Divine Serendipity • Stiles S...

By klaussupremacy

47.8K 1.1K 208

Arabella craved an adventure, she had always been one to throw herself in the deep end. She longed for her ow... More



1.1K 29 6
By klaussupremacy

Arabella's POV:

With a firm two knocks on the door, I knew exactly who was here.

"BEX!" I exclaimed, running into the arms of my blonde aunt. We tangled into an embrace as she chuckled into my hair, she had already been invited in considering she compelled me this whole place, so there was no need for an extra word.

"Oh wait!" I shouted as we waltzed into my room. "I have something for you."

I pulled back a false door in my closet, revealing quite literally a stash of wooden stakes and a large chest freezer. Opening the chest, I reached out a blood bag, pouring it into a wine glass before re-entering the room. "AB- negative, your favourite." I winked, handing her the glass.

She smiled, taking a sip, "Arabella Camille Mikaelson you are a saint!"

Giggling, I nudged her playfully, when suddenly two women who seemed to be caught in a daze flooded into my room, placing two dresses on the bed before leaving. "Did you seriously compell them to carry two bloody dresses?"

"What! It's not like I wanted to lug them around. Cmon we need to get ready!"

After 2 hours or so, the two of us were finally ready. I wore a gorgeous midnight blue dress that hugged my curves, the neckline plunged slightly as the dress stopped around mid thigh. Rebekah on the other hand displayed a striking cherry red, a similar neckline. Although the end of the dress reached the bottom of her thigh, a slit across the right thigh added both dimention and mobility to the piece. We looked hot.

Out-dressing people was a habit that wasn't too difficult to master, but we didn't care. After styling our hair, I threw Bex one last blood bag for the night before the pair of us headed out of the door.


Stepping out of my car, I looked towards my aunt, "you ready?"

"Always" she winked, looking up to the roof, "who's that?"

"Looks like Scott, the werewolf I was telling you about. I muttered quietly, knowing she could hear me with her advanced hearing as she made her way towards me. I noticed Stiles' jeep pull up as he climbed out of the car, the short haired boy had offered to give Lydia a ride considering Allison was with her ex and I wasn't available. "Hey guys."

"H-hey Bella. Wow you look-" Stiles began, looking me up and down with wide eyes, his chest tightened as he seemed to catch a breath in his throat. "B-beautiful."

"Thank you, you clean up well yourself." I gestured towards his black suit, he looked handsome. "Seriously that dress is perfect for you Ally!" I said to my friend as she approached. Jackson and Lydia were in the middle of an awkward conversation whilst me, Bex, Stiles and Allison greeted eachother.

"This is Stiles and Allison. Be nice." I said gesturing towards my two friends, gritting the last part through a smile knowing only Rebekah would hear me. "And this lovely lady is Bex, my cousin."

"It's lovely to meet you both." She smiled, her strong English accent catching Allison off guard. Stiles knew exactly who she was, gulping. I didn't blame him, Rebekah was a whirlwind, and with me by her side, the pair of us radiated even more power.

"We should probably head inside, you two coming?" I gestured to my strawberry blonde friend as she nodded, heading our way.

I spent maybe 10 minutes dancing with my favourite blonde before Lydia got up from her seat to join us, the three of us swinging our hips to the band right in the centre of the dance floor. Of course the night would have been so much better with alcohol, but I didn't care, I simply enjoyed being able to spend time with Rebekah without anyone knowing who we really were- what we were capable of.

Leaving the girls, I had walked away to get a drink, standing for a few moments before sitting next to Stiles, handing him a cup of whatever drink I had poured. We engaged in meaningless conversation for a little while, everything was way too calm.

I had only turned my head for a second, glancing around before I lifted my drink from the table to take another sip. It tasted different, wrong. I coughed at the foreign taste causing Stiles to spin and face me. Wolfsbane.

No where near enough of it to harm me, or suppress my abilities, but enough to alert me. I knew I needed to keep a cautious eye, someone knew about me here, they spiked my drink.

I kept my facial expression the same, concealing the thoughts running through my cranium. "Any sign of Scott?"

He chuckled "not really. I'm pretty sure he's here though."

"He better hope coach doesn't see him."

"Yeah, Wanna dance?"

