, "Now that was cute. Did he just meow at Panther? O my god, I wish I got that on camera. That was priceless."


Panther laid me on the bed and was about to start changing me when I stopped him. "Panther, I need a shower, but thank you for all that you have done. I really do appreciate it."

"Not a problem, Max, but before you go any further there's something you need to know. And you might want to have this when I tell you." He handed me a stuffed little black panther kitten that was sitting on the dresser. His tone of voice is what got me interested in what he had to say. I sat up on the bed and put the kitten in my lap, mainly to hide the wet diaper, but still, it was cute and soft and fluffy. If I wasn't wearing what I was, I would be cuddling with it right now instead.

I quickly looked at the dresser and saw that there was a stuffed animal for each of them. My black bear, a husky, a wolf, even a small stuffed bull was there. I really looked at the panther in my hands. I turned it over and over in my hands. Then it hit me, there was no tag on it. I looked closer, and it looked homemade not bought from a store. I kept staring at it and asked Panther, "How old is this kitten?"

Panther had not said a word as I was inspecting the cat, but now he let out a huff. "We were wondering when you would find that out."

I looked up at him and said, "What? That they're homemade? There's no tag. There's no place where there was a tag. Not on this or the bear. The stuffing is older too. It is soft but firm at the same time. Like what I had as a little kid. I'm willing to guess they're all that way, but you didn't answer my question. How old are these?"

Panther rubbed his mouth and jaw then said, "They are about 16 years old. Your dad had them made for us with the understanding that we would be giving them to you someday."

"So, my dad planned this all out? He planned out my whole life? He..."

"Max, it's not like that."

I put up my hand to stop him from talking. It worked. I had to think. My dad had these made before I was born. They were meant for me. Was he trying to control my life? Was he planning to send me back the whole time?

"Max, it's not like that." Like what? Was I just his puppet? Did he ever even love me? Or was I just another person that he could test this on? See if it's different for me because I'm younger? 'Not like that.' And why are Panther's words playing in my head? The conversation in the living room when they thought I was still asleep, what were they saying? Dad got sick? For how long? 2 days. He wanted to make sure he would know when I went back. He was hoping I wouldn't get sick. And he didn't want to tell me yet, because he wanted me to be happy instead of all stressed out. He cares about how I feel about things. He's not trying to run my life. He has let me get away with way too much for that to be true, even the bus accident. He protected me from that and other things as well.

I looked at Panther. "What's your roll in all of this?" Panther looked what, scared? Scared of me? Scared of what I might do or say? NO. He was scared for me. He was worried about my safety. My mental well-being. Bear knew I was a Little before we met. They all did. But how? They all call him Boss not Mr. or Sir. They all know him. They're all friends somehow. And the only way that they would be this friendly and know so much about me is if they were...

"We have been your bodyguards since before you were born." Panther hung his head but kept talking. "You were the one that gave us our nicknames. I was always the quiet one in the background. And one day you said that I was 'as quiet as a cat and as quick as a panther.' That was the day you fell out of the tree in your backyard. You were about 5 at the time. So, I'm not surprised you don't remember. Each one of us has either saved your life, or at least, saved you from breaking a bone or two. Like I said before, You're safe with us. And yes, we have all changed your butt a time or 10. So it's no big deal to us now. You're just a little bit bigger so it's actually easier for us with our big paws which was another saying of yours." Panther lifted up his hands and flexed his fingers. He smiled at me showing me his hands. "I guess to a little kid they would look a little like paws." I smiled back at him and laughed with him.

I had not even noticed that I was hugging the kitten until Panther pointed at it. "Those, your dad got us before you were born. He told us that someday his son would be wanting them. And that's all we knew about them at the time. He also got us these costumes to wear. 'To match our nicknames' he said, but I'm sure it was just to make you more comfortable around us. I mean, we can look pretty scary at the best of times." He chuckled, and I joined him.

