By 131ue_C10ud

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One day Norimune Kurosu (Iniarkazi's Coach) married Hana Nekomata and then they had me. I was born and was lu... More

Chapter 1: HOME TO TOKYO
Chapter 3: DETENTION
Chapter 5: MOMMY
Chapter 6: HELP ME
Chapter 10: I'M SORRY
Chapter 11: BEGIN AGAIN
Chapter 14: WRONG IDEA
Chapter 15: GAME DAY
Chapter 16: JUST FRIENDS
Chapter 19: OSAMU'S ENDING

Chapter 8: WE'RE ON A TEAM

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By 131ue_C10ud

K: In the flesh.

A: Who is this guy?

It took me a few seconds to process, but it was true. This wasn't a figment of my imagination. It was really him. "EEEEEEP!" I ran into Tetsuro's arms, backpack and all, as he spun me around.

O: What the hell was that sound?

When Tetsu put me down, he brought his lips to mine and kissed all the bad times away. When he pulled apart, he rested his forehead on mine and let out a chuckle. "Baby."

A: Baby?

O: Boyfriend.

A: Boyfriend?

*smirks* K: Boyfriend. *chuckles and pets head* I missed you too Kid.

"What are you doing here?"

K: I didn't have practice and your mom told me to give you this.

"Wow, for you me? You shouldn't have."

K: What can I say? I'm a giver.

"Well, I don't really need it now that you're here."

A: Did she just giggle? Since when does she giggle?


O: Yeah, but you're not one of them.

A: You said the ones that do, don't have a brain. What's the matter? Lost your mind over some guy?

K: I tend to have that effect on women.

"Yeah, Big Shot?"

K: Oh absolutely, buuut there's only one girl worth losing my mind over.


K: You know it.

*To Osamu* A: That's an animal, right? Not a pair of gloves.

O: Probably, but this guy is a little weird.

I let out a chuckle and hit Tetsuro's chest.

K: I guess you're a close second, though.

A: Ew.

"Yeah, you're number two on my list too."

K: Who's first? Spark Plug?

"Close, Kenma."

K: Ouch.

A: Who's Kenma?

K: One of her best friends back home.

A: Last time I check, I wasn't talking to you, Pretty Boy.


O: Got it.

Osamu punched Atsumu in the head for me and smile. O: You need to listen when she talks.


"For being rude."

A: All I'm saying is that this is home. Some guy you meant in someplace three years ago doesn't get to redefine the word. Besides, since when do you have friends? You're antisocial and violent.


O: Got it.


O: You deserved that one.

K: She tricked you two into being friends with her; she clearly has some tricks.

"And I'm not violent; you're just stupid."


"OR WHAT BENCH WARMER?" Tetsu started putting my hair and I instantly relaxed into him.

K: Slow down there, Killer. Being mad isn't good for your heart rate.

A: How did you do that?

K: Years of practice.

O: Can you teach me how to do that?


K: You heard the lady. Either way, since she didn't miss me, I guess I'll just take Spark Plug and go.

A: Spark Plug is alive?

K: Did Spark Plug die?

O: There's no way. Her dad was walking him yesterday.

"Spark Plug is in my room, or at least he should. Atsumu, what the hell?"

K: Dud, not cool.

A: She's the one that told me he was dead.

"Uh, no, I did not."

A: Did too, on the walk home yesterday.

K: You walked home with them yesterday?

O: Not them, him.

"Samu, can you not?"

K: Samu?

O: Osamu Miya.

K: So I've heard. You're the one I need to like.



"Okay, I think we should go inside; I've got lots to fill you in on."

A: Yeah, we've got lots -

"Bye Samu! Bye Tsumu! I'll see you whenever!"


O: I don't think we were invited to begin with.

*in his head* A: She just called me Tsumu.

*in his head* O: He's got that stupid smile on his face again.

As I unlocked my door and stood in my hallway, I knew what awaited after hearing the TV playing in the living room. "We can ignore him and run?"

K: Not a chance. I'm not missing out on the opportunity to meet my girl's father.

"You met my mom, grandpa, grandma, and Mia. They all love you, isn't that enough?"

K: Nope, now let's go.

