Hogwarts Mystery -T and B

By TiffanyBond0

415 20 15

My name is Tiffany Bond and This is the story of my HP:HM MC and Barnaby. This is my first time writing fanf... More

Year 3 part 1
Year 3 part 2
Year 4 part 1
Year 4 part 2
Year 4 part 3
Year 4 part 4
Year 4 Part 5
Year 4 Part 6

Year 4 part 7

51 2 2
By TiffanyBond0

It was Springtime and it was time to get down to business. We had to prepare to enter the Forest vault. Charlie, Barnaby, and I were in the courtyard talking about our plans to re-enter the forest when suddenly Charlie went rigid. Then Barnaby. The cloaked wizard who attacked me earlier in the year had cast Petrificus Totalus on them.
"I told you death was coming Tiffany Bond. Now it's here"
Dueling the cloaked wizard was difficult. Both of us were good at using the sheild charm. it felt like neither of us was getting anywhere.
"Confringo!" Rakepick stunned the cloaked wizard "Are you alright Miss Bond?"
"I think so." I turned to my friends "Episkey"
"Thanks Tiffany" said Charlie
"What happened?"
"Are both of you alright"
"We're alright. Are you okay?" asked Barnaby putting his arm around me. "Who attacked us?"
"I was wondering the same thing" said Rakepick
I turned my wand on the cloaked figure "Finite Incantatem"
The disillusionment charm faded to reveal Ben.
"What happened? where am I? Why am I dressed like this?"
"You really don't remember attacking us?"
"I attacked you? I would never do that. You know that Tiffany. Please. I don't remember anything"
"What should we do with Mr. Copper" Rakepick asked me
"Take him to Dumbledore. He will be able to sort out what happened"
"I swear. I would never do anything to hurt you. I don't know what's wrong with me..."
Barnaby and I walked back to the common room. I could tell he was shook up.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him
"I'm fine. I should have been able to protect you."
"Ben took you out first to catch you off guard. There was nothing you could have done"
Rowan was waiting for us. Barnaby told her what happened
"I knew it!" she shouted "Now do you believe me?"
"I don't know Rowan. He could have been under the influence of the imperius curse..."
"I'm with Rowan on this. We can't trust Ben and I definitely don't want you to be around him without me around. He tried to kill you tonight. He might have if it weren't for Rakepick. I don't trust her too much either"
"We need to focus all of our energy into researching the forest and preparing for for anything we might find in there" I said "Torvus wanted us to bring Hagrid, so we have to convince him to come with us"
The next evening, Rowan was helping Barnaby with Potions homework, so I ran down to Hagrid's who agreed to accompany us into the forest after I assisted him with a Bundimun infestation. I found Charlie and Bill in the courtyard
"Hey Charlie. Hey Bill"
"Hey Tiffany. What's up?"
"Hagrid is going to take us to Torvus. We need to go right now."
"What about Barnaby? He really wanted to go with us. With you. He worries about you" said Charlie
"He's studying with Rowan. There isn't time to get him. We need to go now"
"He's going to be pissed that we went without him"
"You're his best mate. And I can handle myself. You know as much about the forest and the Creatures as anyone. And Bill is going to be there. We'll be okay"
We met Hagrid and Torvus in the forest Grove
"Torvus! How's my favorite centaur?" asked Hagrid
"Not bad considering we are about to walk into the jaws of death. Hey Charlie"
"Hey Torvus. See any dragons lately?"
"I never see any dragons ever. Maybe we should discuss your dragon obsession"
Bill and I looked at each other trying to stifle laughter.
"Are you ready to take us to the cursed vault?" I asked
"As ready as I ever will be. And remember, let Hagrid do the talking"
After looking around for what seemed like forever, we were surrounded by giant spider webs in a spider's lair.
"We better look around quickly before..." Torvus didn't get to finish his thought
"Before what centaur?" an Acromantula climbed down from the top webs "Hello Hagrid"
"You know this spider?" I whispered
"Not this particular feller, but the Acromantulas know me. We go back a ways"
"Ask it about the cursed vault"
"Ask me yourself human. I don't bite"
"He's a funny one" laughed Hagrid. I wasn't laughing
"Where's the cursed vault?" I tried to steady my voice despite being terrified
"Why should I tell you"
"You should tell them how you feed on the sleepwalkers" yelled Torvus
"It's more difficult now than it used to be. I made my home here long ago when the sleeping humans started coming here. They kept my belly full, but now they've stopped"
"That's because I stopped them!"
"Then you owe me a meal, centaur"
"We don't mean yeh any harm. we're just looking fer the cursed vault"
"I don't mean you any harm either Hagrid. Have a look.around"
"Thank yeh kindly. We'll be careful not to disturb yer webs"
"You misunderstand Hagrid. You are the only one who can look around. I'll need to be eating your friends" The spider trapped Charlie, Torvus, and Hagrid in webbing.
"I thought yeh didn't mean me any harm"
"I changed my mind. You're the biggest of the lot and I'm very hungry"
Bill jumped in front of Charlie
The spider was stunned long enough for me to free Charlie, Hagrid, and Torvus from the webbing
I used every spell I knew in a very difficult duel. Finally I cast the final spell
"Arania Exumai" and the spider fled
There was a door behind the webbing
"This must be the door to the cursed vault."