I was still confused about something, so I asked him about it. "Why haven't I seen you guys around then? I mean, if Dad didn't want me to be scared of you and you were my bodyguards, I could have had you guys as friends." Friends, something I have never really had. My eyes started to water and I didn't even know they did.

"You hit the nail right on the head there, kiddo. Your dad, and us too, well, we thought we would scare all your friends away. Your dad wanted you to have as normal of a life as you could have. We did as well, so we stayed in the background. We kept an eye on you, and helped where we could, but your everyday stuff...we let you live your life. Your dad loves you, kid. He's doing his best. Not even the mighty Jack can plan for everything."

I guessed story time was over when Panther pointed down at me and finally said. "But now, either I clean you up and change your tail or it's time for you to go take that shower you wanted."

And I turned 50 shades of red in an instant, but I still had to say something before I took my shower. I got up and Panther backed away giving me my space. I barely came past his waist so I looked up and up until I could see his face. "Next time will be different. I will make sure that all you guys stay in my life. If that's ok with you?" Then I hugged him the best that I could. He picked me up like I weighed nothing and we had a real hug.

Both of us had tears in our eyes by the time it was done. He sat me back on my feet and pointed me towards the bathroom. He then swatted my butt to get me moving. Just like you would a toddler, with a "Go on, shower's that way."

I looked at him and rubbed my butt with both hands and said, "I'm going to tell my daddy on you." We both smiled and I finally went to the bathroom to get my much needed shower.


Panther walked back out to the living room after he made sure his face was dry. It wasn't needed because everyone out there had tear stained cheeks. "So he knows." Jack said.

"Yeah, well he knows more than he did before, but you all heard and saw what happened. I told you, he's a smart kid. And I think he can handle everything."

"Even us spying on him?" Bear asked.

"If we tell him the truth about everything and why...then yes. Even that."

"You heard him" Wolf said. "He wants us in his life. And now that he knows us better, well, he knows Bear and Panther better at least. And he will remember all of us when he goes back. Things that we haven't even done."

"Yeah, and hopefully won't have to do again" Husky said. "That kid scared me half to death one time. I thought for sure he was going to be a stain on the concrete. I mean...jumping out in front of a car that way."

"I still think someone pushed him that time." Bear said.

"We'll ask him after he goes back." Jack said. "So, are we all up for the truth and the end of the world party tomorrow?" Everyone nodded their heads or said "Yeah."


I finished my shower in record time, only about 15 minutes. Don't judge, I think better in the shower. I got out and grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around me and went to the bedroom. I went to the dresser to find something to wear. As I was looking, something on the dresser caught my eye. The light off of one of the stuffed animals looked a little odd to me. It was the blue eyes of the husky. I didn't bother to look too hard, after what Panther said, I had my guesses what it could be. If my dad had them made and my bodyguards gave them to me, well, I could understand. I just wished they would have told me. Then I wouldn't be doing what I was about to do.

I made sure the Panther could see what I was doing. I was hoping that each one could only be used by the person that gave it to me. I took each one and turned them so they were staring at the wall. Then I went and grabbed the panther form the bed. Next, I got on the floor by the bed. If anyone came in the room they couldn't see me. Then I stared at the panther. I put my finger over my lips telling the panther to be quiet. Then loud enough for the stuffed animals to hear I said. "Who are you? What are you doing in my room?"

No joke, within a second, Bear, Wolf, Husky, and Bull all come bursting into my room ready to kill someone. I had the panther looking over the bed so he could see everything that happened. I peeked my head up to see what was happening as well. Dog ran to the bathroom. Bear ran to me, picked me up and took me out of the room. Bull checked the rest of the room. And Wolf just stood there staring at my stuffed animals. I had one arm holding my panther, and the other one holding my towel down.

As Bear and I made it to the front door I could see both Panther and my dad laughing. Sam had no clue what was going on. My dad stood up and said, "Teddy Bear" in a firm voice.