"Wait, before we do this, I wanted to warn you; me and my Dad aren't exactly on the best terms. It could get ugly. It's just... I don't know if telling him I have a boyfriend is a great idea."

K: Why?

"Because I hate him and that would be letting him know more about my life than necessary?"

K: I knew things weren't good, but you've never said that before. How much worse have things got?

D: (P/N), there's no point in hiding in the hallway. You've got to give me an update regardless.

"I'M NOT HIDING! Tetsu... just... follow my lead." Tetsu grabbed my hand and squeezed it before I let go and walked into the living room.

D: How did he - Hm?

"He did fine. His control was better. I had him practice with Osamu, so it's also a little faster. It's only been two days, but he's improving rapidly. I'll probably make him start running drills with Osamu by the end of next week."

D: That's fine. Make sure to keep me updated. I assume you'll make the proper accommodations to keep your guest busy while you're at practice.

"Unfortunately, I can't attend because I am his accommodations. Tragic, but I hope my absence won't hurt the team too much."

D: I'm sorry, Young Man, my daughter seems to have lost her mind if she thinks I'm going to let her spend time with a stranger.

"His name is Tetsuro Kuroo, and he's not a stranger; he's a friend from Tokyo and a gift from mom."

D: This makes sense. She spent the money on his ticket. Just how good of a friend is he?

"We had a deal. No interest, remember? I play by your rules; you play by mine."

D: Tetsuro, forgive my daughter's rudeness; she seems to have forgotten how to respect her father.

"You seem to have forgotten that you've given up that title."

K: I'm sorry to impose, Sir. Her mother thought it would be a nice surprise. Like your daughter said, my name is Tetsuro Kuroo. I'm a third-year student in class five at Nekoma High.

D: The college track.

K: Yes, Sir. (P/N) and her mother like to say Kenma and I are the reason (P/N) skipping a grade.

D: Wait a minute, I remember about you once. You were a year older than Kenma. Do you still see Kenma? He used to be one of (P/N)'s friends back in Tokyo. Shaggy hair, tired eyes, a shy fellow.

K: Yes, Sir, that's the one. We're still good friends.

D: You've grown up quite a bit. I assumed you two weren't close friends because the only words out of this one were about Kenma.

K: I can assure you that the three of us are very close, Sir.

D: Where's Kenma?

K: Unfortunately, visiting a family member in Miyagi. I can call him if you'd like.

D: Yes, that is unfortunate, but that won't be necessary. Are you and Kenma still playing volleyball?

K: Yes, Sir. I'm the captain of our team now, and Kenma is our starting setter.

D: That's amazing. You should come practice with the boys tomorrow; I was trying to get (P/N) back into volleyball; you think you may be able to convince her to try again?

"Seriously?! Tetsu, let me know when you're done. I'll be in my room."

D: Where do you think you're going? You have a guest who's probably hungry.

"Then feed him."

K: It's okay, Sir. She meant to say is that I already ate on the train and that (P/N)'s mom is waiting on a call from her.

D: Very Well. (P/N), practice tomorrow is at 9 am. Like you said, we made a deal. Enjoy your new phone; I hope it was worth every penny.

*mutters* "Whatever."

D: What was that?

"I said, I'll get there when I get there."

D: Don't be late. And (P/N), friend or not, Kuroo sleeps on the floor.

*blushes* "DAD! NOT OKAY!"

D: He's Tetsu, the Tetsu with the heart from your phone.

"He's just a friend."

D: Then keep it that way. You're too young for a boyfriend and you can't afford to get distracted during volleyball season. I need your total concentration on Atsumu and the team when your not studying.

"Kenma has three hearts by his name and I tell him that I love him. Are you going to think he's my boyfriend too when he comes to visit? I know you don't think much of me, but at the very least, recognize that if I had a boyfriend, I'd be smart enough not to bring him around you."

D: No, because I recognize your hubris instead. You're smart; I will admit that; however, you're also prideful. If anyone were your boyfriend, you'd bring them around and hide them right under my nose by calling them your friend.

"Careful there, Daddy, you're crossing into protective Father territory."

D: It was only a deduction.

"A wrong one."

D: Very well, go call your mother and give her my regards. And if she asks?