"I don't know Stiles, I just got off the dance floor. Plus I would show you up with my skill." I teased, lounged back in my chair.

"You know what? Let me try that again. Arabella, get off your cute little ass and dance with me now."

I giggled before standing up to meet him. I didn't need much convincing. "You know, I kinda like bold Stiles" I smirked, leading him to the dance floor. "McCall! I see you!"

"Looks like he got caught." I observed, laughing as Coach chased the poor werewolf around the gym. He seemed to approach Danny as the song changed to a slower one. "Scott you smart son of a bitch." still laughing, but more so in realisation.

Scott held his arms around Danny's neck as the latter awkwardly shifted his to Scott's sides. "McCall! You're not supposed to..."

"What the hell are you... what the hell are you doing?" Now everyone seemed to be looking over. The music halted.

"Yes Coach?" Scott adjusted his arms as he replied.

"Okay.." Coach said, holding his hands up as he began chuckling nervously. "Hold on you- I was just saying you- he was not supposed to- I mean, I wasn't saying that he s-shouldn't- you guys don't think..I- I- was just.. dance everybody! Just dance!"

The slower paced song resumed, Stiles looking back at me with a face full of amusement as the two of us were trying our hardest to hold back laughs. "Shall we?" I asked, finally calming down.

"I- yeah sure."

I laced my fingers together around his neck as his hands found their way to either side of my hips. I loved the way his breath hitched when my face was close to his own, a visible smile on my features. The effect I had on him only ever boosted my ego further. He bowed his head slightly as I moved mine more towards his shoulder, noticing Rebekah had ended up dancing with some jock from the lacrosse team in the meantime.

We continued dancing together for a few more songs, it felt natural really, although my heart picked up a significantly higher pace the closer I was to him. Something I knew Rebekah would probably tease me about later.

"So, now you've met two originals and lived to tell the tale" I joked as Stiles rolled his eyes playfully. "Hey. that's quite the achievement I'll have you know."

"Only two more to go." he joked along with me. "And your other aunt Freya was it? Isn't she a witch?"

"I'm impressed you payed attention Stilinski."

"Please I pay attention to everything you say Belle." he defended, still continuing with the playful atmosphere.

As I gazed around the gym, my eyes locked on to a familiar figure, one I hadn't seen in a while. A wave of uneasiness crashed over me, What the fuck is going on?

"You okay?" Stiles asked, voice laced with concern as he snapped me back to reality.

"Yeah. There's something I have to take care of." I replied, straightening my shoulders. Time for some fun. I headed off towards the boys locker room knowing it would be vacant, fully aware Stiles was following close behind me. I swear this boy has a death wish.

Closing the door, I grabbed his wrist, "don't get involved, okay? I'll handle it."

"Bella wha-"

"Just don't!" I was cut off as a figure I had recognised earlier sped in to the room, throwing me harshly against the lockers. I began muttering a spell, although before I could finish, a handful of herbs was forced into my mouth by a second familiar figure before she stepped bacl slightly. A woman, she was slender, radiating confidence that was only amplified by her by her luminous pink hair.

The first man held a tight, firm grip around my throat whilst the other hand secured my wrists forcefully.

I huge smirk spread across my face turning to the woman briefly, "magic muting herbs, now that's an old one Chlo." Returning my gaze to the man in front of me, I flashed my amber orbs, forcing him away from me before reversing the hold he had me in completely, although my hand did not reside around his throat.

"I'm offended that's the best you could do." I plunged my fist into his chest and immediately grabbed the woman with my spare hand, mirroring the action. My hands caressed their hearts, applying enough pressure to make the pair wince slightly as my smirk reappeared. "now, to what do I owe the immense pleasure of your appearence?"

"Maybe we just missed you?" The man replied, he was tall and muscular, his light brown complexion complimented his umber eyes perfectly. A small grin etched his features, revealing a set of perfect pearly whites.

"Careful Ty, you're starting to sound an awful lot like you have feelings." I teased, removing my hand from inside their chests, the pair seething as they regained composure. The pair once again turned to face me, anyone in their right mind would be intimidated by the strikingly beautiful beings, but their aura radiated a sense of comfort to me.

