Descendants: A Jay Love Story

By Funnygirl_thatBelle

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You know the story but not like this. Introducing Erin! She's the middle child of Eric and Ariel, and she's t... More

The Beginning
Welcome to Auradon
Nice Evening Stroll
Flirting Before Practice
Increasing Chemistry
Magical Makeovers
Midnight Snack
Cookie Love Spell
Championship Game
Chemistry Pays Off
What a Date
Family Day Drama
The Aftermath
Set it Off
The Sequel!!!


945 23 0
By Funnygirl_thatBelle

"How was your date?" Taylor asked. She and Erin were just leaving their dorm, ready for another day of school. Erin wore her medium-length red hair down in natural waves that cascaded to the middle of her shoulder-blades. Taylor was sporting a light green sparkling off-the-shoulder dress that hugged her curves at the top before splaying out slightly at the skirt, stopping just above her knee. And of course, she was wearing matching heels.

Erin smiled, the event from yesterday swarming her thoughts. "It was really fun. We danced, sat on the beach, watched the sunset. I had a great time, and I think Jay did too. I didn't get the chance to ask."

"I know, sleepyhead. He carried you into the room," Taylor teased, making Erin roll her eyes. "But all things considered, I think he had a really good time. I practically had to shove him out the door."

"Now, why don't I believe you?"

Taylor shrugged nonchalantly. "Believe what you want, but girl, that boy is smitten."

Erin blushed at Tay's words. The fairy saw and giggled at her friend's expense, and Erin easily joined in. "Hey, ladies," Evie said, walking up to the pair while Mal trailed behind. "What's so funny?"

"Erin. She blushes way too easily," Taylor teased, laughter still in her voice.

"Gee, thanks, Tay," Erin replied sarcastically.

"You know it's true."

Erin sent Taylor a playful sneer. Evie giggled at her new friends' playful exchange. "What made Erin blush this time?"

"What else?"

"Jay," Evie and Taylor said in unison before bursting into another fit of giggles. Erin groaned and bent her head down, trying to hide her flushed face with her hair. This only made Evie and Taylor laugh more.

"Alright, reel it in, girls," Mal said, coming to Erin's rescue. As their laughter died down- slowly- Erin lifted her head. Evie and Taylor hugged her as a sign of good faith, saying they meant no harm. Erin knew that, of course, but Tay was right, she blushed way too easily.

"So, Red, Jay told us how much fun he had on your date," Mal added, a small smirk decorating her features.

Despite her best efforts, Erin became flush as she smiled at the thought of Jay talking about her. Quickly recovering, she replied, "Oh, well, I'm glad he had a good time. I was a little worried."

"Oh, please. I almost got a headache from how much he raved about you and the date you planned for him," Mal stated, rubbing her temples for dramatic effect.

Evie lightly swatted her arm and said, "Oh, stop. It was adorable. The singing, the dancing, the carriage ride. How romantic!"

"How was your date with Ben, Mal?" Erin asked, getting the attention away from her.

The purple-haired girl just shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "It was good."

"That's it?!" Taylor exclaimed at a loss. Mal just offered another shrug and Erin could tell that the attention and talking about her feelings was overwhelming her.

She placed a hand on Taylor's arm and said, "Tay, she said she had a good time. We can leave it at that."

Taylor huffed, her wings fluttered exasperatedly while Erin soothingly rubbed her back. Looking over at Mal, she was sending Erin a subtle relieved smile. "Well," Erin chimed, "I have to get to the library to gather sources for my history paper, and Taylor, you have class."

"Fine," Tay groaned. Then, she perked up and cheered, "Bye, guys!"

Taylor's mood swings made Erin chuckle and shake her head. The fairy was defeated one minute and in the next, she was happily fluttering away to class. Evie laughed at Tay's antics too and even Mal cracked a small smile.

"She definitely keeps life interesting, I'll give her that," Mal commented.

"I like her," Evie complimented.

"It's hard not to," Erin joked. Mal let out a short laugh while Evie and Erin giggled. "Alright," Mal stated, "E, we got Remedial Goodness. Coming, Red?"

