My Twin Mates

almightyhael tarafından

152K 4.7K 1K

"Your our mate " Nate grinned Noel behind him "I think the fuck not " I spluttered eyes bulging, this was not... Daha Fazla

|0| Warning & Characters
|1| We're brothers
|2| Gay & directionally challenged
|3| Alpha says what!
|4| Rejected
|5| Twin takeover
|6| Bring it on!
|7| Dangerous Taylor
|8| We protect
|9| Blackmail
|10| Ravens
|11| Popcorn & BJ's
|12| Sorry, DADDY?!
|13| Birthday Blues
|14| She's GAY?!
|16| Back Again
|A.N| where I've been
|17| Truths, Lies & Secrets
|18| Tea, Mates & a date
|19| Eggplant Parmigiana

|15| Dead alpha

4.9K 197 60
almightyhael tarafından

W O R D  C O U NT  - 2 7 5 1
T A Y L O R ' S  P O V

"How did this happen" James muttered, rubbing his furrowed brow in frustration

"They're your children, obviously they picked up on your behaviour" I huffed

"I'm not talking about them," He said gesturing to the twins who stared blankly back at him

"You better not be talking about my mate" Audrey growled, pulling Indigo closer to her body if it were even possible

"She 16, she's practically a child" He snapped

"Don't act like your innocent here" Alexa scolded him

"If I recall I was 15 when we met and you were older than Audrey is now" She continued

"I feel like something about your parent's sex lives is about to be divulged" I whispered to the twins

"And we mated on my 16th birthday" She continued, a smile gracing her lips as if she were reliving the moment

"Called it" I chuckled

"We don't need to know this" Nate grimaced shaking his head as is to clear the thought

"And there's a child present" Noel added

"Sammy is nowhere near innocent" I laughed

"And it's your turkey looking self that caused that" Indigo huffed crossing her arms

"I mean what kind of 5 years old wants to walk in on their older brother playing with his sausage" She continued

"We would" the twins interrupted

"Never happening, and anyway if you had just shared the room with him like I'd asked you too that wouldn't have happened, so technically it's your fault" I shrugged, choosing to ignore the twin's comment

"Oh, looks like dinner is done" Alexa smiled, getting up as a beep went off in the kitchen

"WOOHOO" I cheered

"Hey, you don't do that when I cook" Mom frowned

"That's because you don't cook, you just buy takeout and claim it's your own," I said, rolling my eyes

"How do you know that?!" She asked dumbfounded

"You do realise I have eyes, I can see the takeout containers in the trash, " I shrugged

"That's why you never asked for take out" She muttered to herself

"Exactly" I grinned

"So, Taylor have you been up to anything interesting lately?" Alexa asked returning to the dining room carrying a tray full of steak along with various other dishes

"Not particularly, just doing business as usual" I shrugged

"Would this be a legal business?" James asked eyebrows raised

"If we lived in victorian England, then yes" I smirked

"I dealt with the rouge 'issue' you sent me on at the lunar moon pack but I'm pretty sure the alpha won't be inviting me back anytime soon" I clarified

"That explains the phone call I got last week" He sighed eyebrows furrowed

"What phone call," Alexa asked

"Oh nothing apart from wanting to break the alliance because someone lit the alphas home on fire" he growled, glaring at me

"In my defence, I gave him a warning" I shrugged trying to suppress a laugh

"You DID WHAT?!" My mom screeched reaching over the table and grabbing me by the collar of my shirt

"Fuck me, If your voice went any higher only dogs could hear it" I all but gasped. Her tight grasp on my shirt collar was choking me

"Then your lucky you are partially one" She growled

"What the heck did I just walk in on" A voice interrupted

"Ah, Colton, nice of you to join us" Mrs B smiled

"I don't know if I want to join whatever this is" He grimaced

"COCO POP!!" I screeched, ripping myself away from my mother grasp and flinging myself on him

"How many times have I told you not to call me that!!" He yelled attempting to pull me off of him

"You know you love it" I grinned, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"Remove yourself you wench" He growled sitting down as soon as I let go

"You're so mean" I cried, pouting a little

"HEY, don't think you can distract me with Colton, why'd you set the alphas home on fire," She asked

"It doesn't matter it's in the past anyways" I shrugged

"Actually, I'm interested in this too, I mean, you always have a reason for what you do," Mason said, looking interested

"Macey. Quit trying to act smart" I deadpanned

"HEY!!" he yelped

"Mason hush and you, start talking," Mom said gesturing to me

"But he-" he began but mom gave him one of her looks

"Talk" She demanded

"I don't think that's a good idea" I sighed. "It's not like I don't want to explain myself I just can't..." I trailed off

