Horror Stories

By DayDreamingLady

19.8K 731 45

If you're looking forward to a night of sleeplessness, read on. More

The Limping Woman
Fran And Jock
Ghost Bro
The Rocking Horse
The Following
The Whispers
The Crib Shadow
The Shadow
The Satellite Images
Phantom Alarms
Mom's Scary Boyfriend
The Man In The Bunny Costume
The Ghost Babysitter
Stranger In The House
The Phantom Hairdryer
What I Saw On The Country Road
Two Little Dancing Girls
Deserted Road
The Attic
The Haunted House
The House
Stepbrother's Spirit
Mr. Mohawk
The Old Women
My Ex
The Stick Figures
The Face
Tap Tap At The Window
Don't Get Off The Bus
Attack On The Van
Men On All Fours
The Puppy In The Basement
The Chair
The Slender Man
Grandma's Light is Always On
The Ouija Board
The Cellphone
The Man In The Mirror
Happy Birthday
The Mirrors
A Haunting Visitation
The Writing On The Wall
We Didn't Question Why
The Devil
The Old Man In The Well
The Light
Closet Light
Wedding Day
Go To Bed
The Paper Airplane
Prettiest Girl In The Class
How I Sleep
That Damned Mirror
The Dancing Strangers
The House With Marked Doors
My Husband
Mr. Right
The Forest
Who Was At The Door
Bruised By The Ghost
Torn Cows
Dead Man's Ghost
The Baby's Crib
The Dog
The Ghostly Women
My Haunted House
Brother James
The Male Ghost
What Was It?
The Walking Cardboard
The Ruined House
The Handprints
The Oldman With A Crow
Creepy Bedroom
The Smoky Thing
The Dresser
The Dead Niece
The Kiss
The Handprints
The Little Girl
Mrytles Plantation
The Bloody Scab
The Sinister Doll
The Plushie
The Phonecall
The Black Room
The Whistle
Camping Trip
The Knocking
Don't Play With Guns
The CD
The Laughing Doll
The Victorian House

Cry Baby Cry

110 2 0
By DayDreamingLady

There’s a place here in Alabama in my town called “ Crybaby Hollow “ and it’s just this old bridge in the middle of a forest where a woman drowned her baby a good while ago ( can’t remember who exactly ) but I used to think it was just an old tale parents told their kids.

Well, my friend and I parked our car on the bridge and decided to see what was what. They say the spirit of the baby is still around and if you say “ Cry Baby Cry “ you’ll hear a baby scream in the distance, wanting for its mom.

We turn off the car and the lights and sit there with the windows rolled down and yell out those words. For 15 mins, nothing happened, not even a bug chirped. RIGHT when we were about to turn the key in the truck, my friend and I hear music from a child’s toy, it was a faint “ pop goes the weasel “ melody.

Next thing we know, we hear a baby wailing in the distance, and there is NO one that lives in that forest, it is all condemned and we are a good 20 miles from the nearest civilization. It’s not a cool of a story as the others, but it makes my blood run cold whenever I hear a baby cry now.

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