Trollhunters: The Written Fut...

TheWonderland04 द्वारा

228K 3.7K 7.4K

After the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded... अधिक

Becoming: Part One
Becoming: Part 2
Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome Your Enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win Lose Or Draal
To Catch A Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet Sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for Disaster
Claire and Present Danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunter
Roaming Fees May Apply
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
Where is my Mind?
Party Monster
It's About Time
Angor Management
A Night to Remember
Something Rotten This Way Comes
Escape from the Darklands
Grand Theft Otto
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Just Add Water
The Reckless Club
Mistral and Error
In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King
A Night's Patroll
Arcadia's Most Wanted
Bad Coffee
So I'm Dating a Sorceress
The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
Parental Guidance
The Oath
For the Glory of Merlin
In Good Hands
A House Divided
The Eternal Knight | Part One
The Eternal Knight | Part 2
His Choice


2.7K 49 84
TheWonderland04 द्वारा




Read this note! VERY IMPORTANT!


Author's Note:

Just because we had a few questions:

Yes, we are still continuing the book! We can't give up on this, we love doing it!

Yes, Jim has made an official decision whether people are going to keep their memories or not but we are going to give you a hint, Jim never follows the rules. We thought it would be a little fun if Jim knew what he wanted and it was never voiced to you guys because that is one of the biggest answers to this book and we didn't want to spoil it! A small and cheap cliffhanger that lasts like 17 chapters.

If you wanna have fun guessing it, we would love to hear the answers!

No, the episode Homecoming did not get published with the four chapters. Why? Some serious things have happened with one of our writers and they needed time away so we got behind on the story and took some time to help our friend in need. So we have decided to publish the four since there was a long wait.... Again.

Yes, our goal is now instead of publishing at late times and constantly random, we decided that we might wait until a certain hour to publish it. Maybe... we might not, who knows. Our goal is to have it published around 3 but things might go wrong.

If you guys have any questions, feel free to message me on either Fanfiction or Wattpad, might or might not take a while to get back to you guys but these were frequent questions and we wanted to clarify!

You think an episode like this would have tons of reactions but it was so hard coming up with some! WOW! They're all saved for the next episode.

Love you guys, Enjoy!


Vendel's staff came into view, reminding the viewers what stood between the Trollhunters and the antidote for Aaarrrgghh. The staff stood alone, almost as if it was formerly on break. Two trolls had stood guard of it, two headed spears in hand.

The camera panned to the side where Toby stood, taking cover behind the walls of Heartstone. The boy dug into his backpack, letting out a heavy breath. "Okay, get into character." He pulled out the familiar mask and slid it onto his face.

A flash of green from the transformation had caught the guards attention, however, instead of Toby, Vendel had stepped out. It was clear that it was truly Toby.

"Ah, guard person. Just returning to pick up a few things and such. Uh, carry on!" Fake Vendel tripped over the few steps ahead of him, confusining the guards who had watched the scene play out. Without hesitation, Toby grabbed the staff and raised his arms, "Awesome-sauce!" He quickly realized his mistake, looking nervous. "I mean, splendid and whatnot."

Vendel sighed, he called it. They would go through with the trade and not tell Vendel anything about it. He wanted to save the Trollhunter as much as they did but this was ridiculous. However, with how hard headed Blinky was went it came to things that was first on his mind, he could never talk him out of it.

Speaking of Blinky, Vendel turned to him, saying nothing, giving a hard to read face, causing the troll to laugh nervously and rub the back of his neck.

The guards said nothing, trying to understand why Vendel was acting off. "What is the meaning of this?!" The true VEndel's voice rang out, the two trolls jumping in shock and looking at both the imposter and Vendel himself. "An imposter! Guards, seize him!"

"No, dudes, seize him! If I'm not the real Vendel, then how come I have the, uh, staff thingy?" Toby said, hoping it would work. The guards readied their spears and charged while the two Vendels had fought over the staff.

"Oh for God sakes..." A student mumbled, facepalming. At least Toby was trying and the two guards were very easy to fool.

Luckily, for Toby, the real Vendel was tackled, the two trolls keeping him at bay while Toby took the chance to run. "Unhand me at once!"

Everyone gasped, turning to Vendel to see how he would react. "I need new guards..." Vendel hissed, sighing as he rubbed his face.

Beneath the canals within the night, stood the remaining Trollhunters. Blinky held the staff close to him as he spoke, seeming to question their decisions as he held his Elder's staff, waiting for it to be taken.

"Dealing business with these vile agents... I dearly hope we are doing the right thing."

"Anything to get Aaarrrgghh back," Toby said, determination on his face.

Aaarrrgghh smiled, he appreciated that they were doing something so risky to bring him back and that Toby was determined despite the outcomes. He loved that he was accepted, especially after his dark past.

"Brace yourselves. Looks like the creep patrol is here." Claire mentioned, watching as the headlights grew closer to them, stopping at a safe distance.

"Follow my lead. I've seen enough spy flicks to know how a handoff works." Toby added, speaking while Otto stepped out from his car. "It's a precise ritual of nuance and power." Otto let out an excited breath at the sight of the staff and began to step closer, only to be stopped after taking a few feet. "Not another step, wiener schnitzel! That's far enough! Now, throw us the antidote, and we'll throw you the staff!"

The camera had panned out, showing the large distance between Otto and the team. "Are you serious?" Otto asked in shock.

"Deadly." Otto rolled his eyes and pulled out a slip of paper, Toby keeping his glare as he nodded his head, giving the signal for the man. The Changeling did as told, tossing the slip, only for it to go a few inches everytime.

Everyone watched, scrunching their eyebrows at the scene, watching with confusion. "Is this really happening?"

"Toby, sometimes I question your motives."

"Why do they look so fun to hang out with now!? TOBY LET ME BE YOUR FRIEND!"

"Now what, Agent Toby?" Claire asked.

"Um, okay, fine! Let's meet in the middle, but no funny business! Hands where I can see 'em!" Relieved, Otto groaned out and quickly closed the gap between him and the Trollhunters, holding out the slip.

