His Little Rosa✔

By Davina_K_Cruz

875K 20.9K 2.6K

A SHORT STORY! Six-year-old Roseanne, abused mentally and physically by her mother and stepfather. Her life i... More

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56.1K 1.3K 29
By Davina_K_Cruz

"Hey wake up, Roseanne darling!" Ryker's voice reached Roseanne's ears, resulting in her mumbling some incoherent words as she slowly lifted her heavy lids open.

Ryker almost cooed, watching her stretch in a similar way of kitten. She rubbed her eyes gently with the back of her fists to wipe the drowsiness in them.

"Good morning Sirs..." She mumbled in a hushed tone when she could finally look at him clearly.

"Aww. Sir sounds too much formal and I am your uncle, little one." Ryker chuckled and pulled her blanket away.

"Where daddy is?" Roseanne asked and glanced around the room with her innocent yet confused gaze.

"What are you doing here?" The said person's deep voice boomed in the room and the duo turned to look at him, he just came out of the closet, freshly showered and dressed up for the day.

"Boss. I was here to wake this little one up for breakfast as you know we are going out for a ride." Ryker told him and gave Roseanne a warm smile at end of his sentence.

Alexandros nodded in response and walked outside of the room.

"Roseanne.... Do you need help in bathing or something? We can arrange any lady member to help in such case." Ryker asked Roseanne and in return, met by her small shake of head.

"Great. So little one, get your pretty little butt out of bed."


Dressed in one of her father's big shirt, Roseanne made her way downstairs with Ryker. The shirt was too big for her tiny frame and she was literally floating in it. Ryker had informed her that they were going to shop for her basic necessities after their drive around the town. Though, he filled her up with the another fact prior that she was not going to come with them, much to her displeasure.

Zeus greeted her in kitchen. It seemed like he had just done finishing his food.

"Good morning, little babe."

"Good morning, Uncle." The little girl answered cheerfully. She decided to call Zeus 'Uncle' too just like Ryker.

Roseanne finally turned to glance in her father's direction and it did not take long for it to become the look of longing. Her father was already aware of her stare. He was waiting for her to speak first, although he wanted that the thought of talking to her would annoy him further, he was left astonished when he did not feel such emotion.

"Daddy." Roseanne called in a hushed tone. Alexandros raised his brow but continued to sip his coffee.

"I wanna go on bike ride."
"With you!" Truth was, she did not want to be away from him. She was afraid that she will lose him again. The thought simply terrified her.

"No." He replied calmly and pulled his phone out.

"But please daddy. I be a good girl." She requested sweetly, almost wanting to whine but she did not want to be a bad girl in front of him.

In spite of those sweet requests, he ignored her. As a result, he did not take her with him.

Roseanne was visibly sad, tears were prickling the corner of her eyes but she held them in, because she wanted to prove to her father that she was really a good girl. Hence, she found herself waving 'bye' to him and wishing him a safe ride but not before telling him to come home soon.

Alexandros pretended like he did not hear.

She was left alone in the clubhouse under the eye of two lady members- Dawn and Fawn. Both were twins and stern in nature.

Roseanne just acted to fall asleep on the couch while watching Tv and they finally left her alone.

*********************** Three Hours later

"When daddy coming back?" The little girl huffed. She was tired, pretending to be asleep. Not to mention she was completely bored.

Suddenly an idea popped in her mind. Why do not she use her time exploring and knowing her home better?

So she did. Only place left was the bar that was downstairs. Ryker had strictly warned her earlier that she should not step in there without him, Zeus and her father.

The six year old was curious, alright?

She just wanted to take a peek, nothing else. Therefore, after deciding, she went downstairs. Beside the large hall with few couches and huge unknown boxes settled here and there, there was a huge white door at the left

Roseanne flinched when the ear-splitting, booming music filled with loud, obnoxious laughter and yelling rang in her ears. The hair on her neck stood up in alert and a shiver chilled her spine.

Just as she made up her mind to dash back in the same way she came from, a loud yell sounded behind her back.

"Ayo Kid! The fuck are ya doin' here?"

Roseanne let out a small yelp of surprise and without thinking or looking back, sprinted inside the bar.

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