"This is incredible" said Torvus as we walked in
I stepped toward the column and heard a voice
"You're almost there Tiffany"
"Only the final vault is real. The rest are just distractions. Decoys. Traps. I've helped as mis as I could from here"
"From where? Where are you?"
"I'm trapped in the next vault. You're the only one who can set me free"
"Where is it? How do I find you?"
"You have to find the next vault. We'll find the final vault together. You can't let them get there first"
"Are you alright Tiffany?" asked Charlie
"I'm fine. I heard my brother. He's trapped in the next vault. We can't find that one until we get what's in this one. Torvus, can I borrow your arrow? I promise you will get it right back" I touched the arrow to the column.
"Unbelievable" said Torvus
"What is it?" asked Charlie
"A portrait of a dragon and...a tiny sweater? Who could wear a sweater that small?"
"Who cares about the sweater when there's a dragon! We should get back to Hogwarts before that spider comes back"
"Thanks for everything Torvus"
"Thank you Tiffany. Hopefully with this arrow, my herd will allow me back"
As we walked out of the vault, Professor Dumbledore was waiting for us
"I'm pleased to see you are all safe and sound. You've entered the forbidden forest without permission. You continue to exhibit little respect for Hogwarts rules and it's headmaster. "
"Professor Dumbledore, I..."
"We've discussed your misbehavior too many times. Perhaps you will respond more favorably to punishment. The question is what sort of punishment do you deserve for your indiscretion?"
"Mr Filch can hang me by my ankles if it means my friends will not be in any trouble"
"You will serve detention in the kitchens under the watchful guise of a particularly demanding house elf named Pitts"
"For how long?"
"From the first day of your fifth year until it becomes obvious to us both that you have learned your lesson. I trust you adventure was well worth it Tiffany. All of you are free to go."
After we were out of Dumbledore's sight, Charlie ran up to me and picked me up into a hug
"That was brilliant!"
"I can't believe you duelled an Acromantula!" said Bill pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head
"I can't either. That was terrifying! I hate spiders."
When we got back to the castle I went straight to the Common room. I had to tell Barnaby what happened. I knew he was going to be upset
"Where have you been. And why are you covered in scratches and dirt?" Barnaby was waiting by the fire and he ran to me and pulled me into a hug
"Hagrid took us into the forest. Bill, Charlie, and me. We had to fight an Acromantula, but we broke the curse."
"You took Bill and Charlie, but you didn't tell me about it?" he looked hurt
"There wasn't time to find you. Charlie knows the forest better than anyone. And Bill knows more spells than I do...."
"So you fought an Acromantula huh? You're lucky you only got a few scratches"
"Well Bill helped. He had to hold them off so I could free the others from the web" I told him the whole story.
"A portrait of a dragon and a sweater? Any clue what those mean?"
"I haven't had much time to think about it. Dumbledore caught us as we were walking out of the vault. He pretty much gave me permanent detention in the kitchen next year."
"I'm glad you're safe anyways. I've been waiting for hours. When Rowan said you weren't in your dorm... I didn't know if Ben found you or something"
"I'm sorry I made you worry" I said "But tomorrow everyone is going to meet at the Three Broomsticks to celebrate. We should get off to bed. I need to shower"
"Yeah you do" he said pulling some twigs out of my hair.
The next day Barnaby, Rowan and I were the last to arrive at the Three Broomsticks. Barnaby immediately went to talk to Bill and Charlie. Hagrid soon stopped by our table
"Hey Hagrid! Come to have one last Butterbeer before summer?"
"Professor Dumbledore sent me. He wants ter see yeh in his office. Best not keep him waitin"
I said goodbye and promised to meet Barnaby back in the common room after meeting with Dumbledore. When I got to Dumbledore's office, Rakepick was there.
"Where's Professor Dumbledore?"
"He had an important matter to attend to. I will be guiding you into your fifth year."
"Can you get me out of detention?"
"I cannot. However I think you will fi.d working with the house elves very enlightening. I can however change the rules to provide you more freedom in your search for the cursed vaults."
"Thank you madam Rakepick"
"That's professor Rakepick. I've decided to accept professor Dumbledore's offer to be the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. They say the position is cursed, but curses were made to be broken. Get some rest during your summer holidays. Next year will be quite exciting."
I met Barnaby in the common room and told him about Rakepick
"I still don't trust her"
"I don't either, but I think she can help me find the next vault"
"So, what are your plans for summer holidays?"
"Hopefully the same as last summer. Spending it with you at the farm"
"That would be amazing" he sighed "Would you mind having dinner at the manor with me before we go? You could meet my Gran. And see the grounds"
"I would love that!" I tried not to sound nervous. I know his Gran is... difficult. But it seemed important to him.
As we got off the train to platform 9 3/4, he spun me around into a kiss
"I'll send you an owl soon"

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