Broken Smile (IzukuXReader)

By breebree122311

201K 6K 5.4K

(IzukuXReader) (Y/N) is a girl who is struggling with her life because of a man she has been trying to get aw... More

Reader Information
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20🍋
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 2

8.9K 308 319
By breebree122311

*Time Skip For One Month*

"Please, Stop!"

You screamed waking up in a cold sweat while clutching your chest, your heart sounded like a drum.

Another nightmare that he found me.

You had been having them a lot lately, so getting to sleeping was hard sometimes.

You were always cautious when leaving the apartment, careful not to draw any attention to yourself.

You didn't want him to find you again, all you wanted was to finally be free of that cruel man.

But every time you managed to slip away from him, he would find you within a couple of weeks.

This time was a little different though, you had moved to a new city and got a new job. This is the longest you'd been away from him in two years.

Still, you was a bit nervous but the overall paranoia was starting to fade a little more each day.

While dragging yourself out of bed, you decided that you would go see your friend across the hall after taking a trip into town since it was still early.

You made some breakfast, took a quick shower, and got dressed in a casual outfit.

When you finished running errands, you walked to your last stop before heading home. The smell of freshly baked pastries lingered around in the air.

After grabbing what you ordered, you headed home with a bright smile. A smile that was almost extinct.

In the a month of visiting Inko almost every day, you two started to get pretty close.

You still couldn't bring yourself to tell her the real reason why you moved here, or about your psycho ex-boyfriend/stalker just yet.

She became more of a mother than anything, but you still haven't had the chance to meet her son because he didn't get to stay long during his visits.

He had been pretty busy with some mission he was working on. Which was unfortunate but you decided not to worry about that.

You walked over to Inko's a little earlier than usual today because you wanted to treat her to a box of blooming tea and some desserts to try because she has been so kind.

Your knuckles tapped the door lightly, and Inko answered with her usual smile plastered on her face. For some reason, that smile seems a little brighter today.

"Oh hello, (Y/N)! I didn't think you would be over until later today but I'm so happy that you're here." She stepped back, opening the door wider for you to enter. "Please, come in."

Walking in and taking your usual seat at the table, you kept the gifts you had brought for Inko in your bag.

"I don't have to work this weekend, so I thought I would come to spend some time with you Inko."

"I'm glad you came when you did!" She held her hands to her chest.

"Here ya go, I wanted to say thank you for always being so welcoming to me." You smiled at her while pulling the gifts from your bag.

"Oh dear, you didn't have to do that! I always enjoy your company." She placed her hands on her cheeks, giving a grateful smile. "Thank you, I've been wanting to try these cakes from the new bakery in town since it opened."

"I know, that's why I stopped in there this morning before they got busy, I remembered you mentioned something about it last week when I was here," You gave her a genuine smile.

"I'll go put some tea on for us, sweetheart." Inko turned to the stove and started preparing the tea while you got the cups down from the cabinet and set out the cakes.

"Hey mom, do you think you can sew my suit for me? It's the third time this month that I've messed up my costume..." You heard a man's voice coming from the living room.

As you looked over towards the unknown voice, you saw a rather handsome man with scars covering his arms and chest.

He still never looked up from his hero costume in his hands to notice that anyone else was there.

This must be Inko's son that she always talks about.

While looking him up and down, you soon realized he was only wearing a towel that wrapped around his waist tightly.

He must have just got out of the shower because his hair was dripping water down his chest and back.

He was a little taller and was very well built. As soon as he looked up, you made eye contact and you both instantly blushed.

"I'm so s-sorry! I didn't realize that anyone else was here!" He said shyly running his hand through his black and green hair.

"Umm... It's fine." You said flustered while looking away from him and then back to meet his gaze.

For a moment, you just looked at each other. Admiring his beautiful green eyes and freckles that covered his face, it seemed that you both forgot where we were.

"Izuku, honey... clothes?" Inko noted, breaking the silence.

Both of us snapped back to reality and looked away from each other.

"Right! I'll be back!" He ran off into a room down the hall to get dressed.

"Sorry about that dear, I was so excited that you brought me these cakes that I completely forgot to mention he was here." She looked away from you with a sheepish smile.

"Don't worry about it," A blush still dusting your cheeks.

A few minutes later, he walked back into the kitchen fully dressed in a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, and you must be (L/N), right?" You shake hands. "My mom talks about you a lot."

"Yeah, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to finally meet you. She talks about you quite a bit too." You said while giving a small nervous smile.

"I'm so happy that you finally got to meet! I just know you two will be great friends." Inko said while pouring some tea into three cups.

"Me too. I've been super busy at work, but I'm finally catching a break. I'm glad we got to meet." He smiled at you brightly.

"Same here." You looked away from him with a tiny smile.

His smile was warm and kind like his mother's.

Inko handled our drinks to the two of us before we all sat down at the table together.

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