
By lunathebabydoll

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His fingers dug into my thighs, and it burned. It burned with hot pain and pleasure all melded into one. His... More

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Chapter One-Into the Abyss
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2.5K 79 15
By lunathebabydoll


" Take a bite," Anthony gestures towards the brunette that laid unconscious on the couch. Blood dripped down, her neck bruised from all the bite marks. I felt my fangs pop out, my eyes burning red. Without a second thought, I grabbed the petite girl's body, sinking my teeth into her jugular. All I see is red.

That's the thing about my hunger. It's unquenchable, it's constant. No matter how much blood I have, it will never fulfill me. Anthony, my brother, was blessed with the gift of self control.

I grabbed her shoulders roughly, gripping her hair as I felt her pulse slow. " Okay, Damien. That's enough."

His words sounded like whispers and my hunger was screaming at me. I cant stop.

Anthony's grip on my shoulder caused me to detach my grip on her neck, seething up at him.

" Anthony, I am hungry. Shut the fuck up."

" Damien, they are on our trail. There's been one too many animal attacks in the last few months. You can't keep stacking up bodies."

I sighed, licking the blood off my lips before shrugging, carelessly tossing her body back, to which Anthony caught her.

" You're no fun."

Anthony rolled his eyes, as I made my way up to my room.

The dark walls reflected the moonlight on the river. I pulled out a bottle of aged rum and a crystal glass, downing a few. I sighed, running my hands through my dark locks.

Alcohol helped defer the cravings. Only a bit.

My mind drifted off to the little girl with the sweet eyes. The one I couldn't seem to keep my mind off of. Rose. Rosie. The little flower.

The first time I saw her, dainty and small, her oversized pink clothes hanging from her skin, her eyes light, cheeks flushed red...the innocence radiated off her.

It was like lust and hunger entwined, her heart beat driving my hunger off the edge. But then I heard her voice. It was soft and sweet, like an angel.

I didn't want to hurt her. Well that's a lie. I wanted to sink my teeth so deep into her small neck, but I wouldn't. I wouldn't touch a hair on her.

Now I wasn't following her this afternoon, not exactly. I happened to be downtown, finishing up an afternoon snack, some asshole college boy who hit his girlfriend. He won't be missed.

I smelt her scent. The thing about humans is their scents usually don't differ much. They tasted way better before the 1900s. Don't know what changed, they tasted so much better before all  the processed food and lifestyle changes. But the little Rose, she smelt like sugar spun cotton candy. Wouldn't doubt she tasted any less sweet.

When I smelt her scent, and heard her soft breaths coming from that coffee shop, I knew I had to see her.

I'm not sure why I felt this urge to check on her, make sure she's unharmed. See her bright green eyes. Damn...thinking about those innocent eyes makes me hungry.

When she told me about what happened to her, I made a mental note to find out who he was and kill him. Drain him of every drop of blood that resided in his body. I felt livid.

And her cries. She was too pure to experience that. Too pure to experience me. Probably should've not even came in the shop in the first place, but it was just something...

I don't usually slip up. The fact she saw my eyes flash red. The hunger and anger that ravished inside me...

She couldn't know. She wouldn't know. I cant have her. I'd corrupt her in more ways than one. But god damn I want her.


I looked over the baggy Levi's overalls that hung on my body, a long sleeve white baby tee layered underneath, accompanied with white converse and a beanie. It was chilly out. But nowhere near the usual frigid temperatures.

I hopped down the stairs with a little smile, my book bag over my shoulder.

" Well look who's got a smile," dad laughed, looking over like he just saw a ghost.

I giggled, taking a sit at the bar stool, taking a bit of the granola bar he handed me.

Dad looked deeply invested in his phone, his forehead lines more prominent.

" What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

" Nothing. Just work stuff. There's been a strange amount of animal attacks lately. Just strange, being were in such a large city. Not the country side..." He dragged out, deep in thought.

" Well, it's different here dad. It could be hunters?"

"That's true. The details are just odd. I've gotta get a press release written up today and an article on the dangers of grizzly bears and wolves in Seattle by tonight."

" I'm sorry. How many attacks has there been? No one has died, right?"

" There's been twenty in the last six months. All in Seattle or within twenty miles of the city. All dead."

I frowned, shifting in my seat uncomfortably. I hated death. I despise it. It's just so sad. Life is sad, I guess.

" I know you know this, Rosie, but just make sure you never go in the woods and if you're ever outside by the woods you don't go alone."

I nodded, " I know dad."

" And you've got your pepper spray with your keys-"

I nodded, giving him an awkward side hug as I put my glass in the sink. " I know dad. I've gotta catch the bus. I'll see you tonight. "

" Okay, see you. Be safe Rose."