I was pulled into a group hug by Ty, he was squeezing my shoulders tightly. After a moment we pulled away, everyone looking towards a very confused Stiles stood stiffly against the wall. "What the hell just happened?"

We burst into laughter before I regained composure. "Stiles this is Tyson, a good friend of mine, also one of my little bitches." I finished nudging the boy beside me playfully. "This is Chloe, another old friend, the thee of us used to be a package deal."

"Do you two always try to kill your friends? She had her hands in your chest and now your fine?"

"Oh come on, she knows she couldn't bare the thought of living without me." Ty replied dramatically, a hand on his head as he did so causing my to giggle. "Courtesy of a certain fiesty little trybrid, I'm a werewolf-vamp hybrid." he replied non-chalantly.

Stiles' face seemed to mimic that of realisation. He probably remembered me mentioning being able to sire an entire line of hybrids, all of which serve my every need until they break the bond. "What are you?"

"Vampire, darling."

"As lovely as this is, why are you actually here?"

"Now that would have something to do with me." Chloe piped up, adjusting her black leather jacket.

Poor Stiles was barely following. "So she's just a vampire? not a hybrid?"

"Not one for much longer apparently." Ty said from beside me. "What?"

"To cut a long story short," the young woman started, pulling away the sleeve of her jacket to reveal a huge gash in her skin. "I pissed off a wolf, I don't think he wanted me to pet him."

"Of course you did." I replied, almost in disbelief of how calm she was before biting my wrist and holding it up for her to take. She complied, holding it to her mouth as dark veins pertruded from beneath her blood shot eyes. Stiles looked both terrified and fascinated.

Pulling away, Chloe wiped her mouth. "Cheers Ri. I can't stay long, I have some business to get back to. I'll see you soon." She punched my shoulder playfully before heading towards the door, she was never really much of a hugger.

'Oh and one last thing, rumours are flying about a 'missing Mikaelson', might wanna prepare incase word spreads, the last thing you need is a thousand years of enemies at your throat." she nodded before leaving the locker room, I let out a sigh, I knew people would start to assume, but so soon?

"I compelled an apartment across from yours, I'm staying in Beacon Hills until the threat dies down. Can't have my sire dying on me now can I?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Okay, but you can drink from the blood bags in my freezer and you absolutely cannot compell my friends, got that?"

"Yes mom."

"Compell- wait so this guy can do the mind thing." "Yup" he replied, popping the P.

"Watch." he said walking up to the boy. "bang your head against the locker, hard."

Sure enough Stiles complied, groaning as he held his head. "Ty!" I shouted, half laughing.

"I shouldn't have asked."

Interupting the conversation, Bex waltzed in to the locker room, greeting both Ty and Stiles before informing me she was going to head home. She mentioned how she noticed Lydia had disappeared from sight before leaving, the three of us decided it was about time we went looking.


"Jackson? Where were you? Did you see Lydia?" Stiles asked as he approached the three of us, he seemed distressed about something, although I didn't know what.

"What's wrong?"

"I- I was out behind the school and I...I was out-"

"What happened? Jackson. What did you do?" He didn't answer, hesitation laced into his features.

"Stiles keep looking for Lydia, we'll stay here and try get it out of him." He nodded before walking around a corner, he seemed to be heading outside.

After a few minutes, it was clear Jackson wasn't going to reveal anything without compulsion. He had no idea I knew about Scott, why would he tell me?

"Oh my God this is not good. If the Argent's know then it won't be long before they target Scott, that is if they haven't already." I explained the Argent situation briefly to the dark haired boy beside me. I knew he wouldn't be over-joyed to be involved in supernatural drama that didn't threaten either of us directly, but helping Scott, finding Lydia and saving Derek were all necessary in my eyes. Although sometimes shy to admit it I had grown to care about all three of them.

"Stiles?" I asked, answering my phone as the ringtone ceased. "Belle, I'm at the lacrosse field, I don't have time I gotta go. Lydia is here and she's hurt. Peter bit her then let me call you to get her, Please. It's bad."

"On it, stay safe." I finsihed as he hung up the phone. I rushed Tyson out of the school, a grip on his bicep as I ran towards the unconsious strawberry blonde at the center of the pitch. I zoned in on her heart beat. It was faint, but definitely there.

