ᴇɴᴇᴍʏ ⇒ sniper mask

By ghost-cookies

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Left to your own devices in a frightening new world, the line between survival and desire becomes dangerously... More



3K 97 38
By ghost-cookies

The wall was cold against your back.

"What's going on?" Kuon asked from behind you and Sniper Mask. He turned to shush her, then peered his head out the corner.

"I'm Sachio Tanabe," the old man's voice echoed down the hall. You listened carefully as he began to explain his situation to Yuri and Mayuko. Then he said something that caught your attention—something that made you and Kuon look to each other in horror. "I must kill any God Candidates!"

"Get back," Sniper Mask's breath hitched. He still had his hand on your shoulder and was pushing you further away from the corner.

"What is he talking about?" You narrowed your eyes as a feeling of dread washed over you. No, you weren't just going to get back. This situation was far too dangerous for you to just sit and watch your friends get themselves into. Granted, they weren't god candidates like you and Kuon, but that old guy with the spear seemed pretty unpredictable. If for some reason he thought Yuri and Mayuko were god candidates...

"This place isn't safe. We should get out of here." Sniper Mask sent you a glare. Or, at least, that's what you assumed he did under the mask.

"What? No!" The hands at your sides turned to fists. "I finally found my friends! Alive! I can't leave now, they might—"

A splitting noise interrupted you. Like metal slicing metal, something you were worried meant a fight was about to happen. But when you listened again, that tight feeling in your chest began to disappear.

"I'd think twice if you were planning on deceiving us," Mayuko's voice said sternly. You sighed in relief. She could totally handle this—especially with Yuri by her side. You couldn't believe you underestimated them.

"That was a superhuman technique!" The old man shouted. "You're not one of those masks, are you?"

A superhuman technique...? What could Mayuko have done? You needed to get a closer look.

Shoving Sniper Mask aside, you brought your head around the corner. You had already missed what sounded to be an important part of the conversation.

"And what about that black-haired girl?" The old man asked. "Is she able to manipulate masks?"

Your eyes lit up. That's right—some god candidates could control masks. It was an ability you had yet to unlock, but it made you think about what kinds of powers your new friend Kuon held. Maybe she could control masks. All you knew so far was that she could avoid their attacks, just like you.

"I don't want to deceive you..." the old man suddenly dropped to his knees. He began to tell a story about how he and a few other allies were attacked by a god candidate and a little girl in a mask. You weren't sure—you were half paying attention. But he sounded very distraught over it. Apparently, he was following this guy's orders to kill any other god candidates in his path.

So... Yeah, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to intervene.

"Do you have a death wish?" Sniper Mask tore you away from the corner, scoffing down at you with a cigarette dangling still from his mask. You had almost forgotten how tall he was.

"Weren't you the one who wanted to talk to Yuri?" You rolled your eyes and peered out from behind the wall again. "Look—there she is."

Sure enough, Yuri came stepping headfirst out into hall, her cell phone at her ear and her hand on her hip. Her back was facing you, thank god. Who knows what Yuri would have done if she saw you allied with Sniper Mask—the very man that tried to shoot you dead just a few days ago?

She'd be on him with her handgun in an instant. You smiled at the thought. Not at Sniper Mask being shot, but at the fact that Yuri was a pretty reliable friend.

"Yeah—Rika?" She spoke into the phone, her eyes narrowed in concern. Was she talking to her brother? "I have all sorts of new intel."

"It looks like they're done here," Sniper Mask's cool voice came from behind you. "Come on, (Y/N). She might find us if we stick around."

You didn't want to leave her alone, but Sniper Mask was right. You had no choice. You'd be killed on the spot if that old man found out you were a god candidate, and as much as you wanted to reunite with your old allies, you'd be putting everyone in danger if you made yourself known. If anything, you were just relieved they were safe and unharmed.

You watched Yuri on the phone for another moment, then disappeared with your friends down the corridor.

"I still don't get what just happened," Kuon kept her eyes on the floor as she walked. She let out a heavy sigh.

"I guess there's more god candidates trying to use their powers for evil," you said. You surmised as much. It wouldn't have been long before the wrong person got their hands on the wrong mask.

"But why?" Kuon looked up at you with glassy eyes. "We have all these superhuman abilities now—can't we try and save everyone instead?"

You veered your head, not entirely sure how to answer her. Not everyone was going to look at the situation the same way. The whole point of a god candidate was to get to the top by whatever means possible, so it wasn't surprising you and Kuon were two of the few people actually trying to do something about this world. There were bound to be people who thought differently.

"I don't know, Kuon," you told her. "It sounds like a perspective thing. All we can do is keep trying."

Another sigh came from the bright-haired girl. You felt bad for not having the answer, but you knew next to nothing when it came to this stuff. This entire world was a marvel. Hopefully, the more time you spent here would eventually lead to a solution. Maybe a way home, back to the way things were before.

"We'll follow them," Sniper Mask said as he held the door of the building open for you and Kuon. "They must be going to fight that god candidate the old man was talking about."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" You frowned at him. "I mean, you heard that story he was telling. All his friends killed by one single mask?"

