Safe to love you

By JudeOuvrard

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From Fanfiction to a soon to be published novel, here is Safe with you. It used to be called Under my skin wh... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Four

Chapter Three

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By JudeOuvrard



My heart is racing and my stomach is in knots. I've got to know. I can't leave, not without knowing her name or her phone number. When I touched her, I don't know exactly what happened, but I can still feel her on my fingertips. Fuck! I'm not stupid. There really was something... something different when I touched her. I can't even explain why I touched her, why both of my hands were on her hips. I'm not like that with women, so why her? All I remember is trying to get through the crowd, and then, there she was and it happened. For the first time since Kelly left, I feel some sort of excitement, a sense of joy. Shit, I actually felt alive. By the look on her face, I'm certain she felt something too. This is the strangest thing ever, I don't know what to do about it, but something needs to be done. Tonight.

I need to relax, grab a beer and chill out for a couple of minutes.

"Presley, where were you man? I've been looking everywhere for you!'' Joshua says anxiously.

''Relax bro—I was just enjoying the show.'' I laughed, throwing my hands up in mock defense.

''Yeah, whatever. I think you were trying to find a girl. You think I don't know you, but I do.'' He said downing his drink.

''Shut up Joshua, I'm not that desperate.''

''Well, ever since Kelly dumped you, you've been acting strangely.''

''Don't worry, I'm fine.'' As long as I find her again, I'll be fine.

I grab a beer from one of the vendors and drink half of it in one shot. I try hard not to think about her, but I'm failing miserably.

I search through the –crowd—I don't see her anywhere. She can't be gone. No one leaves in the middle of a show, she must be somewhere in the theatre. I need to find her, because there's no way I'm leaving tonight without knowing who she is. There was something between the two of us and I have to understand what it is. Could she be my muse? Is she a model? Do I know her? I have no idea, and it's driving me crazy.

I go back into the crowd with the beer in my hand. I'm so afraid that I've lost her. I make sure I have my phone on me. If I find her, I want to be ready to ask her for her number, or at the very least, her name. Damn! I still can't see her. She was so perfect—so cute, wearing those purple Converses. Fuck, I don't even know her and she's already driving me insane.

I walk around aimlessly, and finish my beer before I see her. Then there. Right there she is. I'm standing maybe twenty feet away from her. I can see her face clearly, and she looks angry. Some guy is standing behind her, holding her against him by her hips. He's whispering things in her ear, and she's constantly closing her eyes as if she's in pain. I don't know anything about her, but it's obvious she isn't happy being with him. I wonder what he's telling her. I hope she isn't in trouble with this loser, because of .

Now, I have a big problem—how am I supposed to talk to her, when she's not alone? I just need to get her to notice me again. When I glance at my watch, I realize I've been standing here staring at her for twenty minutes, and she hasn't once looked at me yet. I'm losing my mind. I decide to step a little closer.

I can feel the energy growing between us as I get near. Please tell me you feel it too, I'm silently begging her. I hate the desperation I'm feeling. What's happening to me? When did I become so hopeless?

She closes her eyes, and I'm the happiest man on the planet. I can tell; she feels it too. I'm almost standing in front of her when she re-opens them. I get to see her eyes for the first time... they are perfectly, beautifully green. I smile at her and catch sight of the guy standing behind her—he's wearing a fucking tie. I chuckle to myself, and stare back into her beautiful eyes again. She gazes at me and I can almost hear her asking me to help get her out of here. She's trying to send me some kind of message. I don't know what the hell's going on. She looks scared.

The guy is digging his fingers into her hips, staking his claim, letting me know she's his. I want to be the one standing behind her. She continues to gaze at me, biting her lip anxiously and I think I've died. I want to bite that lip so damn much, I ache for it. I have to control myself and not try to kiss her right here and now. I'm certain that plan wouldn't end well. Her boyfriend is hovering, as if he owns her or something. I'm not scared of him, but I don't want to cause a scene.

I see 'tie guy' pulling her against him and wrapping his arm around her waist. Asshole! He knows exactly what I'm thinking. He tries to kiss her neck, but she winces and shrugs her shoulder away from him, in a very subtle way. I can sense her discomfort, and I want to help her. She lets him kiss her and the asshole is staring right at me as he presses his lips against her neck. Something is off about the guy, I can tell. His eyes remind me of Jack Nicholson, when he appeared in The Shining. How can someone who seems so sweet be with a person who seems like such a bastard?