Erin nodded and walked with the colorful girls to the library. "So, Rin," Evie started. "What can you tell me about Doug?"

"Ooh! Does a certain blue-haired beauty have a crush on a certain smarty-pants?" Erin teased.

Evie giggled. "Maybe. He's so sweet."

"And cute?"

"Yeah. I never would've thought..."

Erin placed a comforting hand on Evie's arm. "Princes are overrated. And I know for a fact that Doug is already crazy about you. You should see the endearing way he stares at you in Chemistry."

"Really?" The excitement was bubbling in Evie's chest at the prospect of Doug liking her the way Erin claimed. She was beginning to like him too. He helped her see that there was more to her than beauty. And she found that she couldn't care less about his lack of princely status despite her mother's constant pressures to find a prince. Doug helped her in more ways than one.

Erin giggled and nodded her head excitedly. The laughter was contagious and Evie found herself joining in. Mal even let a small smile slip, seeing how happy Evie was. But her smile turned into a frown at the same thought. Her friends were becoming too comfortable in Auradon, acting as if this would be their new home, forgetting the mission. And she was ashamed to admit that she was no different.

Mal's thoughts and their laughter were interrupted when Carlos exclaimed, "Hey, guys! Wait up!"

The girls turned and saw Jay and Carlos jogging to catch up with them. "Hey, ladies," Jay greeted.

"Hey, boys," the girls replied in unison.

"What's up?" Carlos asked as everyone began walking together, the boys in the back, following the girls.

Mal blankly stared ahead and deadpanned, "Remedial Goodness."

"What'd you do to get Remedial Goodness, princess?" Jay asked teasingly.

Erin sent him a cheeky smile over her shoulder and replied, "Very funny. But I'll have you know that I'm on my way to the library to gather sources for my History paper."

"How studious," Carlos joked, making everyone laugh. Erin noticed that Carlos had been opening up more. Especially since befriending Dude who was cradled in Carlos's arms.

"So, Carlos, how's Dude been treating you?"

A joyful smile lit up his face and he kissed Dude's head before saying, "Oh, he's the best. I can't believe my mother could be so cruel to such an amazing animal. And then lie about it. He's the sweetest little guy ever."

As if proving his point, Dude licked Carlos's face, making the boy laugh in pure joy. The rest of the walk was surrounded by a light, comfortable air, and in no time at all, they arrived at the library. Fairy Godmother was already there, setting up a computer and attaching speakers and a camera.

"What's she doing?" Erin asked the group.

The VKs shrugged. "Maybe we get to watch a movie!" Evie exclaimed.

"Possible," Carlos interjected, "But then, what's the camera for?"

Everyone shrugged again. "Well, have fun with whatever you guys are doing," Erin chimed. "I'll see you all later."

She waved at them all, receiving waves in return before the VKs went to their respective seats. All but Jay. He stayed behind to talk to Erin for a few minutes- alone. "I had a great time yesterday."

"Oh, good! I was worried about that. And I'm sorry about falling asleep on the way home," Erin replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Hearing how much she worried about Jay's well-being and happiness brought a smile to Jay's face. "No worries, princess."

"Oh! That reminds me!" Erin chimed while pulling a dark red jacket out of her bag. "Here's your jacket. Thanks for keeping me warm."

Jay took the jacket and said, "You're welcome. How long will you be here?"

"As long as it takes to get all the materials that I need," Erin replied with a shrug.

"Wanna maybe walk back together, talk more?"

"I'd like that."

"Good. Because you still have to tell me one thing about yourself that no one else knows," Jay said smugly.

"I suppose you're right."

Grasping Erin's hand, Jay brought it to his lips and kissed her knuckles before sending her a charming wink. "See you later, Erin."

Jay joined the others, leaving Erin alone to scour through the vast library. The kiss and wink played on repeat in Erin's mind. And she couldn't wipe the wide smile off of her face for anything. It was starting to hurt, but even then, she didn't care.