"Oh, I didn't say we intervene," he waved you off and turned to light another cigarette. "We'll just watch what goes down. Then, if your friends turn out okay, I'll split up with you two."

"What?" Kuon's face fell, even though she was told the same thing earlier on the staircase.

You ignored her and narrowed your eyes at Sniper Mask. "And if they don't turn out okay?"

"By all means, go on and help them," he told you, meeting your gaze with the dark eyes of his mask. "But I'd advise against it. Who knows if your powers will work against a mask controlled by someone else?"

Scoffing, you swallowed whatever comeback you were fabricating in the back of your head. He was right. Whoever this little mask girl was, she was strong enough to take on an entire team in mere seconds. How could you possibly face someone like that?

"Mr. Mask, are you really going to leave us?" Kuon followed Sniper Mask as he rounded the corner and took a seat on the concrete.

"Can either of you manipulate masks?" He brushed her off for a second time, taking long drag from his cigarette. "You're god candidates. Is that how it works?"

Kuon flushed. "I'm sorry, I don't know a lot about my abilities yet."

He turned his attention over to you. "Oh," you said suddenly, taking a moment to realize. "No, I don't have that power."

"Then it's pointless for us to keep operating as a unit," he explained, but before he could finish the thought, Kuon let out a worried noise.

You watched her as she planted herself at his side, a determined look on her face. "One, two, three!" She shouted, then motioned her hand for him to get up a follow her.

Sniper Mask turned to the view in front of him as if nothing had happened. Whatever it was she tried to do, it didn't work. You felt a bit of secondhand embarrassment.

"So why aren't we following everyone?" You tried to change the subject, sitting yourself opposite of Sniper Mask. "Wasn't that your plan?"

He was forced to look at you now. "We know where they're headed. There's no need to rush."

"I'm a little worried about them," you said sheepishly, lowering your gaze to the ground. "I mean, I'm happy they're alive and all, but they're only getting themselves into more danger."

"Like I said, (Y/N)," Sniper Mask stood up and dropped his finished cigarette, stubbing it out with his heel. "I wouldn't intervene."

You sighed. It wasn't long before the three of you started walking again.

"So what was that blood splatter you found when you lost your friends?" Kuon asked to break the silence. She held tight onto the rope of the bridge you were walking across.

"Oh, I don't know," you answered her. "I'm guessing a mask showed up and they had to run."

You couldn't blame them if that had really happened. You didn't want Yuri and Mayuko to risk their lives by sticking around just for you to finish a phone call.

"You don't have their numbers?" Sniper Mask's voice came from behind you, something dark and judgmental seamed underneath it.

"No," you told him, annoyed. "I forgot to ask. I didn't think we'd get separated."

He didn't answer, but you could probably guess what he was thinking. Why did have to act like he was mad all the time? What was bothering him? Sure, he had none of his memories and was commanded to kill all these innocent people, but was it too much to ask a masked murderer for a little kindness? Part of you was actually glad you were about to split up. Then you wouldn't have to deal with his downer attitude anymore.

"Wait—guys, come check this out," Kuon said as you approached another rooftop. She went on ahead, all the way to the edge, and pointed to a nextdoor building. "It's them!"

Sure enough, when you followed her eyes, you noticed a large group of people gathered below you. On one side was Yuri, Mayuko, and the old man from before. But what you didn't recognize were the two people standing across from them. One was a man with bangs and white rimmed glasses, and the other was a short girl in a frilly dress. On her face was a mask, and in her hand a katana.

She was the mask who killed all those people?

"I take it that doctor guy is the one controlling her," Sniper Mask commented, suddenly appearing at your side. "She's not much younger than Kuon, is she?"

You sighed, eyes glued to the scene. You were half paying attention. Yuri and Mayuko could seriously get themselves hurt, and here you were, standing back and letting it happen? They were up against a god candidate and a mask. The whole fight felt a little unfair.

Sniper Mask turned to face you. "(Y/N)—"

"I know, I know. I won't interfere," you spun around, crossing your arms and leaning against the concrete railing. "I just hope I'm right about them being strong enough to fight these two."

"This looks dangerous..." Kuon watched the scene unfold with an anxious look on her face. "Can't you do something, Mr. Mask?"

Sniper Mask was sitting on the floor now, his rifle propped up beside him. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out from somewhere behind his suit jacket. "You don't get it, Kuon," he said plainly. "We'd just be drawing attention to ourselves. You two aren't as safe as you think anymore."

Still, you watched your friends down below, a disheartened pain in your chest. He was right, no matter how much you didn't want to admit it. All you could do at the moment was spectate.

Suddenly, something in their conversation caught your attention.

"This girl is a god candidate, too!" The old man from earlier shouted, pointing to Yuri. Then he turned to Mayuko. "And this one has the abilities of a mask!"

Was he being serious? You furrowed your brows, finding it difficult to understand what everyone was talking about. As far as you knew, Yuri wasn't a god candidate, unless somehow in the short time you were apart she managed to find one of those mouthless masks. Maybe she just had incredible luck. But the thing that really worried you was what he said about Mayuko—the abilities of a mask? How was that possible? You hoped the old man was just lying to intimidate that other god candidate. There was only one way Mayuko could actually have the abilities of a mask.