"So you lit his home on fire because you felt like it" She growled lowly

"Believe whatever you want" I shrugged

"You're going over there and apologising tomorrow" She fumed

"Like hell, I am" I scoffed

"Taylor I swear to-"

"He tried to fuck me! OKAY?!" I snapped leaving everyone speechless

"I was trying to sleep and I guess he thought I was because the next thing I know he'd pulled the bedsheets off me and started muttering about how he'd wanted to fuck me all day because I'd been 'teasing him' and apparently the only time he could do it was while I was sleeping," I growled

"HE WHAT?!" Both the twins jumped up, exploded in anger, Their eyes shining a brilliant gold, telling me their wolves were present

"But as I said, I dealt with it" I shrugged


"NO, WE, ARE GOING TO END HIM" Nate growled

"I give you boys full permission to do so," My mom added. "Because if you don't, I will" She seethed

"All of you sit your asses down right the fuck now and take a chill pill" I ordered

"I already dealt with him, trust me" I continued

"No man, let alone a mated alpha should be looking at what's ours" He growled possessively. I could tell their wolves were fighting them for control. I quickly reached up, grabbing their hands, pulling them back into their seats. Rubbing my thumbs over the back of their hands in a calming motion

"We're breaking the alliance," Noel said after a moment's silence. His eyes

"Okay" James shrugged

"You're not gonna stop us" He faltered

"Nope, This is your pack now. And if that was your mother the alliance wouldn't be the only thing I'd be breaking"

"Don't give them ideas, I'm supposed to be the dark sadistic one" I huffed making mason and indigo snort

"Don't worry, you'll always be our little sadist" Nate chuckled

"I don't know where that's cute, or disturbing" Audrey muttered

"Right, that's enough about that, The foods going to get cold if we don't eat it soon," James said before serving himself and his mate

"I also took one of his testicles" I added while everyone was serving themselves

"YOU WHAT?!" Mason cackled

"Yeah, it's in a jar back in my dorm if you wanna see it" I shrugged

"Thank you for that image," James grimaced putting down his fork

"I think I've lost my appetite too," Noel said making a face

"More for me then" I grinned

"You really are a bottomless pit, aren't you" Indigo sighed

"I mean I am eating for four, " I shrugged

"I bet it's, Theo, He seems the most likely to be a fatass" Mason

'Let me out so I can deck him, fucking wanker' Theo growled

"No swearing" Indigo scowled, flicking peas at him

"But you just let him swear" He cried

"Who says I haven't been thinking of his punishment" she smirked

"Hell Nah, keep your punishment for your mate" I grimaced making her blush bright maroon

"Not that kind of punishment you creep" She spluttered

"Eating for four....." Nate trailed off

"Are you...." He trailed off

"Am I what?" I asked before stuffing

"Pregnant" He finished

"WHAT?!" I screeched

"Well you did say you were eating for four" Indigo muttered

"What did you expect them to think" She continued

"That would mean he had sex with another man," Colton said nonchalantly

"WHAT, I SWEAR IF YO-" Noel growled out

"SHUT IT, You did that on purpose you little shit" I growled at Colton who stared innocently up at me

"No, I am not pregnant and for your information, I haven't had sex with anyone" I huffed

"Haha my little brother is a virgin" Mason laughed

"Your literally born 2 years after me you fucking twat respect your superiors and anyways I can get more dick than you ya little shit!" I growled

"Jokes on you I don't want dick so that's okay with me," He said smugly making me roll my eyes at him

"Holy fuck, wait you're older than him!?" Colton gasped

"Today is literally my 18th what the hell is wrong with you people," I said giving him a what the fuck is wrong with you were you drop kicked as a child look

"Wait if you're not pregnant then what are you?" Noel frowned

"There's a lot you don't know about me" I shrugged

"What d'ya mean by that?" He frowned

"We'll talk later, but now, I have a table to work my way through" I grinned before grabbing the macaroni cheese

"Hey, leave room for dessert" Mrs A chuckled

"I will never not eat anything you make me," I said seriously

'Hey, I want some' Sammy signed to me

"Well that's too bad for you isn't it" I smiled down at him

"Hey" I yelped out as he attempted to take it from me

"Give me" He signed, pouting before making grabby hands

"Fine but only a little" I sighed

'Your gonna get fat if you eat that much' he signed

"Well for your information all my fat go straight to my ass and I'm okay with that" I smirked

"Quit swearing" Indigo snapped

"He's heard it all" I scoffed, Sammy nodding in agreement

"Well he shouldn't have" She huffed

'I mean she has a point' He signed in agreement

"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side here" I frowned

"I'm on the side of whoever's giving me macaroni" He signed

"Give him the macaroni" She sighed

"Okay jeez" I sighed putting it on his plate

"It's pretty cool how you guys learn sign language for him," Colton said nonchalantly

"I guess, I never really thought about it that way I think we just had a lot of spare time" I shrugged

"It's not the only way he communicates tho" I explained

"What do you mean?" He frowned

'I want to show them' he signs

"You sure it might freak them out" I question to which he just nods

"What might freak us out," Nate asked

"Sammy wants to talk to you" I explained

"What's so freaky about that" he hesitated

"You'll see" I muttered as Sammy handed me a penknife

"Oh and keep a tight leash on your wolves for this" I added before swiftly cutting into my wrist, watching as the blood began to drip.