After a while, she got enough material to use as sources for her paper. She wrote them all down so she could circle back to them if need be for quotes. Just the thought of lugging all those heavy books around was making her arms hurt, and Erin didn't need help in that area. When she was done writing down notes and citations, Erin packed up her things and walked back towards the makeshift classroom that the VKs were in. She figured class was almost over.

Upon arriving, Fairy Godmother perked up and exclaimed, "Erin! Dear, come!" She was vigorously waving Erin to the front of the room. Erin thought the woman's hands would fall off.

"Yes, Fairy Godmother?" Erin asked after meeting the headmistress on the stage.

"Oh, goodie. I need your help with the tech stuff."

Erin blanched. "Oh, I don't know how much help I'd be. I'm not that good. But I know Carlos is."

At the mention of his name, the white-haired boy's head shot up. Fairy Godmother's attention shifted from Carlos to Erin a few times before she said, "Oh, yes, well. That's okay. I think I've actually got it."

Erin huffed and rolled her eyes as Fairy Godmother went back to tinkering with the connections. Erin stepped off the stage and sent Carlos and the rest of them an apologetic shrug. "I tried," she said softly when Fairy Godmother was out of earshot.

They gave her reassuring smiles, glad that she was in their corner. Erin couldn't believe that the prejudice went all the way up to the headmistress. But then again, it was human nature. It just wasn't fair that no one was willing to give these guys even the smallest of chances.

"Children, excuse me," Fairy Godmother started as she walked down the aisle. Erin turned around as she continued, "Um, as you know, uh, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat."

She gestured for the VKs to follow her up on the stage. They hesitantly stood and did just that. As Jay passed Erin, he grasped her elbow and asked, "Stay?"

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. "So we're even when I meet your parents."

Erin nearly jumped for joy, she was so excited. But, thankfully, she held it in and instead released a bright smile before walking with Jay onto the stage. The five of them stood in front of the screen- Erin off to the side not wanting to interfere.

The headmistress turned on the screen and they were immediately met with a close-up view of Maleficent's face. "I don't see anything, nor do I hear."

The kids shared a look as Maleficent shrunk away from the screen, revealing the other parents. Maleficent was in the middle of Jafar and Cruella while Evil Queen stood behind Maleficent. "Is it... Is it... Is," Maleficent stuttered, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Press enter," Jafar suggested while munching on popcorn.

"Can I please see a remote?" Maleficent demanded. "Is this thing on? Ugh, it's broken. Ugh! I hate electronic equip- Oh!"

Whatever she pressed on the remote must've worked because they could finally see their children. "Evie, it's mommy," Evil Queen said excitedly. Evie waved back, making EQ melt. "Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Maleficent flicked EQ's hands off her horns and retorted, "Don't you mean the weeds?"

"Ooh!" Cruella interjected, "Who's the old bat?"

Erin pursed her pink lips as she looked at Fairy Godmother who was standing front and center. "This is Fairy Godmother," Mal stated.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent asked jokingly.

Fairy Godmother bristled and quickly defended, "I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage."

"You really couldn't give Cinderella 'til 1 AM? I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?"

"They were mice! They were not... They were mice," Fairy Godmother exclaimed, looking at the kids for backup. Mal eased her off to the side, reassuring her despite her pleas. "They were not..."

"Thank you so much," Mal said. "Thank you."

Before she was completely out of the picture, Fairy Godmother leaned towards the screen and said, "They were mice."

When she was completely off to the side, the VKs stepped forward. Mal took the lead and said, "Hi, mom."

"Mal! I m-m-miss you," Maleficent stuttered almost as if they were thorns in her mouth.

Jafar added, "You children are never far from our thoughts."

"I got it," Maleficent chided. Then, she looked back at Mal through the screen and asked, "How long must mommy wait to see you?"

"Um, there's a big Coronation coming up. I think sometime probably after... that."


"Friday, 10 AM."

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magic wan- you... you little nugget that I love so much."

"Yes, I completely understand, mother," Mal replied. Erin's brows furrowed at the exchange. Was Maleficent just about to say magic wand? Having no idea why that would even be a topic of conversation, Erin shrugged it off.