*forced smile and clenched teeth* "This place is already home."

D: That's a good girl, now go, while I talk to Tetsuro.

I grabbed Tetsuro's bags, stormed into my room red-faced, and slammed the door shut. UGHHHHHHH. How did things get so bad with him? I used to be able to tell him anything. I opened my phone box and started putting it together to call the one rational parent I had.


D: I'm very sorry you had to witness that, Tetsuro. Sit; you must be exhausted from the ride over.

K: Not at all, Sir. The ride over was a productive and refreshing one.

D: Tetsuro, be frank with me. Are you dating my daughter? It's okay if you are, you're a fine young man, very respectful, a hard worker, and a leader. By the amount she calls, I can tell she probably finds comfort in you.

K: I am Sir. We've been dating for about two years now.

D: Does her mother know?

K: She does, which is why she made Coach Nekomata cancel practice this weekend so I could come visit (P/N).

D: Hana did always have her father wrapped around her finger.

K: Sir, would you mind if I asked you a question?

D: Only if I could ask you for a favor?

K: Of course.

D: Then ask away.

K: Forgive my bluntness, but what was that? I knew things were bad from what she's told me, but she spoke so highly of you before coming here. She told me she hated you and in the three years I've spent knowing her, she's never hated anyone or anything.

D: Can I be honest with you?

K: Of course.

D: Every parent frets over whether they're doing the right thing by their child. They try their best to send them on the right path and try their best to send them towards what they can see for their child. (Y/N) is talented and smart. She's quick on her feet, both on and off the court, but she carries a heavy burden, and she does it all on her own because she thinks she's a bother. Volleyball was a big part of her; it was closely tied to her identity for so long that in the process of losing it, she lost herself.

She hasn't always been strong; she used to cry at every little thing, so naturally, I expected losing something so dear to her would make her shed a tear, but it didn't. She put on a smile and made the situation work. I supposed I should be grateful, but I'm worried. She'd been working for six long years on this; her purpose vanishes without a trace, and she's fine? There's no way. I'm worried that she's grown hollow on the inside. I asked to bring her here because I thought it would help. We had such a good relationship, but bringing her, it did the opposite of what I intended it to. She's getting detention, talking back, disrespecting me, lying to me, getting in fights. And every time I try to talk to her, she takes it the wrong way.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the more she comes to practice with the boys, the more I see her smile. Watching her interact with the boys, it's almost like I have my little girl back. Atsumu is the one who made her love Volleyball in the first place. I'm hoping being around him will rekindle that love.

I know she's hurting, but she's somehow convinced herself that it's okay. All the anger in her is in there; she simply won't let it out. I see it every time we talk about the possibility of her playing volleyball again. I know she can't play like she wants to again. I know her dreams of going pro are gone, but she has to be able to mourn those dreams so that she can move forward. Those dreams are in the past. It's time to move forward and accept what she can do. She doesn't need memories, but what she does need to do, is process the pain of defeat and learn to forgive herself.

K: Respectfully, Sir, where do I come in?

D: You don't. She's going to need you in her corner as she slowly begins to unravel. I'll keep pushing and then she'll break. I'll let her see me as the villain, I'll let her take the burden of hate and move it off her shoulders. I only hope by doing so maybe she can stop hating herself and her knee a little less.

But as for that favor, if her mother asks, (P/N) is getting happy and we're getting along fine. If her mother hears she's miserable not only will she rub it in my face, but she'll coddle and shelter (P/N) back into her cocoon spilling that nonsense. Appreciate the memories you made and be grateful for the opportunities you had. You can't experience the joy of playing when you're stuck in the past Nekomatas!

K: I understand Sir. I'll do my best.

D: Thank you for listening to me, Son. Go, make that daughter of mine smile. Oh and Tetsuro this stays between us.

K: That's a given, Sir.

D: Make sure she's at practice tomorrow. I want you to watch how different she looks when she's on the court. I assume you brought things to practice in?

K: Yes sir. I left practice and went straight to the station after.

D: Good. Then I'll see you tomorrow. Last thing, I was also serious about the floor. I would rather have you on the couch, but I know she'll fight me on it and you'll sneak into her room regardless.

K: Yes Sir.