" You too, dad."

The car ride to school was short. The usual traffic seemingly nonexistent.

I arrived fifteen minutes early, as the bus always does. I waited in the usual spot, headphones in.

I tried not to glance around in search of the white B&W Coupe every second. I tried not to think about last night. But Damien has been stuck in my head.

It was five minutes till first bell, but still no sign of Damien. I sighed, letting out a yelp as someone practically pounced at me.

" HEY ROSE!" Jessica's voice boomed in my ears and I clutched my chest.

" You almost gave me a heart attack, my god." I shook my head with a laugh.

" So what was the deal with Damien yesterday, are you like a thing?"

I felt my cheeks heat up, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. " What!? No. No, not at all. We're friends."

" Damien Black Doesn't have friends Rose."

I don't usually either. What's that got to do with anything?

" Well I think we're friends."

" I don't know Rose. He just thinks he's too good for everyone. He thinks just because he's hot-"

I stopped listening, trying my best to separate from Jessica. That was an impossible thing to do considering we had first period together.

Lunch came around eventually. And I scanned the room for those pale blue eyes and that ghostly pale complexion. I didn't see him. I didn't see his brother either, or that girl. I felt disappointed.

I wonder if he didn't come to school cause of me? I search my mind for anything I could've said or done. I almost laugh out loud, obviously it has nothing to do with me. I sound crazy.

Rebecca stayed home sick today, so it was just me alone with Jessica and a bunch of football boys. Including Andrew.

It's okay. It's okay. I have nothing to be afraid of. They won't hurt me.

But they might. They probably would if they could.

I tried to drown out my thoughts, my arms wrapped uncomfortably around my chest, my leg bouncing in anxiety, my lips folded between my teeth.

" Are you coming Friday?"

I heard Andrew's voice say, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced around the table, praying he wasn't speaking to me.

He was.

All eyes were on me. " W-What?" I managed to get out, my eyes on my hands.

" To the party on Friday?"

" Oh no..."

" What?! No. I wish you would."

It was probably an innocent statement. But those words brought back memories. What happened at the first and only party i've ever been to. I gulped, trying to muster the best fake smile.

" I g-gotta go, I'll see you guys later," I said, standing up from the table. Jessica opened her mouth to protest, looking at me confused.

I walked away as fast as I could, I heard a few snickers from the table, and words along " weird" but I probably wouldn't care to know anyways.

As soon as I crossed the double doors, I felt the tears fall as I ran towards the bathroom.

Not fast enough. Anthony Black, Damien's brother, stood across from the bathroom access, his gaze studying me closely.

" What's wrong?"

His voice was smooth, but nowhere near as velvety raspy as Damien's. I couldn't do this right now. My lip wobbled and I tried to take a deep breath.

Just say a few words and then run into the bathroom, it's okay. He won't hurt you. Right?

" I-I'm sorry I-I," I started but was cut off by a rough, cold hand grabbing my elbow. I was met with the worried gaze of Damien, his eyes looking me over as if scanning me for damage.

I sniffled, breaking the gaze but not tearing my arm away the way i'd expect.

His fists clenched, and though his back faced me, his shoulders moved as though he was shaking. It frightened me.

" What did you say to her Anthony?"

His tone was harsh, it made me jump, my shaky fingers latched onto the ends of my sleeves.

I tried to open my mouth to tell him Anthony did nothing wrong, I was confused. My mouth couldn't form the words. My mind felt hazy.

" Nothing bro. Chill the fuck out. Asked her if she was alright. She ran out the cafeteria crying."

Damien turned towards me, a questioning gaze present on his features. I nodded.

" Whatever. Fuck off Anthony."

Anthony said something I couldn't hear, and then I heard his footsteps turn the corner.

" What's wrong?" Damien inches towards me, his voice now gentle.

I looked up at Damien with my teary eyes, a sniffle leaving me I wiped my eyes.

" I-It's okay-"

" What is wrong Rose?"

I looked down at my feet, his shadow towering over me. I shifted uncomfortably.

" Flashbacks to...what I told you about. Someone just, someone just said something. I'll b-be okay."

" Oh baby," he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, pulling me in towards him. " It's okay Rose. Nothings gonna happen to you. You're safe."

Tears still cascaded down my cheeks, a few hiccups leaving my mouth. I attempted to move away from Damien, quite embarrassed of how sensitive I am. How many times he's seen me cry.

He held me too firmly in place. He stroked my hair with his ring clad fingers.

" Shh it's okay," my hands squeezed the hem of his shirt on instinct. His hold was comforting. His words relaxed my body till eventually no more tears fell, my body beginning to relax.

He still held me.

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