"Carlos, is that a dog?" Cruella asked, taking up most of the screen. Carlos brought Dude wherever he went, and this time was no different. Dude was securely cradled in Carlos's arms. This brought Cruella into a psychotic frenzy as she began to have a conversation with a stuffed dog. "Oh, yes, yes, baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs."

Stepping forward, Carlos was unwavering as he demanded, "He's the perfect size for a pet."

"Oh!" Cruella was definitely taken aback by her son's sudden outburst. He'd never done so before.

"This dog loves me, and I love him. And FYI, your dog is stuffed! So give it a rest!" Her son's words made Cruella reel back even more.

Jafar had been munching away happily at the exchange. He laughed and chimed, "Oh-ho! Burn!"

"Oh! Why don't you go sell a toaster, you two-bit salesman! Or ask your son who the redhead is, hmm?"

"She's probably just there, means nothing. My son knows where he belongs," Jafar retorted, making Erin squeeze Jay's hand comfortingly. He squeezed back, needing her with him as his father continued, "And people who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones."

"Oh, well, people who sell toasters shouldn't use mixed metaphors."

"Enough!" Maleficent yelled just when Jay hit a button, shutting the computer down. Erin leaned into Jay's side, hoping it would give him comfort and reassurance.

Fairy Godmother was appalled at their parents' behavior, and she felt terrible that she allowed that to happen. "I'm so sorry."

She was met with blank faces. They were still reeling from everything. Jay was the first to snap out of it. He put on a fake smile and said, "Thanks for the special treat."

"Of course."

The VKs all looked as if they were punched in the gut as they slowly made their way off the stage. Erin could only watch as Jay's hand slipped from her grasp. And she let it, having no idea what to say to make the situation better. As they gathered their belongings, Erin turned to look at Fairy Godmother for some guidance, but she was just as at a loss for words. Acting fast, Erin jumped off the stage and followed after her friends.

"Guys!" She yelled, catching their attention and breaking up their conversation as they all turned to look at her. Once she was amongst the group, she was slightly out of breath as she asked, "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't we be? If anything we caught them on a good day," Mal said indifferently. But Erin could tell that it still bothered her as her eyes wandered to her friends, asking for backup.

Evie perked up, but the smile didn't reach her eyes as she added, "We're okay, Rin. Thanks for asking."

The bluette pulled Erin into a friendly hug before taking her leave with Mal. Then, Erin turned to the boys with a questioning gaze. Carlos was staring blankly ahead as if running the previous event on an antagonizing loop.

"Carlos?" He didn't respond. But Erin did catch his attention. He looked like a fish, his mouth opening and closing, trying to find the words to describe how he was feeling.

After a few small sounds barely passed his lips, Carlos said, "I can't believe I just did that. I stood up to her."

"Yeah, ya sure did, buddy," Jay praised while clapping Carlos' shoulder. "Ya sure did."

"How are you feeling?"

A smile slowly spread on his face. "Actually, I feel relieved. I feel really good."

Erin offered him a small encouraging smile, which made him release a short breathy laugh before he left, following the girls. She was happy for Carlos, but that didn't stop her from worrying about him or the girls. But right now, she was especially worried for Jay. What his father said contradicted everything he had told her the day before. Jay was probably really torn up about pleasing his father and being who he wants to be- those two things were not the same.


"I'm okay, Erin," he replied with a shrug. She was in no way convinced, but it was obvious it was still too raw, and she didn't want to push.

Using a different tactic, she asked, "Would you like to go on a walk with me?"

Jay couldn't help but smile. "I know what you're doing, princess," he said smugly. "Thanks."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, kind sir," she retorted playfully, using a fake posh accent. "But I'll take that as a yes. Shall we?"

He offered his arm, allowing Erin to slip her delicate hand into the crook of his arm. "We shall," he replied, using his own posh accent. A comfortable silence fell upon them as they walked at a steady pace. Jay was still reeling from the things his father said about him. About Erin. And Erin didn't know what to say without prying into Jay's personal business. If he wanted to tell her about it, she wanted it to be on his terms.

Then, an idea popped into Erin's head. She still hadn't told Jay something about herself that she'd never told anyone. Maybe sharing her story would encourage Jay to open up a bit more. 

