A Mafia Love Story 🍁 (18+ Ma...

By VanlalpekiJh

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A journey where love defines itself through people who comes from different backgrounds to meet at a point wh... More

Lead characters
Chapter. 1
Chapter. 2
Chapter. 3
Chapter. 4
Chapter. 5
Chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
Chapter. 8
Chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11
Chapter. 12
Chapter. 13
Chapter. 14
Chapter. 15
Chapter. 16
Chapter. 17
Chapter. 18
Chapter. 19
Chapter. 20
Chapter. 21
Chapter. 22
Not an update
Chapter. 23
Chapter. 24
Chapter. 25
Chapter. 26
Chapter. 27
Chapter. 28
Chapter. 30
Chapter. 31
Chapter. 32
Chapter. 33
Chapter. 34
Chapter. 36
Chapter. 35
Not an update
Chapter. 37
Chapter. 38
Chapter. 39
Chapter. 40
Chapter. 41
Chapter. 42
Chapter. 43
Chapter. 44
Chapter. 45
Chapter. 46
Chapter. 47
Chapter. 48
Chapter. 49
Chapter. 50
Chapter. 51
Chapter. 52
Chapter. 53
Chapter. 54
Chapter. 55
Chapter. 56
Chapter. 57
Chapter. 58
Chapter. 59
Chapter. 60
Please Read

Chapter. 29

1.8K 35 0
By VanlalpekiJh

Waking up to Emiliano holding me tight to him as if he's afraid i might disappear is something i still need to adjust..its not that i don't like it or such... just that he makes me horny everytime he touches me and feeling his hardness poking me right now between my legs because one of my leg is over his is making me throb and tingle all over...a simple slight movement against him sends jolt of electricity all over my body. After all the multiple rounds we had how can he still be hard is just simply out of my understanding he really does have a stamina of a wild beasts. Waking me up in between my sleep and giving me orgasms after orgasms which i don't have any idea of how many as i totally pass out begging him to stop.

Morning baby i kiss his chin and throat

Groaning he kiss into my hair mumbling Morning Love he tightens his hold moaning he moves his hip seductively against me making his morning hard on slide rubbing my already very sensitive pussy

Don't Em... don't you dare!  I glare at him pushing him on his chest I can't baby...I'm sore all over.

Chuckling he kisses my eyes I told you i'll be fucking you till dawn and you promised i could have you as my heart desires..no?

I didn't know you literally would mean it. How can you have so much stamina I poke his chest playfully

You make me insatiable love...only you baby. You should know i kept myself abstinence for more than 7/8 years now?  Sure i had one night stands before when i was young but i soon found it was a waste of time and i wanted to wait for someone special. You can't blame me now that i found you love...no?  All playfulness gone as he looks into my eyes...I can see he means it

Kissing his chin once again i smile You are absolutely handsome baby I place a kiss on his chest and you are a horny beast I tease him laughing out loud

I see he has a mischievous look but before he could say anything his phone vibrates. Grunting he takes his call still holding me

Yes (Emiliano)

Capo this is important and you need to be here (Nickolas)

About (Emiliano)

Elisa Fischer (Nickolas) 

I end the call annoyed, my blood boils hearing the name....the no good greedy Elias Fischer Damn it!!! I hadn't realised i held Gabe tighter than necessary with how my mood did 360 turn.

Baby what happened? She tries not to show that i am almost hurting her holding her too tight.

I'm so sorry love...did i hurt you I ask her worried that i might have scared her unintentionally

No...no here look at me baby, you didn't hurt me...i know you will never hurt me. What's happening? why are you so tensed? She asks calmly

I kiss her forehead Just an emergency meeting. Come on lets get ready, i need to be in the office baby.

Seeing that my friends are already waiting for me, i led Gabe to my office holding her hand. I know she will be in for surprise because i don't have any problem with her being by my side during the meeting and soon very soon she will be my Donna and Queen to the family. I tell Nickolas to arrange 2 of our trusted men to escort Gabrielle's friends around the estate and also to inform them of Gabrielle's whereabouts. Alfredo had arranged a chair beside me for Gabe with coffee ready to kick start the meeting. Sebastian had files ready for me to go through and Nickolas informing me we have a bloody fucking stupid german rat snooping around one of our clubs and till now he hasn't utter a word. This Elias Fischer is becoming a headache trying to take me down. What does he think waging a war with me is smart move Fucking putana!! (Whore)

So this stupid rat haven't said anything yet? (Emiliano)

I did a number on him but this putana (bitch) is stubborn and loyal (Alfredo)

He doesn't have any bug or any sort of device that would be a threat but he has a tattoo and from his phone we did manage to confirm he works for Elias (Sebastian)

After a much needed breakfast and coffee i was ready to visit the german rat to get him talking, to my surprise Gabrielle wanted to tag along which kind of had me worried for a moment but she assured me that she is intrigued and she wants to know how the mafia works so i really didn't have an option to deny if i want her to be my wife and Queen of this family. 

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