"Enough theatrics. Do the exchange now!" Toby grabbed onto the slip while Otto tried to pull the Staff, the two not budging. "Would you let go?" Otto hissed before he stumbled back, his prize now resting in his hands. "Yes. This will do quite nicely."

"Twig of Worm's Root, ounce of silver..." Toby read off before lifting his head and glaring at the man before him. "This isn't an antidote! It's a shopping list!"

Someone, by the name of John stood up, pointing his finger wildly. "Someone write that down!" Eli turned to the young man and was about to explain why it would do them no good but John easily caught onto the disagreement before it was said, "I don't care if it's useless we should do it anyway!"

"It is the ingredients to the antidote. Boil these in oil until it burns, and that will bring your friend back. Pleasure doing business with you." Otto added, pulling on the door handle, locked out of his own car. The Goblins laughed and continued to play with the lock. "Fragwa, open the door. Auf Wiedersehen!"

"Those instructions are pretty unclear, I feel like this is hard to trust."

"Uh... how else are they supposed to do it... make Aaarrrgghh drink it. It's common sense." Mary said to the student who gave her a shocked stare. "What?"

The team watched as the three cars drove off, leaving them in the darkness.

"We did the right thing. Right, guys?" Claire said, a concerned tone in her voice as she looked up to Blinky who had been watching the Janus Order leave, a glare resting upon his stone face.

"Desperate time, desperate measures. Now, we must concern ourselves with some shopping," The troll gently took the paper from Toby and placed his hand on his chin, studying the information. "Hmm... Where might we find the tears of one untouched by love's first kiss?"

"What in the name of.. What.... Is that really considered an ingredient in this?!"

"We should be used to the strange stuff by now, I mean look, we've been learning about Trolls under Arcadia. But I guess, the stuff that is just random is less weird than the trolls."

His question was answered when he and Claire smiled, both turning to an unsuspecting Toby.

"What? I've been kissed. Many times."

"Your nana doesn't count," Claire pointed out and Toby instantly deflated.


Everyone blinked as Jim snorted lightly, watching them interact was the best thing ever. "That is the saddest thing I have ever heard in my life."

Back in the Darklands, two guards stepped into view in front of an open cell, Jim trapped in between them, holding a stern glare. Without warning, they tossed the boy in roughly as the golden spears closed, trapping him within the small cave.

The two guards made a rumble, seeming to throw an insult at Jim. "Oh, yeah? Same to you, buddy," The Trollhunter hissed.

"You seem chipper for some that's been fighting to the death." Nomura mentioned as Jim repositioned himself, resting against the wall closest to her.

Despite fighting to the death, Barbara was proud of how high her son held his head in something so serious. He still hasn't given up and she couldn't hide her smile. This is why some ancient man picked her son to be his Champion, he was perfect and he was her son.

She would watch him grow into a much stronger person and help him every step of the way. "THAT'S MY LITTLE WARRIOR!"


"We just gotta hold out a little longer. Give my friends some time to find us. Then we'll be back home with a soft bed, deep-dish pizza..." As Jim spoke, Nomura curled into herself onto the other side, listening in remorse of her freedom. Jim had taken a whiff of his armpits, coughing and gagging at the smell. "Soap... Man, did I take soap for granted."

"We?" Nomura said lightly, instantly perking up at Jim's reply.

"Yeah, you're coming with me. You saved my life. The least I can do is save yours."

"You found some candy. How sweet. Doesn't mean your friends can save you. No one escapes the Darklands."

"Why does Nomura have to be so confusing? She said hope is good and now telling him that nothing will work. PICK A SIDE WOMAN!"

"I am right here," Nomura hissed.

"Exactly woman, pick a side. I recommend.. Oh, I don't know. Trusting Jim!"

"Who knows? Weirder things have happened," Jim answered while she began to pace. However, she froze in her tracks when the boy began to whistle a very familiar tune.

"Do you even know what you're whistling?"

"I just thought it was catchy. What is it?"

"No, you just remember it from everytime she tried to kill you and made that haunting whistle!"

"It's Peer Gynt."

"Peer what?"

"Gynt. It's an aria, like an opera. Nevermind. You wouldn't understand."

Jim's voice echoed from the other side, her eyes wide before she planted herself next to the wall, "Hey, come on, try me. I mean, it's not like we're going anywhere."

"I was just a young changeling when I first heard it... alone in your human world." Jim smiled, gently leaning to the side. "But there, opening night, when the curtain rose and the orchestra swelled... Peer Gynt is a little boy, who stumbles into a mountain of trolls."

The music began to softly play as she explained, Jim still deep into the story, "He faces a troll king, who tells him, "To thyself be true... and who cares what the world thinks?" But it's just a play. You want to hope, kid? Go ahead. We'll need our strength for tomorrow. Rest up, little Gynt."

"You know what is crazy, the fact that the story matches this whole situation. Like, a Changeling going to see a show about a troll and that whatever or whoever you are, accept it. Like Jim being the Trollhunter and the sacrifices, accept it. Like Nomura and Strickler, they are different but they accept it because who cares."

"Like you aren't making the best points but I still understand." Eli stated, smiling. Nomura smiled, glad they understood what made her fall in love with Peer Gynt so easily.

"Jim definitely fits that nickname, I love it."

Nomura began to whistle the same haunting tune before the scene slowly switched, Toby now stepping into the frame as he stood over a boiling cauldron, dropping an eel into it before retching and wiping his hands.

"Ugh, slimy. Slimy, gross." As they continued to make the potion, Draal stood guard. Claire was up next, sniffing a carton of milk before tossing it in.

"Blech!" She hissed while Toby had gotten his hands on a mouse, quickly tossing it into their conjuring potion.

"Ew, gross! I'm gonna wash my hands." The scene played out, both Toby and Claire adding items to the potion, one item even being the skeleton of a Gnome. "I think that's almost all of it." Without warning, Toby began to punch himself in the face, startling his team, Blinky watched as he began to think, right before slamming his stone foot onto Toby's.