Normally, I'm a laid-back kind of guy; however, right now I'm seeing red. She obviously isn't happy; she appears to be scared and angry. I try not to stare because I don't want to cause her more trouble. I don't like the guy and I have a ridiculous desire to have her near me, keep her safe. I glance back at her one last time before I head back towards Joshua. I won't be able to talk to her, not as long as she's with 'tie guy'. It irritates the hell out of me. The woman seems to instinctively know how drawn to her I am and she mirrors my intrigue with a wink and demure smile. She is so beautiful, a natural beauty. If I could take her photo, right here and now, it would be the best portrait of my whole career. Her beautiful eyes are glowing with life, they're so expressive.

''What the fuck, Ab? Do you know him?'' I hear 'tie guy' asking. I'm taking mental –notes—her name is Ab, or it's short for maybe Abigail or Abby?

I hear her deny knowing me and I see the fear in her eyes. If it's even possible—he tightens his arms around her waist even tighter, now squeezing her uncomfortably. Her back rests against his chest and I see her lips mouthing two words.

I wish.

I hold back a smile, because if he sees me grin, it will cause trouble. He seems to be a jealous guy.

I don't look back at the pretty woman with the green eyes; I've already made too many mistakes by coming back here. I have to leave, before this gets out of . I need Alicia's help. I've got to find Alicia immediately. She'll help me, I know she will.

I find Alicia and she's kissing Joshua. Some things never change; these two have been glued together since high school.

''Ali, I need a favor. I really need a huge favor, right now. Are you in?'' I beg her, not even starting with a greeting.

''What the hell, Presley? You look like you want me to kill someone. I'm not down with that,'' Ali laughed.

''I need you to go over to that girl, the one wearing a striped tank top." Alicia scanned the nearby area and I gave her more information. "See her? The one with the blonde hair, and the green eyes...she's with the prick wearing the tie. I need you to pretend that you know her. Get her alone, and bring her to me. I'll be waiting at the entrance of the theater, alright?'' It was the best idea I could come up with at such short notice.

''Geez, who is she?'' Alicia obviously thinks I've lost my mind. I know I will, if I can't get the beautiful stranger to talk to me.

''I need to find out who she is. Our eyes connected and the energy that we shared was crazy good—she's driving me fucking crazy.'' I sigh. ''A good crazy,'' I admit with a smile. "I think she'll enjoy a break away from her boyfriend. The guy is a total douche."

''Alright, I'll do it, but you owe me one. A BIG one.'' She rolls her eyes and Joshua is watching me like I'm some kind of lunatic. Maybe I am. I have no idea what's happening to me tonight.

''No problem, I'll owe you anything you want. By the way, I think her name is Ab or something similar. Maybe her name is Abigail?"

''Okay. I'll meet you at the entrance, you Weirdo.''

Yes! My plan has to work. I can't consider it failing. I watch Alicia, walking in the direction of my mystery girl. I can only hope everything goes as planned. She'll probably think I'm a total weirdo, but Alicia's right, I really am acting 'off' tonight.

I can no longer see Alicia as the crowd shifts. I sigh heavily, nervous and anxious about whether Alicia can pull this off. The entrance is at the opposite end of the theater, and I'd better head over there now. This concert could end badly for us both if her jealous control-freak of a boyfriend follows her. Joshua is standing beside me, looking particularly unimpressed with my behavior. Can't say that I blame him.

"I hope you haven't put Ali in any danger, Presley."

"No, I wouldn't do that. She was my friend, before she was your girlfriend, Josh. I just need her for ten minutes, okay? It's really worth it, trust me."

He doesn't say anything, and I can see the worry in his eyes.

"Look, I have to get going, okay? But if I thought Ali would be in any danger, I wouldn't have asked her to help me. You know me better than that, dude."

"All right. I'll trust your instincts on this one. So, I'm guessing this girl was pretty cute." he said, with a knowing smirk.

"Very cute. I've got to go or I'll miss her and Ali will be pissed she did it for nothing."

Josh chuckles, shaking his head. "As long as she doesn't turn out to be anything like Kel..."

I cut him off. "Don't say any more." I turn around, trying to erase thoughts of Kelly from my mind. I have more important things to focus on right now.

Standing at the entrance, my hands are sweating and I'm trying to think of what to say when she gets here. What if she doesn't want anything to do with me? It's a possibility, but I can't think about it being an option. Not now. Positivism is the key to achieving goals. I'm already thinking about taking her photograph.