"I was eight when it happened," she started.

A confused look crossed Jay's face at Erin's random comment, prompting her to continue. "The one thing that I've never told anyone about. Not even Taylor. Or my parents. Or siblings."

"Sounds serious. What happened?"

"I was eight. Audrey had invited the entire class to her extravagant birthday party. A very small part of me knew that she only invited me because at that age if you invited one person from your class to your party you had to invite everyone."

"Kind of like an unwritten rule," Jay stated matter-of-factly.

"Exactly. Anyway...."


A young eight-year-old Erin arrived at Audrey's castle dressed to the gills in her fanciest party clothes. It was a ball after all. Audrey was famous for them and Erin had never been invited before, having never had Audrey in any of her classes. She couldn't have been more excited. Her cheeks hurt from smiling so much and she was sure she'd freeze like that. But she didn't care as she bounced up the steps.

Her parents had trouble keeping up with her. When they eventually caught her, she was waiting impatiently at the top of the stairs, tapping her little foot dramatically. "Hurry up, hurry up. I don't want to be late. Audrey says that punctuality is important for a princess."

King Eric and Queen Ariel shared a concerned look. They knew Audrey was trouble. She was a spoiled princess that lacked any compassion for others. How they wished they could steer their sweet and impressionable baby girl away from it all. But they knew Erin had to figure these things out on her own to become a strong independent woman who could think for herself. They'd be there to pick up any broken pieces if necessary though, god forbid.

"Angelfish," Ariel started, crouching down to Erin's level. "I'm so happy that you're excited about this. I know you're gonna have a wonderful time. But don't let other people decide who you are."

Eric joined his beloved wife, looking into his daughter's clear blue eyes that rivaled his own. Laying a supportive hand on Ariel's back, he added, "Your mommy's right. You just be you, okay?"

Erin blinked, having no idea why her parents were saying these things to her. Wasn't she always herself? Who else would she be? But she didn't voice her thoughts, seeing how serious her parents looked. "Okay, daddy."

"Good," Eric said before kissing his baby's cheek.

Ariel followed suit. "We love you, my little angelfish."

"I love you too, mommy," Erin said in her sweet baby voice, wrapping her little arms around Ariel's neck. Ariel smiled and squeezed Erin's little body. Then, Erin pulled back before giving Eric the same amount of love. "Love you, daddy."

Eric was quick to reciprocate. "I love you too."

The moment was over when Erin bounced back, saying, "Yay! Let's go, let's go, let's go."

Her parents chuckled and stood up before grasping either of Erin's little hands, walking into the massive castle. Her excitement returned as she skipped, loving the way her kiddie heels clicked against the marble flooring.

Audrey and her parents, Prince Philip and Princess Aurora were standing at the end of the long hall, greeting their guests like the gracious hosts they were. Audrey had on the biggest tiara Erin had ever seen. Her hair was expertly curled and her pink sparkly dress was even poofier than Erin's aqua one.

"Hi, Audrey!"

"Princess Audrey," the birthday girl corrected in a regal tone.

"Audrey, be nice," Aurora chastised.

Philip let out a hearty laugh and waved his wife off. "Honey, leave her be. It's her birthday."

"Thank you, daddy," Audrey said sweetly- overly so. Aurora bristled slightly, but she quickly shook the feeling, turning back into the perfect hostess.

"Ariel, Eric, it's nice to see you. And Erin, we're so glad you could make it."

Erin smiled up at the pretty blonde. "Thank you for having me, your majesty."

"Oh, sweetie, call me Aurora. No need for formalities."

Ariel and Eric smiled down at their daughter, proud of her for remembering her manners. "Bye, sweetie. Have fun," Ariel said.

"We'll be back to pick you up later," Eric added.

"Bye, Mommy. Bye, Daddy."

"Okay, okay," Audrey said impatiently. "Come on, Erin. The others are in the ballroom."

"Yay! I'm so excited!" Erin said as she skipped after Audrey who was regally making her way to the party.

"Erin, calm down. Princesses don't skip in heels."