Jim tilted his head, watching this with interest. Man, he was sad he was going to miss the moment with his friends like this, yet, he was glad he was seeing it now.

Toby let out a yelp, holding his pained foot, "Oh, that hurt." He gently wiped a tear from his eye, letting it drop into the bubbling potion.

People begin to laugh while Toby holds in a wince, "Blinky didn't hesitate! I love this so much!"

"You guys seem so fun and I am jealous, I'd be pissing my pants with laughter if I hung around you."

"Funny since all we did was bully them and pretty much still do."

"And lastly, a fragment of Heartstone," Blinky said, tossing the small piece into the potion, instantly, blue smoke poured from their mix, covering Aaarrrgghh still form.

"I like how Blinky just threw in the easiest thing while everyone else touched the most disgusting ones."

"It's working!" Claire yelled before the smoke began to suck back into the pot, letting out a flash of light and everything went silent. Nothing had changed as the team inspected their stoned friend.

Toby scoffed, "I don't get it. What happened?"

"Nothing. It... It didn't work," Claire replied sadly.

"Wow, you jinxed it Claire. Come on!"


"I...I thought for certain..." Blinky began to say as Toby closed the distance between him and the statue.

"No! No, come on, we did everything right! Come on, after all that we did, it has to work."

"Unless... The list was bogus! How could we have been so stupid?" Claire hissed, shocking her teammates.

Toby turned to her, sniffing, "The amulet told us we could bring him back. He has to come back. I even did the tear thing." As Blinky turned in defeat, Toby began to weep onto the statue, dust began to fall from the statue, color returning to Aaarrrgghh's form as he sucked in a breath, causing Toby to back up and look at him in shock.

"Wait, it worked! Guys, guys. Maybe they didn't mean to have the tear mixed into the potion, think about it, the Heartstone gave the reaction. Toby had to cry on him, let his tears fall on the statue and boom!"

"Makes sense, but every ingredient is essential. Just one mishap and it could cause a whole different reaction, so, it is probable."

"Shut up Eli!" Shannon, who watched Eli deflate at the words, smiled shyly.

Toby cheered as his Wingman held his head, groaning. Both Claire and Blinky had turned, relaxing at the sight of their friend now alive.

"Aaarrrgghh..." Claire breathed.

Aaarrrgghh relaxed, glad they worked that hard and it got him back. His friends were true to him and it made his heart swell. Now, they had to save their Trollhunter and Aaarrrgghh could join them like promised.


"Deya's grace be upon us," However, instead of a warm welcome, they were greeted by Aaarrrgghh's eyes covered in black and the troll let out a loud cry. Draal turned in shock, running up to him.

"You are making too much-." Draal warned before he was taken out by the cauldron.

Someone blinked, "my guy was just thrown into a whole new dimension. Boom, gone in a flash."

"Aaarrrgghh, calm yourself!" Blinky yelled out as the Troll ran, slamming into every wall while Claire tried to stop and sooth him.

"Stop! Wait! Aaarrrgghh!"

Blinky and Toby were thrown to the side as Aaarrrgghh barreled into them, Blinky calling out to warn his still standing friends. "He's disoriented. Quiet him before he alerts all of Trollmarket!" The Krubera Troll continued on his run of destruction, knocking into the weapons rack, the items suspended on it flying off and crashing to the ground.

Aaarrrgghh growled loudly, tossing the weapons rack off in a stray direction before catching the sight of Toby who had been making a break for the closed exit. The angered troll didn't hesitate and leaped in the air, crashing right in front of Toby, cornering him.

"Dude, this is like when you wake up mad and stub your toe."


"Whoa, Aaarrrgghh! Easy, easy! It's me, your wingman!" Toby cried as Aaarrrgghh raised his fist. Suddenly the troll's shoulders had dropped, posture freezing. Toby had thought that it had worked, holding out his arms with a nervous smile but Aaarrrgghh had roared instead, fists colliding with the door and causing Toby to duck.

However, as Aaarrrgghh caught his breath, one word escaping his stone lips, the loving green eyes returning. "Wingman."

Aaarrrgghh pulled his fists back as Toby looked up, a little nervous but instantly perked at the sight, "Ah! He's back! Oh, I knew he'd be back!" Toby instantly pulled him into a hug, smiling as Aaarrrgghh was surrounded by Claire and Draal who excitedly ran up.

"I see it, I don't believe it." Draal exclaimed.

Claire laughed, giving Aaarrrgghh a hug, "We missed you, you big brute!" Blinky had shyly stepped up, Claire and Toby moved to the side to give the friends a moment.

"I had all but assumed I would never see you again, old friend." Aaarrrgghh pulled Blinky into a hug, smiling before realizing the situation at hand.

"How did I...?" He began to ask before noticing an absent friend. "Where's Jim?"

"He, uh, went to the Darklands..." Claire said, tone dropping and shocking Aaarrrgghh, "so that no one else would get hurt."

"I can't believe him, what a little turd." Everyone looked at the student who sat awkwardly under their gazes. "I never realized the staring problem until now."

Aaarrrgghh's eyes closed and his expression grew determined, "Must get Jim!"

"Oh, yes, so you do know how to save him. The amulet proclaimed that you are the key to the hunter. So, tell us, what must we do?" Blinky quickly added, seeming to want to crack what the Trollhunters meant and finally save his Trollhunter.

"Umm..." Aaarrrgghh started, attention instantly going to the Soothscryer that had appeared from the floor, glowing blue. "Aarghaumont." It called, the mouth of the machine opening for the troll.

"What is...?" Aaarrrgghh seemed nervous but Blinky quickly soothed him.

"The amulet and the Fates that guide it have called to you. To what purpose, only you can discover, my dear old friend." Instantly, when Aaarrrgghh had stuck his hand in, his body was pulled from view.

Within the Void, Aaarrrgghh appeared, calling out into the vacant space. "Uh? Hello?"