Damn it, Pres, you need to focus. The last time you did that, you ruined everything.

I hear Alicia's voice as they approach. Scrubbing my hands across my face—I know I have to make this work. Messing this up would be a nightmare. I have to make this work.

I turn around and there she is. Her green eyes are sparkling, but I catch a pinch of anxiety in their depths. I'm reasonably certain I'm not the reason for that part.

''There you go my friend; you owe me your life. Her boyfriend was about to rip my head off. I think he's a little possessive.'' Alicia warns, and I know she isn't kidding—her sarcasm doesn't escape me either.

The only thing I want to do is touch this beautiful woman. I'm desperate to know whether if what I felt when I first touched her will happen again, or if it was a once in a lifetime thing.

Our time together is precious; I have to be quick, because her boyfriend is bound to come after her. I'm about to say something, but the most beautiful melody reaches my ears.

Her voice.

It's the only sound I want to hear, for the rest of my life. I'm not sure yet why I'm so drawn to this woman. The only thing I can think of is that she makes me feel truly alive.


Who is he? I need to know—it's as if I can't go on, not without discovering who he is. It's driving me crazy, and apparently it's driving Dean crazy too. No doubt he hated it when he caught me staring at a strange guy...and a damn fine one at that. Truth is, I don't even feel the slightest bit of remorse. I admit that it is scary to see Dean upset because I never know what he's going to do, but there's something about the stranger that fascinates me. I don't know what it is that is drawing me to this man, but I'm hoping I'll get the opportunity to find out.

I consider saying I have to use the bathroom, but immediately decide against it. If I say I'm going to the bathroom, Jess will insist on coming with me. She'll ask a heap of questions and she'll tell Dean all the answers; I'm certain of it. I have to find a way to sneak off alone and it seems almost impossible. I try to forget about the strange guy and enjoy the show, but my mind is elsewhere.

Worse, Dean's holding me hostage against him and he won't stop kissing my neck and my hair. It's as if he's marking his territory like a dog would do. It's humiliating and his lame attempts at being nice are making me even angrier. I surreptitiously search the nearby area, hoping I'll see the mystery guy again, but he's nowhere to be seen.

There's a pretty blonde woman coming toward us, walking with purpose and her gaze is on me. She's acting as if she knows me, smiling and waving, but I haven't a damn clue of who she is. She pushes people out of her way until she reaches us, and when she does, she takes me out of Dean's vice-grip and wraps me in a hug. "I know you don't know me, but I'd really like it if you'd follow my lead, it's important," she whispers against my ear. She steps back and smiles brightly, and all I can think is she looks like a Victoria's Secret model.

''Abs, I haven't seen you in forever! I've missed you! You have to meet my fiancé; he'll be so surprised I found you here at the concert!'' The woman grabs my hand and starts pulling me along behind her. She looks over her shoulder at Dean. ''I'll bring her back in five minutes, I promise.''

''Who the hell are you?'' I ask when we're a reasonable distance away from Dean.

''Please don't kill the messenger. I know someone who desperately wants to talk to you.'' Her expression is mischievous. ''He begged me to come and grab you, says he has to meet you.''

It has to be my mystery man. He's found a way to rescue me. A huge smile appears on my lips. He can have me all he wants. If my heart was rapidly beating earlier, it was nothing in comparison to how it's pounding now. I resist the urge to run, to try and get to him quicker. What's happening to me?

''Don't look so shell-shocked," the blonde woman mutters. "Remember we know each other—your boyfriend's still staring at you.''

Shit! Of course, he'll be watching me like a hawk, he's always so suspicious. I paste a bright smile on my face and try to look natural.

''Where are we going?'' I ask anxiously. To be honest, I'm a little scared that Dean will follow us straight away. He's certainly not going to wait long before he comes to take possession of me again.

''We're almost there, pretty girl!'' the blonde announces happily.

Me? Pretty? She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Tall and slim, with blond hair to die for and her smile is bewitching. Why on earth would she call me pretty girl? I'm stunned to the point where I'm speechless. I'm just an ordinary woman, nothing in comparison to her natural beauty.

Suddenly, I see the handsome stranger. He's leaning against a wall, and he looks anxious. I'm conflicted—half of me is more alive than ever before, while the other half is scared shitless.

''There you go my friend; you owe me your life." She motions toward me with her head. "Her boyfriend was about to rip my head off. I think he's a little possessive.'' Sadly, the blond woman isn't joking. She emphasized 'little', connoting that Dean was VERY possessive...her sarcasm was hard to miss.