Taking Audrey's advice, Erin slowed her pace and tried to copy Audrey's movements- it wasn't easy. She ended up looking like a baby deer that was trying to walk for the very first time. Ariel and Eric shared another worried look.

"She'll be okay," Ariel said, trying to convince herself as well as Eric.

"Don't worry, Ariel. She'll be fine." Eric knew he needed to be confident and positive for his wife's sake, and he was much better at hiding his worries than she was. But that didn't change the fact that he was just as worried as Ariel.

The party was in full swing. The entire class was there. Ben, Chad, Ameer, Doug, Lonnie, Jane, and so many more. Erin had only really ever gotten along with Ben. They were best friends. But she was too shy to talk to the other kids. And no one seemed to want to talk to her.

But tonight would be different. Tonight she was going to have fun with the other kids and maybe make some new friends. Erin looked around for anyone to try and talk to. Ben was out of the question. Audrey had already swept him away onto the dance floor. Chad was raiding the food table, and just seeing his grotesque eating made Erin want to vomit, so he wasn't an option. Ameer was busy entertaining a bunch of girls whose names were escaping Erin at the moment. Lonnie looked nice, but she was more enamored by the armor and swords than conversing with anyone. Doug was dancing with himself, not caring about those around him and Erin didn't want to intrude. Then, there was Jane. She was sitting by herself in the corner, staring longingly at the popular party-goers, asking for a friend or acceptance.

Erin had found her match. Quickly, she made her way over to Jane, hoping they would become friends. But before she made it halfway, Audrey stepped in front of Erin, completely blocking her path.

"Oh, hi, Audrey," Erin chimed, "I was just going to ask Jane to dance with me."

"That's so nice," Audrey replied sweetly, making Erin smile proudly. "You can do that later. But first I need to show you something."

The notion excited Erin. "Ooh, what?"

"Come on! I'll show you!"

"Okay!" Audrey grasped Erin's hand and led her to the surprise she had waiting for the red-haired girl. Excited butterflies danced in Erin's stomach and she couldn't control her happiness as she skipped the entire way. Audrey rolled her eyes and let go of Erin's hand, but Erin didn't care. A few times her excitement became too much that she tripped a little, but again that didn't stop her. She continued to skip along, unaware of what kind of surprise Audrey had in store.

Audrey led Erin to her beautiful outdoor in-ground pool. Erin's eyes bulged at how large the pool was- at least two full-length school buses. And a serene feeling washed over her, being near water. The underwater lights gave the water a peaceful glow, contrasting the dark starry sky. "Wow! Audrey, this is beautiful!"

"Why don't we go for a swim?"

"Oh, I'd love to! But I didn't bring a swimsuit."

A mischievous smile spread across Audrey's face as she said, "Oh, no need to worry about that."

"Wh-" Before Erin could finish, a brute force shoved her into the pool, and she was immediately submerged. Her shoes fell off and floated to the top as Erin tried desperately to kick her way to the surface. But panic set in. The dress she was wearing was making it difficult to tread water, and Erin felt herself sinking deeper and deeper.

As if by a miracle, Erin finally broke through the surface, gasping for air. The sound of laughter reached her ears, and as she trod water, staying afloat, she saw Audrey and Chad doubled over and clutching their stomachs.

Heat rose to Erin's cheeks from embarrassment. But another emotion joined in: anger. How could they do something so cruel to her? She didn't deserve to be treated this way. She could've drowned because her dress was so heavy, and they didn't care at all.

"That wasn't very nice," Erin stated as she worked her way over to the edge with some effort. "Why'd you do that?"

Audrey had stopped laughing, but the smug smile didn't leave her face. "Sorry, Erin. But we wanted to see if you'd grow a tail."

"That's not how it works," Erin stated matter-of-factly. Using the wall, Erin made her way over to the stairs so she could safely climb out.

"Oh well, no harm done, right?"

Erin was safe on solid ground, and she stared at them incredulously. "No harm done?! I could have drowned!"

"But you didn't," Chad interjected.

Audrey and he shared another laugh before Audrey turned serious and said, "Let's get something straight here, you are no princess, and you never will be. You're a fish, a freak. Remember this the next time you think you could amount to anything more, freak."

