The worst Quackity Oneshots c...

By glonke

55.1K 373 1.4K

A collection of the worst Quackity one shots you will ever lay eyes on. BE WARNED: ITS WEIRD! I apologize in... More

Quackity hits you with his bicycle
Quackity Bullies You (Part 1)
Quackity Bullies You (Part 2)
Quackity ✨smut✨(READ EXPLANATION)
Quackity vampire romance
Quackity 1d fanfic
A very Quackity Christmas
Quackity straight up kills you
Quackity Fanfic
Cover photo

Quackity wereworlf furry horror crackfic idk

818 18 44
By glonke

Am I drunk while writing this? Maybe. Will I regret posting this chapter when I wake up in the morning? Definitely.

Branches and twigs snap beneath your feet as you book it through the forest.

It's dark. You don't know where you are. You don't know where you're going. All you know is that you need to keep running because if you don't, something bad is going to happen. Something is going to catch up to you. Although, what it is exactly, you can't tell.

Will you be less afraid if you at least know what you're running from? One of the greatest fears is the fear of the unknown, after all. Whether to address this fear, or just to catch what little breath you have left, you find yourself stopping and ducking behind a tree. Just so long as you continue in a moment, you should be alright.

Even at night time, the forest is typically full of sounds and life. Crickets, owls, bats, other critters of the night. The forest never sleeps.

But not now.

Now it is completely silent.

When the forest is silent, you have to get the hell out. Because the forest is never silent. Because if the trees themselves are scared of what lies between them, you should be too.

Without waiting a second longer, you resume running as fast as you can. All curiosity has evacuated your mind. It has now been replaced by your every primal instinct telling you to get out of the woods. Run. Run until you're hundreds of miles away from this place and maybe then you'll be safe. And so you run for what feels like hours until your legs start to feel like they have disappeared completely. You run.

Until you fall.

A rock or loose root, you can't tell what caused you to trip. Nor do you care. Desperately, you try to scramble back to your feet, but a noise behind you makes you freeze. It's like a growl. Except it shakes the whole earth. You search for the epicenter and unfortunately, you find it.

Through the fog of the night accompanied by the light of the full moon, you can see the outline of something drawing closer. It looks like a beast, but it walks like a man. Another growl shakes the ground, reverberating through your whole body. And the creature, whatever it is, comes nearer, steadily.

Then it stops. You hold your breath and watch, wide-eyed as it bends down on all fours. Suddenly, it breaks into a sprint, charging towards you at an inhuman speed. A scream escapes your lips as you duck beneath your own arms, shielding your face from this oncoming monster.

It pounces on you. You continue to scream, expecting to be torn to pieces. But to your surprise, nothing happens.

"OwO what's this?" You hear a deep masculine voice growl in your ear.

Trembling, you lower your hand and look up at the thing above you. You gasp. He looks mostly human... and very familiar too!

"YouTube Gaming star and country music legend QuackityHQ??" You gasp.

Quackity does a backflip away from you and lands on his four limbs, his sharp teeth glistening in the moonlight.

"Rawr XD" he says, swishing his tail to establish dominance.

You narrow your eyes and stand up.  Why had you been so scared? Dealing with an inexperienced fool like him will be easy. Then you let out a growl of your own.

"Awoooooo!" You howl.

Fear suddenly flashes in Quackity's eyes, but he doesn't back down quite yet.

"ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ" he says!

This is too much. Beyond what you were expecting from an amateur. He may pose an actual threat if you let him get away with this. So now it's your turn to pounce on him!

"UwU *nuzzles you* x3" you say, your whiskers twitching.

Quackity paws at you playfully, but you keep him pinned down against the forest floor. Now you really begin to nuzzle him. He meows at you, shyly. So in turn, you bark at him.

"WOOF WOOF WOOF!" You bark.

That really showed him who's boss.

"I'm sowwy!" He meows.

Just then, you both hear the clicking of a chamber being loaded. A few meters away, a man aims a hunting rifle at the two of you. You and Quackity both look up in fear.

Oh right. It's hunting season.

"('⊙ω⊙')" You say.

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