"You are the first outsider since time began to see our sacred realm," Kanjigar's voice called out, appearing behind the troll. "Welcome, Aarghaumont, to the void between worlds."

Someone groaned, "why does he make a production out of everything, nothing has to be this fancy, get to the point so we can save Jim faster!"

"Kanjigar, why?"

Kanjigar placed a hand on Aaarrrgghh's shoulder, his marks matching the glowing blue from the spirits. "I know you have many questions. There is a reason you were chosen. There is a reason we need you." As Kanjigar's voice echoed, his spirit drifted into Aaarrrgghh, the troll's eyes now glowing the soft bright blue.


As Aaarrrgghh was left still and gaping, the scene went black, bringing the viewers back to the Hero's Forge, the team waiting with a bit nervousness until a burst of blue had appeared, Aaarrrgghh returning back to them but quiet and still.

"Aaarrrgghh, what did you see?" Claire asked.

"Did you meet the spooky troll ghosts?" Toby added in, Aaarrrgghh's eyes instantly opened, shocking the team.

Mary raised her eyebrow, dropping her phone. "Why did he wait so long, gosh. I'm going to spread a lot of crap about Kanjigar."

"Mary, uh, I wouldn't..." Claire started but Mary ignored her. Claire knew how much she liked the drama but the trolls, she wasn't so sure.

"He did convene with us. But I am not Aarghaumont."

"Kanjigar the Courageous." Blinky answered, bowing to respect the former Trollhunter.

Toby gasped, "Wait! What?"

"At ease, Blinkous. Yes, it is I." KanjiAaarrrgghh said, stepping up to him and placing his hand on Blinky's awaiting shoulder. Draal had stepped closer, eyes soft as he stared down the body of a vessel his father had taken over.

"It is you... Father."

"Well met. My son." Draal had jumped into his father's 'arms' the two sharing a tender moment, Draal relishing the moment.

"This is the shortest and simplest conversation but they made it so formal and I really don't know how to feel about it."

"Right, who walks up to their son after being dead and goes "well met," like what, no."

"Father." A student repeated. "I would ball my eyes out and cry for daddy. What is this!?" Draal listened to them rant, blinking at the conversation and unsure what to say.

"For trolls that don't have an education like us humans, they are way smarter and more improved with their english and now I feel like I am a failure because I can't even read when I'm in class."


"But how? What has happened to Aaarrrgghh?" Draal asked after pulling away, the team stepping closer.

"Your friend is here with me. Aaarrrgghh walked the line between life and death, so he alone could become a vessel for me to aid you."

A young girl by the nickname, Lizard, had been excited and cheered at the sight of Aaarrrgghh now alive and well. That was until Kanjigar had possessed the troll. She shook her fist at the screen, unhappy with the sight after missing Aaarrrgghh dearly.

"Well..... I mean..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey there, troll-tergeist! Give me my wingman back!" Toby called out, seeming to want his friend back after fighting for him.

"At ease, Tobias Domzalski. I will only stay until my work is done."

"But excuse me, Lord Sir Kanjig-Arrrgh... What exactly are you here to do?" Claire asked.

"I thought you knew. Only a Trollhunter can open the Killahead Bridge."

The entrance to the Forge lifted open, two guards calling out, "There they are!" From behind, Vendel was heard, standing in the other entrance as guards from behind him had charged.

"I knew it! Detain them! Find the staff!" KanjiAaarrrgghh shared a nod, understanding what they had to do. Draal instantly rolled off, handling one side of the arena while the Trollhunter turned to the other, hands held out as he said the incantation.

"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!" The familiar sword had appeared within Aaarrrgghh's hands, the guards stopping in their tracks at the sight of it.

The young female, Liz, held up a whiteboard, letting the class read it due to her inability to hear. What was scribbled on the board had read 'this was my theory since episode 26! A ghost Trollhunter possessing anybody and capable of summoning a Daylight sword using half of the amulet while Jim is in the Darklands, CHECK!'

"Aaarrrgghh? What dark powers have you meddled with?" Vendel asked lightly, no one hearing him. From behind, Draal had slammed into a guard, knocking them off their feet and then moving to the next, pushing another into the wall, accidentally turning on the platforms.


The floor slowly began to rise, Claire and Blinky falling from the small distance while Toby had tried to keep his balance. The boy plopped off, dangling from the side but despite the distance from him and the ground, he managed to climb up, seeming it to be safer than falling.

"Toby!" Claire cried, reaching out for him. KanjiAaarrrgghh easily blocked off any attacks, even tossing a guard off the platforms. Free from any attacks, the Trollhunter turned to find Toby who had been running from the direction of a turning platform, the one he was currently on, began to turn and the boy yelped, slipping.

With a gasp, KanjiAaarrrgghh leaped into the air, getting a hold on Aaarrrgghh's Wingman. The two fell from the high distance, the gears turning rapidly beneath them, causing Toby to scream at the sight. Fortunately, KanjiAaarrrgghh had stuck the landing, landing on the gear and leaping from it at the perfect timing, sliding through the many axes with Toby still tucked in his arms.

"Hey, Jim. Can you do that?" Someone asked, winking.

"I'm not going to lie to you.... Probably not the gear thing."

"Yes you can, shut the heck up and believe in yourself."

The team waited by the entrance, KanjiAaarrrgghh and Toby finally joining them, "We have little time. This will take us to Bone's Alley."

"But, Father-."

"Follow me, son. We are together at last." The troll stated, smiling before the duo took off with winning smiles.

Two guards stood in front of the said alley, one yawning at the slow day. Yet, one guard had been alerted to stomping, he glanced around the corner, his teammate joining him as their crossbows were raised.

Out of nowhere, a figure fell from the top, taking out the two unsuspecting guards. KanjiAaarrrgghh was revealed, pulling the limp bodies within the tunnel and waving them in. The team quickly joined the Trollhunter, Blinky talking excitedly but quietly.

"Kanjigar's creeping spider! A signature move!"