Tears gleamed in Erin's eyes as Audrey's words cut her like knives. She didn't see Chad coming up behind her with a bucket. She couldn't see anything because of the built-up tears she was trying so desperately to hold back.

"And just to be sure that you never forget..."

Taking his cue, Chad dumped the contents of the bucket, fish guts and slop, all over Erin's head. It proceeded to trickle and slip down her body, underneath her dress, in the fabric, everywhere. The smell was unbearable, a putrid mix between a dumpster and fish that were out in the sun all day. Erin had to do everything in her power not to throw up let alone gag.

"Now, you smell like a fish," Audrey joked evilly. She and Chad burst into another fit of laughter as Erin sniffled, still holding back her tears, and trying to keep the contents of the bucket from getting into her eyes, nose, and mouth. But their laughter was deafening and made it that much harder to keep the tears at bay. Unable to hold back anymore, Erin began to cry quietly into her hands, her shoulders shook, and her body tremored. She felt as if their laughter was swallowing her whole as everything around her vanished.

"That was the worst night of my life," Erin stated when she was done recalling the memory.

Jay was beyond flabbergasted. How could anyone do such a thing? Audrey and Chad were worse than he ever could have imagined. And the fact that Erin held onto this for as long as she did reinforced what he already knew: Erin was a strong woman.

"What did your parents do?"

The redhead sighed and leaned into Jay's side for comfort. "They picked me up early from the party after Philip and Aurora called them. When they came, they saw me and they were appalled by the way I looked. They demanded to know what had happened to me. Audrey and Chad weren't speaking up- no surprise there. But I was too tired and embarrassed and grossed out to stay there any longer. I just wanted to go home. So, I told my parents that I fell into the pool. And as far as the slop went, I just said that when I was trying to clean up in the kitchen, I accidentally dumped the bucket on myself. I guess they believed me on account of my clumsiness because they didn't push the subject."

"Why didn't you tell the truth?"

"Audrey's words hurt me. I didn't want to relive it anymore. And I was scared that no one would believe me. I didn't wanna be the reason my parents got into a fight with another royal family. So, I made up the story to protect myself and my family if anyone asked. Mind you no one ever did. And I think even Chad and Audrey have forgotten over the years. We all kept it quiet because they didn't want to get in trouble and I was too embarrassed to come forward.

"But of course there was subtle taunting by both Audrey and Chad. It took weeks upon weeks to finally get the fishy smell out of my hair and off my skin. In those weeks, Audrey and Chad liked to remind me of that very thing, how I'm not a princess, just a fish, and stuff like that."

"And you still didn't tell anyone?"

"I wanted to tell my parents, really, I did. They were so worried about me. I stopped walking on the beach with them, stopped going into the water, and I even told them that I didn't want to be a mermaid anymore. They always asked what happened, what was bothering me. But I could never bring myself to tell them. I just... I don't know. I guess I thought I was sparing them. I was so hurt and embarrassed, I didn't want them to feel the same. I wanted to protect them. And I didn't wanna feel like a burden."

Jay's heart ached at her words. She was so worried about other people's feelings that she put herself second. After placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles, he said, "You shouldn't have gone through that at all, let alone by yourself. Where was Taylor through all this?"

"Oh, I didn't meet Tay until Middle School when she moved here from Pixie Hollow, Neverland. And there was no way I was telling her. By the time Middle School rolled around I had decided that I was not going to let that night or Audrey or Chad define who I was. I had finally realized what my parents meant on those steps all those years ago. I may be clumsy and a mermaid and a little unconventional. But I'm a princess no matter what others have to say."

"I like that. It definitely suits you."

Erin did a mock curtsey and chimed, "Why thank you, kind sir." She popped back up, giggling at her little joke and Jay easily joined in.

"That night taught me a lot," Erin continued seriously. "Not only do I not care about what others think about me. But dresses are so impractical. I bet you I wouldn't have seen my little life flash before my eyes if I was wearing pants," Erin added in a joking manner. Jay was glad she could look back at the unpleasant memory and take some good from it.