"Yup! I know, love you too Mommy. Goodnight. EEEEP" I was so focused on my phone that I didn't hear Tetsuro come and shut the door. The idiot had jumped on top of me, wrapped his arms around me then leaned down and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. It was chaotic, but hearing his chuckle made it all worth it.

M: (P/N)?

K: Goodnight Ms. Nekomata.

M: Tetsuro! Take good care of my rugrat and make sure that Good-For-Nothing is keeping her happy.

K: Will do!

M: Goodnight you two! Love you!

With that mom hung up. Tetsu took my phone and tossed it to the side. "I was using that."

K: I'm pretty sure you were done with it. You spent more than enough time playing with it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled up at him. "I had to find a way to occupy myself while you were chatting with your new girlfriend.

K: I'm afraid I might have the wrong Kurosu. How ever will I tell you two apart?

"I think I know one way." I pulled Tetsuro in for a long deep kiss. When I pulled apart he smirked.

K: You kiss all your friends like that?

"Only the special ones."

K: Like the Miya Twins?

"Nope, only the extra special ones like Tetsuro Kuroo."

K: You want to tell me about that? Last time I checked in you were leaving both of them alone.

So I filled Tetsu in on everything, from the whole blowup with my Dad and being forced to be the manager, to private practices with Atsumu, Osamu on the roof to the whole Atsumu explanation. By the end, my mouth was dry from talking so much, but I did manage to get comfortable on Tetsu's chest. "Can you believe that he had a crush on me?"

K: Of course I can; you were probably adorable.

"Well yeah, duh, that's a given, but it's like hmmm Nevermind."

K: Say what you were going to say.

"If I tell you, will you tell me what you and my dad talked about?"

K: Sure


K: I promise.

"Seal it with a kiss."

*sigh* K: If I must

*giggle* *kiss* "Good. So I was comparing it to our group in my head. And in some alternate universe where I never left, I think I'd end up dating Atsumu."

K: Is that right?

"If Samu is Kenma; the quiet reserved one, then Atsumu is you, the snarky one I spent my time with."

K: I'm confused, didn't you initially have a crush on the grey one? Why would you say that you'd end up with Blondie?

"Because he would've had your role? I don't know. It's really not important."

K: Is this your way of telling me you like Kenma?


K: I mean I get it, he's smart, he's younger than me, you're both setters, you have three hearts by his name.

"I believe in Kenma supremacy."

K: Don't we all. I just wish he did too.

"He'll get there someday, but until he does, we'll be around to remind him."

K: There's my girl. Smart and Supportive.

"Well, how about you do your girl a favor and tell her what you talked about with Dear Ol Dad."

K: The best sport ever obviously.


K: Cute. But not right. You know it's volleyball.

I cuddled deeper into Tetsu's embrace. "I'm so sick of that man talking about volleyball."

K; Baby, he's trying his best. He just wants to connect with you again.

"No, he's not Testu. He just wants me to make his team indestructible with my grandpa's receives."

K: I don't know if that's entirely true.

"You know, when I lost volleyball I realized I wasn't upset. I was excited. I finally got to take a break, but I guess after, the more I practiced with you and Kenma, the more I felt my knee hurt, I got a little sad because I guess part of me didn't realize that my break was permanent....Volleyball was the one thing I was good at, so losing that meant I wasn't special anymore and my dad can't handle that. I'm ordinary, boring ol' me now. After being special for so long I don't think it's fair for me to be sad. I still have all my parts, I have all my friends, all my family. Losing a sport isn't bad at all and it's not even like I lost it's completely. I can still play, so there's no need to cry. It's only fair that I disappeared into the background after shining so bright. There's nothing wrong with being mediocre. But for my dad..... it turns out it's the worst thing possible."

K: You're allowed to be upset. Volleyball was a big part of your life and you lost a piece of yourself. I know you can still play, but it can get frustrating not being able to play like you used to.

"It's alright. Like grandpa and mom always say I didn't play for fame and glory, I played because I enjoyed the game. I might be average at everything now, but I got a lot of heart and that has to count for something."

K: You realized you skipped a grade? That's a pretty special thing to do.

"I'm pretty sure it's not. Different provinces have different education levels. Do you not remember I placed in as a first-year when I took the Nekoma entrance exam?"