"This guy's a legend." Toby whispered as the team smiled, making their way in. In the library, Chompsky was surrounded by books and weapons, holding one book in the air before his attention moved to KanjiAaarrrgghh who had run in, reaching for items on the top shelf.

Barbara looked at the screen then shrugged, ""

"Hurry! Claire Nunez, I require a portal to Killahead Bridge. Quickly." Claire activated her staff, moving to a big enough spot while KanjiAaarrrgghh gathered the items on the table, even swiping up a shocked Chomspky who had rubbed his eyes at the sight of Aaarrrgghh.

"Killahead," Claire said, a portal opening to the precise location. KanjiAaarrrgghh tossed the items in the portal before turning to the team.

"Quick, everyone through!" He commanded right before an arrow was shot, knocking the staff from Claire's hands and into the portal.

"Fudgeknuckle!" The team turned, angered by the troll who shot the arrow. The single troll grew nervous as KanjiAaarrrgghh stomped up to him, the beating off camera but the crossbow sliding into view and the sounds of pained cries were a clear sign of it.

"We'll take the gyre," the Trollhunter said. The team followed his orders, quickly evacuating the library and making it to the Gyre. Blinky moved to the side while the rest of the team climbed onto the machine.

"Kanjigar, why don't you simply talk with Vendel and the Tribunal? Surely one of Trollmarket's greatest champions could persuade-."

"Talking requires time, Blinkous, something we do not have." He began to activate the machine, quickly moving. "Things are dire. If we do not act now, James Lake, Jr. will die." The team gasped at the news, both Claire and Toby looking at each other nervously.

Everyone grew tense at the news, no longer liking the fact that they were still loading onto the Gyre since they had to save Jim from an unfortunate death.

"Uh.... get moving you turds!"

The Gyre blasted from the station, Blinky not phased by the fast speed as he looked at KanjiAaarrrgghh, "But Killahead's in the woods. There's no gyre station there."

"We don't need one," KanjiAaarrrgghh quickly said, Blinky easily catching on as his six eyes widened. He didn't hesitate to scream as the gyre came to a full stop right before it had lifted, smashing through the stone tunnel.

The scene changed as the debris came crashing down, replacing it with Chompsky who stood angrily in front of the disassembled bridge. He glared at the headstone before chittering at it, teeth bared.

As he continued to hiss at the stone, above him, a vast puff of grey smoke and stone appeared within the line of trees, the Trollhunting team screaming as their transportation roughly crashed against the grass, bouncing to the side.

Gnome Chompsky coughed as he waved as much dust as possible, turning to find his friends painfully pulling themselves from the Gyre. The Gnome scattered up to Toby, quickly backing up a few steps as Toby collapsed, groaning.

"Guys, look how fast Chompsky moved when Toby flopped, I just love that little guy, I just want to have one of my own."

"Oh, dear. We are officially fugitives from Trollmarket." Blinky exclaimed, holding his head

"Forget what they think. We must concentrate on what we do. We have all that we need," KanjiAaarrrgghh was quick to say, shocking Blinky. Beside them, Toby held his stomach as he went to stand against the Gyre while Claire lifted her staff and a stray book from the ground, speaking as she did so.

"And then some."

"Okay, how does this crazy crime spree help us save Jimbo, exactly?" Toby asked as his little companion had dragged the large backpack to him. KanjiAaarrrgghh reached to the side, picking up a few objects that he had tossed through the portal.

"Friends, I have seen the impossible. A vision of you saving James Lakes, Jr. But to do so, you must follow the path I lay before you."

Claire smiled, activating her staff, "We've done the impossible before. We can handle it."

"I have my war hammer! It's hungry to smash." Toby said, pulling out his hammer and swinging the weapon recklessly, luckily Claire had ducked in the nick of time.

"No, no weapons," KanjiAaarrrgghh started, the teens deflating. "In my plan, you will need nothing else but the knowledge and tools I will give you." He held out his hands for the weapons, the two sadly giving them up.

"Oh, so this is a death mission for all of them, huh."

"Aw, man," Toby cried.

"What possible chance do we stand if we are unarmed?" Blinky spoke up, stepping up to his human companions.

"Each of you will be charged with a task. You must follow them to the letter if there is any hope of survival. Claire Nunez, take this. In the Darklands, it will aid you in a key moment." She stepped forward, receiving a jagged metal object.

"Um... thank you?"

"Blinkous, take this flare crystal," He held out a small purple crystal, handing it to the mentor. "Its blinding light will save your life."

"My life?" Blinky repeated, growing nervous. "Could I get some specificity on that statement?"

KanjiAaarrrgghh didn't answer, instead, he turned to an excited Toby who waited for his important task, "Tobias Domzalski."

"Ooh, ooh, me, me, me! What do I get? What do I get?"

"You must ensure that your team only brings back James Lake, Jr. No one else."

"Okay, got it. Just Jim. Guess I got good advice." Toby mumbled, trying to understand his given task. Behind them, Draal had lifted up his axe, preparing himself.

"Father, what is my task?" KanjiAaarrrgghh stepped up to his waiting son, lowering the axe from Draal's hands.

"I know you wish to go into battle, but I need you here."

"I can help."

"And you shall. Of all of you, your responsibility is greatest. You keep watch so that Gunmar does not escape. If your friends do not come back, you must make a choice."

Draal listened, eyes full of thought and realization, "To destroy the bridge?"

"Wait, he chooses to either trap everyone in there or save them. You guys don't think he'd let his friends be trapped in there forever, right?"

Draal looked to the ground and sighed, he knew what decision he would make if they never made it back in time.

"I would let Gunmar free if it meant bringing my friends back, even if it upsets my father."


"If you must."

"I understand." The two pressed their foreheads together for a tender moment before KanjiAaarrrgghh turned, speaking to the team.

"Now, then, you all have your orders!"

"Wait!" Claire cried out, "This is all happening so fast. We don't even know our way around the Darklands."

"But your gnome, who survived it, does." The team turned to the said Gnome, Chompsky quickly understanding and shaking his head, trying to refuse to step another foot within that wretched place. "He will be a guide... and more. Jim's time is short. I sense Gunmar readying to destroy him."