He chuckled and mused, "So that's the reason. And here I thought it was just because you were clumsy."

"No, no. That's why I don't wear heels," she corrected, waving her pointer in the air to emphasize her point. Jay chuckled and nodded, showing he understood the difference. When Erin stopped giggling she added, "By the way, I've been in the ocean since then. Many, many times. And I couldn't be prouder to be who I am: A princess who just so happens to be a mermaid."

"That's really great, Erin," Jay said proudly. He couldn't believe that he was the first she'd ever shared that with. It made him feel special. She trusted him with the darkest day of her life. And she was so remarkably strong for sharing and even more so for keeping it to herself for all these years. If she could share this, he could share his feelings about his dad.

Taking a deep breath to steel his nerves, he said, "I'm sorry about earlier. What my dad said about you, about us, it's not how I feel. I hope you know that."

"I know. But I'm glad that you told me," Erin replied fondly. "Thank you. I can imagine how difficult that was."

Jay rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah. I just want you to know that you have become really important to me. You, Auradon, it's changed me more than I thought it would. I don't really know where I belong, but I know that it's not back home, stocking my dad's shelves. I can't go back to that, even if that disappoints my father."

Erin turned to face Jay, pausing their walk and held either of his large calloused hands in hers. Looking into his dark chocolate eyes, she said, "You are here now. And you don't have to go back if you don't want to. You're free to make your own choices, Jay. My grandfather always tells us to follow our hearts and let the scales fall where they may, but in the end, everything will work out."

"Thanks, Rin," Jay said. "Your grandfather seems like a cool guy."

"Yeah, he is as far as grandfathers go. He can come off as harsh sometimes, but that's his way of being protective. He loves all his children and grandchildren, and he's never afraid to show it."

Jay sighed, realizing that while he was being honest, there was something else he wanted Erin to know. "Speaking of not being afraid, there's something else. Hear me out before you say anything?"

"What is it?"

"Before the Championship Game the other day, I asked if you wanted a cookie. Well, it was actually a love spell," he admitted nervously. Erin paused in her steps and her brows wrinkled. She was at a loss for words, and she hoped that Jay had an explanation.

Taking Erin's silence as a cue to explain further, Jay contemplated on what he should say. He couldn't tell her the whole truth because that would ruin the mission. But there was another way he could be honest, he just had to be brave enough.

Emotion dripped from every word as Jay spoke. "I... When we first met, I-I couldn't take my eyes off you, and that scared me. It scared me that not even five minutes in, I felt a way that I have never felt before. It scared me so much that I did everything to fight it. I tried to distract myself by doing what I always did: flirt. But then, I realized that I was hurting you. And that... that killed me. At one point we were getting along so well, and then I went and ruined it. I couldn't stand the fact that I was about to lose you, even if it was just as a friend."

"So, you thought spelling me into loving you was the only way. I bet Mal felt the same way when she gave the cookie to Ben," Erin stated after processing it all. "But I walked away before you had the chance."

"I'd like to think that if you accepted, I would've stopped you," Jay stated, avoiding her comment about Mal and Ben. "But I am so glad you walked away. I would never trade the last few days for anything. Those were your feelings. Everything that happened was real."

Erin smiled. "You're right. I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. You make me feel safe. You accept me for who I am- klutz and all. I trust you. I love spending time with you. And just the thought of you makes my face as red as my hair, which you've probably noticed. I'm glad I walked away from that cookie because it gave me you."

Jay held Erin's face in between his hands, pushing her hair out of the way. Crystal blue met chocolate brown in a loving gaze. Their breaths mingled because of the proximity. "Can I kiss you?" Jay whispered, his warm breath fanning Erin's flush skin. Her smile widened before she lifted her heels, connecting her lips to Jay's. At first, he was surprised at her bold move, but quickly recovered and melted into the kiss. Electricity flowed between the pair. It was short and sweet, a perfect first kiss. 


AAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! What a chapter! So much happened! But they kissed! And everything is out in the open... Well, almost everything.

I hope you enjoyed!

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Love you all! Love this book! So much love!



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