I speak up, knowing she's right. ''He is possessive, very actually. Whatever it is you need to tell me, I'd suggest you hurry.'' I glance around, searching for Dean. ''He's probably already on his way to find me.''

The handsome guy speaks to the blond woman. ''Ali, can you keep an eye out, make sure we get a couple of minutes?''

''What am I? Do I look like a freaking bodyguard to you? Geez, Williams. What's wrong with you?'' Ali, the blond woman rolls her eyes, her hands on her hips as she glares at my handsome stranger.

I can't help but laugh.

''That's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard in my life.'' His voice makes my knees go weak as he continues. ''And I'm telling you tonight's concert—Muse—they're my favorite band. Today is definitely my lucky day.'' He grins and my heart melts. I've never believed in fairy tales before, but right now, he's my prince.

The handsome guy speaks again, which is probably a good thing, because I'm staring at him like a lovesick fool. ''Look, I get it. You have a boyfriend, but I have to tell you...what I felt when I touched you—well, it was...I don't know what the hell it was. Words fail me.'' He shakes his head bashfully and shrugs. ''It was...magical, amazing even. I don't know what it was. I probably sound like a fucking moron right now but I'm...ah, shit! I don't know how to explain it.''

''I felt it too.'' I find my voice and rush to reassure him, placing a hand on his forearm. I wanted to touch him again. I need to know if touching him would have the same effect on me—us, and I need to know I'm not going crazy. The same energy is there again, tickling the skin on my fingers, thickening the air between us. We stare at each other; neither of us understands what's happening. The muscles in his arm tighten beneath my hand and I lower my gaze to where my fingers touch his skin. His arm is covered with tattoos. So freaking hot! My breath hitches in my throat and I struggle to swallow.

He wraps his arm around my back and draws me close to him until we're only inches apart, staring right into each other's eyes. His grey eyes are to die for, and I'm struggling to breathe.

He leans closer and brushes his lips against mine. It begins as a soft, sweet kiss and , more passionate. I've never been kissed like this before and I could happily kiss him all night. I lift my hands and run them through his dishevelled black hair.

''Hey, he's coming!'' Ali shouts as she repositions herself next to us. ''Let her go, now!'' she fervently hisses, fear palpable in her tone.

He instantly lets go of me and I'm lost, bereft without his touch. I watch him slipping away into the crowd and I want to yell after him, tell him to stop, but Dean is approaching and what he might do scares me.

''Quick, give me your number'' Ali asks as she grabs her phone from her purse and looks at me expectantly.

''It's 206-555-7854.'' I watch Ali punch the numbers into her phone and I hope she got them right. It's my only chance to ever see him again.

''Baby, what are you doing? You've missed your favorite song. Come on, now.'' Dean grabs my hand firmly in his, and yanks me toward him like the possessive arse he is and we head toward the concert hall.

''Wait, Abs! You said 206-555-7864? Is that right?'' Ali yells.

The music is incredibly loud. I know she's got the first six digits' right, but I'm not sure about the last four. ''7854!'' I yell, as Dean drags me back into the mass of hot sweaty bodies dancing to Muse. I'm not even sure if she heard me. I hope she did.

I'm furious with Dean for behaving like a complete moron. I can't take this for another minute, I just can't! I try to pull my hand out of his grip, but he's holding on so tightly, it's painful.

''Let go of my hand, Dean, you're hurting me!'' Tears blur my vision.

''Abbie, come on. Are you seriously going to fucking cry? Here?" He stood there shaking his head at me like a disapproving father. "I paid two hundred bucks for your fucking ticket, and you're crying?'' He's trying to make me feel ungrateful. He always manipulates the situation.

''I'm crying because of you, Dean! You're hurting me, and you're treating me like shit in front of my friend! I've had enough of your crap.'' Tears roll down my cheeks, and I wipe at them angrily. ''I've had enough of your shit! I'm done with you, Dean. I am fucking DONE!'' I finally yank my hand from his and turn to leave.

He grabs my arms in a fierce grip, trying to force me to stay. I'm sure it's going to bruise. ''Don't touch me again, or I'll have security kick your ass! It's your choice,'' I say coldly, trying my hardest to stand up to him and not give-in to the terror that is threatening to overwhelm me.

He lets go, giving me a rough shove. ''I'm not done with you, Abbie,'' his voice and posture are threatening and I begin to tremble.