As KanjiAaarrrgghh stepped offscreen, Blinky and Claire gave each other a look, unsure and shocked at the process. The change of scenes was quick, now back in the cells of the Darklands, Nomura was commenting on Jim's story, shocked and amused.

"Wait, you're saying, as you were fighting, your mother was in the other room?"

"Yeah! And then Strickler transforms, and he goes, "Good look for Picture Day?" I mean, come on!"

Strickler frowned lightly at that but before he could say something, someone else had spoken up. "I like that he is now into Trollhunting and used to it that he is just trashing Strickler about that and making fun of him. Shows you how much he got used to it and normalized his new life."

"Jim's like, pff this is drama only Trolls and Changelings will understand, noobs."

"He always was a to-." Nomura grinned lightly before metal footsteps echoed down the hallway, cutting her sentence short. In front of her cell, Dicatious and a few guards had stopped, Blinky's brother wearing a grin as he spoke to her.

"Enough rest, impure. Gunmar has something special in mind for you." As noises of struggling came from Nomura's cell, Jim listened with a glare, missing the wicked smile Dicatious sent his way.

While Jim and Nomura had been dealing with their ongoing issues, Toby was on his knees trying to persuade the little Gnome who had his back turned on his human friend.

"Chompsky, I promise, if you find Jim, I'll buy you the Sally-Go-Back moon base. So, everybody pitch in. Those things are pricey." Toby was gently pushed back by KanjiAaarrrgghh, the troll saying nothing as he touched the amulet still stuck to Aaarrrgghh's chest.


"I don't think it would matter, which is awesome."

The amulet began to glow and hum at the touch, the pieces of the bridge began to build themselves up. Chompsky panicked, running from the piece he hid behind as it drifted upward. KanjiAaarrrgghh focused, eyes closed and hands resting outward as the Killahead bridge was finally built.

"Ugh, so dramatic. Kanjigar is too formal and I should be nervous. Just imagine a Trollhunter walking up to you and instead of saying," time to die," it's more on the lines of "Ah, must arrange the moment you depart this life, are you prepared to converge with your termination." Like, I couldn't handle it."

"With that sentence you could have ran off five miles by now."

The troll stepped forward once the bridge was complete, Blinky running up to him, still nervous as he eyed the Flare Crystal.

"What is the plan, Kanjigar? I have naught but a flare and more questions than answers."

"I cannot reveal more, for to know your future is to risk dooming it. Trust in yourselves and me, and all will be clear soon enough."

"Um..." Blinky said but Toby had stepped to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry! With super Trollhunter Kanjig-Aaarrrgghh! by our side, two for one, boom! We can't lose!"

"I'm afraid I will not be joining you into the Darklands," KanjiAaarrrgghh started, pulling a rope onto his shoulder. "After I open the bridge, I must use the last of my power here to keep it open." He finished, standing on top of the bridge and looking down at the team.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Claire asked.

"You will need Aaarrrgghh, not I. He will make his own way," KanjiAaarrrgghh answered.

"Oh dear. Is that another one of your riddles?" Blinky's question went unanswered.

KanjiAaarrrgghh pulled the amulet from his chest, lifting it into the air. "One revolution of the amulet's arm is all the time I can grant you before the bridge closes! Best of luck, Trollhunters!" He yelled before placing the amulet in the bridge, letting the portal open.

"Oh great, limited time. I just love being rushed. Not!" Toby cried, "It's the Darklands, it's easy to get lost."

Kanjigar's spirit was lifted from Aaarrrgghh's, the Trollhunter turning back to look at Aaarrrgghh with a smile. Aaarrrgghh quickly composed himself after the initial shock and looked at the bridge.

"Save Jim," Aaarrrgghh mumbled, leaping from the bridge while Kanjigar yelled down to his son.

"Remember what you must do, my son!" With one last smile and a nod from Draal, Kanjigar pulled himself into the amulet, letting it adjust to the time given for Jim's peers.

Claire watched as the bridge was covered in a wave of blue before speaking. "This whole thing is nuts. Are we really doing this?" Chompsky had ran up to Toby's side, the pudgy boy picking up his small friend and answering Claire's question.

"Uh, I think we are, but I was only half-listening, and he was talking really fast. I don't really know what we're supposed to be doing!" Toby began to freak as Chompsky had disappeared into Toby's backpack.

People blinked at Toby before someone made a comment, "I'm sorry. When Gnome Chompsky is in an episode, I try to watch him as much as possible because he is so spunky and cool, even funny but doesn't say anything."

"Who doesn't watch him? Somehow, all I notice is him."


"Worry not! We'll get through this as we always do, together." Blinky said, smiling down at them as the amulet ticked.

"Draal, we'll be back soon. Keep the door open, will ya?" Claire started, placing the key into Toby's backpack. With a smile, Draal nodded his head once more.

"For Jim!" Toby cried, fist in the air.

"For Jim!" The rest of the team repeated, all letting out battle cries as they ran into the opening, Draal having to shield his eyes from the blinding light.

"Bring back our Trollhunter, my friends." Draal said lightly, his voice echoing on the other side while the team picked themselves up from the harsh landing.

"Oh, dear. Such is the stuff of nightmares," Blinky said, the camera panning out to show the dark and deadly Darklands, a roar echoing around them, sending chills down anyone's spine.

"Uh, let's not stay one minute longer than we need to, huh?" Toby whined before turning to his friend that was hidden behind his shoulder, "Chompsky, do you know where they're keeping Jim?" The Gnome answered, leaping onto the ground, leading them in the direction of Jim.


"Perhaps I'm meant to use the flare." Blinky suddenly said, overthinking his position with the flare.

"Kanjigar said you use it to save your life. I don't think that's right now," Claire replied, as they came over a break in the stone bridge.

"Why do the Darklands have to be so dark, man? I can't see a thing." Toby replied, trying to safely get it down but completely missing the path. If it hadn't been for Aaarrrgghh and his quick reflexes, Toby would have fallen in the deep abyss.