I could see both the twin's eyes turning gold once again telling me their wolves were fighting them for control. Sammy tapped me once there was enough and I healed my wound leaving the blood behind.

"Why would you do that?" Noel growled, grabbing my wrist and inspecting it.

"He needed blood" I shrugged

"He could have used someone else" Nate growled, pulling me into his side and breathing in my scent

"He needs to use powerful blood to do it and I didn't feel like stabbing James today" I sighed, patting Nates head

"You won't be stabbing me any day" he interrupted

"We'll see" I smirked darkly

"Just don't do it again" Noel signed also leaning into me

"I can't promise that" I murmured causing them to growl

"Awww this is so cute" Mom grinned before a flash went off

WHAT THE HELL MOM?" I growled, attempting to swipe her phone

"Nope, I'm sending this to everyone" She grinned before tapping away on her phone

"LIKE HELL YOU WILL" I screeched before sprinting toward her only to be hauled back into the twin's arms

"Okay, Sammy do your thing" She smiled before continuing to tap away on her phone. We all watched as the crimson liquid begins to trail off the floor and into the air spelling out the word hi

"Wait how'd you do that?" Noel blurted eyes bulging at the sight

"Sammy is an least we think he is. Not the point, he can control metal within blood. The only downside is that apparently it only works with powerful beings" I explained

"And what's that translated to English," Mason asked looking confused

"You've lived with him for 7 years snd you didn't know that's how his magic worked?" I asked taken aback

"He doesn't talk how was I supposed to know," He said

"Mom, I know you said no last time but is still think we need to get him checked out"

"There was the last time?!" He cried

"Yes and to answer your question he controls strong magic," I said rolling my eyes at his stupidity

"Anyway, he pretty much had the ability to do whatever with powerful beings" I shrugged

"Oh that actually sounds pretty cool" He exclaimed

"Yeah, he also has a few tri- what the HELL?!" I faltered noticing what Sammy was doing. He had begun to contort my blood into long sharp pins, aiming them at Nate and Noel. The storm of razor-sharp pins glided towards them, neither one had noticed the horde of bloody pins hurtling towards them.

"Fuck me" Nate groaned as the pins entered his body ripping his t-shirt to shreds. Slowly their body began to absorb my magic, drawing in the needles

"SAMMY, damn it, He knows he's not supposed to do that after what happened last time" Mom sighed

"What happened last time" Noel groaned

"One stabbed Macey where the sun don- never mind" I trail off knowing that if I told him it would probably make him panic more

"Why'd you do that?" Indigo asked.

'Taylors blood has his scent so now they both smell like him' he
spelt out with some of the remaining blood that was pooling on the floor

"I like him" Noel grinned, obviously not caring about the pain

"Me too," Nate said

'Good because if Taylor moved in here then I'm moving in too' he spelt quickly

"I have no objections" Nate shrugged

"I do!" I spluttered

"Tay Tay, your turning 18 in less than an hour, you may as well move in cause I know I am," Indigo said

"WHAT? And you're just allowing this" I asked turning to face my mom

"Well it's not like I can stop you and anyway, your mates will be the best people for you to be with" She sighed

"Well you won't be needing to stop me cause I'm not going anywhere" I shrugged

"You won't be saying soon" She sang

'I won't be here in an hour'  I thought to myself

"Whatever, anyway what is the time?" I asked

"11:15, why?" Nate asked, checking his phone for the time

"Cause I've got a birthday tradition to complete" I grinned before running out the door

"Hey, wait!" He yelled as he and Noel both ran after me

"Cant gotta go !" I panted, sprinting out the door while simultaneously pulling off my shirt

"Slow down and QUIT TAKING YOUR CLOTHES OFF!!" Noel yelled attempting to grab me but I was too fast

"See ya in a week or so" I stopped, turning to face them, breathing hard

"What do yo-" That was the last thing I heard before I turned and took off into the forest that surrounded the pack, using some of my magic to speed up so they wouldn't be able to catch me

"TAYLOR!!" I could hear them howl from somewhere in the distance

"You know what to do Issac" I smiled shaking slightly as I felt him taking control of my body

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to read it
Hael ♡♡

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