Dean had warned me in the past that he would never let me leave him. By taking this stand, I'm entering into a war zone. Dean thinks I can't live without him because he's all I've got, but I'm sure I'll survive. I'll need time to regain my self-confidence, but I'll survive it no doubt. I'm just terrified of what the next few days will hold.

''Well...I'm done with you!'' I shout. ''Get over your fucking self, Dean.''

I turn and leave the theatre, trembling uncontrollably. I've ten bucks in my pocket, not enough to get home. I'm crying uncontrollably, and no doubt I look like a blubbering wreck. I keep glancing back to make sure Dean's not following me, but thankfully there's no sign of him.

I navigate my way outside and sit on a bench, trying to calm down. I have to figure out what to do before the concert ends and Dean comes out, or worse, decides to leave the concert and come after me. I wish my handsome stranger would come out and find me here. I think about going back in and searching for him, but it's too risky. God, I'm so ridiculous. I don't even know him, how can I expect him to save me from Dean's rage?

I end up walking to my apartment. It's a long walk but it's my only choice, with little cash and fear of Dean coming out and trying to 'convince' me to go home with him. The night is fresh and stars pierce through the clusters of clouds overhead in the darkened sky. I try to stop sobbing, calming myself so I don't alarm the people I pass on the street. Looking like a freak isn't how I want to top off an already fucked night.

After walking fifteen blocks, I arrive home and warn the security officer not to let Dean in. The security in my building is excellent, and I'm confident they'll keep Dean out. When I get to the apartment, I lock myself inside and say a silent prayer that Dean will leave me alone.

I've turned off my cell phone—I don't want him to be able to contact me. He needs to get the message that we're done. The stress and anxiety of the past few hours has completely exhausted me. I change into pyjamas and that small change makes me feel a little better. It's been an emotional night and my hands are still trembling.

I walk into the bedroom and slump onto the bed. Hopefully, I won't have any trouble falling asleep. I wish I had some sleeping pills, because I'm sure I'm going to spend all night tossing and turning, worrying about Dean. It turned out I didn't need to worry, because as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.

I woke up with pain in my back and knees, which is usually the result of lying in bed for too long. I open one eye and peer at the alarm clock—discovering it's three in the afternoon! Was I really that exhausted? My muscles scream when I finally get out of bed. God! That fifteen block walk, combined with a whole lot of stress has nearly killed me.

Regardless of the pain, I feel light-hearted and better than I've felt in months. Definitely a lot better than I did last night. I've done the right thing, I know that for a fact. I'm worried about what's coming though; Dean will try to force his way back into my life. He's not the type of guy who will let go without a fight. I shrug to myself. If I've got to stay locked inside the apartment for a week, until Dean gets the message, I'll do it. I have plenty of work and food on hand to keep me going without going out into the world.

I'm not going to cry over the break-up, because Dean isn't worth it.

I head in for a shower and have to force myself to get out because the hot water feels heavenly but when I get out my heart stopped. The phone in my apartment was ringing loudly, echoing through the silence of the apartment walls. Startled, I answer the call cautiously. Nobody ever calls on the landline.


''Ms. Rylee? It's Joe Collins from security.''

My heart beats a little faster. ''Is everything okay?''

''Mr. Hurley is downstairs. In fact, he's been waiting outside the lobby for over ten hours and refuses to leave.''

"I don't want to see him. He's not allowed in the building from now on,'' I confirm.

''Thank you, Ma'am. I understand. I'll ensure he leaves the building immediately. Good afternoon, Ms. Rylee.''

"Damn it," I yell, slamming down the receiver, a ripple of anger runs through my entire body. Please have him let me go...let me be free of him.

The outside world won't be safe for a while, not until Dean gets sick of this game. When I'll need to go out, I'll have to be extra vigilant and ensure he can't get to me. While he hasn't been physically violent in the past, I'm concerned that he might get physical if he's really furious.


I slump on the couch, chewing on a fingernail thoughtfully and watch the sun going down. My thoughts turn from worrying about Dean, and how he's going to behave in the next couple of days, to the person who's haunting my thoughts constantly...

The mysterious stranger I met last night. I still don't know his first name. Something... Williams. It all started with his electrifying touch, something I've never experienced. We connected in some, unreal and amazingly unique way. The one kiss we shared was the most amazing experience of my life. I've never been kissed like that before.

I want him to kiss me again, so badly I ache for it. I truly hope he calls me, but I'm worried about whether his friend got my phone number right.

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