The Visitor (A Short Story)

By mereanneschumacher

9 1 0

I was trying to help science. Trying to help make immortality possible. Now it was. But, who would want to li... More

The Visitor

9 1 0
By mereanneschumacher

I gave a sigh of misery. My wrist was raw from the metallic cord tied to it. It connected me to my life source, a light bulb-like device, but much bigger, with flecks of life floating in it.

I hated it.

I was its prisoner.

I couldn't go anywhere with it tied to my wrist. I pulled, trying to move it, but I screamed in anguish as the cord dug into my skin, and blood trickled down my hand.

Living was torture. I wanted to be done. I wanted to die.

I remembered my life before, my parents, my sister. I had been happy. I had been cared for. I had been safe.

This was beyond everything I had ever imagined. This was worse than my wildest nightmares.

I was trying to help science. Trying to help make immortality possible. Now it was. But, who would want to live like this? In torture? In agony? With no one? It would be better to die than to live forever in this... this torture.

I didn't need food or water, my life source made sure of that.

The scientists had good intentions... but after my experience, I hoped they'd stop. I didn't want anyone else to suffer my fate.

What was worse, was the fact that I had no idea where I was. All that there was for miles were clouds of curious, blue, light.

It always seemed to be night.

The ground was like dust. It spread as far as I could see.

I hadn't seen a single person for 8 years.

8 years of torture.

8 years of agony.

All by myself.

I only knew how much time had passed, because there was the date written on my life source.

My wretched life source.

It was driving me insane.

My voice was cracked and dry from lack of use. I'd only ever screamed since I came here.

I couldn't even remember my own name.

I had big welts on my wrist from the metal cord burning me. I couldn't untie the cord because it would burn me beyond endurance.

My left wrist would never be the same, I was sure.

If I had to live in this forever... the same awful cycle.

I wanted anything, but this. Anything.

But, there was no way out. I would live forever.

Forever was much longer than 8 years.

Too much for my 13-year-old mind to accept.

And, much longer to suffer.

I looked at my aching wrist, it was still bleeding.

Not even luck could save me now.

I sighed, I had accepted long ago that this was my fate, but that didn't make it any easier.

It didn't make the torture more bearable.

It only made me more miserable.

Nothing could change my future. Nothing.

I was hopeless. I doubted anyone could change my mind.

All I did all day, every day, was walk out as far as the cord would let me, not far, and sit. Sometimes pulling at the cord, or else trying to untie it, and then it would burn me.

When I had been 5, immortality, or to live and never die as the scientists said it, sounded awesome.

It wasn't.

And now, I'm stuck in my decision forever. I thought, knowing that it was true. I regretted it with my life. I could hardly believe how stupid I had been.

But, how would I have known at 5?

I lost everything, I didn't even get a chance at life.

But, what did it matter anymore?

I pulled against the cord again, it drew more blood and brought more pain. Even though I knew it would, I did it again. I felt as though I would never learn, I had, long ago, lost hope that someday I would break free. No, that was a wish, a desire, a fantasy.

I looked up at the dark sky. I felt trapped. I was trapped.

I wanted someone, anyone to rescue me from this mess. But, I was stuck.

Hope was a thing of the past, and wishing, and desires, and freedom.

All I did, all the time, was give up. I was so sick of it, but I couldn't do anything about it.

I had gone down a path I could never return from.

There was never any noise unless I made it. The silence was sickening. It was miserable. And, besides, it only made me feel more hopeless.

But, hope isn't a thing here, so it just fits right in, I thought bitterly.

I went over to my life source, to check the date:

June 11th, 3011

It made me feel even worse. But, I remembered what the last person I had ever seen told me as they set my life source up: "You're helping to make the future."

This was an awful future. It was only getting worse.

I screamed in pain as the cord burned me again., I was clearly not meant to escape.

That was what brought the hopelessness, I was never meant to leave.

I lay on the ground, feeling tired and sick. Not that it meant anything, since I always felt tired and sick.

Then, suddenly, I heard something. I'd never heard anything in the 8 years that I'd been there. I jerked into a sitting position and got to my feet.

The sound was like soft footfalls. But, that couldn't be... there was no one there, but me.

Yet, I was starting to doubt myself as the footfalls grew louder.

Thinking it might be a scientist coming to check me out, I brushed the dust out of my dirty blonde ringlets.

Although, that was the best I could do.

I narrowed my eyes, trying not to look shocked. A man came up to me, he was smiling.

I felt suspicious and fearful.

"Do you need anything?" I said hoarsely.

The man simply smiled at me. "Letitia."

At the word, I stood frozen. Letitia. I turned the word over in my mind. That was my name.

"Who are you?" My voice faltered. How did this man know my name? I'd never met him before.

"You may not know me, but I know you," he told me.

I decided to call him 'The Visitor'.

"There must be some mistake," I said, shaking my head, "No one has seen me for 8 years."

"Letitia, I made no mistake," he said kindly, "I came just for you."

Shock met these words. No one had ever come for me.

"But, I don't have anything, Iー."

"I don't need or want anything from you."

I nodded. This man, he was different. I trusted him, even though I didn't know him.

"Why have you come?" I asked.

The Visitor smiled. "Letitia, you know why."

My breath was punctured and shuddery, I was shaking. "It's impossible," I hung my head, "I've tried everything."

"Have faith, child."

I looked up, our eyes met. Tears were slipping down my cheeks.

"Hold out your arm."

Somehow, I understood. I lifted my bound arm. I looked at my life source. It was strange. I looked back to The Visitor. Something clicked in my mind.

He grabbed my wrist gently. Then he retracted his hand.

I watched in shock as the cord fell to the ground, my wrist fully healed.

I fell to my knees. "I don't know how... I don't understand... Iーthank you!" Tears streaked down my face.

The Visitor only gave me a warm smile, but it was enough.

"I don't deserve it..." I whispered, "Why?"

"I care for you, I chose to redeem you, you are mine."

I wasn't used to this. 8 years. Hoping. Longing. I had forgotten what it was to be free.

I felt comfort. I felt hope. I could start again.

The Visitor grabbed my hands. I looked into his eyes.

"How can I repay..."

"You don't need to, just trust me."

"I already do."

He gave me a kind smile.

I smiled back.

"Stand up, daughter."

I stood immediately.

"Listen, I am here to help you, to bring you home, to save you. You. Are. Free."

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