K: Do you not remember that class five is an advanced placement class no matter what grade you're in at Nekoma?

I leaned up and kissed Tetsu's cheek. "You're too nice to me Tetsuro Kuroo."

K: I'm your boyfriend; being nice to you is kind of my job.

"You're right. I get to be average because my boyfriend is above average for the both of us."

K: I love you and I hope someday you can realize that there's nothing ordinary about you (Y/N) Kurosu.

"I love you too. I just wish he'd be able to see it that way too....I miss him."

K: Then tell him.

"It's not that simple. He wants the volleyball prodigy and the perfect daughter. I think he finally understands that I'm not her anymore and he's disappointed."

K: He loves you in his own way. I think there's just some miscommunication going on. He just wants what's best for you.

"Maybe, but I don't want to talk about it anymore." I flipped over on top of Tetsu and smiled. "I would rather talk about someone a little more important." Tetsu grabbed my hips to keep me on and smirk up at me.

K: Oh and who is that?

I bent down and kissed Tetsu's cheek. "Just this guy" I bent and kissed his other one. "His name is Tetsuro Kuroo." I bent down and placed a kiss at the corner of his mouth, then smirked. "You ever heard of him?"

K: I have. Word on the street is he's trying to get in good with your dad, though. It wouldn't be a good look if he walked in to see his daughter on top of me.

I lifted my shirt over my head then placed little kisses on his neck. "It wouldn't, but that's why it's a good thing the door is locked." I placed lingering kisses everywhere, but the one place he wanted.

K: What if he heard? You're not quiet.

Tetsu and I had only had sex twice. The first time was the night before I left; I supposed to be leaving early, so mom let me sleepover to say goodbye. I knew it would be special and I wanted my first time to be with the guy I love. Was I loud, yeah, but that's because Tetsu's dad wasn't home! The second time was literally that morning when we woke up. I was all sad because I had to leave. One thing led to another and again to my defense, HIS DAD WASN'T HOME.

"Guess you'll have to show me how.." Tetsu flipped us back around so that he was on top looking down at me.

K: Are you sure about that?

"Oh yeah. Let's live a little dangerously."

K: Then let me help out. I think you missed a couple of times.

After we finished making love, I sat there laying on Tetsu's bare chest. "Tetsuro." Tetsu ran his hand from my hair to my back.

K: Yes Princess.

"I love you and I love how much you care about me, but I'm only going to ask you this once, don't get involved. Whatever is going on between my dad and me, I'll handle it. Don't tell my mom either; I can fight my own battles." Tetsu leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

K: I know, but you shouldn't have to. I love you and as your boyfriend, it's my job to be here for you. So if that's what you want then I'll wait until you need some backup. Just promise me you'll call for it when you need it, no more taking things on alone. We're a team, remember?


It was about a month into the move and school, well it wasn't going well. People kept making fun of my accent, so I did the best I could to laugh it off even though it hurt.

K: How long has that been going on?

"Hmmm? Oh, you mean the jokes? Not too long. Those kids are just interested cause I sound a little different, but it's no biggie."

Kenma: It's been going on since the first day, hasn't it?

My eyes widened, but I recovered quickly and replaced it with a laugh. Don't be selfish, don't burden them with your problems when they have their own. "Who knows anymore. I don't bother remembering the little things. My dad always says that what we did yesterday and all that happened doesn't matter. Our success or failures don't define us. Today is a new day, time to start all over. I don't need memories. So I'm not exactly quite sure how long it's been, but I also don't care. It's middle school; after all, I didn't expect to get out of this scot-free."

K: You don't have to do that you know, pretend everything is alright when it's not.


K: Listen, I'm not going to force you to talk about anything you don't want to, but know if you do, you can talk to either of us. We're friends now and I'm not sure if you know what that means, but essentially, it means we're a team. If the seventh graders don't like you, you have a friend in eighth and ninth grade to hang out with.

"We're a... team?"

K: We have to go; practice is about to start, but remember we're a team now, and we're here if you need us.


I leaned up and kissed Tetsu again. "Yeah, I remember. I love you, Tetsu."

K: I love you too (P/N).

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