Bear instantly stopped and turned to my dad. "Yes sir" was all that Bear said, but in a voice I had never heard before. And that I hope to never hear again. It really scared me.

"You can put my son down now. It's all clear."

Bear looked to my bedroom door to see Wolf with my stuffed animals. Bull and Dog were right behind him. Bear put me down.

I straightened my towel then walked over to Panther. I handed him my kitty. I went to Wolf and took all but the wolf from him. I gave the husky to dog, and the bear to Bear. They all started to take their seats which left me standing. I had nowhere to sit, so I turned and looked at them all.

"Is there something that you want to tell me?" I asked. All of them including Panther looked down at the stuffed animals in their hands. Dad looked amused and Sam looked shocked, still. "By the looks on your faces I'm guessing that Panther and those stuffed animals told you what he and I talked about? I'm also guessing that you saw our conversation as well. So, I'm going to make this easy for everyone here. One of these days I will remember all of your names I promise. But for now, Bear, is there anything you want to give me?"

"Ok, Cub, I have a gift for you. It will help me protect you. It lets me see and hear what's going on around you. It is not meant to spy on you, just what's around you. Would you please accept this gift so I can better protect you?"

I went to Bear and gave him a hug and said "Yes I will. Thanks for protecting me."

It was basically the same for all of them. They told me what it was and that it was to help protect me. I hugged all of them. Each one called me by a nickname: Cub, Kitten, Pup, Calf, and Little Wolf. By the end Sam understood what my animals could do. She was sitting by dad. I looked at dad last. "Dad what about you?" The smile on his face disappeared quickly. I couldn't be mean to my own dad. "If you're wondering where my bag is, It's under the bathroom sink. In the garbage."

That's when Sam piped up and said "Nope, it's under my bed. I'll go get it." And she ran off. She came back 30 seconds later with my bag and handed it to our dad.

Dad looked through the bag and pulled out my old teddy bear, the one that I have had for years. "Max, this is just a teddy bear, but it is to help you. It's not to see what's around you or to hear what's around you. It is only for your comfort, but he has one extra little thing inside him. If he ever got lost, I could find him within 2 feet. At all times. Even up here. And with my contacts in, he glows."

My jaw dropped at that. I looked around and yes, everyone was as shocked as I was. "Um dad, can I have a pair of those too? I want to see my bear glow." Everyone started to bust up laughing. They were shocked about the GPS system. I just wanted to see my bear glow.

So, with all that out of the way and the truth coming out, we all had a long night. At some point in time, I had gotten dressed. And after about 2 hours of stories, I had gotten tired and started to yawn. At the 3-hour mark Sam went to bed. Somewhere around 3 and 1/2 hours I started to fall asleep. Dad and the guys took pity on me and let me stay up with them. I ended up between Wolf and Dog. They were, for the most part, holding me upright in place.

Panther came over to us and said, "If you get some protection on, I will get a bottle of something warm for you."

I put up my arms so he could pick me up. I was just too tired to get up on my own, but I wanted to hear what was going on.

He took me in to the bedroom and tried to put me under the covers. "Nooo, I want to go back out and hear the stories. Pleeease." He set me on the covers instead. "Can you put your protection on or do I?"

I went spread eagle and said "Meow"

"I take that as I'm doing it." Panther responded.

"Meow" came from me again and I nodded my head. He went back to the living room and grabbed my diaper bag. With it in hand he came back. I had almost fallen asleep, but he set the bag on the bed. I was too tired to be embarrassed as he got me changed. What was a little shocking was when he picked me up leaving my pajamas behind. "Kitty, my pj's"

He chuckled "Kitten, you're safe with us." He just kept walking. He sat down with me in his arms. He set me up like he did before, and a bottle ended up in his hand. I just lay there as he put it up to my lips. I started to suck on it and the most delicious taste went into my mouth and down my throat. It had to be only a couple of seconds later that I finally fell asleep for the day.

To Be Continued

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