"(Y/N), you better take a look at this," Kuon's voice brought you back to reality, and immediately you returned your gaze to the fight.

The mask in the dress jumped suddenly into the air. She pulled her katana out of its sheath, and in the blink of an eye, came crashing down onto Yuri and Mayuko. You flinched, preparing for the worst. She really was as stealthy as that old man described. However, before she could even get her feet back on the ground, Mayuko grabbed her dagger and took a firm stance in front of Yuri.

The katana came clashing down onto the knife, a loud metallic sound filling the air. The mask retreated, then just as quickly went for Mayuko again. Mayuko blocked her with the dagger for the second time.

You parted your lips, half in confusion and half in awe. That katana was more than half the size of her dagger. You knew Mayuko was resistant and all, but this just seemed impossible.

"How is she doing that...?" You thought aloud, narrowing your eyes as the fight continued below.

"It's almost like she's a mask, too," Kuon said. "But she's not wearing one, and she's certainly not acting like one."

"You can take the mask off," Sniper Mask cut in with a sharp voice. Your eyes immediately fell to him, the cigarette between his fingers, the faraway look behind his mask. You remembered your fight with him earlier and felt a little embarrassed. He deserved his privacy, even if he was a mass murderer that once tried to put a bullet through your skull. But that was behind you now, right?

Still, it was tempting. What did he look like underneath that mask? Was he attractive? It was a thought that kept creeping into the back of your mind. If you weren't in this situation, and he was just an average guy, maybe you'd try to make a move. Though you didn't have much luck with those sort of things.

"So, what?" You finally answered him. "If Mayuko was a mask, she'd be attacking Yuri and the old man right now, right?"

"Not necessarily," he took a slow drag of his cigarette. "Didn't they say something about Yuri being a god candidate? Maybe she's immune, like you."

Hmm. No, something about this was off. If Yuri had the powers of a god candidate, she'd probably be involved in the fight by now. And then there was that weird thing going on with Mayuko. Maybe you'd get some answers if you just paid attention.

When you brought your focus back to Mayuko and the mask, your face fell. Tanabe—the old man—was lying dead on the ground with a stab wound in his chest. It happened in a flash. Another mask appeared on the roof, a bow and arrow in hand, and almost instantly the doctor guy let out a fit of laughter. "You thought she was the only mask I could control?"

The moment ended when Yuri lifted her handgun and shot the other mask out of the air.

"We need to do something!" Kuon said suddenly, turning to lock her frantic eyes with yours. "One of your friends could get hurt!"

"It's not like we have a choice, Kuon," you sighed while watching the battle with a saddened look.

When she didn't answer, you spun back around. Kuon was on her phone now, scrolling through some of the pictures she took earlier today, then all of a sudden she raised it into the air.

"What are you doing?" You furrowed your brows, taking a cautious step toward her.

Sniper Mask noticed what was happening and stood up by your side. "Hold on a second! Don't do anything reckless—!"

"I've got a gun, just like you, Mr. Mask!" A broad smile made its way onto Kuon's face, her eyes sparkling as she shot her phone back into the air.

Almost instantly, a weird-looking building in the distance beamed to life. You had noticed it earlier but decided not to ask. Was Kuon somehow controlling this structure?

Then, as if on cue, something shot out of the building and hit another skyscraper nearby. It collapsed as a loud rumble began to rip through the air.

A railgun. That's what it was.

"How did you...?" Speechless, you followed Kuon as she rushed back to watch the fight carry on. You could barely comprehend what had just happened.

Was this some type of god candidate power? If so, how did Kuon know how to use it? Was it something you had, too?

Questions were racing through your mind at a million miles per hour. Determinedly, you shook your head and brought your attention back to Yuri and Mayuko. They seemed to be intimidating the doctor guy now, as if somehow, Yuri was the one who set off the railgun. So this was Kuon's plan?

When it was all said and done, the god candidate surrendered out of desperation. He was so afraid of Yuri he even agreed to treat Mr. Tanabe, who miraculously, was still alive. You wiped your brow and let out a heavy sigh of relief. Your friends were safe.

"It worked!" Kuon was still grinning when she turned to you and Sniper Mask. "They stopped fighting!"

"What the hell did you just do?" You ignored her, an expression on your face mixed with gratitude and turmoil. Whatever she did, it ended the battle, but it also raised some more questions about Kuon and her abilities.

"You shot that railgun, didn't you?" Sniper Mask took the cigarette out of his mouth. "You have the power to do that?"

"Yes, I think I remembered something," Kuon lowered her gaze timidly. "I finally did something useful."

She must have been in the same situation as Sniper Mask, her memory a haze because of the command. Thankfully, you didn't have that issue when you put on the mask. If that were the case, you might never have contacted your sister.

After all this, you deserved a break. You knew Yuri and Mayuko could handle themselves, so for the time being, you figured you should stick with your new allies.

"This was rough," Sniper Mask said after a moment, swinging his rifle back over his shoulder. He seemed to have read your mind. "Forget about splitting up for now, I'm sure you guys are hungry. Why don't we go find something to eat?"

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