More than just cake - Lawliet...

By MiMi_Margot

15.2K 552 1.7K

'Lawliet.' she exhaled softly. The word tasted of chocolate and vanilla and stars and high skies and darkness... More

Strawberry cheescake
Koala cookies
Pasta ai Funghi
Evening tea
Fruit Cake
Cotton Candy
A Piece of Cake
Whisky Soda
Green Tea
Alea iacta est
North Star


390 12 36
By MiMi_Margot

Thanks for commenting! Encouraging comments are the best drug for a writer, I can assure you. So, I found the time to update today - just for you guys. 

So, here we go - finally - some action and not talk only.

Let me know what you thought, loves.


October 30th, 2004 - Later that night.

Fay stood in the bathroom in her nightgown (a rather worn over sized T-shirt with a picture of a unicorn) brushing her teeth - when someone knocked on the door.

She had been crying, her cheeks were wet with tears, her eyes felt puffy , she knew she looked miserable, and she wanted nothing more than to not get the door. She wanted to get drunk and cry and die - but shambled to the door anyways.

"Who is it?" she asked through it.

Gods, she felt like shit! The combination of painkillers and white wine might not have been the smartest choice - but at least it had numbed the pain. Still, she wasn't prepared to meet anyone at the moment. If it was Matsu, she'd have to tell him to sod off. She still felt embarrassed about her comment about Narnia.

"It's me."

Her heart jumped.

The low, cool voice sent shivers through her spine, and her knees went weak. Instantly she was back at the closet, back in the small, dark space, surrounded by L's scent, and she felt high headed.

Quickly she wiped her tears and her runny nose, and stuffed the toothbrush into a vase on a nearby table, before opening the door.

"What do you want?" she asked.

He shifted his weight nervously from foot to foot, and stuffed his hands deep into his pockets. His silence spoke louder than words, and finally Fay had to look up, to meet his huge, dark eyes. To fall in them, once again.

"I'm sorry." he breathed. "I am sorry, that I --"

"Don't." Fay snapped. "If you came just to tell me you're sorry--"

"I didn't."

"Then why are you here?"

Her words were an accusation, and she threw them at his face with anger. But something in his eyes cut right through her heart, and suddenly Fay felt shattering like glass.

She knew why he had come.

She reached for his arm, her fingers grabbed on the fabric of his shirt, just like in the closet, like a million times before, but suddenly everything was unlike before, and she felt it in the beating of her heart, in the pulsing of her bloodstream, in her head that was high not only of the drugs but of him too, and she pulled him closer.

It was as if that had been the push he needed.

She had barely time to gasp - and his lips were on hers in a heartbeat.

He tasted of honey and milk, of tea and despair, and her mouth watered, her lips opened for him. A sweet, overcoming weakness washed over her, and she succumbed to his embrace.

L's hands were on her back, in her hair, the long, delicate fingers brushing through her curls. His lips found the corner of her mouth, his tongue tasted her lips, and wrapping her arms around his neck she felt how he shivered, how the lean muscles of his chest and shoulders went tight and hard under her touch.

The kiss was desperate and raw, it left them both breathless. He pushed her against the wall, and his hands were on her backside, finding the hem of her nightgown, pulling it up, and Fay thought she'd die, that she'd burst of this need that was like a volcano in her gut. His hands were trembling, and the sounds that escaped from his lips into her mouth, were the dry, throaty sounds of wanting and of wonder, and she knew - this was the first time he touched anyone like this. This was the first time for him, and it made her heart ache with love and fear and hope.

Christ, I hope I don't mess this up! I don't want to scare him away!

She felt his body tightening against her own, pinning her against the wall, and her hands found the hem of his shirt. She slid it up, and laid her fingers on his bare abdomen, on the silky skin over the lean muscle.

He gasped, feeling her touch, and froze still - and for a heartbeat Fay feared he would recoil, like in the closet, that he would run away again - but he didn't. Giving out a long, trembling sigh, he let her feel him, let her pull his shirt up and off altogether and reveal his naked upper body for her to touch.

She let her fingers glide on his skin, feeling the length of his arms, the hardness of his shoulders, the sharp bones under the smooth skin of his tense back. And all the time his mouth was on hers, sucking on her lower lip like it was candy, his tongue moving on it, in a way that sent waves of primitive need through Fay's core.

"Lawliet...!" she breathed into the kiss.

He froze, and his hands stopped on her waist. He pressed his forehead on hers.


Hearing her name, her real name, spoken with his low, husky voice, took her breath away. Her hands trembled as she let them find the waistband of his trousers, the buckle of his belt. He didn't resist when she opened the first buttons of his baggy jeans, and gently ran her fingers along the waist of his boxers, but a low sound escaped his lips into her mouth, a sound of pure wanting, and it took away all her doubts.

She took his hand, let their fingers entwine. His chest was heaving with fast breaths, his long fingers clenched on hers.

"Come." she whispered, took the lead, and he followed her through the dark apartment.


He followed her like a puppy through the empty rooms, and let her push him to the couch - and before he had time to rethink about what was happening, before he could get scared again, Fay climbed onto his lap and kissed him.