I opted not to give her my blood, of course with a bite from that species of wolf being so deep, it was evident she would either live and become supernatural or die at the hands of it. My blood would do nothing to help that process.

Ty picked her up bridal style, the two of us speeding to the hospital. There was no need to discuss an excuse, 'neither of us saw anything' 'we think it was another animal attack'. Obviously we played the roles of two frantic teenages perfectly.


"She's your girlfriend! That's your responsibility!" I heard the Sherriff say, grabbing Jackson's suit and holding him firmly against the wall.

"She's not my girlfriend! She didn't even go to the formal with me! and I didn't bring her here."

"Bella we gotta go." Ty mumbled, the two of us slipping out of the back door. I thanked him for the night, advising that he should probably go get some rest, or sort out his apartment in the meantime.

I however, was going to trace Scott who. in true dramatic TV show fashion, drew me to him with the erruption of a horrendously loud growl. "Scott!"


"Thank god you're okay." I said relieved, pulling the boy into a hug. He hugged me back, the two of us resting momentarily in comfortable silence before another similar growl bellowed from somewhere in the city below.

"Derek?" I asked rhetorically, with confidence hidden in my tone. It had to be him.

Scott nodded as the two of us took off towards the noise. He was at his own house?


Creeping, quite literally, in the shadows, the two of us looked around, finding a tunnel leading under the house.

Sure enough there he was. Derek hung from metal bars, chained up like a rabid animal. I ran forward, releasing his arms from confinment. "Good to see you sour wolf." I joked as he manouvered his arm around. "Shut up, Brina."

I leaned back into the shadows with Scott as one of the Argent's companions re-entered the room, supposedly here to torture Derek.

"Ready for some more fun. To be honest, my knuckles are kind of hurting. So I brought some help." The man held up a baseball bad, positioning himself ready to swing it. "but I need to warn ya, I used to play in college."

Before the bat could connect with Derek's body, he gripped it, "I brought a little help too."

Scott and I both emerged, the man's confidence wavering before Derek threw him to the wall, knocking him out. Derek continued trying to fix himself up, unable to break from the final chain and requesting Scott's assistance.

"Not until you tell me how to stop Peter."

"You really want to talk about this right now?"

"He's going after Allison and her family. He's going to kill them." Scott deadpanned.

"So what?"

"Ally is innocent, she doesnt't deserve to be apart of Peter's plan either way." I chipped in.

"Tell me how to stop him."

"You can't! All right now I don't know when Kate's coming back so one of you just get me out of this right now!"

"Promise you'll help me." Scott's voice was stern, he didn't flinch as Derek flailed about in front of him, anger increasing.

"You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend, huh? For your stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing!? You're not in love Scott you're 16 years old. You're a child."

"Derek I think you've done more than enough patronising tonight. I guess if we're such children you won't be needing our help any longer." I'll be honest, I was a little bitter at his outburst. Although not completely directed at me, the emphasis on child was definitely aimed at the two of us. And there is very little I hate more than being overlooked.

"Maybe you're right." Scott replied, his voice small before he seemed to grow in confidence, "But I know something you don't. Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister right?"

Derek looked confused before turning his head to face me. "He lied."

"Remember this?" Scott asked the wolf, holding up a police report with an image of a dead deer, a spiral carved into its side. "This is what brought your sister back to Beacon Hills right?"

"Where did you get that?" The chained man seemed perplex, his voice laced with both concern and curiousity.

"My boss told me three months ago someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture. Do you wanna know who it was?"

"Peter's nurse, they brought your sister back here so they could kill her."

"So he could become the alpha." I muttered in realisation as Scott nodded.

"And that is why you're going to help me." Derek didn't reply, his breathing growing heavier. "Just say you'll help us and Ari will unlock the other-"

Cut off by the clattering of chains, Scott turned around to see a completely mobile Derek, holding his wrist before looking up at the two of us. "I'll help you."

"Good choice Migel." I muttered, already making my way out of this minature dungeon.


A/N: I'm way too tired to process this I'm not going to lie. Please ignore any grammatical or spelling errors! The next chapters will get better!

Word count: 3.5k

Until next time...

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