Aaarrrgghh lightly set Toby back on the ground, Chompsky waiting for them while Blinky grew more nervous, speaking.

"Don't get me wrong, but it is so weird to see Aaarrrgghh again being his adorable self and acting like he just didn't get resurrected to be taken over by a dead Trollhunter then end up in the Darklands."

"Thank goodness for the quick reflexes."

"How am I to discern when my life depends on it? Such infernal instructions. They're both cryptic and oblique. What if my indecisiveness is cause for our undoing?" Blinky had been so distracted by his task that he had slipped on the drop, his flare falling from his hands and down below. "Oh, aah! Cragglesnacks!"

"Really?" Aaarrrgghh said, peeking his head over the ledge.

"I know. You would think four hands would be more helpful. Oh, but alas, my accursed butter digits!"

"Butter digits?"

"Accursed butter digits."

"I love it."

"This whole minute that they have been in the Darklands has not been serious and I'm living for it. It's supposed to be quick and serious but they are loud and being goofy. It's like they are on a hike and are very clumsy. You get what I mean."

"Yeah, like how Aaarrrgghh is just scolding them while they just stand in the Darklands."

"Blinky, you needed that!" Toby scolded as they stood on the narrow passageway. "You're going to die without it!"

"I'm aware of that!" Blinky yelled before he held his head, freaking out at the situation. "Okay, no one panic. Don't panic. Everyone, stop panicking!" As no one else was panicking. Blinky's eyes landed on the rope still suspended on Aaarrrgghh's shoulder. "Your rope! Yes, we can retrieve it. Kanjigar thought of everything." Blinky was quick as he climbed onto Aaarrrgghh's shoulder, the troll instantly getting to work by throwing the rope over the side of a higher stone ledge and suspending it.

Jim chuckled, watching Blinky panic. After being trained by the Troll, he learned pretty quickly that Blinky had many sides when it came to Trollhunting.

"Alright Blink, it's gonna be okay."

"But Jim is running out of time." Claire reminded, watching her friends going over the side.

"Yes, you three go ahead. Aaarrrgghh will help me retrieve the flare. We'll be right behind."

"Hang on, Jim. We're coming for you," Claire said to no one in particular.

"I'm so afraid!" Toby yelled.

Everyone chuckled at Toby, even Darci teased him a little. "He willingly just yelled that... same man." Steve and Eli watched the situation play out. Toby admitted fear but still ran into the Darklands, one of the most dangerous places in the world.

They had some shoes to fill if they wanted to support Jim and the rest of them.

"Don't worry, Tobes. You have a girl to protect you." The scenery flipped, correcting to the right side up as they moved. Claire inspected what was around them, staring at the jagged green crystals. "Ugh, it's like an Escher painting threw up in here."

Chompsky quickly stopped them before leading them into a small crevice hiding them from the oncoming Gumm-Gumms and Goblins who were walking upside down, still safely walking through the path without falling off.


"Can they feel it in their heads!?"

"What the right way up, this is"

"Are those Gumm-Gumms? And goblins?" Toby squeaked, catching sight of them as they marc+hed on. Toby whimpered as the three snuck off into another direction.

Within Jim's cell, the boy unaware of his friends and their arrival, Jim had been tossing rocks against the wall, sighing with boredom once his ammo had run out. A little pitter patter of feet was heard beside Jim, revealing Chompsky holding another rock for Jim to throw.

"Oh, thank you." Jim added, grabbing the rock before his eyes widened and he moved back in shock at the sight of his friend. "Chompsky? How? How did you get here? How did you find me?" The Gnome excitedly ran out of the cell, Jim leaning through the bars as best as he could to watch him leave.

He heard familiar voices in the distance, instantly standing to call out to them, "Toby? Claire? Up here! I'm up in here!"

"Jimbo?" Toby's voice echoed before they appeared around the corner, Jim smiling at the sight of Toby who hurried to his cell. "Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh, Jimbo! You're not dead! You're not dead!"

"THEY FOUND HIM!" A kid yelled, shaking the poor kid next to them, "JIM HAS HIS FRIENDS BACK! FINALLY!"

Barbara smiled, thankful they finally found her son but they were still in the Darklands, meaning that he was still in the Darklands, still in the hands of Gunmar. People still cheered and smiled at the moment, after being trapped alone in the Darklands and slowly losing his sanity, Jim finally got to see his friends again.

"Thank you guys for coming back for me." Jim smiled at them and Toby smiled, lightly punching him in the arm.

"No problem dude, I would do it a million times, but don't be stupid and do that again."

Claire agreed, holding Jim's hand close to her. "Yeah, same here."

"Man, if only Blinky didn't lose the flare, this would have been the sweetest moment in the world!"

"It's you! It's you, Tobes! It's really you!" Jim cried as he tried to hug his friend without touching the golden spears. Toby rubbed Jim's cheeks, trying to keep a hold on the idea that Jim was really there, standing in front of him and alive.

"Jimbo, I'm so glad you're okay! You are okay, right? Are you? Are you okay? You okay?" Toby continued to ask.

"Tobes, I'm- I'm fine. I've been better, yeah, but I'm keeping it crispy! I got your message!"

"Keep it crispy!" Toby mimicked Jim, "I told you he'd get it, Claire." Toby stepped off to the side, revealing Claire who was waiting with a smile, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What I love is how they are making fun of that one day now, using the Keep it Crispy line. Congrats Jim, you invented the best saying in the world."

"Heck yeah, lets all say keep it crispy to honor Jim and his dumb decision to use a Grit-Shaka."

"Let's not ignore how Claire could be sitting there, thinking "oh, crap. I recognize this place! I could have seen Jim earlier!"

"Claire," Jim said breathlessly as they held each other's hands through the cell bars.

"Hey... you." She said, smiling and rubbing his cheek.

"Hey. I... I can't believe you guys made it."

Claire laughed lightly, "Wouldn't have missed it for the world."