Her hands were trembling, as she ran her fingers through his thick, black hair. To be able to touch him like this--

Christ, if he goes now, I'll die!

But he didn't act like he was about to leave. His hands were eager on her skin, needing but delicate, feeling the softness of her curves, gripping on her skin - yet careful not to touch her left side, where the bandaged wound was.

Fay couldn't help the moan that left her lips, as his hands slid under her nightgown, and pulled her close, so close she could feel his heartbeat on her chest.

His tongue found hers, and she tasted him, drank him, got intoxicated by his taste of tea and vanilla. Her nightgown had to go - anxious to get closer to him, Fay ripped it off, threw the unwanted piece of clothing to the floor.

L made a surprised gasp, as he felt Fay's naked breasts on his chest, and suddenly he let go of her, as if he was scared - scared to touch her like this. He gulped - his sharp adam's apple moving against Fay's lips.

"Lawliet." she exhaled, and kissed his neck, the spot right under his ear. "It's alright."

He didn't answer, but inhaled sharply, and Fay felt how his tense muscles were trembling slightly.

But she also felt something hard inside of his jeans, something that pressed against her inner thigh and made her ache in the sweetest way. And when she shifted her weight on his lap, he bit his lip and groaned - a definite sound of pleasure.

Slowly, not to scare him, she slid her hands down his arms, all the way to his fingers, and grabbed them gently. Without a word she brought his hands to her chest, laid them on her breasts, and pressed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I want you to touch me." she breathed. "Please, touch me Lawliet."

"Fay, I--"

"Not that name. My real name..!"

"Felicity." His voice was nothing but a low breath, a growl, and it was the most arousing sound she'd ever heard.

His hands on her breasts were cool, her nipples ached, they felt rock hard against the soft skin of his palms, and she couldn't help but to bite her lip, in order to suppress her moan. Feeling his touch on her nipples sent sharp waves of pleasure through her core, like electric shocks. Her fingers clenched tight on his hair, his tongue entered her mouth, and it was almost more than she could take.

Slowly she slid her hands to the waist of his jeans again, and this time she finished opening them, pushed them down as much as she could, sitting in his lap. Her fingers brushed the front of his boxers, which were bulged with his large erection.

Heavens, it's so hard! I can't believe this is happening, I can't--

She eased her fingers into his underwear, and gripped him tight.

"Oh...!" he gasped, and broke the kiss. "Oh, Gods...!

His hands were still on her breasts, as if he didn't dare to move them now, fingers digging into the softness of her skin, so that it almost hurt. His head lolled back, and his eyes closed, he bit his lip, and groaned.

"Yeah." she exhaled. "I know."


Fay added some pressure, and began to move her hand on his length. She felt the hardness of his shaft, the slick head of it, and her mouth watered. She wanted to taste him, taste his cock on her tongue, so badly that her mouth watered. Would it taste salty and sour, or musky - or sweet, like everything else in him tasted?

She wanted to suck it like a popsicle, to get him all the way to her throat.

But the way he whimpered under her touch, told her it would have to wait. She would have to wait. This was his first time, and--

"Oh... oh!" he moaned, and shiver ran through his spine. "Oh, I--- please, Fay, please...!"

And she felt how he came. The pulsing of his shaft in the grip of her fingers, the warm seed that fell on her hand, his desperate grip on her breasts. She kissed him hard, and drank his groans of pleasure, until she felt it was over.

"It's alright." she said, and kissed him softly. "Everything's fine."

She used the same tone she had, when they had been kids and he had had trouble falling asleep.

"Yes." he breathed.

His eyes were huge, like saucers, and he was trembling. Slowly, carefully Fay slid her hand out of his boxers, and wiped it in his jeans.

"I love you." Fay said silently. "You know I do, right?"

"I know."

She waited a few seconds, to give him a chance to tell her that he loved her too, but nothing happened. Well, a girl can't have everything in one night, can she? The last thing she wanted to do was to put too much pressure on him now, so that he'd leave.

That would no doubt be enough to kill her.

L gulped, and blinked a few times. He looked so serious and so scared, that it would've been funny, if it hadn't been so heartbreaking.

"I'm sorry for what happened." he said then, silently.

Fay let out a small laugh.

"What are you sorry for? For leaving me into the closet? Or for letting me give you a handjob? If it's for the latter, I can tell, that your reaction was quite what I was hoping for."

"Oh. I was going to apologize for that."

"Just don't." Fay stated. "This was your first time, wasn't it?"

"Yes. You knew that."

"I did." she admitted. "So, don't be sorry."

"But you--" he paused. "--you probably want something more than... this."

"Oh, you bet I do." she couldn't suppress her smile. "You?"

A short silence, he shifted and looked up to her eyes. His hands moved to her waist, their touch on her burning skin cool and light as a feather.

And then, a smile. Wicked, and wild and sinful as Hell on his perfect lips - and Fay felt her heart jumping to her throat.

"I never liked to sleep, anyways." he said.


Soooo - what did you think? 

Fear not - this was a mere beginning. There is plenty more, where that came from. If you want to read it, leave a comment.

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