"How did you-?" Jim asked as Toby joined them again, Claire stepping back a little.


Jim smiled, once they got together onscreen, he would plan to tell the crowd, especially Claire's parents. He shivered at the thought, her father was a tough one when it came to his daughter and a boy.

"Oh, it's a long story. But I'm glad you asked!"

"First, we had to get the bridge from the bottom of the ocean." Claire started, Toby adding in his favorite part.

"And we brought Aaarrrgghh back to life, and he merged with Ghost Kanjigar!"

Barbara shook her head, smiling. Kids. The fact that they looked so innocent and young as if their imagination was running wild, she would have seen the two boys like 10 year olds again, now they grew up and were stuck in a serious situation and it made her reminisce.

"Wait, what? Aaarrrgghh's alive?" Jim asked, eyes widening at the news.

"Probably should catch you up later. We gotta get you outta here," Claire said, inspecting what Jim was trapped in.

"Okay, Tobes, hurry up and use your war hammer to bust me outta here."

"But, um... we don't have our weapons." Claire caught sight of a hole within the wall, instantly perking and pulling out the key.

"Wait a minute. Kanjigar said I needed this thing for a key moment. This is a key!" She slid the key into the slot but struggled to turn it, "I..." Chompsky had run to the entrance, listening to the guards as they came closer.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Toby mumbled until Chompsky rejoined them, warning them about the guards. The sounds grew louder, reaching the teens ears. "Hurry, hurry, hurry! They're coming for him, guys!" Toby wined.

"Gotta get out of here!" Jim said, now growing quiet.

"I'm not leaving you!" Claire hissed, but Toby had dragged her out of sight and into a nearby cell.

"Claire, I am so excited that your relationship is progressing, I wanna see you two beautiful love birds hug and stuff but you gotta run. PLEASE!"

"Come on, we gotta hide!" The door closed, trapping the two within the cell but they stayed out of sight.

"Your time has come at last, fleshbag." Dicatious hissed, Jim backed up as the cell opened, the Gumm-Gumms stepping in.

"Uh, guys, I don't know. My stomach is feeling kinda off. You think maybe you could come back and-." Off camera, the sound of stone colliding with metal was heard, Jim harshly coughing met Claire and Toby's ears as they winced, trying to keep silent.

"How does your stomach feel now?"

The crowd gasped lightly, they were so close to getting Jim out of there and he ended up hurt instead. It was beginning to grow frustrating and they hoped the team got out of there alive and Gunmar and his minions perished in the Darklands.

"No! Let go of me! Wait! Stop!" Jim cried as he was grabbed and dragged from the cell, out of sight from Claire and Toby. Chompsky scurried out from the cell, the room now empty. The gnome waved for them but Claire had touched the bars, pulling her hand back from the shock.

"Ow!" Outside in the hallway, Jim was struggling to walk in the position he was in. The guards stopped when Dicatious was interrupted by another guard who whispered to him, giving him shocking news.

"Take the hunter to the Crucible. I will be there shortly." Jim grunted as he was dragged along, Dicatious going off in a different direction.

Back with Aaarrrgghh and Blinky, they had finally made it to the end of the rope, landing easily on the ground. Blinky scolded himself, jumping off from the back of his friend and searching the area.

"Kanjigar gives me one item of utmost importance, and I drop it. Blinkous, you imbecile!"

"Your flare?" Aaarrrgghh said before a shining green light had reached them, revealing many guards that had cornered them.

"Oh, dear." Blinky said nervously. The two yelped and tried to run in a different direction but were surrounded by even more Gumm-Gumms. "Oh, dear."

Back with Jim, the boy had been tossed to the floor, picking himself up as Gunmar called to him. "If beasts won't break you, perhaps your friend will." Now to Claire and Toby's predicament, Claire was angered at the situation, not liking the rough spot they were now in.

"Are you kidding me? We're locked in? We're the rescue party!" She paced as Toby tried to reason, gasping.

"Wha-? The dude's instructions were pretty vague!" Blinky and Aaarrrgghh stood within the circle of Gumm-Gumms, a familiar voice echoing around them and shocking Blinky to the core.

"You were always the fool, Blinkous."

"Guys, Blinky is about to figure about his brother! Don't worry Blinky, we'll beat him down with you!"

"What? No! Impossible! You were dead!" Blinky cried, turning in the direction of his brother's voice. Dicatious stepped into the light, laughing evilly.

"Am I?"


"We never could agree on anything, brother." Dicatious stepped closer, Blinky's face dropped and no words were spoken.

Blinky tightened all four of his fists, ready to punch the screen in rage. He had no words to express the anger he felt. His brother was believed to be dead and Blinky thought he lost everything, yet there he was, standing in his face, putting his own brother's life on the line.

The fact that he had harmed Jim in the process made Blinky's anger boil over, granted he was more shocked then angry in the show but it made sense for him to be shocked and nervous. Now, he was ready to beat that troll into nothing.

Jim stood, listening to Gunmar before doors behind him had opened, readying himself for whatever appeared before the darkness. "Know thyself... and know thy enemy." Gunmar hissed as Nomura walked out, causing Jim to go slack in shock.

"How on earth, in that short amount of time, did Nomura go from being the good guy to ready to take Jim's life. What did Gunmar do to her!?"

"I am sorry, but Jim you have these moments that make you so adorable and then attractive, then there is also the secondhand embarrassment but like, OH MY GOSH!"

"Like him in his armor, whew wee!"

"Not you, no."

"A battle to the death!" Gunmar cried, the episode finishing with Jim trying to avoid making the first move. The screen split into three, reminding the viewer of each predicament. Claire and Toby stood trapped in the cave, trying to find a way out. Jim was shocked at who he had to fight while Blinky and Aaarrrgghh were surrounded by Gumm-Gumms and his tratious brother.

"So wait, you're telling me that all three of them are screwed at the moment. This is just great but Kanjigar laid it out for them and this is how it goes. I am upset."

"Maybe this is how it is supposed to go."

The screen went black.

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